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Obama tells Asia, U.S. "here to stay"

A country with no foreign troops and former victim of imperialism is accused of being expansionist, while a country who have bases around the world, annex Hawaii, fought war with the Mexican for California and southwest, enslave groups of people, kill of the Native, kick people out of an island to make way for Diego Garcia base, divide country and set up military base - some how that country is not expansionist and we can't question.

What kind of **** are you Indian smoking? How does it feel when you see the British queen wear the Koh-i-Noor diamond the British stole from you?

It is surprising how Indian hate Chinese for a short border war that was cause by the British drawing an arbitry line and how Indian love sucking up to their British master; despite being their slaves for centuries. Indian should target their anger at the British, for stealing all their wealth and making them slaves, and the Indian billionaires who lives in London colluding with the British to milk aways as much from Indian as possible.

China didn't cause Indian poverty. China didn't divide South Asia. Actually, I don't even know what China did to India to receive hatred from India. Whatever China did is miniscue compared to the British and the West?

I think you should start to revisit history classes. There was No India before 1947. British looted different states and export all the money to Briton. Our first humiliation as a unified nation came in 1962 when China defeated us. So Today's India's distrust and somewhat hatred towards China is justified. There is no love lost between Indian common man and Briton too.
A country with no foreign troops and former victim of imperialism is accused of being expansionist, while a country who have bases around the world, annex Hawaii, fought war with the Mexican for California and southwest, enslave groups of people, kill of the Native, kick people out of an island to make way for Diego Garcia base, divide country and set up military base - some how that country is not expansionist and we can't question.

What kind of **** are you Indian smoking? How does it feel when you see the British queen wear the Koh-i-Noor diamond the British stole from you?

It is surprising how Indian hate Chinese for a short border war that was cause by the British drawing an arbitry line and how Indian love sucking up to their British master; despite being their slaves for centuries. Indian should target their anger at the British, for stealing all their wealth and making them slaves, and the Indian billionaires who lives in London colluding with the British to milk aways as much from Indian as possible.

China didn't cause Indian poverty. China didn't divide South Asia. Actually, I don't even know what China did to India to receive hatred from India. Whatever China did is miniscue compared to the British and the West?

China has in every international forum opposed India and has never treated India well. What British did was a century ago, what China is doing is today. Don't we know who armed Pakistan with nuclear weapons, delivery systems and fighters ?

Tibet. Should I say more about expansionist mindset. China came in Tibet much later but India and Tibet had warm relations with free movement of people, exchange of culture and heritage. The borders between India and Tibet were not an issue but China thinks it is an issue after forceful unification of Tibet with Chinese mainland.

China blocks a development loan from Asian banks for the development of Arunachal on one hand and does infrastructure upgrade in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Do we just ignore all this ?

When China start behaving like a big brother, it is but natural for India to hate it.
colonialism. same thing that brought the west to asia to enslave and exploit. the culprit is the US and the west themselves.

What make you think the West and US are culprit in U shape China claims? Don't you think without that rediculous started from China indeed?
And who will divide them into 20 pieces.It is obviously very illogical to think that it will happen by itself.

you forgot soviet union america spoon sir??

before american civil war when the union of states made the united states, USA consisted of two countries, confederates states and union states

China should and could stop lending america money in which case americans wouldnt be able to afford to come to asia

Is that what you think? Think twice! China Gov is not foolish of its Administrations.
one day obama will be tried in Pakistan for killing Pakistanis in drone attacks....i can assure you

Don't count on it.


you forgot soviet union america spoon sir??

before american civil war when the union of states made the united states, USA consisted of two countries, confederates states and union states


There is no indication of any desire for seccession from any significant group of people let alone state governments and representatives. Puerto Rico hasn't even voted for independence. This 20 states blather is an anti-american dream.
Don't count on it.
There is no indication of any desire for seccession from any significant group of people let alone state governments and representatives. Puerto Rico hasn't even voted for independence. This 20 states blather is an anti-american dream.

Tell Texas Governor Rick Perry that.
Last I heard americans were leaving afghanistan after being unable to defeat some blokes in pyjamas so much for their f16s
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