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North Korea - US Tension: News & Discussions


But the guy has some spine even though he knows what the result could be.

Think all of you missed the key parts here.

The US is flying thousands of miles with its radar hiding stealth practicing air strikes.

It provokes countries. The US needs to be eliminated as do Israel.

If Iran kicked off as well, dont think the US will be able to handle 2 wars simultaenously. It got battered 1 by 1 in Iraq and Afghanistan where people defeated them with stones and 1960s AK47s lol.

Good going North Korea for standing up for yourself. No need to hide and bow down to the satan in the wild west!

Also @ the fool who said "NK have nuclear potential" but have you forgot it is your arrogant and zionist leaders who put sanctions on and dont allow other countries nuclear power?
Think all of you missed the key parts here.

The US is flying thousands of miles with its radar hiding stealth practicing air strikes.

It provokes countries. The US needs to be eliminated as do Israel.

If Iran kicked off as well, dont think the US will be able to handle 2 wars simultaenously. It got battered 1 by 1 in Iraq and Afghanistan where people defeated them with stones and 1960s AK47s lol.

Good going North Korea for standing up for yourself. No need to hide and bow down to the satan in the wild west!

Also @ the fool who said "NK have nuclear potential" but have you forgot it is your arrogant and zionist leaders who put sanctions on and dont allow other countries nuclear power?

most countries conduct join military drills. and while some are not well liked among other countries not one of them acts like north korea. north korea acts like a teenager starting to go through puberty. throwing temper tantrums and always exaggerating their response. they make so much drama and pretend they are so much better then they actually are lol.

the country is a sham.
Think all of you missed the key parts here.

The US is flying thousands of miles with its radar hiding stealth practicing air strikes.

It provokes countries. The US needs to be eliminated as do Israel.

If Iran kicked off as well, dont think the US will be able to handle 2 wars simultaenously. It got battered 1 by 1 in Iraq and Afghanistan where people defeated them with stones and 1960s AK47s lol.

Good going North Korea for standing up for yourself. No need to hide and bow down to the satan in the wild west!

Also @ the fool who said "NK have nuclear potential" but have you forgot it is your arrogant and zionist leaders who put sanctions on and dont allow other countries nuclear power?

most countries conduct join military drills. and while some are not well liked among other countries not one of them acts like north korea. north korea acts like a teenager starting to go through puberty. throwing temper tantrums and always exaggerating their response. they make so much drama and pretend they are so much better then they actually are lol.

the country is a sham.

But US wasnt stupid to forge reasons to invade Iraq that is applaudable. And the UK was showing moral support and unity in this invasion thanks to Blair.

Its alright for some countries to do what they want yet not others, I pity you.
@anonymus - your a child using images as a response - that's what kids do!

I speak for the independance and right for all countries NOT some!
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North Korea has proposed high-level talks with the US days after cancelling a meeting with South Korean officials.

The National Defence Commission said in a statement it wanted "serious discussions" with the US to "secure peace and stability in the region".

US and North Korean officials meet periodically, but have not engaged in high-level talks since 2009.

Earlier this year Pyongyang threatened to launch a nuclear attack on both the US and South Korea.

For years the North has cajoled the US and regional neighbours with a mixture of dire threats and promises of co-operation.

Correspondents say Pyongyang is constantly trying to improve its bargaining position to extract more food aid or fuel.

However, the regime has conducted three nuclear-weapons tests in recent years that have even angered its only ally, China.

Beijing co-authored a Security Council resolution imposing new sanctions on the regime earlier this year in response to its latest nuclear test.The North responded with increasingly hysterical threats, cut hotlines used for emergency communication with the South and withdrew workers from a joint industrial park near the border.

Pyongyang finally agreeing to open talks with the South earlier this week.

But on Thursday, the North cancelled the meeting, accusing the South of "deliberate disturbance" by changing the head of its delegation.

On Friday, Pyongyang issued an appeal calling on the South to change fundamentally its "policy of confrontation".

The National Defence Commission on Sunday said that in the meantime it proposed "high-level talks between the North and the US to secure peace and stability in the region and ease tension on the Korean peninsula".

The commission said it was willing to have "serious discussions on a wide range of issues, including the US goal to achieve the world free of nuclear arsenal".

Washington could decide the time and venue, but there should be no preconditions, the statement said.

The National Defence Commission is headed by North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, who succeeded his father in December 2011.

For years, delegates from the North engaged with the US, Russia, South Korea, Japan and China in talks over its nuclear programme.

The regime was rewarded with food and fuel aid when it gave concessions, such as destroying a cooling tower at the Yongbyon nuclear plant in 2008.

However, the North walked out of the talks in April 2009 after the UN criticised a rocket launch.

source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=161
Oct 14, 2013


Seems like North Korea is not buying the reason behind the joint naval exercises of Japan, South Korea, and the United States. Pyongyang has issued another warning to the three allies, threatening to bury in the sea a US warship. The joint drill is hosted by South Korea in Busan.

According to South Korea’s Ministry of Defense, the annual training is “aimed at carrying out joint maritime search and rescue operations for humanitarian purposes.” But North Korea believes otherwise. According to the North’s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea, “The war drills show that the US-Japan-South Korea tripartite military alliance has developed into the nuclear war alliance and has become operational in actuality.”

As if North Korea’s displeasure and allegation were not enough, as the joint naval drills of Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. pushed through albeit delayed because of Typhoon Danas, another threat that was given to the three. The committee supposed to seek peaceful reunification of Korea warned them of counter-attack should they launch a nuclear war [against North Korea] “while talking about ‘sign’ and ‘preemptive attack’ despite repeated warnings of [North Korea].” The committee claimed that “its revolutionary armed forces will immediately mount counter-attack to bury the aggressors, provocateurs in the sea together with the carrier.”

The North was referring to USS George Washington, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier that arrived in Busan on Friday, ahead of the supposed Tuesday launch of the naval drill. Also before Tuesday, North Korea warned the United States to “be wholly accountable for the unexpected horrible disaster to be met by its imperialist aggression forces’ nuclear strike means.” Despite the warning, the United States resumed the naval drills with its Asian allies.

North Korea threatens Japan, South Korea, US to ‘bury warship in the sea’ - The Japan Daily Press
looks like talking about "Aircraft carrier Killing" is in trend in Asia..any country with cruise missile is talking about it..
looks like talking about "Aircraft carrier Killing" is in trend in Asia..any country with cruise missile is talking about it..

The Fat Kim just had a bad dream. Let him catch his breath before his massive breakfast. :P
I hate North Korea as it pressurizes its own people. South Korea should take some action against them quickly as people are suffering since many years....

And Taiwan and Japan should play their role in this regards..... If a war or small operation occur then they should play an important role in that too.
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