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North Korea long-range rocket broke apart after launch

Götterdämmerung;2826701 said:
So, Korea remains divided, even after reunification. :lol:
Yes, that is the plan as I already told you.

Proof me wrong!
When Japanese literature describe Mongol Invasion of Japan, they describe it as Mongol-Korean alliance troop that invaded Japan, while Song-Dynasty Chinese who made the vast majority(75%) of troops are not mentioned as the enemy. From the Japanese perspective, it was a war of Japan Vs Mongol-Korea.

元寇 - Wikipedia


- &#37772;&#20489;&#24149;&#24220;&#22320;&#38957;&#12539;&#24481;&#23478;&#20154;&#12425;&#65288;&#30064;&#22269;&#35686;&#22266;&#30058;&#24441;&#12394;&#12393;&#20027;&#12395;&#20061;&#24030;&#21508;&#22320;&#12363;&#12425;&#65289;<= Pan-Japan troops.
- &#33945;&#21476;&#65288;&#22823;&#20803;&#12454;&#12523;&#12473;&#65289;&#12539;&#39640;&#40599;&#36899;&#21512;&#36557; <= Mongol-Korean alliance troops

&#25351;&#25582;&#23448;(Commanders) : Lists a whole bunch of Korean generals who led the campaign. No Chinese general listed.

- &#24449;&#26481;&#21491;&#21103;&#37117;&#20803;&#24101; &#27946;&#33590;&#19992;
&#24449;&#26481;&#24038;&#21103;&#37117;&#20803;&#24101; &#21129;&#24489;&#20136;
&#37117;&#30563;&#20351; &#37329;&#26041;&#24950;
&#30693;&#20853;&#39340;&#20107; &#26420;&#20043;&#20142;&#12539;&#37329;&#24571;
&#21103;&#20351; &#20219;&#24887;
&#24038;&#36557;&#20351; &#37329;&#20353;
&#30693;&#20853;&#39340;&#20107; &#38859;&#24471;&#20754;
&#21103;&#20351; &#23403;&#19990;&#35998;
&#21491;&#36557;&#20351; &#37329;&#25991;&#24199;
&#30693;&#20853;&#39340;&#20107; &#32645;&#35029;&#12539;&#26420;&#20445;
&#21103;&#20351; &#28504;&#38428;[4]

China Before and After Qing

Before Qing

After Qing

Korea Before And After Qing



After. Nothing changed.
LOL at the indian kissing the new master's behind.
Please post some meaningful post or don't post at all...my 4 year old cousin is more mature than you....:rolleyes:
Why do you need to bring India in everything??This shows an inferiority complex you know...:azn:
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