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O' Canada !!

Defence report puts full F-35 cost at nearly $46B


Key questions remained Wednesday over the Conservative government's promise to consider all available options to replace Canada's aging jet fighters after an explosive new report put the full cost of buying, owning, replacing and disposing of 65 F-35 stealth aircraft at almost $46 billion.

But it's not known whether the government is really prepared to walk away from the F-35 if a better alternative is found.

Conservative ministers noted the new Department of National Defence report still put the actual purchase price for the F-35s within its $9-billion budget. The remaining $37 billion is for development, maintenance, operating costs and disposal when the aircraft reach the end of their usefulness, expected around 2052.

The government also said it is too early to determine whether an open competition between the F-35 and its rivals is a viable way to determine the best fighter for Canada at the best price. The government had initially planned to sole-source the contract.

Rather, the government says it has restarted the entire procurement process by ordering the defence department to reassess what missions Canada's next aircraft will be required to fly, what threats it will face and what technology and capabilities are available to Canada.

The government is also planning to reach out to other aircraft manufacturers such as Boeing and Eu-rofighter to determine what their aircraft are able to do and how much they will cost compared to the F-35.

This work will be re-viewed by a panel of independent experts comprised of former fighter pilot and senior bureaucrat Keith Coulter, University of Ottawa defence expert Philippe Lagasse, former bureaucrat-turned-consultant James Mitchell, and former federal comptroller general Rod Monette.

The government is also looking at whether extending the life of Canada's current CF-18 fleet is possible.

"We are pressing reset on this acquisition in order to ensure a balance between military needs and taxpayer interests," Defence Minister Peter MacKay said. "And to do so, we need to have all viable options on the table for the replacement of the CF18."

But other fighter aircraft manufacturers have indicated they will not co-operate unless there is an open competition.

And opposition parties say unless the Harper government holds a competition, its claims to have pushed the "reset" button on the F-35 are empty.

"This is a charade," NDP MP Jack Harris said. "This is not a new process. The reset button does not create anything more than another version of a sole-source contract. They're not going to put it out to a fair and transparent public tendering process."

Harris said the government has merely promised to do a "market analysis" of jets other than the F-35 - which he equated to a "shopping expedition."

By comparison, Harris said, a true tendering process would ultimately deliver Canadians what they need.

"You get the lowest price, you get the product that you need, at the right price with the industrial benefits that are required," he said.

The opposition also accused the government of showing no remorse after it originally told Canadians the F-35 would cost tens of billions of dollars less than the $45.8 billion over 42 years outlined in the National Defence report released Wednesday.

Read more: Defence report puts full F-35 cost at nearly $46B



F-35 mockup
Gardiner Expressway
50 Years Highway







Stones and chucks are started to fall off under the bridge due to aging, and old, Toronto is still not decided of what to do either renovation upgrading or remove whole Expressways.
True, whites aren't racist. You meet a stare once in a while but staring back harder makes it fun. It just makes your day when the bus driver greets you with a wide smile or the old lady at the local Timmy's only calls you honey. Canadians are genuinely nice people. The Pakistanis settled in Canada however, in my experience, are a different story all together.

I respect that, I do understand your perspectives. Maybe some of them were disappointed with the way Canada treated them badly.

To each his own. I find Canada extremely boring and dull, lacking any flare socially or culturally not to mention the un-explainable magic back in Pakistan. Canada home? Never.

What of the charms of the ends of the Earth, bud, when you left your heart back home.

God bless Pakistan for he knows that we are undeserved of it.

Yes, sir, Canada is horrible and disgusting. If some Pakistani doesn't fit here or adjusting lifestyles, then your choice is available on your path. I think, you regret for leaving Canada to unstable lawless Pakistan. Not try to argue with you, it is depending on perspectives and analysis. If you feel Pakistan is bohaat acchi hain, God bless it. Socially, culturally, and physically are for your definitions, I pray, Pakistan is working hard to improve their reputation in which I know it wouldn't without leaderships. I have made own difficult decision for betterment and happier life which is Canada, that's it. No turning back.

off-point- my bro, what's going on Peshawar Airport shootings ??

How are the women in Canada? Also do Canadians accept you Pakistani-Canadians as actual Canadians?

What do you mean women? How about women in USA you live? Mostly Canadians ask you where you are from? I would say Pakistan, not combined Canadian-Pakistan. Unlike you being American-Pakistan label.
I respect that, I do understand your perspectives. Maybe some of them were disappointed with the way Canada treated them badly.

Lol no. They were treated alright. They just let it go to their heads. They learned nothing from the Canadians and forgot everything that Pakistan had taught them as well. Also they have this undying need to impress upon us how much better they are while their minds are so obviously still inane and their thoughts puny (hint for the wise). I can't help but laugh at their anxiety.

Yes, sir, Canada is horrible and disgusting. If some Pakistani doesn't fit here or adjusting lifestyles, then your choice is available on your path. I think, you regret for leaving Canada to unstable lawless Pakistan. Not try to argue with you, it is depending on perspectives and analysis. If you feel Pakistan is bohaat acchi hain, God bless it. Socially, culturally, and physically are for your definitions, I pray, Pakistan is working hard to improve their reputation in which I know it wouldn't without leaderships. I have made own difficult decision for betterment and happier life which is Canada, that's it. No turning back.

off-point- my bro, what's going on Peshawar Airport shootings ??

:) I am still in Canada, very well adjusted and more, heck all I do is enjoy my time without a worry in the world. Canada hasn't disappointed me, I like it. The people are nice, life is easy, the women are pretty. Still I'll be heading back as soon as I get the chance, InshAllah, against all council from my friends, family and the likes of you. I can't see what got you worked up so bad, Hieder might be able to better explain (look it up). Wonder where I said that Canada was disgusting and horrible but yes it is extremely boring. Lacks any social or cultural flare too. You somehow allowed yourself the privilege of inferring upon my situation, perspective and analysis. Best I make it clear. I have mooched and sucked off of my country for 25 years. It has given me all that I have and all that I am. It has given me an amazing life, one which others can only dream of, one which you, Mr.Canada, can't still dream of. It did all of this for me when I didn't pay a dime back. Everything that I love is in Pakistan, is Pakistan. Now what sort of a man would I be to run away when it is my turn to pay back? What sort of a life would it be without everything that matters the most? I have seen the ugly in Pakistan, a lot of ugly. Peshawar's Airport shooting? I've had my bedroom's window ripped out of the wall, while I slept inside, by a bomb's pressure blast. But then I have also seen the beautiful and oh how beautiful my Pakistan is! Beauty which demands that it be saved from the encroaching ugliness. Ugliness which is because of you and me. Stop being a moron blaming everything on the "leaders" for once grow a pair and accept the blame that is on you and all of us. That is my perspective. My perspective is of logic born from the love of my country not your narrow sense of explicit personal gain.

You have made your decision and I respect that, needs no justification and I asked you for none because that is your right and not my care. However if you actually believe that you can press upon me or my country your pretentious arrogance and your new found supposed superiority born from a life of inadequacies and inferiority then my dear friend I will gladly rip you and your new homeland apart. For neither I nor my country owe anything to you or Canada. And I've seen how "great" it is here go sell it to someone else.

And some contribution towards the thread:

Dana Porter Library, University of Waterloo:


If you want some eye candy then DC is the place to study, if you want some serious eye candy then head towards Laurier but if you actually want to study then best head towards DP.

No.5 on my bucket list, Aurora Borealis can be seen in Canada:



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To each his own. I find Canada extremely boring and dull, lacking any flare socially or culturally not to mention the un-explainable magic back in Pakistan. Canada home? Never.

What of the charms of the ends of the Earth, bud, when you left your heart back home.

God bless Pakistan for he knows that we are undeserved of it.
You're right to each his own because I have a completely different opinion. Canada is in no way dull or boring. I don't know where you lived but Toronto is one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Everyday something special is happening in Toronto. Canada is culturally rich but you're not Canadian so I don't expect you to understand. Maybe the reason you don't appreciate Canada is because you didn't grow up here.

I was born in Karachi hence my username and love the city to death but I love Canada just as much if not more. Maybe its just me but I love walking on the streets of downtown Toronto and taking the subway everyday or eating a shawarma or hot dog from a street vendor.

How are the women in Canada? Also do Canadians accept you Pakistani-Canadians as actual Canadians?

They are nice. As long as you consider yourself Canadian then it's all good, no one has the right to say he or she is not an "actual Canadian" because every Canadian (excluding Aboriginals) either migrated to this country or their ancestors did. Unfortunately a lot of immigrants themselves don't see themselves as Canadians and always refer to themselves as Pakistanis, Indians etc.
You're right to each his own because I have a completely different opinion. Canada is in no way dull or boring. I don't know where you lived but Toronto is one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Everyday something special is happening in Toronto. Canada is culturally rich but you're not Canadian so I don't expect you to understand. Maybe the reason you don't appreciate Canada is because you didn't grow up here.

I was born in Karachi hence my username and love the city to death but I love Canada just as much if not more. Maybe its just me but I love walking on the streets of downtown Toronto and taking the subway everyday or eating a shawarma or hot dog from a street vendor.

Downtown Toronto is great i spent the first night there aimlessly roaming around on foot, got lost on the subway at least thrice but it was fun. I was there this Halloween as well the parade was pretty neat, the concert sucked but can't complain. Montreal is very pretty as well, looking forward to skiing there this season. I've heard great things about Vancouver but haven't been there yet. Somehow you guys got the impression that I think Canada is bad. Let me explain. If we are talking about attractions and events then Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad have nothing when compared to Toronto. For me the Canadian lifestyle is a bit detached. Its mechanical, so to speak. The people here work there behinds off the whole week and then get drunk on the weekends to unwind. At least the students are supposed to be rowdy, mad, out of control and fun but even that is rare. While it works fine for them it leaves me wanting for something more. Some thing more than the events and the going out to eat. Some thing intrinsic in the people and the way they operate. It is exactly because I am not a Canadian. I am used to a different sort of life where one can go banging on his friend's door at the middle of the night asking for a smoke, small stuff like that. Finding something interesting or boring is relative and depends on the person himself. Like I said to each his own.
To each his own. I find Canada extremely boring and dull, lacking any flare socially or culturally not to mention the un-explainable magic back in Pakistan. Canada home? Never.

What of the charms of the ends of the Earth, bud, when you left your heart back home.

God bless Pakistan for he knows that we are undeserved of it.

Can't agree with you more bro. Canada is not my home and will never be. This is not the place I wanna be after I finish my engineering. Motherland calling to pay back what I earned from it. :)

Btw where are you settled. Working??

Canada is our ***** nigga slave country. :rofl:

Canada is our ***** nigga slave country. :rofl:

lol @RazPaK some people are just clowns. I hope this was sarcastic coz we kicked your *** in 1812. Remember how Canada almost invaded USA. :cheesy:
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lol @RazPaK some people are just clowns. I hope this was sarcastic coz we kicked your *** in 1812. Remember how Canada almost invaded USA. :cheesy:

Look at Canada now.

You country is a worthless slave. :rofl:
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yaar hun Canada toh ki musibaat :hitwall:

O' Canada saday pancak'an teh syrup pa. :rofl:

Canada leaches off US economy.

We allow you to have a country.

We allow you to bring in shitty artists into our country.

We allow you to take breath on the Earth.
Can't agree with you more bro. Canada is not my home and will never be. This is not the place I wanna be after I finish my engineering. Motherland calling to pay back what I earned from it. :)

Btw where are you settled. Working??

Im pretty sure I live very close to you. Studying and living in Waterloo ;)

O' Canada saday pancak'an teh syrup pa. :rofl:

Canada leaches off US economy.

We allow you to have a country.

We allow you to bring in shitty artists into our country.

We allow you to take breath on the Earth.

And still everyone respects Canada and its citizens more. Food for thought. Now stop trolling.
Who respects Canada?

When is the last time I have seen Canada in news headlines?


Yeap, that's what I thought.
Downtown Toronto is great i spent the first night there aimlessly roaming around on foot, got lost on the subway at least thrice but it was fun. I was there this Halloween as well the parade was pretty neat, the concert sucked but can't complain. Montreal is very pretty as well, looking forward to skiing there this season. I've heard great things about Vancouver but haven't been there yet. Somehow you guys got the impression that I think Canada is bad. Let me explain. If we are talking about attractions and events then Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad have nothing when compared to Toronto. For me the Canadian lifestyle is a bit detached. Its mechanical, so to speak. The people here work there behinds off the whole week and then get drunk on the weekends to unwind. At least the students are supposed to be rowdy, mad, out of control and fun but even that is rare. While it works fine for them it leaves me wanting for something more. Some thing more than the events and the going out to eat. Some thing intrinsic in the people and the way they operate. It is exactly because I am not a Canadian. I am used to a different sort of life where one can go banging on his friend's door at the middle of the night asking for a smoke, small stuff like that. Finding something interesting or boring is relative and depends on the person himself. Like I said to each his own.

Vancouver is absolutely amazing. It's a beautiful and a majestic city. And I see what you're saying but working and then having fun on the weekends is evident everywhere not just Canada. During the weekdays, I usually go to my classes, explore the city and go clubbing by night so not really mechanical for me. And nowadays we don't ring bells, we text instead :p

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