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O' Canada !!

Who respects Canada?

When is the last time I have seen Canada in news headlines?


Yeap, that's what I thought.

Nigga you blem? American tourists call themselves Canadians when they visit overseas. The whole world sees us as peace loving folks unlike Americans which are known as ignorant war mongering unintelligent people. Our healthcare, beer and maple syrup got you Americans jealous. You guys don't even have poutine and are deprived of Tim Hortons.
Nigga you blem? American tourists call themselves Canadians when they visit overseas. The whole world sees us as peace loving folks unlike Americans which are known as ignorant war mongering unintelligent people. Our healthcare, beer and maple syrup got you Americans jealous.

Fifty first state talkin ****. LOL

Other than some natural scenery your nation is worthless. We run yall niggaz.

Bow down to the mighty American dollar.

Americans pretend to be canadian?

When? Where?

In Laos? Or maybe Samoa?

Get real.

American passport is first class son.
Would love to see some pics of vancouver city as well ..one of the most beatutful cities in the world ..
Nope, there is not any racisms here, most immigrants people didn't feel any racists here or attacked. It is a wonderful country, compared to someone took sandwiches in UK protesters, lol. I have visited UK, it is just overcrowded and many gangsters.

I do not begrudge you that you make the claim that there is no racism in Canada but you aren't involved politically are you? No political affiliation I suppose? I think there is no racism until you decide to get into politics.

Thats when the **** hits the fan homie. I was the head of a Nationalist organization... some few 200 members in Canada. They raped us as badly ... Remember the toronto 18 plot? Ever talk to the families? Still maintain those folks were innocent. A lot of us were trying to work for their rights... find out what really happened. Guess what? Next thing we knew they were monitoring everything on my computer... spying and all sorts of CIA ****. Long ago one of our retarded members decided to pick a fight with some Indian bigwigs... in the end got me in trouble (enemies unite-see?).

You ever wonder why Tarek Fateh gets more airtime than any Pakistani or in that case even Muslim (but leave Muslim-talk about Pakistani.) I heard he gets 80-90% of airtime compared to other Pakistanis. So are we represented at all or are we ever going to be when they do not allow any form of politics (secular or Muslim) by people from this region.

Also what about the shortfall of doctors. They know docs from south asia can fill the gap... the salary of Pakistanis several thousand $ lower than the canadian, skilled, educated people taxi drivers. Homie no one will fight for your rights if you don't and the thing is... when you do... they won't let you. The only thing that survives in the cold political world of Canada is war-mongers like Tarek Fateh who clearly don't represent us. But when someone asks, is there racism... lots of chest-thumping. No... my sister (a Canuck) says the same when even she agrees that all this is pretty true.

Btw UK much better. Pakistanis or those of **** background much better represented. You touch them in a place like Bradford, homie you don't know what happens tomorrow. ;)

More outright racism (skinheads etc)... less racism when you're forming an organization. They even let terrorist groups operate for some reason... though i suspect its because they are careful not to criticize UK and make calls for Jihad on Pakistan only.

Well, regarding my proud is more Canadian citizen than Pakistani itself you are correct, I didn't find any attractions there in Pakistan, don't forget I grew up in Karachi but realizing it is not my home anymore. I can't accept Pakistan done many things wrong decisions, forget it.

I am someone who has lived abroad almost all my life... including 4-5 years in Canada by the way. Quite a history we and our family have... eh? Then our background of migration, founding Pakistan and all that ****. Nyway Canuck friend... i disagree.

Pakistan has made some hell-wrong decisions... but it is still our blood and our land... for it are my lives. My sister applied for Canadian citizenship but I don't want it no more... I don't think I can really come to respect them anymore.

Pakistan first, second and last. From there we came... there we will die. I will work to improve things at home.

Btw I don't agree with Razpak on many things... but 51st state of the US it is... if you don't want it to be vote for the Canadian action party. Only sane Canadians around. If the Canuck govt knew we had links to them I think some poor Cap members bound to disappear at midnight. They still might considering how far these countries have a reach. ;)

By the way Razpak... hey atleast they aren't bombing other country's. They just prefer to be US slaves though. I hope atleast you can forget you are American and be a Pakistani though.

Nyway... when I was beginning to become grateful to Canada I made this. Was a little like you at that time, not to say ur country lemme down prettttty bad:

Btw I don't use that account no more, dawg... fought with my homies back there and don't even know if they use it. lol. They set them barking Indians on our heels... looks like Canada got loadsa support in driving any indigenous movement from Pakistan OUT! Btw it happened to me... could to u as well. Then we all come back running home to Mather-Pakistan where we see other forms of racism and no unity within. Unlucky days for ***** but I will remain one till I die for Pakistani Nationalism is in my blood. :D
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Would love to see some pics of vancouver city as well ..one of the most beatutful cities in the world ..







Thanks to Krash and HaviZSultan for inputs, I appreciate it. Every individuals are depending, no need to argue with it. :laugh:

(photos technically issues, I will post more pictures later)
Vancouver is absolutely amazing. It's a beautiful and a majestic city. And I see what you're saying but working and then having fun on the weekends is evident everywhere not just Canada. During the weekdays, I usually go to my classes, explore the city and go clubbing by night so not really mechanical for me. And nowadays we don't ring bells, we text instead :p

Hahaha true but then whats the fun in that. Guess I'll have to host you for some days back home to make you truly understand the essence of what I'm trying to say. Anyway, clubbing on the weekdays? My classes would kill me not to mention that I find it boring.
It's amazing how such a small population in a vast cold land can be so productive, just look at all they have made with few people (35 million, 2012). The population density and overall population in the cities must be quite comparatively low to American cities the same size. I know most of Canada's population lives in urban areas so that does help to concentrate population centers in cities.

Hi, good to see you around keeping Threads alive but sir act like a responsible person a little respect will earn you respect in return, I hope you stop acting like people down hill ghettos in united states.

The difference between Canadians and Americans is Americans are stuck into dissing and bashing contest while Canadians move ahead miles ahead achieving their Objectives that is why Canada is successful. We do not know how long you spent in US but one learns and remembers the History you look towards past and move forwards keeping the past in the mind.

Needless to remind our American friends CAD Dollar is equal in the international market mighty hardly. Yes Americans do pretend to be Canadians when visiting Europe-Mid East [Google is your best friend for that query]. Non would explain Why Canada is great the world Acknowledges it, minority needs to do personal research. Long story short without Canada...united states is nothing literally.
Proud American here who loves Canada. Gorgeous country as all the pictures attest to. First rate military forces as well. Friendly people, great cities, lots of skiing, hunting and fishing-which is why I went there in the past. :bunny: Great food, although I would caution visitors to get a check up at your cardiologist before tucking into a plate of poutine from Quebec. It's a heart attack covered in gravy.

Canadian Chris Hadfield blasts off into space for 3rd time





Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield blasted off into space this morning aboard a Soyuz spacecraft and is on his way to the International Space Station, where he is set to make history.

Hadfield, American Tom Marshburn and Russian Roman Romanenko lifted off at 7:12 a.m. ET (6:12 p.m. local time) in the freezing steppes of Baikonur, Kazakhstan, where temperatures were hovering around –30 C.

The astronauts could be seen waving, and giving the thumbs-up inside the spacecraft.

Just a few hours after the launch, Hadfield's sons took over their father's Twitter account and posted a message. "The Soyuz launch was an incredibly emotional experience," they wrote. "Godspeed, Dad. Your achievement has literally brought us all to tears."

Hadfield's sons will be posting on his Twitter account over the next few days.

The current Soyuz is an upgraded version of the unmanned spacecraft first used by the Soviet space program in 1966.

All three had been in Baikonur for the past two weeks to prepare for the trip, which includes a two-day journey to the International Space Station, where they will be in orbit for five months. Hadfield will take over command of the ISS in March — the first time a Canadian has done so.

"Yes I'll take it seriously and yes it's important for Canada, but for me as just a Canadian kid, it makes me want to shout and laugh and do cartwheels," Hadfield told CBC News recently.

The crew will spend 147 days in orbit before their scheduled landing on May 14.

Canadians at home and abroad will be watching Hadfield's journey closely. Gov. Gen. David Johnston joined other officials at the Canadian Space Agency east of Montreal on Wednesday to watch the spacecraft carrying the Canadian astronaut blast off.

"What a great day to be here at the Canadian Space Agency, a great day for Canada, a great day for the world of discovery and innovation," Johnston said. "We're so proud that Chris Hadfield is now up in space, the first Canadian to be commanding the space station."

Former Canadian astronaut Robert Thirsk, who also watched the launch from the space agency, added, "Pride is what I feel. I'm part of this Canadian astronaut corps which has existed for over a quarter century now. We've taken small baby steps which have culminated today."

Hadfield, a Milton, Ont., native, still can’t believe what he's about to do.

"You expect someone to come in and go, 'Wait a minute, you aren't a guy that could command a spaceship, come on.' You expect to get busted by somebody because it's just such an unlikely thing to ever happen in your life, and so it absolutely thrills me just as a person."


Tiny island centre of dispute between Canada and the U.S.
Machias Seal Island a seabird sanctuary




FREDERICTON — A tiny island between New Brunswick and Maine is the subject of renewed calls from both sides of the border to settle a territorial dispute once and for all.

Machias Seal Island is a flat, treeless piece of rock located about 19 kilometres southwest of Grand Manan Island at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy.

The island is a sanctuary for many kinds of seabirds including the Atlantic Puffin and draws visitors from around the world to observe them in the summer.

There are no permanent human residents on the island, just pairs of lightkeepers who spend 28 days at a time maintaining a lighthouse operated by the Canadian Coast Guard. The original lighthouse was built by the British in 1832, and a lighthouse has been maintained there ever since.

So why would anyone even care which country gets title to Machias Seal Island?

The answer lies in the 720 square kilometres of water around the island in what’s called a grey zone. Lobster fishermen from both Canada and the U.S. fish these waters.

“The fishing community on Grand Manan is permitted to fish there on an open-end basis and it’s our way of laying our claim to this water that is part of the Machias Seal Island dispute,” said MP John Williamson, who represents the riding of New Brunswick-Southwest.

Williamson said the island is considered to be in his riding.

“I think our claim is sound and is legitimate, but at the end of the day it’s going to come down to the minister in this country and the administration in Washington to settle it,” he said.

“I think it is in the interests of both of our countries to do that.”

That feeling is echoed by Stephen Kelly, a professor at the Center for Canadian Studies at Duke University and a retired American diplomat who has served in Canada.

“It just strikes me if we have this opportunity to remove a potential irritant going forward, why don’t we take it?” Kelly said in an interview from his office in Durham, N.C.

Kelly put his thoughts in a commentary for The New York Times last month, which he said he was prompted to write after seeing territorial disputes that have erupted between Japan and China over uninhabited islands in the East China Sea.

He said while the situation between Canada and the United States is much different, land disputes are better settled.

“What if some valuable resource is discovered in the grey zone around Machias Seal Island? What if some other contingency that we can’t imagine now of strategic importance comes along?” he asked.

“Wouldn’t we feel silly that we didn’t take the opportunity to resolve this when the stakes were relatively low.”

For Ralph Eldridge, a Canadian who has been a lightkeeper on the island for the last 16 years, the question of who owns Machias Seal Island is a “non-issue,” something that is never a question from the visitors who travel to the island each summer.

And Eldridge said he doesn’t have to produce his passport to go there.

“But neither does someone from the United States or China or Japan or Spain have to when they come to the island,” he said.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade said ownership of the island and surrounding waters is clear as far as Canada is concerned: they are Canadian.

“Canada’s sovereignty over Machias Seal Island and sovereign jurisdiction over the 210 square nautical mile surrounding waters is strongly founded in international law,” Barbara Harvey said in a statement.

How could you bring up Canada without mentioning the world's most [in]famous Canadian:

Fifty first state talkin ****. LOL

Other than some natural scenery your nation is worthless. We run yall niggaz.

Bow down to the mighty American dollar.

Americans pretend to be canadian?

When? Where?

In Laos? Or maybe Samoa?

Get real.

American passport is first class son.

Dawg everywhere in Europe, Americans be pretending to be Canadians. Us Canadians just got too much street cred overseas. Canadian women>>>>>>>American women. Only good thing about America is that we dump our garbage into Michigan and you guys have more Hispanic women:smitten:
Dawg everywhere in Europe, Americans be pretending to be Canadians. Us Canadians just got too much street cred overseas. Canadian women>>>>>>>American women. Only good thing about America is that we dump our garbage into Michigan and you guys have more Hispanic women:smitten:

you have american flag in your avatar

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