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NOT VERIFIED: Pakistan Catholics protest after abduction, forced marriage of 13 year-old Catholic girl

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maybe just one occasion when I was in elevator and meet with an Arab lady, at that time I used perfect work clothes with tie.

Are Arab women common in Indonesia or are you talking about Arab-descent women ?
Are Arab women common in Indonesia or are you talking about Arab-descent women ?

Arab tourist I believe since pure Arab is different with Arab Indonesian look who has already been mixed. I was at the mall at that time which is near several hotels.
They have already done that and found that everything is OK.
Why media is so irresponsible to post a picture of girl from the year 1980 in news of 2020.
Where is PEMRA?
Apparently she's 18 years old. She's provided documents to the courts to prove that and even released a video targeting media.

Who knows what the truth is.

This may be true. However even a 13 year old is considered an adult in Islam and capable to make her own choices.

She converted to Islam and felt unsafe at home, so she ran away to marry a Muslim.

I have seen this scenario play out in the West also.

Idk. Unless someone bribed a judge I don't see why they'd look the other way. Especially as the Internet is suggesting there are documents to prove her age. Maybe people who support this narrative should just bribe the next judge. Easiest and only way to justice in Pakistan.

Judges made their decision based mostly on what she wants and what she considers best for her.

The liberal media and Indians want her to go back and leave Islam, but Pakistan will never allow it.

There are certain minimum expectations of an Islamic state, protecting converts is one of them.

Its always a young non muslim girl ,whether 13 0r 16 , who suddenly disappears and then appears after conversion, professing her love for a Muslim guy , double her age. The relatives protesting, the courts intervening but ruling in favor of the marriage due to evidence and now to the next case.
Never heard of a muslim girl ever falling in love with a non Muslim guy living nearby and getting married ? Not a single case.
With just 2% minority population in Pakistan, is their some fascination for non Muslim women or is it the usual preying on the weak in a lawless country ?
And kudos on the "Richard Harris " tweets. Very credible.

You' light skinned ' Arab lookalike who you claim Latin Americans dance for you, lol. Professional liar you are who has not left your ancestral home on the Ganges.

This is our Ghar Wapsi, deal with it.

the provincial level, in 2014 the Sindh Assembly unanimously adopted the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Act, increasing the minimum age of marriage to 18 years and making child marriage a punishable offence. A proposed similar nationwide bill was unfortunately struck down by Pakistan’s National Assembly in 2014. In Punjab, a Bill introducing harsher penalties for marriage under the age of 16 was also adopted. However, it does not increase the age of marriage to 18.
Whether convert or born Muslim

The laws of Pakistan and Sindh forbid under 18 marriage

So how was it registered
I am doubtful about the news source
The girl is 18
But it's ie case of grooming by a predator
Or straight away abduction and now she is speaking what's given to her because she feels she wouldn't be accepted by her family

In the case of conversion to Islam, we cannot give her up. She is particularly vulnerable to psychological and mental abuse from her parents who want to revert her back to disbelief.

Abducting case needs to be investigated since maybe the girl who want to get married with the men and maybe the girl who wants to change religion into Islam voluntarily. And yes as a man I can marry a women (set a side financial capability behind) and capable sexually to have sex with women legally in my 14 years old. Women get matured much earlier of course.

In Indonesia there are several case documented in Youtube where Chinese Indonesian kids converted to Islam before their ages reach 12 years old and their parents allow them to embrace their new religion. Kids also have human right.

There are still places in Pakistan where marriage between grown men and young girls around this age are common.

Among poor, it is even more common. Not because of abuse or anything like that, but girls mature faster in certain environments and are considered women at a younger age.

One of my Pakistani physician friends in the hospital here married his wife when he was 22 and she was 12, they are from KP. It is common in many parts of Pakistan.

What ugly courts decisions.
I hope someone kidnap children of those judges and... if this is the only way to change them.

May Allah help our minorities.

I think there was a thread few days ago about paediphilic french First Lady.

Seems it’s the norm in Pakistan :mad:

You are going to far too protect your Pres. Macron, who is Gustakh e Rasool saws.

No one cared about Macron marrying his teacher and his affiar w her her (while she was married and had kids older than him,) until he insulted Islam and defended blasphemy.

She was pretty in some sense ( in advance , I like mature woman ) , so they abducated her , and in name of Islam force her to marry lustfull guy so the man can F her as he please ...

when there are some mufti and akhond who always give fatwa to kill , rape , take other heritics women and girld as sex slave ... muslims will stay in this mess ...

A gross misrepresentation of both Islam, Pakistan, and also this incident.

And we both know why this archaic law is still there. It's an open secret.

2nd wife

Preying on the weak. You can rape a minority and nobody will care, unlike with a Muslim girl.

Bruh, when did you become a Liberal.


This thread is one sided, it deserves the other side's view. @Iltutmish @Zarvan @Psychic @Areesh @Reichsmarschall @PakFactor @Musings @Marker @PAKISTANFOREVER @21st Century Vampire @Itachi @Ahtisham Ullah Karamat @Desert Fox @The Accountant @The Eagle @Morpheus
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This may be true. However even a 13 year old is considered an adult in Islam and capable to make her own choices.

She converted to Islam and felt unsafe at home, so she ran away to marry a Muslim.

I have seen this scenario play out in the West also.

Judges made their decision based mostly on what she wanrs and what she considers best for her.

The liberal media and Indians want her to go back and leave Islam, but Pakistan will never allow it.

There are certain minimum expectations of an Islamic state, protecting converts is one of them.

You' light skinned ' Arab who you claim Latin Americans dance for you, lol. Professional liar you are who has not left your ancestral home on the Ganges.

This is our Ghar Wapsi, deal with it.

In the case of conversion to Islam, we cannot give her up. She is particularly vulnerable to psychological and mental abuse from her parents who want to revert her back to disbelief.

There are still places in Pakistan where marriage between grown men and young girls around this age are common.

Among poor, it is even more common. Not because of abuse or anything like that, but girls mature faster in certsin environments and are considered women at a younger age.

One of my Pakistani physician friends in the hospital here married his wife when he was 22 and she was 12, they are from KP. It is common in many parts of Pakistan.

Yup, it is because of modern education and women work participation that make the married age for women is now about 24-32 years old for Indonesia case, at least in Jakarta where I live.
Yes, I still seem to have. :enjoy:

Imagine me with that side-parted hair-style I had posted some months ago, with me having a pencil mustache and wearing a cravat as below :


That style will be perceived as quite weird by Indonesian ladies :partay:
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Yup, it is because of modern education and women work participation that make the married age for women is now about 24-32 years old for Indonesia case, at least in Jakarta where I live.

Marriage age of most Pakistanis is also around this, perhaps a bit lower like 19-27.

There is a disconnect with diaspora Pakistanis and liberal Pakistanis, who live a parallel culture and rarely interact with rural Pakistanis or poor Pakistanis.

They don't understand that this is a part of the culture in many communities.

Those implying some sexual pleasure or motive of this poor man should ashamed. He has given her dignity and married her, inspite of her young age. He made a sacrifice to help a convert to Islam, the same sacrifice made by his first wife and the rest of his family.

We Pakistanis are a very religious conservative society, our heart bleeds for Islam. Many of us will marry young and old converts to help them in financial situations, even when they are not in their prime as women.

It is disgusting to imply such things. Media trials need to end. Shame also on the show put on by the parents. It is obvious this emancipated woman just wants to move on with her life.
Why media is so irresponsible to post a picture of girl from the year 1980 in news of 2020.
Where is PEMRA?

They know they can pressure a change of judgement via media trial.

However I believe that this case, just like the Sikh convert to Islam, will be another disappointment for liberals.
She doesn't look at 18 at all, no where near in fact. She's had plenty of makeup put on her to make her look older as well. The documents have inaccuracies as well.
Let's forget all this, what's even more telling is that this is the guy's 'second wife'. You hardly get Muslim girls lining up to be second wives to men in their mid 40's, but here we get a minority girl, at a very young age being happy to be so. Sure, things seem ok... :rolleyes:

She's in bridal dress so makeup is not for the purpose to hide tender age. Hence the theory of any design is out of the window.

This marriage is endorsed by the courts and i see nothing wrong religiously.
Although, I have seen religiously incorrect marriages celebrated in Pakistan and world media... so i take media writeup with pinch of salt, specially when her parents are wired to Christian right groups daily busy maligning Pakistan.

I have friends, who had Christian mother, his parents had turbulent start but today the children are grownup and relationship with brother sisters of mother are normalized. It's just a temporary boil for the conversion reasons, but than every one has right to his belief system as long it does not disturb others, age is non issue... as an example, Hazrat Ali was a child when he was convinced of Mohammad saw, but in Pakistan we have a legal cover for that too.

What is not right..... that in Christian families of Pakistan, parents brain wash their children against Muslims. Just to preserve their religion, and keep their children from any potential conversion or change in belief but that's not limited to Christians, Hindus does that, Sikhs does that and some so called Islamic sects. does that too.

As far age difference goes, it may not be normal, not seemingly right socially but we can't rule out the possibilities. Specially in circumstance where she converted.

I can already quote an interesting example, when a known philanderer and a father of a child, married to Jemaima Gold Smith, he was also in mid 40's, while she was around 18... i hope the subject case didn't turn out with same ending (May Allah protect the girl in OP).
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consent by a 13 year old ?? In USA you are looking at a long sentence in prison. plus you do not have to worry about being **** retentive in prison

And in large parts of Europe the age of consent can be as low as 14.

Different laws in different countries. In Pakistan, according to Wikipedia, it is consent upon marriage which is usually 16 and up. Hence the question, was the marriage legally registered?
Why media is so irresponsible to post a picture of girl from the year 1980 in news of 2020.
Where is PEMRA?
They had a very good camera in 1980.
This may be true. However even a 13 year old is considered an adult in Islam and capable to make her own choices.

She converted to Islam and felt unsafe at home, so she ran away to marry a Muslim.

I have seen this scenario play out in the West also.

Judges made their decision based mostly on what she wants and what she considers best for her.

The liberal media and Indians want her to go back and leave Islam, but Pakistan will never allow it.

There are certain minimum expectations of an Islamic state, protecting converts is one of them.

You' light skinned ' Arab lookalike who you claim Latin Americans dance for you, lol. Professional liar you are who has not left your ancestral home on the Ganges.

This is our Ghar Wapsi, deal with it.

In the case of conversion to Islam, we cannot give her up. She is particularly vulnerable to psychological and mental abuse from her parents who want to revert her back to disbelief.

There are still places in Pakistan where marriage between grown men and young girls around this age are common.

Among poor, it is even more common. Not because of abuse or anything like that, but girls mature faster in certain environments and are considered women at a younger age.

One of my Pakistani physician friends in the hospital here married his wife when he was 22 and she was 12, they are from KP. It is common in many parts of Pakistan.

You are going to far too protect your Pres. Macron, who is Gustakh e Rasool saws.

No one cared about Macron marrying his teacher and his affiar w her her (while she was married and had kids older than him,) until he insulted Islam and defended blasphemy.

A gross misrepresentation of both Islam, Pakistan, and also this incident.

Bruh, when did you become a Liberal.


This thread is one sided, it deserves the other side's view. @Iltutmish @Zarvan @Psychic @Areesh @Reichsmarschall @PakFactor @Musings @Marker @PAKISTANFOREVER @21st Century Vampire @Itachi @Ahtisham Ullah Karamat @Desert Fox @The Accountant @The Eagle @Morpheus

The other side is that we believe a 13 year old kid indeed married a 44 year old guy.
That side is not legally acceptable or morally.
You' light skinned ' Arab lookalike who you claim Latin Americans dance for you, lol.
Light skinned ? Nope. Normal punjabi.
In many parts of the world, people assume any shade of brown is a arab. Indians do have to suffer due to this.
And stop stalking
Wonders of Islamic law. The same law that -
  • sanctions a child's marriage post menstrual age which could even be 12 years old with a 50 year old.

  • sanctions the release CIA contract killer Raymond Davis who murdered in broad daylight two Pakistani's like as if they were stray dogs in Lahore because the relatives recieved "blood money" and pardoned the cold blood killer.
Yet retarded fcukfests in Pakistan want more of these medieval laws.

Early Marriage after post puberty age

Under the Islamic laws when a male and female child complete the process of puberty and have their first ejaculation or menarche (first mensuration cycle) are considered as adults and all Islamic laws become applicable on them. Even their sins are being noted by the angels Raqib and Atid (Kiraman Katibin) and will be held accountable on the Day of Judgement.

A girl after the first mensuration cycle is eligible for marriage and/or subsequent consummation. However, the Nikah (marriage contract) is always finalized after the consent of the bride.

Islamic laws (Sharia) are the modern laws and very much applicable in a modern Islamic society. Early marriage of a young men and women eliminate the possibility of illicit relationships between the two sexes and hence avoiding many crimes related to sex.

Raymond Davis Case

As far as Qisas (accountability/retaliation) and Diya (blood money) is concerned, Holy Quran clearly specifies the principles of Qisas and Diya:

O ye who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman. But if any remission is made by the brother of the slain, then grant any reasonable demand, and compensate him with handsome gratitude, this is a concession and a Mercy from your Lord. After this whoever exceeds the limits shall be in grave penalty.— Quran 2:178

We ordained therein for them: "Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal." But if any one remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself. And if any fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (No better than) wrong-doers.— Quran 5:45

It is not for a believer [Muslim] to kill a believer unless (it be) by mistake. He who hath killed a believer by mistake must set free a believing slave, and pay the diya to the family of the slain unless they remit it as a charity. If he (the victim) be of a people hostile unto you, and he is a believer, then (the penance is) to set free a believing slave. And if he cometh of a folk between whom and you there is a covenant, then the diya must be paid unto his folk and (also) a believing slave must be set free. And whoso hath not the wherewithal must fast two consecutive months. A penance from Allah. Allah is Knower, Wise.— Quran 4:92

However, Raymond Davis being a non-Muslim killed the victims deliberately and not by accident, therefore provision of compensation is questionable according to various Islamic schools of Sunni as well Shia origin.
Do you honestly think she is 13 Years old she clearly looks to be 18 Years or more. The people pushing that she is 13 years old should check first. On other hand unbiased inquiry should be conducted in this case.

since you asked my point of view so my answer is that I am not as sure as you are. I cant tell about her age for certain. to me she is a minor.

is she young? Yes
how young is she? dont know
did she leave her home with her consent? dont think so
is she first such case in the Islamic Republic of Pure? No
have the victims of the past incidents received any justice in this country? No
will similar incidents continue to happen? yes unfortunately.
should we blame Islam over these incidents of forced conversions? No
should we blame out local customs and abuse of religion for our sinful deeds? yes definitely

her age and consent is irrelevant. what is relevant is that she belongs to a weak minority family. because of that my fellow countrymen that belong to majority faith of Pakistan will justify this abduction.
God forbid if the roles were reversed and a Muslim girl was abducted by a Christian man and converted to Christianity , then the entire Christian colony would've been torched. their relatives lynched by the faithful. and the culprit male killed on spot or in custody.
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Azoo Raja. Credit: Aid to the Church in Need UK

CNA Staff, Oct 29, 2020 / 10:15 am MT (CNA).-

Catholics in Pakistan are protesting a judge’s decision not to intervene after a 44-year-old man allegedly kidnapped a 13-year-old Catholic girl, forced her to convert to Islam, and then married her.

According to UCA News, Arzoo Raja, a 13-year-old Catholic from Karachi was kidnapped in broad daylight Oct. 13 by Ali Azhar. Raja’s parents were informed days later by the police that their daughter had converted to Islam and had married Azhar, allegedly of her own free will. Her parents filed a police report.

Two weeks after her abduction, on Oct. 27, the Sindh High Court ruled the marriage was valid and that Azhar would not be arrested.

Technically, child marriage is illegal in Pakistan, but courts typically do not enforce these laws. Sharia Law, which is used in some judicial decisions in Pakistan, permits a child to be married after her first menstrual period.

Approximately 400 people protested the decision at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Karachi, and Christians in other parts of the country protested as well.

Fr. Saleh Diego, vicar general of the Archdiocese of Karachi, condemned the court for ruling without properly investigating the circumstances.

“Whatever happened in the court was shameful and deplorable. It was all lies that the girl was being sent to a shelter home,” said Diego. “The court, without checking or determining Arzoo’s age, ruled in favor of the abductors.”

Documentation proved that Raja was born in 2007 and is 13 years old.

Diego said that someone of Raja’s age cannot decide to accept Islam on her own, as she “still has a lot to learn about her own religion.”

“A 13-year-old cannot decide about her religion. She is an innocent girl whose statement should be declared null and void by the court,” he said.

The vicar general said there was a “disturbing trend” of Catholic girls being forcibly converted to Islam.

“Religious minorities living in Pakistan are concerned about the future of their daughters who are being converted to Islam,” he said. “But why only girls? Are our boys not good enough for religious conversion? Why are they not so easily converted?” he asked.

In February, the Sindh High Court ruled that a “marriage” between a 14-year-old girl who was kidnapped, forced to marry her abductor and convert to Islam was not a violation of the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Act.

The court found that as the girl had experienced her first menstrual period, the marriage was legal.

Minorities of Pakistan are cowards. Its time for Christians and Hindus living in Pakistan to be more aggressive towards the majority muslim community.
According to Islamic teachings every human is born as a Muslim. However, due the influence of close relatives, acquaintance and friends, he or she embrace other religion or become an atheist.

Before the completion of puberty age, the human child, even born in a non-Muslim family, is considered as innocent and if he or she dies during that period then he or she will be considered as Muslim.

Converting non-Muslims into Muslims by force is never allowed in Islam. Embracing Islam should be free will of the person choosing Islam as his or her religion.
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