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Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

In these calls for legislation, there is no distinguishing factor between "Hijaab" and "Burqa". Moderate practicing Muslim women lose rights in the same manner as the fully veiled types.
Actually there is confusion on what "burkha" represents in western context.

They think of the Taliban style all covering with just a net for the face mask. In the Saudi/Gulf context for example, the "abayas" are quite fashionable and there are even designer wear abayas costing hundred of dollars. The face covering or the "niqab" is not worn by all and also not considered mandatory. However, the "hijab" or the head covering is considered necessary.

The Quran does not specify to exactly what to wear. The main theme is that both men and women should dress modestly and not beuatify themselves except in front of their husbands.

· “O you Children of Adam! We have bestowed on you raiment to cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah, that they may receive admonition.”
(Quran 7:26).

· “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear therof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers, or their brothers’ sons or their sisters’ sons, or their women or the servants whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers, turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss.”
(Quran 24:31).

· “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.”
(Quran 33:59).
I just can't understand this europian obsession with the burqa. i mean why on earth is this issue so important...
Generally Muslims dont understand exact Islamic requirements regarding dressing. Muslims are required to dress modestly. There is minimum requirement of dressing and over to that is choice of the woman according to her level of "taqwa". The minimum requirement in Islam does not include covering of face.

In Europe, I find dressing of turk and Yogoslav (bosniaks, Albanians, Kosovar) muslim women more appropriate accoding to social environment. The people inspired by arabian/salafist tendencies are raising voices.

No doubt, European politicians/governments are acting like that only due to their deep hatered of Islam and non-european cultures.
BERLIN: As France has moved closer to a ban on burqas, German politicians are debating whether a similar measure was necessary in their own country, media reports said.

After a French parliamentary commission ruled earlier this week that the enveloping garment worn by some Islamic women is unacceptable and recommended a ban in schools and public offices, former Social Democratic parliamentarian, Turkish-German Lale Akgun urged for a similar ban in Germany.

"The burqa is a full-body prison that deeply threatens human rights," she told the Frankfurter Rundschau daily. "It would be an important signal for Germany to ban the burqa."

A burqa ban in German should include schools, universities, and high-security zones such as banks and airports, the daily quoted her as saying on Saturday.

However, fellow party member Dieter Wiefelsptz rejected the suggestion.

"We have a different understanding of freedom than the French," he told the paper, adding that an enlightened Islam could not be forced.

Green party leader Cem Ozdemir said the debate overlooked the real conflict of integration, stressing that the number of women who wear burqas in Germany is low.

Now, Germany mulls burqa ban - Europe - World - The Times of India

I don't get it! European supporting their ugly islamophobia by saying "the number of women wearing burqa is low"- as if it was enough of a reason to ban the burqa! Then why don't they say number of homosexuals is low, lets ban homosexuality! they won't do that. EU has a problem with Turkey still allowing a man marrying more than one woman at the same time. But it has no problem if a man has more than one girl friend in their life or most countries dont even have laws to prevent adultery! If you have a 3 some or group sex in North America or Europe, it is perfectly fine and sometimes it could be sign that you are a "cool" dude! What a double standard!

Swapping wife is freedom of a citizen while wearing burqa is an oppression. The joke of the time.

To force a girl wearing burqa could be banned as it should be banned but what about the educated women who want to wear the burqa?! I know women who are highly educated and even more educated than myself, wearing burqa at their own choice! Banning burqa is fascism.
To force a girl wearing burqa could be banned as it should be banned but what about the educated women who want to wear the burqa?! I know women who are highly educated and even more educated than myself, wearing burqa at their own choice! Banning burqa is fascism.

We dont know how much educated you are !! :D

Just kidding.
Gazwa-e-Hind NO way , no body is perfect in what they say (Zaid Hamid)

Yahood and Hanood friends with Muslims sorry can't say any thing as I lack a bit in religious knowledge. :undecided: so he could be right

hey! One of Muhammad peace be upon him 's wives was an ex-jewish, as I have had read. She converted of course before marrying Muhammad peace be upon him. We have to try to enlighten the non-Muslims, whatever religion they follow. The word Friend is one of the most misunderstood and over-used word. Friend is a very special person whom you look upon in every aspect of your life and therefore according to Islamic teaching, the friend must have Islamic quality and belief that will not affect you in negative way. This is to make sure you don't have to sacrifice your own Islamic practice just to accommodate your friend in your life and it is true in life. But that probably does not mean you can not be acquainted with non-Muslims. Because if that was so, then how could one Muslim preach Islam to another non-Muslim?! And we all know from history, that Islam spread from one person to what we are today by converting non-Muslims to Muslims!

For some of us, inviting any friend at an odd time in our house might not be an option, specially for the hosts who have families. However when you look at Muhammad peace be upon him, he once invited a jewish man for dinner who stayed back for the night at Muhammad peace be upon him's place. He had stomach problem and had accidentally desecrated the bed during the night. He got scared and ashamed of himself thinking Muhammad peace be upon him would be angry and he left the house in a hurry before dawn. Next day he saw Muhammad peace be upon him coming towards him with a sword in his hand. He got even more scared. When he peace be upon him came near the jewish guy, Muhammad peace be upon him said something like, 'I am really embarrassed that you had to spend the night in distress and pain. As your host, I could not take proper care of you. And you also forgot your sword. so I have come to return this to you.'

The exact words must have been even more polite but I could not remember the exact words, pardon my mistakes. But the jewish guy later converted seeing Muhammad's character and this wouldn't have happened if there was no acquaintance between the guy and Muhammad peace be upon him.

Now there lies the difference between how we interpret friends and treat others compared to what our dear prophet peace be upon him did.
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An advice for Indian members, that if they don't like anything being talked about their religion or its concepts, then they should also keep it shut and not poke their noses in Islam and its concepts.

Imagine this thread is open by a devious hindu perhaps migrated to america after september 11, similarly many migrated to EU by demonizing Pakistan and now every day they live they demonize Muslims.
They are trying to provoke... al what they do is they stirr up the discussion and use that as a propaganda source and than pay their agents in Pakistan to make a protest... and than it is printed in papers like hindustan times and guardian while Pakistani paper don't even know of such tiny protest.

So i request the members and Pakistanis to identify those indian agents around you and deny their provocation. All what they do is pay you cold drink during your protest but encash the news by taking billions of Euros in cahrities and aids.

I challenge...check the migration statistics of EU from september 2000 11 and check the divide in European society based on religon only started after entry of indians in Europe.

Where as in reality indains have attacked mosques and killed children of Pakistan with toy bombs and have kidnaped afghani and tribal children for organ trade and slavery.

BTW.. Burqa is not mandatory in islam but their arn't any burqa clad women living in Germany perhaps some visitors but why is it so important to deny personal rights to Muslim women...?
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I just can't understand this europian obsession with the burqa. i mean why on earth is this issue so important...

In my opinion this represents the failure of 'modernity' value system and failure of 'integration' of Muslim migrants who migrated from colonialized lands to colonialist's lands. Colonials thoughts that these migrating Muslims will adopt modernity and would reject Islamic value system but after 3 generations of Muslims passed on their land they realize that Muslims do not give up their identity and sense of belonging to another value system.

So now after failing to convince intellectually they want to impose forcefully.
Isn't it similar to Saudi banning construction of churches?
no it is even worst...... equivalent to Saudi already exisist in shape of rome..... but are you sayign all Muslims are being trageted in Europe in retaliation of what Saudis are doing?
In my opinion this represents the failure of 'modernity' value system and failure of 'integration' of Muslim migrants who migrated from colonialized lands to colonialist's lands. Colonials thoughts that these migrating Muslims will adopt modernity and would reject Islamic value system but after 3 generations of Muslims passed on their land they realize that Muslims do not give up their identity and sense of belonging to another value system.

So now after failing to convince intellectually they want to impose forcefully.

in this case it took them so long to realise this.
Was it written in immigration rules that one must give up its identity and values? and if mosque and burqa represnt such foreign values than so do temples and red spot on fore head.
According to Zaid Hamid one day West will ask all the Muslims to leave once for all . I think many Liberal Muslims in west will convert to stay rather then going back :lol:

Muslims of the west are better Muslims than many of us in Pakistan. We are too culturally influenced and do not care about mini minor aspect of it but Muslims of the west are either totally non-Muslim like or better Muslims than the people we see around. So the people who wear Burqa are not going to compromise at any cost.

But I IMHO, Full vail is not a compulsion, rather expected in Islam. Wearing Hajab is the best Islam asks from a women. Look at the way Muslim women perform Hajj which is the biggest religious exercise and it only asks to cover their head wearing Hajab and not Burqa.

By the way, this is only as much worn by Christian Nuns and this must not be a problem for anybody, even for the Muslims and Christian countries.

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