"State Department "Newspeak" of 2010 Vintage. Nothing to criticize, but zero creativity."
No. The vintage is far older than 2010. It is policy-not a piece of art and encompasses the will of both the American and Taiwanese people. For both nations that is sufficient.
"The only thing I do know is that not even Hu / Wen and the entire CCP upper echelon know the answer."
Life is not etched in stone and no story told before it unfolds for all to see. Self-evident. It is the purpose of leaders to LEAD in an uncertain future. It's therefore not important that they be able to gaze into crystal balls nor be adept at reading tea leaves so much as to have the courage to move forward one uncertain step at a time.
One can't ask more and that's all any of us can do, it seems.
"Or more importantly, I am not sure if they even want to know the answer."
Perhaps but if they won't seek the answer then the answer shall seek them in ways that defy any hope of shaping the future. That appears a separate issue though.