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North korea launches ICBM, test appears success. Second stage drops near Ph

N. Korea rocket raises nuclear stakes: analysts


SEOUL: North Korea's rocket launch is evidence of a new ballistic missile capability that sharply raises the stakes over Pyongyang's nuclear programme and poses a direct threat to the United States, analysts say.

Although the isolated state faces a stiff technical challenge in shaping, fitting and accurately delivering a long-distance nuclear payload, Wednesday's launch marks a major upgrade of its potential strategic military ability.

"This launch certainly bolsters their credibility when they say that they have missiles that can strike the United States," said James Schoff, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

"It's harder to wave that off after a successful test like this," said Schoff, a former Pentagon official.

A North Korean claim in October that it already possessed rockets capable of striking the US mainland had been widely dismissed as rhetorical bluster at the time.

Masao Okonogi, a professor of Korean politics at Keio University, agreed that the launch would thrust North Korea close to the top of Washington's national security agenda.

"Putting a satellite into orbit means that you have technology to get a warhead to a targeted area. Now, North Korea is becoming not only a threat to the neighbouring countries but also a real threat to the United States," Okonogi said.

"The question is whether the satellite was precisely put into the planned orbit or veered away."

US and South Korean officials said it would take time to fully analyse Wednesday's launch, which Pyongyang described as a purely scientific space mission, but its critics condemned as a disguised ballistic missile test.

Even if the North has achieved its stated objective of placing a satellite in orbit, several analysts cautioned against over-stating its new military capabilities.

Miniaturising a nuclear weapon into a warhead that would fit on a ballistic missile is an enormous technical challenge, and there are still significant questions over accurate delivery, they said.

"It's one thing to have a missile with sufficient range to reach Hawaii. It's another to have sufficient accuracy to hit what you're aiming at," said Ralph Cossa, president of the Hawaii-based Pacific Forum of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"It means they have a pretty good chance of hitting the Pacific Ocean but not much chance hitting an island, much less a specific target," said Cossa, a former US Air Force colonel.

"Nonetheless, they are getting better and we have to take them seriously."

Pyongyang's nuclear programme remains shrouded in secrecy, but the country's existing plutonium stockpile is estimated to be enough for six to eight atomic bombs.

Ham Hyeong-Pil, from the South Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, said Pyongyang would move quickly to refine the missile's accuracy and perfect warhead miniaturisation techniques.

"I personally believe that it won't take long for the North to master these two technologies, once it overcomes some technical problems and stages two or three more launches down the road," Ham said.

"It's a worrying situation. I think that the US has no choice but to recognise it as a real, tangible threat," he added.

The timing of Wednesday's launch was widely seen as politically motivated, with the North's leader Kim Jung-Un determined that it should take place close to the first anniversary of the death of his father and former leader, Kim Jong-Il on December 17.

"Kim Jong-Un gains a lot from this in terms of his securing his position and prestige," said Yang Moo-Jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul.

A previous launch attempt in April, for which Pyongyang had taken the unprecedented step of inviting the foreign media, ended in an embarrassing failure when the carrier exploded shortly after take-off.

The UN Security Council was due to meet later Wednesday to discuss its response to the launch, with the US and its allies demanding a significant expansion of sanctions already imposed after the North's nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009.

Much will depend on the stance of veto-wielding China -- Pyongyang's only major ally and main aid donor -- which has resisted the call for tougher sanctions in the past.

China expressed concern at Wednesday's launch and called on all sides to avoid "stoking the flames".

Cossa said Pyongyang's action would present a key challenge to Chinese leader-in-waiting Xi Jinping, who will formally become president in March.

"Most Chinese say Xi is already calling the shots so this becomes his first test on how he deals with an international crisis," Cossa said.

N. Korea rocket raises nuclear stakes: analysts - Channel NewsAsia



The UN Security Council to meet over N. Korean launch

Japanese estimate NK ICBM has a 6,000 km range.

Indians only have 5,000km range. Hahahahahahahahaha. NK now way ahead of India.
LOL whats this?

In Afghanistan they choose Pakistan. Thats why they come to Pakistan as refugees! lol! :lol:

Don;t listen to BBC, CNN or Skynews They only tell lies!

Iran and India are in collision with Pakistan in Afghanistan, they gave us entry to Afghanistan through Chabahar. Pakistan is certainly worried of not making Iran as her third enemy, that's why Pakistan is not protesting against Iran.
Japanese estimate NK ICBM has a 6,000 km range.

Indians only have 5,000km range. Hahahahahahahahaha. NK now way ahead of India.

Why we need 6000+ km, do you want us to hit North Pole. :cheesy: Our missiles can hit Harbin city, beyond Harbin its Russia, so no need of longer missile for us. :enjoy:
What can be aimed at Japan and Korea can also be aimed at China.

China has military personnel stationed along the North Korean Border, and they aren't there to keep refugees out, just sayin...

As if China has no neighbors without nukes, spare me the details if you are trying to tell me NK will treat China as an enemy. Pakistan and NK are allies, Russia is a strategic partner with many common interests, India is not an ally nor an enemy even though we have some border disputes. Having an extra nuclear ally neighbor won't change the facts that India or Russia having missiles pointing at China already. NK knows damn well China is their most important ally not to mention we have been good neighbors for so long. It would be crazy to think they want to break ties with China and be good buddies with US when your military is stationed in SK preventing an unification. Yes it's possible they can point missiles at us (though they have no change winning against China, it would be suicide) but honestly we know who the real enemies of NK are don't we ;) On the other hand US and Japan will be having their hands full with a stronger NK rising and not just having to deal with a powerful China alone in this continent.
US vows to pursue "appropriate action" against N.Korea


WASHINGTON - The White House on Tuesday condemned North Korea's rocket launch as a "highly provocative act" in direct violation of UN resolutions and vowed to work with international partners to seek "appropriate action" against Pyongyang.

"The United States remains vigilant in the face of North Korean provocations and fully committed to the security of our allies in the region," White House spokesman Tommy Vietor said, pledging that Washington would increase close cooperation with its friends in the region.

"In the hours and days ahead, the United States will work with its six-party partners, the United Nations Security Council and other UN member states to pursue appropriate action,"Vietor said. "The international community must work in a concerted fashion to send North Korea a clear message that its violations of United Nations Security Council resolutions have consequences."

US vows to pursue "appropriate action" against N.Korea

At the same time.......

US snubbed UN, IAEA by recent nuclear test

A senior Iranian lawmaker says the subcritical nuclear test recently conducted in Nevada by the US is an instance of snubbing the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

“The US does whatever it wants because it has a veto power and the country’s recent nuclear test was a snub of the UN and the IAEA,” Ismail Kowsari said on Sunday.

“The US conducted this dangerous test as the IAEA is pursuing the issue of eradicating unconventional weapons in the world particularly in the Middle East following Iran’s proposal,” the Iranian lawmaker added.

The US nuclear test, known as Pollux, was conducted jointly by the Nevada National Security Site, the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories on Wednesday.

The US National Nuclear Security Administration said the 27th subcritical experiment was conducted to ensure that Washington “can support a safe, secure and effective stockpile” of nuclear weapons.

The Iranian lawmaker said by conducting the test, Washington wanted to show that it is above the UN and law.

Kowsari added that Iran had called for a change to the UN structure so that a country such as the US could not consider itself above others, urging the United Nations to react to these actions.

According to UN figures, the US, which is the only country that has ever used atomic bombs against other countries, has conducted 1,032 nuclear tests since 1945.

PressTV - US snubbed UN, IAEA by recent nuclear test: Iran MP

"Hey buddy, it's me" Obama said to Ban Ki-Moon.
Americans have double standards we all know that by now, NK placing a satellite into orbit and the US condemns this act but whooa if US conduct a nuclear test everybody should not make a sound of it.
Even the poor starving North Koreans can launch their own satellite with their own rocket, while the rich developed South Koreans cannot accomplish such feat even with the technology support from Russia. :rofl:

So much myth about the super advanced South Korean technology. :lol:

They should be more concerned about having more lights around their country. Last time I've seen the satellite all you can see is Pyongyang.

Americans have double standards we all know that by now, NK placing a satellite into orbit and the US condemns this act but whooa if US conduct a nuclear test everybody should not make a sound of it.

We haven't had a nuclear test in many years so you don't even need to bring it up.
ROK, US hit for intelligence failure

The military intelligence of South Korea and the United States are facing criticism for failing to predict the launch of a long-range rocket by North Korea on Wednesday.

The two allies had previously said that the liftoff would not be imminent, citing the fact that the communist regime moved the Unha rocket a day earlier from its launch pad in Chulsan, North Pyeongan Province due to a possible technical problem.

Both Seoul and Washington closely tracked the launch preparations because they deemed it as a cover for a test firing of banned ballistic missile technology.

However, the allies were wrong about the eventual timing of the liftoff. Their military officials concluded that the Pyongyang government moved its rocket because of a technical problem that would take time to fix. They also bought an announcement from North Korea that it would extend its launch window.

The Ministry of National Defense (MND) also reportedly detected that the multi-stage rocket was being separated for repairs. It even reduced the number of officials in its task force that was formed to take countermeasures against a launch.

“We never found a single clue that indicated the launch was imminent,” said a government official.

Another official offered a similar view.

“The engine is mounted in a part of the rocket that definitely had a problem, and that’s why North Korea postponed the launch date to solve this problem,” he said. “And at the moment, I feel like I was stabbed in the back.”

South Korea detected the launch on Wednesday through Aegies-equipped destroyers in the West Sea when the rocket passed above coastal waters in the morning.

One part of the two-body rocket landed to the west of the Korean Peninsula while the second part landed to the east of the Philippines.

The Korean government authorities have also been the target of criticism for having failed to coordinate their intelligence. The Defense Ministry has monopolized the related information without properly sharing it with relevant agencies such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the National Intelligence Service

ROK, US hit for intelligence failure
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