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Now, Germany mulls burqa ban

Well this how Democracy Works,

If more then 50 % wants to Ban Burkha then its democracy....... if 5 % want to wear burkha against the opinion of 95 % then democracy dont allow it.

If Read some French Swim resort ask women to come in swim suit becasue in swimming pool you ahve to wear swim suit and not something head to toe clothes.

So if French People wants ,that's Majority wants then what wrong. One should respect the native people desision.

Like in Saudis Arabia, French President didn't allowed to have same room with his g/f becasue she was not married , is the Saudi law and french respected it. and if someone going to french or any other country then they should respect their law and customs , live according to them.

For your information, Malaysia was Hindu kingdom in past before it invaded by Muslims . Just for your knowledge.
For your information, Malaysia was Hindu kingdom in past before it invaded by Muslims . Just for your knowledge.

Well,there are many muslims who are born in France too.

If Read some French Swim resort ask women to come in swim suit becasue in swimming pool you ahve to wear swim suit and not something head to toe clothes.

So if French People wants ,that's Majority wants then what wrong. One should respect the native people desision.

Like in Saudis Arabia, French President didn't allowed to have same room with his g/f becasue she was not married , is the Saudi law and french respected it. and if someone going to french or any other country then they should respect their law and customs , live according to them.

Firstly,do you have a source to back up that the French president was not allowed to sleep with his girlfriend?

Secondly, I am pretty sure that sharia laws is only applied to muslims only and not to non muslims,the only thing for non muslims to follow is to dress appropriately and not putting on obscene behaviour.

Thirdly,like Asim Aquil stated,only countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia enforce and press on appropriate dress coding, I do not see other countries like Indonesia or Malaysia enforcing that way.So your point is not really that valid in my opinion

Fourthly, I would like you to read this article right here,that =some of the French political parties actually oppose the burkha ban.Furthermore, the Quran just stated that you do not have to have the face fully covered or anything,just the wrists,the legs and head

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Well this how Democracy Works,

If more then 50 % wants to Ban Burkha then its democracy....... if 5 % want to wear burkha against the opinion of 95 % then democracy dont allow it.

If Read some French Swim resort ask women to come in swim suit becasue in swimming pool you ahve to wear swim suit and not something head to toe clothes.

So if French People wants ,that's Majority wants then what wrong. One should respect the native people desision.

Like in Saudis Arabia, French President didn't allowed to have same room with his g/f becasue she was not married , is the Saudi law and french respected it. and if someone going to french or any other country then they should respect their law and customs , live according to them.

For your information, Malaysia was Hindu kingdom in past before it invaded by Muslims . Just for your knowledge.

Bull Crap..

There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. No-one has a right to BAN the attire. Why is clothing becoming so important for liberty. I am not in favour of burqa - So I don't have to wear it, why should I be bothered about my neighbour's dress.

I will always protest if a female was forced into wearing Burqa, but if she wishes to do so - Who am I to have a problem.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it... Ironically spoken by a French Guy.
I'd say let the ladies choose. It's not your womb, either. So I am pro-choice, too.
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