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OIC military action against myanmar

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Burma ... is strategically very important for both India and China ... India has always been supportive of Burma... as Burma has given India Military free hand in dealing with militants that operate from inside Burma and also Burmese military has taken action against these militants ... Burmese also has huge reserves of natural gas which India is trying to get access... on the other hand chinese are building a commercial port in burma to get access to Bay of Bengal to shorten the trip of their ships from Africa and Asia ...

there is no way these two nations will let Burma attacked from any foreign powers ... combined might of India and China can crush any allied militaries ... Bay of Bengal is India's lake ... India wont allow any military armada to be used as a base to attack a friendly nation ...

the only problem in Burma is illegal migration from hungry and dirt poor bangla nationals ...that is why both in Burma and India these are getting butchered by local populaces ... last time i checked around 50 bagladeshis were butchered in Assam .. and riots are still going on ... same is the case with Burma...

India and China might be abit difficult but india will be a peiece of pie for a combined OIC. Remember PAF superiority to IAF although outnumbered.
Which Facts are you talking about??
Do compare Turkey with India in the links below. Face the mirror. Turkey is nothing but one of the greatest loosers in every field.
Historical list of ten largest countries by GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List Of Countries By GDP 2012

India is 4th most powerful nation on planet. Cant figure out might of Turkey in any of these lists

Global Firepower - 2012 World Military Strength Ranking

The Ten Largest Military Powers In The World - 24/7 Wall St.

We broke our enemy into two parts. While your country is unable to handle tiny Israel. Such a pity on your country. Our Woman are much stronger than your men, and you want to compare India with turkey.

are you dreaming? india is 9th in economy with 1.2 bill population while turkey is like 17th ( which is bad imo for us but then for you it must be a disgrace) and if you go by GLOBAL FIRE POWER then Turkey is 6th.

I feel sorry for indians , in the last few years there economy started growing but still its 9th , come on 9th with that population , land is unbelievable , a nation that got ruled by an island , unbelievable . Our country is unable to handle israel? when did we have a war? israel was ruled by us for centuries what you on about. IAF got mashed by PAF . I can see your strong women , where were they against British lol. Indians have been ruled continously by Turkish leaders and then the British , Big pride to indian.
Unfeasible Because of following reasons

1: OIC countries have no unity , the organization itself is a dead meat.
2: OIC is not a military organization neither has any armed force at its disposal
3: UN won't sanction such a move
4: If such a military force existed it lacks Strategic power projection weapons like Nuclear subs , Air craft carrier etc
5: Bangladesh won't provide its airspace or land
6: If operation fails it would result in a genocide of Rohinga
7: No OIC member has the military capacity to carry out such an operation on its own or in an alliance

OIC has the power to pressure China to stop Myanmar from carrying out HR violations by using its influence , apart from that OIC is in no position to do anything else on its own , its harsh , unfortunate but true.
Our government is a disgrace imo but we cant do nothing atm until votes hes trying to remove our military traditions , we even have a saying , HER TURK ASKER DOGAR , every turk is a born soldier.

You see even these kids are soldier



Unfeasible Because of following reasons

1: OIC countries have no unity , the organization itself is a dead meat.
2: OIC is not a military organization neither has any armed force at its disposal
3: UN won't sanction such a move
4: If such a military force existed it lacks Strategic power projection weapons like Nuclear subs , Air craft carrier etc
5: Bangladesh won't provide its airspace or land
6: If operation fails it would result in a genocide of Rohinga
7: No OIC member has the military capacity to carry out such an operation on its own or in an alliance

OIC has the power to pressure China to stop Myanmar from carrying out HR violations by using its influence , apart from that OIC is in no position to do anything else on its own , its harsh , unfortunate but true.

we have enough capability easily but i agree it wont happen because of trash leaders , no unity .
just a short history i found about the turkish army . for more TAF website - history

The history of the Turkish nation, molded and developed together with political and military order as of its foundations, dates back to five thousand years. This history deeply rooted in Central Asia spread all over the continents owing to the tribal migrations. Turkish nation made her début into the world history with the foundations of the Hun, Göktürk, Uighur states in the east, and with the foundation of the first Oghuz Turkish State, the Seljuk State, in 1040, in the west.
Turks ruled over numerous tribes of Central Asia and over other tribes living around a vast geography only with their powerful armies. Turks, who devoted themselves to the military, proved the world that they were an army-nation. Turks had never considered military to be a special profession because each Turkish man was thought to be born as a valiant warrior since the time of Turkish nations in Central Asia. As it was inscribed in the Göktürk monuments, the idea that military mission was bestowed by God became the very principle of the Turkish nation.
The first organized army formed by the Emperor of the Asia Huns, Mete, in 209 B.C., has been accepted as the foundation of the Turkish Army and of the Turkish Land Forces. The first permanent Turkish Army established by Mete Han was based on the decimal organizational system. In this organization, the number of soldiers in the biggest unit was 10.000 and it was called "division". The divisions were divided into gradually decreasing troops of 1000, 100 and 10 soldiers. This organization has continued its existence with minor changes in all Turkish states.
Upon entering through the gates of Anatolia opened at the Malazgirt Victory in 1071, Turks founded the Anatolian Seljuk State. The history of the Turkish Navy starts with the Anatolian Seljuk State. In the first decade following the Malazgirt Victory, Turkish vanguards reached the shores of the Mediterranean Archipelago and Marmara. Çaka Bey, the first person to introduce the Turkish people to open seas, launched the first Turkish fleet in 1081. Naval victory he achieved against the Byzantine fleet ashore Koyun Adası (Spalmatori Island) on May 19, 1090, marked the foundation of the Turkish Navy.
Anatolian Seljuk State, having enjoyed a glorious life, was replaced by Anatolian principalities; and the ever-existing Turkish determination to live and exist emerged once again in history with the principalities. Among all the principalities Osmanli Principality proved its might rapidly, and his army played an important role in his progression to an empire. The transformation of the principality army composed of ghazis into a standing army composed of janissaries and sipahis marked a milestone in the history of Ottoman Empire. Turkish army's perseverance and strength in war, following the new war technologies and the principle of fair state government enabled the Ottoman Empire to rule over three continents - extending from Hungary on the west to Caucasus on the east, from Crimea on the north to Mesopotamia and Arabia on the southeast, Egypt, and Mediterranean islands on the south.
Navy, along with the land forces, played a significant role in Osmanli Principality's progression towards an "Empire." Upon the completion of the Gelibolu [Gallipoli] Naval Base in 1401, the rank of "Kaptan-ı Derya / Kaptan Paşa" [Admiral] was introduced into the Ottoman Navy. Saruca Pasha was the first person who attained the rank of Kaptan-ı Derya in the Turkish Navy in history. The golden age of Ottoman Navy was the reign of Kanunî Sultan Süleyman [Suleiman the Magnificent]. The experiences of Barbaros Hayrettin, Turgut Reis, and other prominent seamen gained Ottoman Empire supremacy around the Mediterranean and the Red Sea....


I can just laugh on ur ignorance..dont go on the PDFians

I have even heard this from indians , whenever theres an argument about it even here ive seen , yes buts from indians meaning the PAF was superior or even trying to ignore it.
I can just laugh on ur ignorance..dont go on the PDFians

I wont say we have an absolute advantage over IAF but I wouldn't say that we are under par either. Unless of course you would like to provide the basis behind your one liner.
are you dreaming? india is 9th in economy with 1.2 bill population while turkey is like 17th ( which is bad imo for us but then for you it must be a disgrace) and if you go by GLOBAL FIRE POWER then Turkey is 6th.

I feel sorry for indians , in the last few years there economy started growing but still its 9th , come on 9th with that population , land is unbelievable , a nation that got ruled by an island , unbelievable . Our country is unable to handle israel? when did we have a war? israel was ruled by us for centuries what you on about. IAF got mashed by PAF . I can see your strong women , where were they against British lol. Indians have been ruled continously by Turkish leaders and then the British , Big pride to indian.

If india would have been smashed up by the pakistan then u would be watching the geographical changes on borders but u cant ...u r an deluded person ...and india can easily hold ur entire military....anytime n anywhere...
if ur getting knowledge from trolls of PDF then god bless u
yes i meant much better kill ratio actually .

some more from Turkish army

Due to the changes occurring in the world politics after the Second World War, Turkey took part in the Korean War where the Turkish contingent changed the course after being assigned in the most critical areas of the war. The determination and heroism the Turkish contingent displayed at the war, Turkish soldiers were shown as an example to the armies of the world.

"The Turks have shown in Kunuri a heroism worthy of their glorious history. The Turks have gained the admiration of the whole world through their glorious fighting in the battles." - Figaro

"The Turks who have been known throughout history by their courage and decency, have proved that they have kept these characteristics, in the war which the United Nations undertook in Korea." - Burner - U.S. Congressman

"There is no one left who does not know that the Turks, our valuable allies, are hard warriors and that they have accomplished very great feats at the front." - Claude Pepper, U.S. Senator

"I now understand that the vote I gave in favor of assistance to Turkey was the most fitting vote I gave in my life. Courage, bravery and heroism are the greatest virtues which will sooner or later conquer. In this matter, I know no nation superior to the Turks." - Rose - U.S. Senator

"While the Turks were for a long time fighting against the enemy and dying, the British and Americans were withdrawing. The Turks, who were out of ammunition, affixed their bayonets and attacked the enemy and there ensued a terrible hand to hand combat. The Turks succeeded in withdrawing by continuous combat and by carrying their injured comrades on their backs. They paraded at Pyongyang with their heads held high." - G.G. Martin - British Lieutenant General
He is probably referring to PAF's higher kill ratio. Air superiority is an entirely different subject.

yes..let it be for different thread to prove..but shut this troll...

I wont say we have an absolute advantage over IAF but I wouldn't say that we are under par either. Unless of course you would like to provide the basis behind your one liner.

See,we have to keep this thread on OIC not india pak...so plz drive it in different direction...
Our government is a disgrace imo but we cant do nothing atm until votes hes trying to remove our military traditions , we even have a saying , HER TURK ASKER DOGAR , every turk is a born soldier.
we have enough capability easily but i agree it wont happen because of trash leaders , no unity .

Any comment on this map.

Here is the map the Chinese Port, Gas-Oil pipeline, Rail line through same route. India's investment is just $150 million in Arakan, Chinese have invested billions only on the pipeline.

India and China might be abit difficult but india will be a peiece of pie for a combined OIC. Remember PAF superiority to IAF although outnumbered.

How do you even come to that conclusion ?? :lol:
Last time I checked we carved out a nice little nation which acts as our puppet now

OIC .. Lol
They should first sort out their own problems
And why the heck would Pakistan enter the war and drain it's resources who on other hand is facing many problems due to WoT ??
Forget this hypothetical attacks , I think Bangladesh won't even co-operate as Myanmar has a border with it ..
War displaces people .. There will be heavy influx of refugees in already over populated Bangladesh

Keep your trash turkey talks with U .. You are a part of NATO which killed thousands of Muslims in middle East
You people have a last say on protection of Muslims
I have even heard this from indians , whenever theres an argument about it even here ive seen , yes buts from indians meaning the PAF was superior or even trying to ignore it.

i dont want to get a ban due to offtopic post...so when indo pak became the thread objective?...

Most of the OIC is american slave..i consider turkey strongest among them but again U.S ally....
so action against burma needs U.S approval,china wont burn its hand in such conflict but india BD must be ready for huge immigration..
This thread wasnt its going to happen but what are the capabilities if it happens etc
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