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OIC Peace-keeping Force (OICPF) deployment in Syria

they should be military intervention by arab countries to take Assad and his regime out of the country and public execute them. they killed so far more than 12000 innocent people men women and children
What is your proof for the figure?The so called 'activists'?
Syria is too big for Arab armies.Besides good equipment and technology,war needs another things and that's brave men.I don't think Arab armies have much.
These so called Ummah, single Caliphate etc are almost always the dream of the south asian muslim who is mostly middle class or poor and looks "up" towards the Arabs/Persians. There is a definite economic angle to it apart from the obvious religious angle.

Take it from me the Arabs or Persians have never and will never view you South Asian muslims as their equal and will never share their resources with you for all the religious obligation in the world and why should they ?. Heck the GCC Arabs dont even look up their Magrebi or Levant cousins as their equals let alone south asians.

So stop with this illusion that you lot are equal or you can become one single homogenous bloc just because you practise the same religion and move on with your lives.


Joke. At present leading Caliphate Org Hizbut Tahrir took birth in Middle East. And it is far more popular in malaysia and indonesia. Its just South Asians have less Sunni Shia or Ego Problem.
Joke. At present leading Caliphate Org Hizbut Tahrir took birth in Middle East. And it is far more popular in malaysia and indonesia. Its just South Asians have less Sunni Shia or Ego Problem.

I told you what is the reality. Accepting it or not is upto you.

South Asians look Caliphate as a brotherhood where all momins will be treated equal...Middle Easterners, when they favour caliphate, look it as an Arab empire where the rulers will be from their stock and the ruled will be the folks like you.

Open your eyes.
For all non-OIC countries, this is not about Ummah or Caliphate or any such nonsense. OIC as an organization is a reality. Nobody is doing anything about stopping this ongoing inhumane slaughter and I would say some people are even feeling glee "look at those Muslims killing each other again". This is about not sitting on our behind and wringing our hand and doing something about fellow human beings, who also happen to be fellow Muslims for us Muslims. Since no one is doing anything about it, I thing either Arabs or Muslims as a group are perfectly within their rights to act.

So people who are trying to color this in another way, show their true colors and biases more than anything else.
hahahah the OIC cant do crap to isreal, and now you want them to unite against one of their members?
Bring it on, and the syrian government will release the video tapes :D
hahahah the OIC cant do crap to isreal, and now you want them to unite against one of their members?
Bring it on, and the syrian government will release the video tapes :D

They couldn't do squat in afganisthan when Quran was burned, 16 innocent afghans were brutually killed at gun point, couldn't do squat to deter US in iraQ, can't do anything to Israel. Don't know if it's a bigger joke or the idea of caliphate itself.
hahahah the OIC cant do crap to isreal, and now you want them to unite against one of their members?
Bring it on, and the syrian government will release the video tapes :D

Israel we cannot take out, because it is foolish to fight against the West, but Assad and his army should not be too hard to take on.

They couldn't do squat in afganisthan when Quran was burned, 16 innocent afghans were brutually killed at gun point, couldn't do squat to deter US in iraQ, can't do anything to Israel. Don't know if it's a bigger joke or the idea of caliphate itself.

Why are you getting worked up about it? What's it to you?
Israel we cannot take out, because it is foolish to fight against the West, but Assad and his army should not be too hard to take on.

Why are you getting worked up about it? What's it to you?
I am not getting worked up. The thing is any institution becomes credible only when it is able to deliver its purpose and is consistent with it's purpose. Not like suffering from selective Amnesia.
I am not getting worked up. The thing is any institution becomes credible only when it is able to deliver its purpose and is consistent with it's purpose. Not like suffering from selective Amnesia.

Ok, please read the OP, it is a proposal. OIC may or may not do it. If they can pull it off, only then they will establish credibility, not before that. I am not saying that OIC will do it, I am saying that this is what they should do, because every other options have failed to stop the slaughter.
Ok, please read the OP, it is a proposal. OIC may or may not do it. If they can pull it off, only then they will establish credibility, not before that. I am not saying that OIC will do it, I am saying that this is what they should do, because every other options have failed to stop the slaughter.

What OIC? O wait isn't Iran already "assisting" the Alawite security forces? Isn't the Custodian already arming the FSA and who knows else? Isn't Turkey already hosting refugee and training camps?

So in other words isn't the OIC already there?

Minus the Bengali blue-helmets I suppose. Perhaps Uncle could airlift them to northern Syria as soon as their tour of duty in Haiti ends.
As far as we are concerned there are 90% Muslims in Syria who are being brutalized by a moronic tyrant who should be removed , peacefully or by bombing him.

And in the process turn Syria into another Afghanistan and Somalia just as you guys did with Libya, handing it over to Al-ciada.
I dont understand why Muslims countries want to intervene in Syria, there are no Muslims in Syria, in Syria there are only Syrians, and the ones who are being killed are the army and innocent citizens, the terrorists aka FSA are killing them.
Don't ever mention religion in Syria, you are racist.

You are in deep DENIAL. More than 75% of Syrians are Sunni Muslims and the days of Syrian Christians and Alawites are numbered. You keep your head buried in the sand and keep Denying. The day of RECKONING is coming my friend.
You are in deep DENIAL. More than 75% of Syrians are Sunni Muslims and the days of Syrian Christians and Alawites are numbered. You keep your head buried in the sand and keep Denying. The day of RECKONING is coming my friend.

See you dont know Syria, we Syrians live together as a famil, we are united together, which is why the world fears Syria, and why they want to destory Syria. Can you name me a country where Muslims pray in Church, and Christians pray inmosques? I can its called SYRIA. Good luck catching up to us.
They couldn't do squat in afganisthan when Quran was burned, 16 innocent afghans were brutually killed at gun point, couldn't do squat to deter US in iraQ, can't do anything to Israel. Don't know if it's a bigger joke or the idea of caliphate itself.

Or the destruction of more then 20 mosques in Bahrain by Sauid forces.
they should be military intervention by arab countries to take Assad and his regime out of the country and public execute them. they killed so far more than 12000 innocent people men women and children
So when do we invade Bahrain to rescue the poor Shi'te civilians from tyrannical Sunni monarchs?

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