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Not so secular India


the first thread on whether India is secular or not was started by Mr.Neo on 11.06.2007 and was closed by Webby for erratic behaviour.

(I am talking of all those which had the luck of attracting max replies)

the next one started by MR.A.Rahman on 11.17.2007 and went on for some time till 09.19.2008 then was reopened by our Pakistani poster for some reason and went for few posts and was left off.

Replies for first one: 176

Replies for second one : 305

Replies for present one: 223 and counting.

So let us see what will be the fate of this one, closed and locked or left off and with how many replies.

On topic, since experts and premium members are saying that we are not secular, it must be so. Who am i to argue and anyways its already been pronounced as a gospel of truth and repeated for each post.
I think you forgot the wiki link on "Global Peace Index". I'll give you 2 mins. Edit your post.

India likes to play this game, by training terrorists in Sri Lanka (LTTE), and hosting separatists from China (like in 1959).

And the only thing you have gained, is a ranking of Extreme risk on the terrorism risk index, and a nuclear armed Pakistan.

the first thread on whether India is secular or not was started by Mr.Neo on 11.06.2007 and was closed by Webby for erratic behaviour.

(I am talking of all those which had the luck of attracting max replies)

the next one started by MR.A.Rahman on 11.17.2007 and went on for some time till 09.19.2008 then was reopened by our Pakistani poster for some reason and went for few posts and was left off.

Replies for first one: 176

Replies for second one : 305

Replies for present one: 223 and counting.

So let us see what will be the fate of this one, closed and locked or left off and with how many replies.

On topic, since experts and premium members are saying that we are not secular, it must be so. Who am i to argue and anyways its already been pronounced as a gospel of truth and repeated for each post.

Baba ji do you know the reason for that ?

Here it is ;

They just have a compelling need to justify their separation every day.

Every bloody day! That is the curse....

---------- Post added at 03:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 PM ----------

India likes to play this game, by training terrorists in Sri Lanka (LTTE), and hosting separatists from China (like in 1959).

And the only thing you have gained, is a ranking of Extreme risk on the terrorism risk index, and a nuclear armed Pakistan.

You still have not edited your post :angry:

Infact if anybody of guilty of twisting facts it is the NCERT that whitewashes the medieval history of India and you have an entire generation of Indians screaming "Tipu the great", "Babur the kind" etc.

Ah yes, those damn secularists spoiling all the fun with their "tolerance" and "harmony" crap!

I have already given the example of this renaming is not restricted to Islamic invaders. Even the names given by British were changed based on popular demand which cut across religious lines.

And stop putting your personal views as our objectives. You look desperate while trying to do so.

Your inference. Not necessarily our demand.

It is your demand as discussed on this very forum about "reclaiming" historical Hindu sites.

Although I can understand now you guys want to change your tune to present a more "reasonable" image.

If you think we treat our Muslims good only because os the Arab oil, sorry to say, you are a bigger fool than I previously thought.

That link you posted itself acknowledged the disproportionate number of Indian Muslims in "Gulf countries". Not Europe, not America, not Australia, but "Gulf countries". The Indians may be fooling the Arabs, but the numbers don't lie.

I thought I had made that very clear.

Islam is an alien idealogy to the SC while Muslims may not be.

So naturally this causes a identity conflict which I have experienced with many North Indian Muslims.

You are projecting your beliefs onto others and then accusing them of "identity crisis". The so-called identity crisis only exists for those people who don't accept Islam as being compatible with "Indian" culture. Indian Muslims don't have this problem. Only the Hindutva crowd rejects Islam's compatibility with India.

They (a minority of Muslims who identify with the foreign Islamic invaders) want the past put on behind , not because of any saintly reasons, but because they dont want accountability. Good for them. Even the Hindus have mostly moved on except in a bare minimum of cases like Ram Janmabhoomi and it is only natural. No one is a saint here and after all we are humans.

It is not what we consider "alien". They are decidedly "alien". History is proof. And I had already made it clear its not on everything, but limited to a bare minimum of our holiest sites. Nothing unreasonable.

This canard of "bare minimum" won't fly. The demands keep increasing; from "Ram Mandir", it became "holiest sites". There are matters of the national anthem; renaming cities, etc. etc.

The "bare minimum" keeps expanding as the Hindutva movement gains membership and confidence.

Any empire within the traditional accepted boundaries of Bharat - Himalayas(North), )Hindukush(West),Myanmar (East), Indian Ocean (South) would automatically become a component empire of Bharat or any civilization within the boundaries a part of the Bharat civilization.

I dont know why are you getting confused on this simple equation.

Never mind my confusion. Just let us know which Bharati empire encompassed IVC during 2600 - 1900 BCE?

If you fail to do so, then the IVC is an "alien" influence and must be purged from Hinduism. Or you can admit that ancient Bharati culture has no connection to IVC.

Try doing this without using the circular logic of claiming that the boundaries of ancient "Bharat" are defined by all empires which contributed to "Bharati" culture.

You are putting words in my mouth.

Even earlier I had said the North Indian muslims had an identity crisis only spiritually or idealogically, never from a political or national pov.

Take your time and understand what is being said.

Already addressed above.

I take it that you did not understand what Sachar committee is all about. Sachar committee is NOT about whether Muslims are backward or not..but regarding the cause of their backwardness - wwhether it was due to explicit discrimination or due to their own social ills. And it was clearly proved that their backwardness is not due to any discrimination from the society.

I understood perfectly well what the report concluded. It confirmed that Muslims lag behind the national average and found a number of reasons for the disparity. Some of it is due to cultural factors, some due to discrimination.

I can understand why you would want to discount half the report and apply selective interpretation.

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

I think your experience with Islam has given the idea that all religions are final and absolutist that secularism (tolerance and respect for other faiths) cannot be a part of the religion itself.

Welcome to Hinduism !

And that is why we can talk of secularism and Hindutva in the same breath. Secularism is a concept that is the backbone of Hinduism.

Never mind my experiences, let's just stick with your own words:

- Islam is "alien" to India.
- Culture is directly tied to religion.
- Ergo, Muslim culture is "alien" to India, i.e. Indian Muslims can never be "true" Indians.
I have no issue with the Hindutva agenda conquering India and India declaring itself to be a Hindu state. It is their choice, of course.

My only interest in the matter is the hypocrisy of some groups to score brownie points for secularism while glorifying the Hindutva agenda at the same time. The two are fundamentally incompatible.

You have a problem here.

There are no points being scored. There is no authority out there that distributes any points on these matters.

We understand your problem with secularism of course.

Especially Indian secularism. Just doesn't go down well with......
Ah yes, those damn secularists spoiling all the fun with their "tolerance" and "harmony" crap!

LOL funny way of justifying the blatant distortion of history going on. But hey, each one to his own ;)

It is your demand as discussed on this very forum about "reclaiming" historical Hindu sites.

Although I can understand now you guys want to change your tune to present a more "reasonable" image.

It has always been the bare minimum - thank God you finally got wind of it.

That link you posted itself acknowledged the disproportionate number of Indian Muslims in "Gulf countries". Not Europe, not America, not Australia, but "Gulf countries". The Indians may be fooling the Arabs, but the numbers don't lie.

Numbers dont lie. Yes, but did I say that there were no Indian Muslims in Gulf countries ?

What I fail to see is the connection between the number of Indian Muslims working in Gulf and India treating her Muslims properly.

Perhaps the ThinkTank can open the knowledge tap a bit to help me here.

You are projecting your beliefs onto others and then accusing them of "identity crisis". The so-called identity crisis only exists for those people who don't accept Islam as being compatible with "Indian" culture. Indian Muslims don't have this problem. Only the Hindutva crowd rejects Islam's compatibility with India.

Identity crisis, by definition occurs when people are toen between two opposite poles or even two different idealogies. I dont see a reason why Hindus should have a idenity crisis here. But the North Indian Muslims, I have met, many had this identity crisis of who they were - again not in nationality pov but from a cultural,idealogical pov. If it helps you a bit they are Rajputs and Jats - traditional Hindu communities.

This canard of "bare minimum" won't fly. The demands keep increasing; from "Ram Mandir", it became "holiest sites". There are matters of the national anthem; renaming cities, etc. etc.

Did I ask you to believe in the first place ? I stated what it is. Believing or not believing is your prerogative regarding which I give a damn.

The "bare minimum" keeps expanding as the Hindutva movement gains membership and confidence

Your prediction arising out of your pre-judice. Not my heart ache.

Never mind my confusion. Just let us know which Bharati empire encompassed IVC during 2600 - 1900 BCE?

If you fail to do so, then the IVC is an "alien" influence and must be purged from Hinduism. Or you can admit that ancient Bharati culture has no connection to IVC.

Anything within the four walls of Himalayas,Hindukush,Indian Ocean and Myanmar (traditional boundaries of Bharat) was a part of Bharat. They can be an empire, they can be a republic, a civilization ..anything..

Now tell me was the IVC geographically confined within the extents I mentoned, boundaries that marked Ancient Bharat ?

If yes, the IVC is a Bharatiya civilization , if no your geography sux !

I understood perfectly well what the report concluded. It confirmed that Muslims lag behind the national average and found a number of reasons for the disparity. Some of it is due to cultural factors, some due to discrimination.

I can understand why you would want to discount half the report and apply selective interpretation.

That is what the report said, which was disproved. There is no case of Muslim discrimination by any other community in India.
Hahaha those evil Han Chinese. You know we are the biggest ethnic group on the planet right. :D

And we all know who is winning this game:

Terrorism Risk Index - Maplecroft

India - Highest category (Extreme risk) of terrorism

China - Lowest category (Low risk) of terrorism

The longer this proxy conflict goes on, the more India loses. Too bad that India couldn't even convince the Dalai Lama to support Tibetan independence. :azn:

Dalai Lama: Tibet Wants Autonomy, Not Independence - TIME

The Hans are now just a pale shadow of themselves.

Even the Manchus and so many are now "reduced" to being Hans. Its a comedy actually.

Are even the Mongols called Hans now? And the Mongol empire a Han empire? ;)
You have a problem here.

There are no points being scored. There is no authority out there that distributes any points on these matters.

We understand your problem with secularism of course.

Especially Indian secularism. Just doesn't go down well with......

Once again, I don't have a problem with secularism or Hindutva. It's India's choice either way.

As for point scoring, either you believe in "unity in diversity" or you believe in "Indian identity is Hindu identity".

No cigar for sitting on the fence.
The Hans are now just a pale shadow of themselves.

Even the Manchus and so many are now "reduced" to being Hans. Its a comedy actually.

Are even the Mongols called Hans now? And the Mongol empire a Han empire? ;)

There are less than 70 people in the entire world that speak the Manchu language.

How do you think Han Chinese went from being one small tribe along the Yellow River, to being (by far) the largest ethnic group on the planet?

Assimilation of course. Even my own ancestors, were once considered as not being Han Chinese. (I am of "Hakka" descent).
It has always been the bare minimum - thank God you finally got wind of it.

The words don't change but their scope keeps expanding.

Numbers dont lie. Yes, but did I say that there were no Indian Muslims in Gulf countries ?

What I fail to see is the connection between the number of Indian Muslims working in Gulf and India treating her Muslims properly.

Perhaps the ThinkTank can open the knowledge tap a bit to help me here.

You don't need a think tank, just the ability to think.

Indian businesses in the Gulf deliberately put forward this image of Muslims being proportionally integrated in mainstream Indian society, even though Sachar gave the lie to this nonsense. The Indian companies skew the number of Muslims only in work groups destined for the Gulf. There is no similar representation of Muslims in Indian diaspora in Europe, the Americas or elsewhere. In other words, the Indian diaspora in the Gulf is specifically tailored to give a false impression to Arab clients.

With me so far?

Now, this same logic of "we treat our Muslims well" applies when Indian diplomats and businesses deal with Arab countries. If India developed a reputation as a Hindutva state where Muslim rights were routinely trampled, the negotiations in rich Arab countries would be rocky Hence India must treat its Muslims well in order to maintain a certain international image.

Identity crisis, by definition occurs when people are toen between two opposite poles or even two different idealogies. I dont see a reason why Hindus should have a idenity crisis here. But the North Indian Muslims, I have met, many had this identity crisis of who they were - again not in nationality pov but from a cultural,idealogical pov. If it helps you a bit they are Rajputs and Jats - traditional Hindu communities.

Again, you are deliberately dancing around the issue, so let me spell it out.

Indian Muslims do not see Islam and India as "two opposite poles", so they don't have an identity crisis.

Only the Hindutva crowd sees this supposed incompatibility between being Muslim and being Indian,

Did I ask you to believe in the first place ? I stated what it is. Believing or not believing is your prerogative regarding which I give a damn.

Anything within the four walls of Himalayas,Hindukush,Indian Ocean and Myanmar (traditional boundaries of Bharat) was a part of Bharat. They can be an empire, they can be a republic, a civilization ..anything..

Now tell me was the IVC geographically confined within the extents I mentoned, boundaries that marked Ancient Bharat ?

If yes, the IVC is a Bharatiya civilization , if no your geography sux !

Good lord, do you again want me to spell out your circular logic?

According to you, any empire which contributed to Bharati culture was part of Bharat. Even if it was in Gandhara, Afghanistan or Myanmar!

The fact is that there was no political entity that joined the heartland of modern-day India with the IVC during its heydey. Not for several hundred years afterwards. Any influence the IVC exerted onto the heartland was an "alien" influence.

That is what the report said, which was disproved. There is no case of Muslim discrimination by any other community in India.

Neither the report, not the supposed rebuttal, disproved discrimination. At most the rebuttal tried to reinterpret the results and provide ridiculous canards like family businesses to diverty from the demonstrated issue of institutionalized discrimination. The links are there for people to check for themselves.
There are less than 70 people in the entire world that speak the Manchu language.

How do you think Han Chinese went from being one small tribe along the Yellow River, to being (by far) the largest ethnic group on the planet?

Assimilation of course. Even my own ancestors, were once considered as not being Han Chinese. (I am of "Hakka" descent).

By a lot of breeding.

Good for you.

---------- Post added at 04:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 PM ----------

Once again, I don't have a problem with secularism or Hindutva. It's India's choice either way.

As for point scoring, either you believe in "unity in diversity" or you believe in "Indian identity is Hindu identity".

We believe there is no difference between the two. The term Hindu encomasses people who are free to choose the way they want to reach God.

Or even reject God.

There is just no conflict.

Though we understand the concept can be tricky for some.

No cigar for sitting on the fence.

We are not looking for any!
By a lot of breeding.

Good for you.

India on the other hand has no common culture or ethnicity that constitutes the majority of the population.

When the current developed countries (the Western world plus parts of East Asia) were in the early stages of development, they were mostly homogenous.

What does India have? Hinduism maybe, but building an identity based on Hinduism will alienate the hundreds of millions of Muslims in India.
The term Hindu encomasses people who are free to choose the way they want to reach God.

Or even reject God.

There is just no conflict.

Though we understand the concept can be tricky for some.

But Hinduism has certain rituals, mythology and sacred texts. Can you still be a Hindu if you reject all these? How about if you subtitute your own God, as in Allah or Yahweh or Jesus?
India on the other hand has no common culture or ethnicity that constitutes the majority of the population.

When the current developed countries (the Western world plus parts of East Asia) were in the early stages of development, they were mostly homogenous.

What does India have? Hinduism maybe, but building an identity based on Hinduism will alienate the hundreds of millions of Muslims in India.

You have a very limited understanding of India.

And that from wrong sources.

If you really want to understand, I can suggest a great book. I can even send you an e-copy.

If you want to just troll, be my guest as well.

---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------

But Hinduism has certain rituals, mythology and sacred texts. Can you still be a Hindu if you reject all these? How about if you subtitute your own God, as in Allah or Yahweh or Jesus?


There are no rituals that are followed by everyone all over India.

There are Hindus who visit Gurudwars, Muslim Dargahs, Churches and other religious places and don't see any conflict.

The answer is "Yes".
There are no rituals that are followed by everyone all over India.

There are Hindus who visit Gurudwars, Muslim Dargahs, Churches and other religious places and don't see any conflict.

The answer is "Yes".

I don't understand. If someone doesn't follow a single Hindu ritual, doesn't know the mythology and doesn't accept the sacred texts as sacred, and instead goes to Church to pray to Jesus, how on earth are they a Hindu?
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