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Obama might send troops into Pakistan

Pakistan would become Iraq^10 if the US destabilizes it, and stays put. But what if they destabilize it, and then leave ? Pakistan would agains remain Iraq^10 except only no more NATO troops to shoot at. So they will shoot each other.

No its not like that. If Pakistan becomes de-stabilized, then you and your country also have to shoulder the instability. Kashmir will immediately become hot (as well as other parts of India). Taliban type insurgency in Afghanistan will get overt support from Pakistan (there won't be a central authority, autonomous groups supporting multiple agendas)....in the end not a good thing for ANYONE!
Pakistan would become Iraq^10 if the US destabilizes it, and stays put. But what if they destabilize it, and then leave ? Pakistan would agains remain Iraq^10 except only no more NATO troops to shoot at. So they will shoot each other.

What purpose would it serve the US to destabilize Pakistan? Do you think Afghanistan would be an easier fix with a hostile, warring Pakistan?
It's called the balance of power. When you disintegrate a large power into multiple smaller powers, they loose direction. They start fighting each other for scraps.
It's called the balance of power. When you disintegrate a large power into multiple smaller powers, they loose direction. They start fighting each other for scraps.

Yeah just like in Iraq where the groups have stopped fighting the US troops...please man, dont make us laugh. I know that in your Indian mind, there is nothing more that you would like to see than Americans doing your dirty work messing up Pakistan, but in the overall scheme of things, you guys will stay hurting even if that happens...we know for a fact that US simply does not have the ability to resolve this issue militarily, however the impact of this FUBAR of a situation will engulf India as well.
I guess there is no point. We are going in circles. So ill shut up now.:partay:
It's called the balance of power. When you disintegrate a large power into multiple smaller powers, they loose direction. They start fighting each other for scraps.

That's actually not what balance of power means :cheesy: But let's say they do what you say and Pakistan disintegrates into multiple smaller powers. What benefit would this give to the USA? Do you think this will make US's time in Afghanistan easier or more difficult? Do you think the US will have to worry about another failed state being created? You are looking at this from what you think is Bharat's interest, even though it's not, the US will not commit its forces for the interests of a country like Bharat, as you seem to be suggesting.
Yeah just like in Iraq where the groups have stopped fighting the US troops...please man, dont make us laugh. I know that in your Indian mind, there is nothing more that you would like to see than Americans doing your dirty work messing up Pakistan, but in the overall scheme of things, you guys will stay hurting even if that happens...we know for a fact that US simply does not have the ability to resolve this issue militarily, however the impact of this FUBAR of a situation will engulf India as well.

Another point is this........After almost 4 years of war how popular would another war be in the U.S.? They would be a first term administration looking to get another.
Tancredo: U.S. should threaten Islamic holy sites

Associated Press - August 2, 2007 1:44 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful and Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo says the best way he can think of to deter a nuclear terrorist attack on the U.S. is to threaten to retaliate -- by bombing Islamic holy sites.

Tancredo told about 30 people at a town hall meeting in Osceola, Iowa this week that he thinks such a terrorist attack could be imminent, and that the U.S. needs to hurry up and think of a way to stop it.

Tancredo says, if it's up to him, he'll explain that any such attack on the U.S. would be followed by an attack on the holy sites in Mecca and Medina.

Those sites in Saudi Arabia are Islam's holiest cities, and all able-bodied Muslims are required to make a pilgrimage there at least once in their lives.

Tancredo's comments were recorded and posted on the Web site Iowa politics.com (iowapolitics.com).

A Washington-based Islamic civil rights and advocacy group responded in anger today, calling Tancredo's statement "unworthy of anyone seeking public office in the United States."

The U.S seems to be just as blessed with nut jobs these days, as is the Muslim world. :disagree:
That's actually not what balance of power means :cheesy: But let's say they do what you say and Pakistan disintegrates into multiple smaller powers. What benefit would this give to the USA? Do you think this will make US's time in Afghanistan easier or more difficult? Do you think the US will have to worry about another failed state being created? You are looking at this from what you think is Bharat's interest, even though it's not, the US will not commit its forces for the interests of a country like Bharat, as you seem to be suggesting.

If Pakistan disintegrates (and such a catastrophe should not come to pass), then the US surely gains.

It will take Balochistan under its wing. This will allow at least one safe stage of the proposed TAP pipeline.

A pro US Balochistan will box Iran from both sides i.e. Iraq and Balochistan.

The Chinese at Gwadar with their listening post (String of Pearls) to monitor US actions in the Middle East would be evicted and hence the Arabian Sea would be sanitised of Chinese influence. Keep a check on Chinese mercantile ship movement to Iran and put impediments.

Prevent the IPI pipeline fructifying.
Tancredo appears to be a trifle juvenile in his views.

But I have seen this type of a comment in US forums!
If Pakistan disintegrates (and such a catastrophe should not come to pass), then the US surely gains.

It will take Balochistan under its wing. This will allow at least one safe stage of the proposed TAP pipeline.

A pro US Balochistan will box Iran from both sides i.e. Iraq and Balochistan.

The Chinese at Gwadar with their listening post (String of Pearls) to monitor US actions in the Middle East would be evicted and hence the Arabian Sea would be sanitised of Chinese influence. Keep a check on Chinese mercantile ship movement to Iran and put impediments.

Prevent the IPI pipeline fructifying.

"Take Baluchistan under its wing"? Surely you jest. Take a look at the demographics of the region, and the fact that it will share a mountainous border with Afghanistan and the NWFP:

Balochistan has a population of around 8 million inhabitants. The Baloch form the majority in the south and east of the province, while the Pashtuns are the majority in the north. Quetta, the capital of the province, has a Pashtun majority with Baloch, Hazara, and Punjabi minorities. Near the Kalat region and other parts of the province there are significant numbers of Brahui speakers. Along the coast various Makrani Balochis predominate. Persian-speaking Dehwars also live in the Kalat region and further west towards the border with Iran. In addition, 769,000 Afghan refugees can be found in the province including Pashtuns, Tajiks, and Hazaras.

How long do you think it will take for the pipeline to get blown up, if it is ever able to be constructed? Elements in Punjab, hostile to the U.S, are not going to sit twiddling their thumbs either. The Iranians have shown that they have no problem supporting the Sunni militias in Iraq, just to spite the U.S, they would love to get their hands dirty here as well. Rather than a Baluchistan and Iraq boxing in Iran, you'll have the U.S forces bogged down, fighting asymmetrical wars in three different theaters, which considering their current performance, does not bode too well from the American perspective.
Note: the issue was if Pak disintegrates!

MONEY plays a BIG role!
Note: the issue was if Pak disintegrates!

MONEY plays a BIG role!

I understand, and I noted that you clarified that such a situation would not be something to wish for, but since we were all "brain storming" these "disintegration of Pakistan" scenarios, I thought I might as well provide my input as to why this plan will end up blowing up in the face of the U.S as well. Us "armchair strategists" really have nothing better to do during summer off from school:)

I am confused about your money comment though. Are you referring to bribing the tribes off, and using the revenue gained from the pipeline to keep them quiet, or something else entirely?
When it comes to the US, I take all aspects into consideration.
Tancredo appears to be a trifle juvenile in his views.

But I have seen this type of a comment in US forums!

Yeah but the same morons are the ones who were clamouring for the Iraq fiasco.
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