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NSA whistleblower in China

Without a doubt, the Chinese are becoming more and more active on the international stage.
Okay- so if he is allowed even with an extradition treaty to be in Hong Kong. Note : Not not China.... then you have 1 on us- while every dissent of yours including blind ones :lol: are forced, while being in China to send over to the US.
He didn't defect to China that he's safe there but because there is better internet freedom in Hong Kong. He plans to leave for Iceland.
Irony is that he leaked information because he DOES NOT WANT THE US TO BECOME LIKE CHINA!

I'm willing to sacrifice all of that because I can't in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building.
He didn't defect to China that he's safe there but because there is better internet freedom in Hong Kong. He plans to leave for Iceland.
That's okay..... with the money we'll pay him for NSA top secret information, he can live like a king in Iceland for the rest of his life ;)

Obama and xi discussing cyber security in the US while an American hiding in China blows the whistle on the biggest private data theft in human history!

Does this mean anything to you?
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Obama and xi discussing cyber security in the US while an American hiding in China blows the whistle on the biggest private data theft in human history!

Does this mean anything to you?
Obviously, it is no coincidence. The timing makes USA look really bad, despite their efforts to blame China for hacking. Snowden knows China will not extradite him because he is a valuable asset for Chinese intelligence. Most likely, he brought with him a bonanza of China-related NSA intelligence.
The NSA is effectively infiltrated! :china: America's government oppression created a backlash.
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Reverse trend of dissident from US seeking shelter in Chinese territory, that is an epic slap on US freedom claim. By the way as far as cyber security is concern, Chinese President diagreed with US position. In span of month, US lost two important strategic doctrine "regime change" and "freedom-dissident" monopoly. From everyday news cycle these may be another news but in US strategic tinking these are shock hard to absorb.
china needs to slowly get used to the role of housing all the political dissidents from enemies countries like US. with its declining ability to offer security without compromising the liberty of its subjects, the US will see more and more dissidents mushrooming in its country and more and more of them defecting into china.
Whats new, bunch of hypocrites. Unfortunately just many of their own people who post here lol

Reminds me of this post I made a long time back, it interesting more hypocritical Sh!t come out from the woodwork, we should keep a collection of this stuff.

Ultimately each country national security will decide how much freedom is given to the nation. Assange's work threatened the US security and they decided to nab him to shut him up. If Wikileaks were China centric I doubt the US would give a toss about what he published.

China is a communist country at the end of the day and of course the freedom it permits to citizens are lower than that of a democratic nation, but is it to a level where people in China give a damn I doubt so. Only a bunch of hypocritical b*stards would come and point fingers and compare it against their own country who is also trying to hide certain truths from the world.

I vividly remember the video of the cameraman getting gunned down by mistake from the helicopter which was getting shushed up. Where is freedom of speech then, god know how many more incidences and worse have been going on we have no clue about.

My pity goes out to the innocent families getting butchered everyday by a bunch of yankee doodles screaming viva la freedom

China closing a website making the news. Good lord, save us all

China should just take Assange under wing and fund his website, push this freedom of speech BS to the next level and watch the hypocrites BURN!

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...-website-after-reform-call-2.html#post3773536
china needs to slowly get used to the role of housing all the political dissidents from enemies countries like US. with its declining ability to offer security without compromising the liberty of its subjects, the US will see more and more dissidents mushrooming in its country and more and more of them defecting into china.
We only need dissidents who bring valuable intelligence or technology. Snowden is a huge windfall.
Americans have a long history of spirit of liberty.

When the British attempted to suppress the spirit to continue their colonialism, Americans said no to them.

When evil slave system attempted to continue enslaving the slaves, Americans said no to them.

We call for freedom and liberty. And we know freedom is not free.

Snowden might have felt that the threat of suppression that once again come back to this soil, so did he his action. (BTW, If his action is for profit, that would have lots discount on it.)

Unlike India there is no deep rooted spirit of freedom in a mass scale (caste system is an example). And for better flattering their colonial master, many elite Indians spoke better English than their native language. There is no surprise that British dominated India for 200 years.

Thus, this American spirit of freedom can't be understood by some one from that background allegedly making bare living behind a smelly dark 7-11 corner store... let's not to mention the feeling of jealousy and envy from him...
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