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North Korea ‘planning third nuclear test


Mar 16, 2011
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North Korea, pressing ahead with a rocket launch in defiance of a UN resolution, is also preparing a third nuclear weapons test, South Korean news reports said on Sunday, a move bound to scare neighbours and infuriate the west.

South Korea’s Yonhap news agency quoted an unidentified intelligence source as saying North Korea was “clandestinely preparing a nuclear test” at the same location as the first two.

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email ftsales.support@ft.com to buy additional rights. North Korea ‘planning third nuclear test’ - FT.com

The source added that workers in the destitute North had been seen in commercial satellite images digging a tunnel in the north-eastern town of Punggye-ri, Kilju county, in addition to existing mines believed to have been used for tests in 2006 and 2009.

“We have confirmed the [mining] work is coming to its final stage,” the source was quoted as saying.

The satellite imagery showed piles of earth and sand at the entrance of the tunnel, Yonhap said.

North Korea, which three years ago pulled out of six-party disarmament talks on its nuclear programme, agreed in February to stop nuclear tests, uranium enrichment and long-range missile launches in return for food aid, opening the way to a possible resumption of the negotiations.

But that has all since unravelled with the North’s rocket launch planned for this month, probably between Thursday and the following Monday. The North says it is merely sending a weather satellite into space, but South Korea and the US say it is a ballistic missile test.

Two previous launches of the long-range missile have failed, but Washington says the North’s missile programme is progressing quickly and that the American mainland could come under threat within five years.

US President Barack Obama last month called on North Korea to curb its nuclear ambitions or face further international isolation.

He said North Korea could be hit with tighter sanctions if it went ahead with the launch, but experts doubt China will back another UN Security Council resolution against it.

China, Japan and South Korea, three of the “six parties” along with the US and the two Koreas, on Sunday expressed concern over the planned launch.

The foreign ministers of the three countries, ending their annual meeting with a joint news conference in the coastal Chinese city of Ningbo, largely stuck to established positions.

“China expresses our concern for the development of the situation and urges all relevant parties to take into consideration the bigger picture and think long-term,” Yang Jiechi, the Chinese foreign minister, said.

Mr Obama has urged China to use its influence to rein in North Korea instead of “turning a blind eye” to its “deliberate provocations”.

Japan and South Korea reiterated warnings that Pyongyang would face international consequences if it went ahead with the launch.

“I made it clear that the international community needs to make rigorous responses against North Korea’s violation of its obligation as a member country in the world community,” Kim Sung-hwan, the South Korean foreign minister, said.

Koichiro Gemba, the Japanese foreign minister, said the launch would roll back progress Pyongyang had made in talks with various countries, including with the US, which has suspended the planned food aid.

Will Iran follow this path ?
Mr Obama has urged China to use its influence to rein in North Korea instead of “turning a blind eye” to its “deliberate provocations”.
China has no influence over North Korea, so it's pointless even to ask.

The only way to make it work is by tightening the sanction and cutting off even the UN food aid(Which is backed by North Korean defectors because food aid is never delivered to civilian population) to increase the Chinese burden of sustaining North Korea's regime, so that the fed-up Chinese leadership throws in the towel and let Kim's regime collapse.
i think ..there should be action against NK.enough of this stupid actions of nukes
China has no influence over North Korea, so it's pointless even to ask.

The only way to make it work is by tightening the sanction and cutting off even the UN food aid(Which is backed by North Korean defectors because food aid is never delivered to civilian population) to increase the Chinese burden of sustaining North Korea's regime, so that the fed-up Chinese leadership throws in the towel and let Kim's regime collapse.

They should test it near the SK border.
Let their regime die a slow painful death in total isolation. I pity the ordinary citizens of North Korea.
China cannot control NK but they shelled SK, destroyed SK ships, why not test a nuke near the border.
To protect its secret. And the direction of wind should also be in China's direction in order to prevent the US from collecting samples in the air.
poor SK people,please worry about yourselves instead
of chinese,lol.
Well, I do fear for the health of Chinese since North Korea ensures that the radioactive dust and poison gas to blow to China's direction so that the US spy planes can't collect data, and the Chinese authorities cover up instead of launching a protest against North Korea.
serves as as model for Iran.
Nope,this is not a good model.The only ones suffering from this model are ordinary North Koreans.
I hope the south and north become united one day as an 'independent' powerful country.I say independent because the Current south Korean government is far from independence.In regional affairs,it just follows U.S interests,nothing more,nothing less.
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