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Number of people killed in Kashmir from 1990 to 2011 revealed

Are u in senses ,how many pakistanis are killed monthly by Military as compared to Indian army in kashmir

And what kind of civilians are killed by army??
Stone pelters, supporters of terrorists, youth who create law and order situation.
In fact there are incidents of police firing in other parts of india and worldwide too if there is a situation of law and order.
Whats the big deal?
Tomorrow if you participate in rioting, you become a fit case to be shot too.
where did these figures come from??
let me guess.. GoI sponsored kashmiri government..
off course.. those records must be pristine..

Wotever that suits your comfortability. Now lets bring some numbers from your side of the border about the Indian side?

If its really GOI sponsered, you wont see those many number of civilian deaths by security personal.
Apparently we aint under a dictatorship regime and are living under democracy. An RTI can bring up anything into public.
Where did you get all the information from??
Including seperatists movements, stone peltings , Indian troops, etc..
let me guess..GoI sponsored kashmiri government and medias..
offcourse .. those records must be pristine..

Totally. Down with Pakistani-state sponsered terroism in India. I mean, come on, even Amnesty International and other Humanintarian Organizations are terroist organizations created by ISI. ;)
Wotever that suits your comfortability. Now lets bring some numbers from your side of the border about the Indian side?

If its really GOI sponsered, you wont see those many number of civilian deaths by security personal.
Apparently we aint under a dictatorship regime and are living under democracy. An RTI can bring up anything into public.

Wrong again, it would be more credible for the GoI to dumb down the figures than strike off the vast majority of them.
Kashmir is way beyond a peaceful negotiated deal between India and Pakistan. Only a blind, dumb and crippled daydreamer will ever believe that the dispute can be settled peacefully. In fact, ideally the original inhabitants of all Kashmir should have been granted independence and the country should have served as a buffer state between Pakistan and India. It is way too late now. The current ideal scenario is that the LOC should be made a permanent border and both nations should keep their respective parts of Kashmir. The alternative is a fully fledged war between India and Pakistan for complete control of the entire Kashmir. Reality should set in
Wrong again, it would be more credible for the GoI to dumb down the figures than strike off the vast majority of them.

We are living in a country, where even a mis-fortune incident against a citizen( lets say in a prision. A lockup death kind off thing) will be brought upto media. IF GOI prublishes its facts, then media does its own research. Not all our media are TOI(let) type. There are many investigative journalists that gaveup their life while on duty just for the sake of publishing facts.

Hey, after all its an Indian report and published by an Indian media and numbers provided by Indian Gov. These many number of Indian`s in one report is just more than enough for any pakistani( by nationality) to condemn it ,whether there is truth in it or not.

Even if we put a UN flaggin , then again in a pakistani opinion that the report was imposed under Indian diplomacy and spremacy.

Wait a min.... Why am I trying to convince people here with facts? Well its none of my business nor I am interested in doing a favor to a Joe.
Why not you let alone Kashmir? it has been failed so far to keep Peace there and win their hearts
In other words, hand over Kashmir to Pakistan? Considering how Pakistan itself is heading down the sink hole, do you for a moment suggest Pakistan will bring peace and tranquility to Kashmir? Sort out your own affairs and bring peace to Pakistan first and then talk. And do you want the Kasmiris to get caught in the utter chaos prevailing in Pakistan? You have a lame duck government controlled by a confused Army who don't know WTF is going on. And you want Kahmirs to suffer the same fate?

Go get some some fresh air. :azn:
Those 21,323 whom india calls militants are actually innocent people whose unmarked mass graves can be found all over kashmir valley.even these are indian govt's propaganda figure.Once kashmir become free from indian occupation then the real picture of indian genocide of kashmiri muslims will come in front of world and these real figure will shame even the genocides committed by hitler and pol pot ,Milosevic,stalin,mao put together.

shouldnt you better change your flags?
Basic, and many others who share the same viewpoint, keep drumming the point that, "those '21,323' whom India calls militants are actually innocent people whose unmarked mass graves can be found all over kashmir valley. even these are indian govt's propaganda figure. Once kashmir becomes free from indian occupation then the real picture of indian genocide of kashmiri muslims will come in front of world and these real figure will shame even the genocides committed by hitler and pol pot, Milosevic, stalin, mao put together."

Good God! Just shows how much people have been brainwashed!! To these very people I would say, have you guys ever bothered to check out what's happening in Baluchistan? You wouldn't know that as your media never bothers to report truthfully as to what's going on there! Check it out here, for starters....

The mass killings in Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) in 1971 vie with the annihilation of the Soviet POWs, the holocaust against the Jews, and the genocide in Rwanda as the most concentrated acts of genocide in the twentieth century. In an attempt to crush forces seeking independence for East Pakistan, the West Pakistani military regime unleashed a systematic campaign of mass murder which aimed at killing millions of Bengalis. Similarly Pakistani military is again repeating the unsuccessful tactics it used in Bangladesh against the Baloch’s in Balochistan.

If you have not heard of the genocide in Balochistan, don’t worry: neither have most Pakistanis. Newspaper reports from Balochistan are buried quietly on the inside pages, cloaked in euphemisms or, quite often, not published at all.

“The bodies surface quietly, like corks bobbing up in the dark. They come in twos and threes, a few times a week, dumped on desolate mountains or empty city roads, bearing the scars of great cruelty. Arms and legs are snapped; faces are bruised and swollen. Flesh is sliced with knives or punctured with drills; genitals are singed with electric prods. In some cases the bodies are unrecognisable, sprinkled with lime or chewed by wild animals. All have a gunshot wound in the head”. Guardian 2011.

Guardian newspaper article gives an account of what people of Balochistan are witnessing. The role of so called independent Pakistani media has also been a shameful one. I remember very well when three tortured and desolated bodies were discovered in the area of Sariab road which had no mention on the news channel but a much more spectacular event “a cow was drowning in a river” was given live coverage on all TV channels.

The genocide of Baloch people will continue on and the military along with it’s puppet democratic regime will keep on denying the facts till we will see the fall of Balochistan which ultimately will be the downfall of Pakistan.

So get your house in order first, dude. People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones! Nuff said!

Lens on Balochistan: Genocide in Balochistan 2011
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