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OIC military action against myanmar

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Nobody can agree on the Syrian issue however against Burma everyone is supposedly on the same page. :coffee:

Yeah of course they are, its called hypocrisy.

Muslims killing thousands of muslims is a ok, but couple of hundred muslims killed in ethnic riots, is now way, how dare they! Ballistic missiles, nuclear bombs the works.:disagree:
:rofl: :rofl: China would not risk all of its oil for the Burmese. Wishful thinking on your part, they would just condemn the hostilities and call for a ceasefire. Chinese are not dumb.
most CHINESE would think alike in thier national interest and you can see that the that my first post about CHINA getting involved has been thanked by a CHINESE friend.
and if CHINA will not risk its resource, what garantees that the OIC will unite in this issue. That i or any one reading this thread topic and OP should go :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This is a hypothetical scenario. There's noway I see this happening in next century I guess, but anyways, for the sake of the argument, I think if OIC decides, Pakistan alone can take care of this threat, we just need to put some pressure and that's it. No need to attack or stuff, just some Naval presence near Burma will work.
What do you guys think of a kind of military operation to save muslims in myanmar , we have strong airforce , im not sure about refueling of some countries . So lets discuss a plan if it went on .

Turkish f-16 - we have like 7 i think refueling in the air to reach myanmar

pakistan airforce very close

saudi f-15 ( i think they are long range i dnt no if they can reach , do they have refuelers?)

UAE has f-16 block 60s

iran air force is quite old i dno about air refuelers

indonesia maybe?

who else is there , please lets discuss a operation to save them.

this is why i insist Turkish navy needs AC we could have leaded in an operation

Also we have strong navies to save them , turkish navy saved turkish citizens very quickly in libya while america etc asked us to help their citizens aswell .

Around 60 nations come on if you put them together they will be very strong , i dont mean an operation to kill their citizens but save muslims or atleast stop this massacre.



why not i dont understand what do we lack? turkey gave more than 300 million to libya , somalia , we helped pakistan alot in floods many muslim countries , we have enough military together , what are we scared of? arab and iran has oil and gas as a tool and strength , big population , if arab countries and a turkey and a few countries who are doing quite good help them aswell it will be good . Who are they scared of?

we could fund money to bangladesh so they give refuge to them , 50+ nations if they all chip in some cash then thats hell of a lot of money. 10,000,000 x the number of countries in OIC or more from some and less from some will be billions

Look mate military action is always considered when other tactics get fail. Let me ask have we applied any of other tactics? Did Turkey used its influence in NATO? Did KSA, Iran, UAE and other Muslim countries used their mighty weapon of oil? Did any Muslim country pressurize Myanmar government diplomatically? How many Muslim envoys to Myanmar have been called back in a protest?

We don't need to reimburse BD government for sheltering Rohingyas if the problems of Rohingya are addressed within their own country.
Yeah of course there is, its called hypocrisy.

Muslims killing thousands of muslims is a ok, but couple of hundred muslims killed in ethnic riots, is now way, how dare they! Ballistic missiles, nuclear bombs the works.:disagree:

MAN, you nailed it right on his head.
most CHINESE would think alike in thier national interest and you can see that the that my first post about CHINA getting involved has been thanked by a CHINESE friend.
and if CHINA will not risk its resource, what garantees that the OIC will unite in this issue. That i or any one reading this thread topic and OP should go :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just because he liked your post does not mean he speaks for the Chinese. He may have just liked a part of your post which led to his liking it. Also he refrained from commenting on this thread so since his like can be taken as Chinese support for Myanmar his silence on the thread can taken as a neutral stance.



you think india is such a strong country? your taking the p.. of turkey , while you are having problems with feeding your population , your country has slipped out of colonialism not long ago and you are trying to stand against TURKS?.
Yeah of course they are, its called hypocrisy.

Muslims killing thousands of muslims is a ok, but couple of hundred muslims killed in ethnic riots, is now way, how dare they! Ballistic missiles, nuclear bombs the works.:disagree:

No it is called politics. In politics countries always agree on somethings while disagreeing with others, even if the issue is the same. It is stupid I know but that is the way things go. :coffee:
Look mate military action is always considered when other tactics get fail. Let me ask have we applied any of other tactics? Did Turkey used its influence in NATO? Did KSA, Iran, UAE and other Muslim countries used their mighty weapon of oil? Did any Muslim country pressurize Myanmar government diplomatically? How many Muslim envoys to Myanmar have been called back in a protest?

We don't need to reimburse BD government for sheltering Rohingyas if the problems of Rohingya are addressed within their own country.

true , just recently they started some actions but if they act together and one starts it then the others will follow.
Just because he liked your post does not mean he speaks for the Chinese. He may have just liked a part of your post which led to his liking it. Also he refrained from commenting on this thread so since his like can be taken as Chinese support for Myanmar his silence on the thread can taken as a neutral stance.
Listen to your fellow country men Emmie's post #20.
he has been on sensible poster.
emotions get you no where, only logical reasoning and how to put a problem to end with every one being happy is the thing that works in real world.



Turkeys economy is close to 1 billion while india is 1.2 billion population and smaller economy than italy so i dont know how you did that comparison can you please explain?
you think india is such a strong country? your taking the p.. of turkey , while you are having problems with feeding your population , your country has slipped out of colonialism not long ago and you are trying to stand against TURKS?.

Why even bother answering him it is obvious he is just trying to troll. It is not even shocking anymore how the majority of Bhartis on this forum automatically defend injustices committed against Muslims.
Look mate military action is always considered when other tactics get fail. Let me ask have we applied any of other tactics? Did Turkey used its influence in NATO? Did KSA, Iran, UAE and other Muslim countries used their mighty weapon of oil? Did any Muslim country pressurize Myanmar government diplomatically? How many Muslim envoys to Myanmar have been called back in a protest?

We don't need to reimburse BD government for sheltering Rohingyas if the problems of Rohingya are addressed within their own country.
First of all, do OIC countries think this as an issue important enough to spend their diplomatic energy on. From the look of it, no they dont.
Also, I did not see large scale protest in any country (which might have pressurized them).
Listen to your fellow country men Emmie's post #20.
he has been on sensible poster.
emotions get you no where, only logical reasoning and how to put a problem to end with every one being happy is the thing that works in real world.

I never said they should attack you are assuming that I think they should. I was talking hypothetically for the sake of this thread how an attack would work.

There is a saying here in the states - when you assume you make an @SS out of U and ME.
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