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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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Just to add. In Falasteen, Muslims follow the Shafi í School of Islamic Law in daily living, while they follow the Hanafi School of Islamic law in public living [ a remnant of the Ottoman empire ]. In Pakistan, Sunni Muslims follow the Hanafi School of Islamic law in all areas.

The jews have the halakha law of daily living.

Human being have been living by laws in organized faiths since time primordial.

How did you know we follow Shafi school? :D You actually might be correct about Gaza, most of is Shafi.

Good point btw, humans have used faith as foundations. Since we've reached a point where we're somewhat advanced they want to throw all those thousands of years of development behind. As if it goes against God or something...
You havent changed your faith which means that you are a muslim and you love Pakistan. after that i couldnt care less what kind of brands you want to give yourself and TBH its none of my business. Good for you dude. :P :P
Read Islam mr than choose weather you want to be Muslim or secular because ALLAH has said in the Quran those who don't decide according to what ALLAH has revealed are actual kafirs

@Zarvan bhai, what you sad above is exactly the slogan of TTP, khawarij, and AQ ideology
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Answer is no why? Because he will turn out to be like you being afraid of words linked with Islam ...However, that is my personal opinion...The head of state has to be chosen by the set of people....This was set 1400 years ago...something West is only starting to enjoy:

1.1 Shura: Consultation and the Adaptability of Islamic Law
Rule in Islam is based on the concept of shūrā, a term which has two meanings in Islamic governance:

1.Shūrā is a referendum on which the majority of people agree, and is the basic method for choosing the ruler in Islam. Similarly, it is the means to approve his decisions. Muhammad Abū Zahrā in The History of Islamic Thought and Leadership in Politics and Belief, writes:
“All the Muslims, including the Shi¿a and all the different schools of thought, [which at one time number over 470] agreed that leadership as defined by the Prophet, in the saying ‘If you are three make one your leader’ can only be implemented by election. That is done in every district, (hayy), at the state level (wilāyat) and above that by the federal authority, (al-idāra al-markazīyya).”

2.The advisory board (al-majlis ash-shūrā), which advises the ruler, is a group of elected experts. The task of such groups is to observe and oversee the ruler (murāqabat as-sulţān). They are in this position to form an opinion of the ruler and his rule, and to control any aspirations he may have to override the rights of the people. They must be aware of the variations in these rights within ethnic, cultural and environmental norms. This system is like that being implemented in America today, where we have the federal system, the state and local governments, and municipalities. The judicial system acts to check the executive and legislative branches, ensuring fair and correct implementation of law. We also have the free press, which acts as a watchdog over the government, issuing warnings at the slightest sign the interests of the people are being betrayed.

Everything that impacts human life accounted for in the law and falls under the jurisdiction of the ruler. Yet the ruler himself has no personal choice in ruling, as do contemporary monarchs. The Prophet (s) prohibited the ruler, who has been chosen or appointed, to usurp authority he does not possess. He is tied to the law, which as the ruler is his duty to enforce. The majlis ash-shūrā ensures that he does so.

In the Shari¿ah there are laws that are immutable or nearly so, similar to the constitutional basis of Western democracy and the US Bill of Rights. However, the remainder of the law is adaptable, changing with:

1.The practical application of the “immutable” law, established in the earlier rulings of judges; ie. case law.

2. Society’s evolving needs.
Then the case is closed.
1. Non Muslims cannot become Head of State/ Executive Head
That means they are automatically second class citizens where certain things are denied to them.

This kind of discrimination is not allowed in modern secular laws.

2. Can Non Muslims AND Muslims have alcohol and/or pork in a State governed by Sharia.
Yes, I know that Muslims are forbidden by religious law, BUT, it is their wish whether they still want to or not. I know many Muslims who do have it in India, and no I will never tolerate anyone punishing them for what they wish to eat or drink.
If the answer to this question is also no, then no, Shariah is not a better law than the modern human and individual rights based laws that we have now and all western countries have.

I think the answer is rather clear, where individuals AND THEIR CHOICES are respected in Modern secular laws.
@qamar1990 By Zarvan standards you have now become a Kafir.

@Zarvan has stated a typical TTP slogan. I don't think he knows what he is talking about.

the tablighi gatherings he attends [ of Tariq jameel ] are infested with TTP minded deobandis. Zarvan bhai could have heard this slogan there.

I'm Still a muslims zarvan lol.
secularism just simply means that i don't want to mix religion with politics and keep my faith in islam a private matter.

you definitely are a Muslim. But politics is part of Islamic living.

Islam is a faith that covers all aspects of human existence. One is politics.
Then the case is closed.
1. Non Muslims cannot become Head of State/ Executive Head
That means they are automatically second class citizens where certain things are denied to them.

2. Can Non Muslims AND Muslims have alcohol and/or pork in a State governed by Sharia.
Yes, I know that Muslims are forbidden by religious law, BUT, it is their wish whether they still want to or not. I know many Muslims who do have it in India, and no I will never tolerate anyone punishing them for what they wish to eat or drink.
If the answer to this question is also no, then no, Shariah is not a better law than the human rights based laws that we have now and all western countries have.

I think the answer is rather clear, where individuals AND THEIR CHOICES are respected in Modern secular laws.

Where does it say? But no one will ever vote for an Islamophobe :agree:

Why would you want Muslims to have prok...well, just coz it happens in India doesnt mean its a norm! Whose gonna punish whom? Where is the law kindly bring it forward which retarded laws are you trying to pass as Shariah!
I will never become a secular until I am made undisputed and sole leader of the world
@Zarvan has stated a typical TTP slogan. I don't think he knows what he is talking about.

the tablighi gatherings he attends [ of Tariq jameel ] are infested with TTP minded deobandis. Zarvan bhai could have heard this slogan there.

Bro you must be wearing some other color pagri-
i wish you didnt open up i was actually thinking of you as a good Muslim-
but Naaaaaa you cant be a good Muslim or loyal to your firqah until you dont desist another one-
Man all you Mullah types sux-

I find Molana Tariq Jameel to be a sane voice- his talks are informative- and honestly i dont care which firqah he belongs to-
Do you have your own almighty Mullah you blindly follow tell me his name i might like him aswell-
Where does it say? But no one will ever vote for an Islamophobe :agree:

Why would you want Muslims to have prok...well, just coz it happens in India doesnt mean its a norm! Whose gonna punish whom? Where is the law kindly bring it forward which retarded laws are you trying to pass as Shariah!
I asked you simple questions.
1. Can non muslims become head of state in a shariah state.
2. can muslims have alcohol and pork in a shariah state
@Zarvan bhai, what you sad above is exactly he slogan of TTP, khawarij, and AQ ideology
Mr that is ayat of Quran not me ALLAH has said that in Islam either you are with ALLAH or his RASOOL SAW or you are against him simple as that
secularism to me = complete separation of masjid and state.
democracy= people choose a government of their choice.

always accepted diversity now i just don't want religion mixed in with politics, if it gets mixed then the other faiths won't be given full rights.

idk about zarvan. lol he is just crazy man.
people like zarvan just make me sick man, he so brian washed he doesn't even realize it.
I'm a muslim but if anybody insults my faith or something its not my job to defend it by attacking people, i will try reasoning with people if they don't understand i will simply ignore them.

a politician in politics does DUA to God everyday for success in his work! Are you telling me, he wants to keep religion [ God] out of his work of politics?
@Multani before talking shit about Moalana Tariq Jameel spent time with him and list to his at least 50 speeches he never talks against any firqa mr he is one of the best Sheikhs these days so stop your sectarian crap please
I asked you simple questions.
1. Can non muslims become head of state in a shariah state.
2. can muslims have alcohol and pork in a shariah state
I answered 1st one...It is based on elections...Gave you full details while all you do is give me scenarios out of your mind and label them as Shariah :unsure:

2nd one I answered why would anyone do that and where does it say they will be punished? Havent few on this very forum admitted to drinking havent heard any who got beheaded so far!
islam has politics but people like you can't seem to decide what sharia is!
what is sharia?
nobody knows because everybody has their own definition.
if being secular makes me a kafir ill take my chances.
I'm pretty sure that allah will not send me to hell for simply not forcing islam onto other people living in pakistan, and advocating for the right of people to choose how they want to live their life instead of being forced to fast during ramadan ect.

when you mix religion with politics the result will end being bad.

you are wrong. The definition of Sharia is very clear. I have stated it a dozen times on PDF


It is an Arabic word meaning PATHWAY. To what? To salvation.

It is the totality of Islamic jurisprudence laws. There are a couple Islamic Law bodies across the diverse Muslim world [ 57 countries]
In Pakistan and Turkey, Sunni Muslims follow the Hanafi School of Islamic Law. Most Shia Muslims follow the Jafari School of Islamic law. Ahle hadith in Pakistan follow the Athari School of Islamic Law.

Different jurisprudence law systems do not negate the common goal of Shariat.

@Multani before talking shit about Moalana Tariq Jameel spent time with him and list to his at least 50 speeches he never talks against any firqa mr he is one of the best Sheikhs these days so stop your sectarian crap please

sorry Zarvan bhai
That means they are automatically second class citizens where certain things are denied to them.
Of course they are. anyone who says otherwise is misinformed.
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