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Obama might send troops into Pakistan

unfortunately, obama has overwhelming support from muslims. people are so stupid here. most people are voting for him, simply because he's black and claims to respect islam. some people i know here, in all their wisdom, think that by pulling out of iraq, obama is helping the ummah. no one seems to realize pakistan is the only muslim nuc-state. gosh, this is driving me nuts.

the only muslims in the ummah who care about pakistan are pakistanies
i would advice you to stop expecting any thing from the rest of the guys stupid or no stupid arabs would rather want a peacefull iraq and a destoried pakistan rather than have a war torn iraq and a necular armed pakistan
if there guys with all the welth in the world gave a fllying fk about umman they would have made the bomb not us
First of all Obama mams's dad was not muslim his step father was muslim so it doesnt ment anything. He has also cleared that he is a PROUD CRISTEN AND HE PUTS HIS ENTIRE FAITH IN JESSUS. So people get over this who think he is a ..... person no he is not and No US president will be declared as Muslim in our lifetime atleast remember that not even in this century we all know that lol. He is just a sweet talker so don't be surprised by seing himthe president of USA since the most of the public is in his favor. Last Don't worry about him he has no balls to attack Pakistan we all should know since USA KNOWS THAT i mean in plain words USA has no balls to invade Pakistan lol they can't even invade Iran so Pakistan is way beyond. But yeh Obama is acting like JFK and people like him like JFK so don't be surprised ....... well i won't say it myself ill just leave the artical here by tomorrow thanks ;)

When pakistan was doing enough till last year, they were saying' you are not doing enough'. So pakistan made a peace deal and stepped back. Guess what---we found out right away that pakistan was doing a lot at that time because time showed us that the taliban style raids increased. So, instead for thanking us at that time, our arse was being chewed for no reason.

They are at it again----pakistan must state clearly----results are right in front of your face---it is the others that are not doing enough.

So, Obama's dad was a muslim---so would there ever be a time that he see's the light and converts to his father's religion. Can one imagine an elected president and declaringto be a muslim.

Allah indeed works in strange ways.
US & Pakistani joint hunt in the tribal areas in the final push we need. The US should also share the blood cost and financial strain of this battle. We are already providing them with every legal/illegal means in terms of intelligence/human resources/access . Their expertise and technology and the Pakistan determination to fight are the key ingredients to pacify the the North-West and once and for all bring it under direct control of the Government in Islamabad .

You were doing Ok on this board till you stated that," Last Don't worry about him he has no balls to attack Pakistan we all should know since USA KNOWS THAT i mean in plain words USA has no balls to invade Pakistan "---Never say never about the u s---people who just talk the talk, brag like that---you don't want to be one of those. Always fear the impossible from the u s. The fear will keep you on your toes. The fear will make you prepare better from the 'incoming'---people and nations who have not feared the impossible have paid dearly.

Did somebody say that Obama's mam's dad was a muslim---I didn't read it---I must have missed it.

The statement about Obama turning muslim was in sarcasm---read between the lines please. Thanks.

You were doing Ok on this board till you stated that," Last Don't worry about him he has no balls to attack Pakistan we all should know since USA KNOWS THAT i mean in plain words USA has no balls to invade Pakistan "---Never say never about the u s---people who just talk the talk, brag like that---you don't want to be one of those. Always fear the impossible from the u s. The fear will keep you on your toes. The fear will make you prepare better from the 'incoming'---people and nations who have not feared the impossible have paid dearly.

Did somebody say that Obama's mam's dad was a muslim---I didn't read it---I must have missed it.

The statement about Obama turning muslim was in sarcasm---read between the lines please. Thanks.
What i meant was that USA is totally full on war agenda for now. Invading Pakistan means over 1 million US TROOPS on ground backed with atleast half a million NATO. At this time i think it is impossible for US to go for this since US economy is not doing well plus their is a long term intrest being Pakistan's ally etc. This is what i all meant. Yeh i agree that never under estimate your enemy which goes for Pakistan well enough but Pakistan is doing well. I don't see war between these two countries atleast in our life time hopfull coz fighting with Pakistan means the Final show down meaning again MEANING atleast 1.5 million troops senctions on Pakistan for atleast 15 years making alll good bad between Pakistan and china ( which i belive is not anytime before maybe 50-60 years) since pakistan and china has long term agendas to work together. Second Obama is just a big talker sweet talker thats it. BUT PAKISTAN SHOULD BE ALWAYS CAREFULL. Obama's step dad was muslim not his mother what i have heard on his speech that his mother is CATHOLIC but she was always chose the middle ways for her childern by providing them all the religous books including QURAN. but he choose to be Cristen he put his faith in JESUS adding that still he respect all the religons meaning ISLAM( since the question was asked to him if he is muslim). So i am certain that he is Cristen and will be this is what he has said. WE SHOULD REMEBER THIS US PPLITICAL DEBAT IS THE HOTTEST DEBATS EVER AND THEY WILL DISCUSS ABOUT PAKISTAN SINCE PAKISTAN IS THE HOT TOPIC OF THE WORLD;) lol :pakistan: I live in USA iam US citizan and i also love USA its my home:usflag: But what i want USA to do is to change its policies against MUSLIM COUNTRIES and try to win the hearts and minds of people. We have spent trillions of dollars on wars if we would have spent all this money on muslim countiest on developments and education and their economies i bet USA would have got all what she wants but with no blood.. BUT I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE IT CLEAR I LOVE PAKISTAN TOO ITS MY MOTHERLAND. IT IS THE LAND WHERE I CAME FROM AND PAKISTANI BROTHERS SISTERS ARE MY FAMILY MEMBERS AND I WILL ALWAYS WANT TO SEE PAKISTAN AS SUCCESFULL AS I WOULD WANT MY OWN FAMILY TO BE. LONG LIVE PAKISTAN AND LONG LIVE PAKIZZZZZZZZZ:sniper::guns::yahoo::pdf:
I honestly don't know. I do know that the bulk of the American public wouldn't mind, but the electoral system is geared toward white protestant. I think the greatest impediment is not that the American public wouldn't vote for a Clinton or Obama, but that it's assumed they couldn't win and therefore won't get the nomination.
By all rights the democrats, even given their incompetence, should win this presidency in a cake walk. That means that either a black man or a white woman should be the next president. If the Democrats don't shoot themselves in the foot and they DON"T win the next election, you'll have been proved right.;)
And a black president it is.
WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday that he would possibly send troops into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists, an attempt to show strength when his chief rival has described his foreign policy skills as naive.

The Illinois senator warned Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf that he must do more to shut down terrorist operations in his country and evict foreign fighters under an Obama presidency, or Pakistan will risk a U.S. troop invasion and losing hundreds of millions of dollars in U.S. military aid.

"Let me make this clear," Obama said in a speech prepared for delivery at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. "There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again. It was a terrible mistake to fail to act when we had a chance to take out an al-Qaida leadership meeting in 2005. If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will."

The excerpts were provided by the Obama campaign in advance of the speech.

Obama's speech comes the week after his rivalry with New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton erupted into a public fight over their diplomatic intentions.

Obama said he would be willing to meet leaders of rogue states like Cuba, North Korea and Iran without conditions, an idea that Clinton criticized as irresponsible and naive. Obama responded by using the same words to describe Clinton's vote to authorize the Iraq war and called her "Bush-Cheney lite."

The speech was a condemnation of President Bush's leadership in the war on terror. He said the focus on Iraq has left Americans in more danger than before Sept. 11, 2001, and that Bush has misrepresented the enemy as Iraqis who are fighting a civil war instead of the terrorists responsible for the attacks six years ago.

"He confuses our mission," Obama said, then he spread responsibility to lawmakers like Clinton who voted for the invasion. "By refusing to end the war in Iraq, President Bush is giving the terrorists what they really want, and what the Congress voted to give them in 2002: a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences."

Obama said that as commander in chief he would remove troops from Iraq and putting them "on the right battlefield in Afghanistan and Pakistan." He said he would send at least two more brigades to Afghanistan and increase nonmilitary aid to the country by $1 billion.

He also said he would create a three-year, $5 billion program to share intelligence with allies worldwide to take out terrorist networks from Indonesia to Africa.

statements like this [obamas] is ending u.s.'s reign as a superpower:coffee:
Oh well, it proved all the Obama supporters wrong at least. He's stuffed his cabinet full of war hawks, zionists, and people from past presidencies. That's democracy for you folks. Change indeed :cheesy:
Barack Obama want's to attack a nuclear pakistan, there's a thought.

ya it is right that Pakistan has nuclear power but...
have dought that where Pakistan has a ability that Nuclear attack on USA
land by way of Air and/or Water ....
So it clear that there no direct threat to USA from Pakistan nuclear...
In this case Pakistan doesn't has any advantage of nuclear power over USA..

On the other hand USA already attacking :-)sniper:) on Pakistan land...

Now most of country has nuclear power so that countries has nuclear balanced now. The recent trend is what country has plus to Nuclear power.
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