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Now the psychopath is threatening people openly

. . . .
I certainly hope this was nothing the chief said, because it makes him no better than a street thug. He needs to keep the office elevated and the statement is not becoming of an officer or a gentleman.

Why does the establishment not realize that their strength lies in their relationship with the people. An Army without people's support will not last long. I am blown away at the poor decision making here.
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People said or these Generals pushed the idea while they were promoting PTI that PPP and Pml n are tried and tested failures for many many times therefore we should choose some new face. Ok that seems logical. But by the same formula we have tried Establishment so so many times and it has proven to be a even bigger failure. Then why should we trust them now?
Every time military has taken the control they created time bombs in the shape of spoon fed politicians and fanatics Pml Q, MQM, PML n, even ZAB now Khatak, JKT, TLP, Even they bombarded PTI with electables and lotas so much that real ideological leadership had to take the back seat.
the way things are going it will end up real bad for Generals.
How will it be bad when they will run to their ranches in the states and open up businesses using the funds from their looted DHA plots?
. .

If he comes in front of me then I will knock out the rest of his teeth. lol
. .
PTI folks have become anti-Pakistani mob, traitors and terrorists.

It is sad to see our Military being abused instead of being respected for their great sacrifices and services to the nation.

Those that removed a running Government are not traitors? Those that sold their own people are not traitors?
Those that let America drone strike their own Country are not traitors?

What service has Bajwa done for Pakistan? His legs were shaking when India attacked, he committed treason
by siding with America to remove a elected Government, don't even get me started on his corruption.
How many inches of Kashmir has he conquered?
Those that removed a running Government are not traitors? Those that sold their own people are not traitors?

PTI & IK government fell as they lost support. It has nothing to do with our Military

Those that let America drone strike their own Country are not traitors?

We partnered with the US & NATO to fight the terrorists.

What service has Bajwa done for Pakistan? His legs were shaking when India attacked, he committed treason

Our military downed 2 SU-30MKIs and 1 MIG-21 and gave a bloody nose to the Indians.

It was IK government which released the captured POW Indian pilot in a hurry.
Politicians face ridicule. If he doesn’t like being ridiculed, he should stop being a politician.

You can’t have the cake and eat it too.

Also can we stop creating threads on anything we find on FB

This isn't what Asim Munir said

We should only make threads on what these guys say so that discussions remain realistic and facutal
PTI & IK government fell as they lost support. It has nothing to do with our Military

We partnered with the US & NATO to fight the terrorists.
IK did not lose support. What you are referring to is foreign Nato support, which is unseemly=you are a shill.

You are not a pakistani and they are not terrorists. They were simply farmers or local government internal to afghanistan. They were activated only after a foreign invasion. There's also an argument for state terrorism, and the USA does extrajudicial illegal assassinations of civilians or these freedom fighters everywhere.

It is now confirmed you are a liar and part of the globalist Nato assault against non Nato countries.

Imran Khan needs to deal with people like Asim and his western shills.

No more fake western or israeli shills may post ITT
Our military downed 2 SU-30MKIs and 1 MIG-21 and gave a bloody nose to the Indians.

It was IK government which released the captured POW Indian pilot in a hurry.

Lol, military, do you mean it.

Bajwa was dead against a retaliation, IK has said, Pakistan will not think about a retaliation but will do it.

And planned by PAF.

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