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North Korea - US Tension: News & Discussions

Soooooo when are you two nuking each other?

Otto Warmbier, who was released by North Korean authorities and returned to the United States on June 13, was comatose. He was hospitalized in Cincinnati, Ohio. The family and the hospital have both stated that he has died. He was 22.

The student had been detained by North Korean authorities for 17 months. He had suffered severe brain damage during his captivity.

The family thanked the University of Cincinnati Medical Center for treating Otto. "Unfortunately, the awful torturous mistreatment our son received at the hands of the North Koreans ensured that no other outcome was possible beyond the sad one we experienced today," they said in a statement.

Dr. Daniel Kanter, the director of neurocritical care for the University of Cincinnati Health system described Warmbier's state as one of "unresponsive wakefulness". Other doctors said that Warmbier had suffered "severe neurological injury", with an extensive loss of brain tissue. He did not seem aware of his surroundings, in spite of his open and blinking eyes.

DPRK authorities claimed that the brain damage was caused by botulism, a disease usually caused by consuming rotten food or getting filth inside an open wound. American doctors found no evidence of the disease. However, there also was no sign of fractures that would indicate that he was beaten during his captivity. Instead, his neurological injuries are consistent with oxygen deprivation. He had also suffered "profound weakness and contraction" in his muscles and limbs.

Warmbier, a student at the University of Virginia, traveled to China as part of a study abroad program. A Chinese travel company offered trips to North Korea, which appealed to Warmbier, described as "thrill-seeking" by his father Fred. But when Warmbier attempted to leave the DPRK in January 2016, he was detained and accused of anti-state activities: taking a propaganda banner as a souvenir. The North Koreans claimed that he did this as part of an initiation ritual into a secret society, under the direction of the US government. He was sentenced to 15 years hard labor.

The Trump administration placed intense pressure on Pyongyang to release Warmbier when they learned of his condition.

"He was generous, outgoing, sweet, smart as a whip; just an overall good guy," said Danica White, Warmbier's high school English teacher.

Source: Russian News Agency Sputnik News
RIP. Hope the DPRK pays his family and apparently other tourists have denied that he took any poster
NK knew he was dead or going to die so offcourse they will release him b4 he drops dead in their country.NK did him very wicked.
Could be. To further vilify the DPRK. The US regime is definitely capable of doing this kind of cheap tricks.

The DPRK released full medical accounts. On this, I would trust more on the DPRK than the US.
Never trust the Merican regime which only cares about selling weapon and waging wars.
Now, they have another excuse to invest more militarily, no money for walls or railways now.
Didn't die in NK; once back home, died.

They sent him back to US, because NK knew he was going to die. When he arrived from NK to US, he was in coma. The charges put on him were ridiculous, and the sentence of 15 years on such flimsy charges were even more ridiculous.

So no need for conspiracy theories...
They sent him back to US, because NK knew he was going to die. When he arrived from NK to US, he was in coma. The charges put on him were ridiculous, and the sentence of 15 years on such flimsy charges were even more ridiculous.

So no need for conspiracy theories...
N.Korea had no reason to send him back to America even if he was going to die. Fat Kim could hide his death for further 13 years and no one will give a shit beside his parent, other than giving the Western press a bullet to attack his regime in this current stage. This is more reasonable to believe something is deeper than the Media want to tell us.
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N.Korea had no reason to send him back to America even if he was going to die. Fat Kim could hide his dead for further 13 years and no one will give a shit beside his parent, other than giving the Western press a bullet to attack his regime in this current stage. This is more reasonable to believe something is deeper than the Media want to tell us.

Probably NK returned him on humanitarian grounds, given his deteriorating medical conditions. Also, if he died in prison and NK had to admit it, then, it would be a lot worse - a propaganda tool to further vilify the country (as if it were possible at this point).

In the end, he died while at home and US authorities have every means to ascertain his cause of death for sure. In this regard, his pre-NK health record/history would provide valuable information.

US media is too quick to jump on wild card assumptions.
They sent him back to US, because NK knew he was going to die. When he arrived from NK to US, he was in coma. The charges put on him were ridiculous, and the sentence of 15 years on such flimsy charges were even more ridiculous.

So no need for conspiracy theories...
Lol You are wasting your time if you think you can change the mind if those who believe in conspiracy theories. It's like a faith. So just give up trying. :D

NK knew he was dead or going to die so offcourse they will release him b4 he drops dead in their country.NK did him very wicked.
No, fat Kim did he good. It should serve as a lesson to any tourist who is crazy enough to go to N.Korea of all countries for tourism. Stay away if you value your life, since you can be arrested for no good reason and the regime is not accountable to anyone(no independent judiciary etc), As much as I feel bad/sorry for his family, I must say that he himself is to blame for daring to go there in the first place. Moral of the story: Stay away from Fat Kim and his country :P

Didn't die in NK; once back home, died.
True, that's a fact at the end of the day. :)

The Trump administration placed intense pressure on Pyongyang to release Warmbier when they learned of his condition

That's something I was quite surprised to learn recently. However, funny enough, none of our mainstream media talked about this part that much, it's only when Trump does something that looks bad that the media here jumps in it like they were just waiting for that . I have to applaud Trump on this one, even the guy's family said Obama administration never made any effort to pressure Fat Kim to free him instead telling them to "keep a low profile" so as not to cause more "tension in the region", the family recognised Trump's effort in securing his release and thank him alot for at least making the Kim Regime free him so his family could see and spend some time with him before he died. Kudos to Trump on this one. :enjoy:
No, fat Kim did he good. It should serve as a lesson to any tourist who is crazy enough to go to N.Korea of all countries for tourism. Stay away if you value your life, since you can be arrested for no good reason and the regime is not accountable to anyone(no independent judiciary etc), As much as I feel bad/sorry for his family, I must say that he himself is to blame for daring to go there in the first place. Moral of the story: Stay away from Fat Kim and his country :P

Stop conspiracy making. Don't know how to stop your kind of people from generating wild ideas. He did not go there alone; he was part of a tourist group. Apparently, he did something that violated the law of the host nation. The fact that the rest of his travel group came back home safely suggests that he failed to behave properly in that country in which security measures are apparently over-emphasized.

That's something I was quite surprised to learn recently. However, funny enough, none of our mainstream media talked about this part that much, it's only when Trump does something that looks bad that the media here jumps in it like they were just waiting for that . I have to applaud Trump on this one, even the guy's family said Obama administration never made any effort to pressure Fat Kim to free him instead telling them to "keep a low profile" so as not to cause more "tension in the region", the family recognised Trump's effort in securing his release and thank him alot for at least making the Kim Regime free him so his family could see and spend some time with him before he died. Kudos to Trump on this one.

Trump did zilch -- as if pressure would deter NK after missile tests :lol: .

The student was released on humanitarian grounds. He was seriously ill, already.
Probably NK returned him on humanitarian grounds, given his deteriorating medical conditions. Also, if he died in prison and NK had to admit it, then, it would be a lot worse - a propaganda tool to further vilify the country (as if it were possible at this point).

In the end, he died while at home and US authorities have every means to ascertain his cause of death for sure. In this regard, his pre-NK health record/history would provide valuable information.

US media is too quick to jump on wild card assumptions.
It makes more sense now, the news never mentions any immediate danger of his life but a persistent vegetative state. His death was a sudden death, and I tend to believe they put him to rest with his parent permission without further suffering. But this is just my guess. Other than that our world is a fcuked up world, every country torture their enemy's prisoners with every possible mean. I don't talk about torture much since all countries are equally guilty, the only way to avoid it that is to never put yourself into a danger situation like Otto did, since your country is not going to save you.
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