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Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

I am not well versed on F-7 hydraulics and control systems. They are same ones as Mig-21 of IAF? or completely different?

Not 100% sure...but they should be quite similar since they come from same base heritage. I doubt the Chinese back then saw fit to change much in the reverse engineering of that. Dont mess with the crucial life-dependent stuff unless you really know what you are doing and have time and money to do extensive testing.

Now you can always add more stuff on top (like say wire based actuators for redundancy if you are willing to take a hit on the weight and volume penalties (if its even possible to do so in the first place).

A somewhat interesting story is that they did this for the original B-52 when it was first introduced as the hydrualics felt too "Easy" for the pilots that had converted from WW2 era bombers....so they figured hey its extra redundancy anyway....and put in mechnanical actuators as well both to toughen up the feel and also act as backup.

As pilots eventually rotated through the generations, they changed back to hydraulic only with an upgrade and added redundancies based on that. Its always a lot easier and forgiving on a large aircraft when you have space and weight to work with.

On a fighter jet or small aircraft in general, its a premium....given the performance envelope is quite sensitive.

WP13F engine seems a chinese engine. I think these can be overhauled at PAC.

Considering PAF maintenance standards, quality of oils shouldnt be an issue.

Yah I don't think its a maintenance based issue at all....given PAF and PAC are professionally run. It is probably a one-off unique thing given the age of the airframes/engines and certain small factors all coinciding by random chance. It will need to be investigated to see if any issue exists beyond age related general attrition.

Basically past a certain age, almost all aircraft (esp performance/payload based) are somewhat living on borrowed time. A dedicated maintenance and inspection/overhaul regimen can mitigate it....even substantially (though it depends, and the cost/benefit has to be analysed especially as time progresses)....but the basic issue will always be there given things like micro cracks, corrosion voids in inaccessible places (and complete change of these will probably cost more than just buying a new a/c).
Shaheed ki jo mout hai wo qoum ki hayaat hai. In the near future if i would have to choose between ejection and getting Shaheed, i would definitely wish to Shaheed without thinking second time. Yeh baray hoslay ki baten hotii hai, har kisi k naseeb mein nae hota Shaheed hona. But definitely Pakistani peoples and the Pakistan Armed Forces salutes all the Martyred who sacrifices their lives for this country. Pakistan Zindaabaad.
PG were meant for 20 years too,not more, i think keeping them beyond 2020 would create issues as well
airforce needs to be lean and lethal rather than old and bulky..

All the best laid out plans are never achieved. The air force modernisation plan has encountered many delays.
Unmanned PAF aircraft crashes near Mianwali

LAHORE: A Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) crashed near Mianwali on Monday.

A PAF spokesman confirmed the UAV was on a routine training mission when it crashed.

No loss of life or property has been reported as yet, he said.

A Board of Enquiry was ordered by Air Headquarters to determine the cause of the crash.

This is the second PAF aircraft which has crashed over the past week. PAF Flight Lieutenant Omer Shahzad died in an air crash in Khyber Agency's Jamrud tehsil on Saturday when the F-7PG he was flying encountered a technical fault and crashed.
Man!!!why couple of technical issues in r recent day.. hope paf will overcome these loses
nae matlab k ho kyaa raha ha ??
2nd air crash of Pakistan Airforce within 4-5 days,
now i think PAF should really took this matter seriouslyView attachment 338232

This is not an official picture of accident but it seems like some V tail UAV which we don't have in our arsenal.

That is right PAF should took this seriously.
This is not an official picture of accident but it seems like some V tail UAV which we don't have in our arsenal.

That is right PAF should took this seriously.

Well i don't know if it is the official picture or not , i get this picture Via Express News but i'm terrified from this news because in an interval of 4-5 days hardly PAF has faced 2nd plane crash and if that is going to happen on regular basis than from where the hell should Pakistan fight if any sort of war on terror situation is imposed on us. So, i think Pakistan Air Force should take it seriously and look into the matter more carefully. This is not just about the plane crash , this is also about the number of planes getting one less day after day.
Nothing to worry about as For people going Nuts uav are not that reliable for now that we compare them with planes
Main reason could be since Pakistan and India are on high alert and assets are being over the clock so higher sortie rate
Mistakes do happen some time ita human error some time its mechinal error
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