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Non-Arab Muslim Nations Need to Unite

Answer me one question, all around the Muslim world people are suffering and many of these countries are in dire need of economic aid/assistance or even some empathy. SA with its tremendous wealth spends 1/3 of its GDP on American weapons(that are aimed against their muslim "brothers")! Meanwhile people are dying in floods in Pakistan and starving to death in Somalia. The Saudis preach "Islamic unity" in their Wahabi mosques, but in practice they could care less about anyone.
@nasser07 Dude....I believe..your intent is good but again this is too much idealistic situation you are talking about...You can aspire to unite all Muslim world in one day but reality is very tough...Again this is not for one Muslims...even same is true for other religion too... And again blaming SA is not fair...see they can help to some extent. And as one of the Pakistani friend put it correctly they are the largest contributor of AID in the period of Pakistan flood...so how can you tell that SA did not help other countries...But the issue is ...again it is the responsibility of each nation to develop themselves...AID is a temporary solution ...but to bring permanent economic stability one needs serious effort ...classic example is the growth of China ...China never depended on any religious sympathy or any brotherhood to develop itself....It is the effort of the nation that makes them powerful rather than the help of any friendly country or religious unity....
I think it's high time Muslims started putting their loyalty on their homeland first, that is what Allah commands us to do. If our loyalty lies anywhere else, even with the fellow "Muslim brother", that person needs to be shipped off to the country where his "Muslim brother" lives. It's high time Muslims around the world started acting like responsible citizens. There will never be a worldwide Muslim Ummah.

Here lies the key.

Looking for the elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is what I feel most Muslim nations do.

Looking inwards and putting nation before everything else is needed, but can they do it ?
Its all about the money.Why would SA stop supporting US? SA has huge oil reserves and US is the largest consumer,its like a marriage made in heaven.

The Saudis will never get to spend their deposits in the US banks other then for buying the bugged american weapons. If the Saudis ever try to exercise their sovereignty the oil money will be seized as it happened in case of Iran.

I am sorry for not checking the latest chart for top sellers and buyers.But I do hope that you got the point.Saudi Arabia had been the largest supplier of oil to US for quite a long time.It still supplies in huge amount to US.So importance of KSA to US and vice versa cannot be under estimated.

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

The Saudis will never get to spend their deposits in the US banks other then for buying the bugged american weapons. If the Saudis ever try to exercise their sovereignty the oil money will be seized as it happened in case of Iran.

Did you know that the Saudis are flying the Eurofighter nowadays?
Saudi Arabia has a special relationship with Pakistan. Many Pakistani's serve in the Saudi "national" army and for the other Gulf countries. They've also been very keen on trying to use Pakistan's nuclear weapons as some kind of deterrence, they did partially fund the project and tried to purchase some nukes before. Pakistan is like Saudi's final insurance policy for their long-term security. So I think Saudi's are acting out of their own interests and not of brotherly gesture.

We need to eliminate the Royal Family it is as simple as that.
Fully agree with you these Arabs do not think of anyone else but them selves

Remember it was they who gave bases to USA from which it attacked Iraq E.G. Kuwait, UAE, and Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc.

Useless people the Arabs are they don’t care about any 1 but their own house!!

All the non-Arab Muslim countries would be much better off without these people.

However I also support peace relations between Israel and Pakistan as I believe the current Israeli- Palestinian conflict is an Arab- Israeli affair nothing to do with us non Arabs.

It is a very common misconception that the bulk of our oil is bought from the Middle East. It's not. I've posted this link a dozen times. I guess people don't actually look at it.

U.S. Oil Imports by Nation

We import nearly twice as much oil from Canada as the KSA. Iraq is a distant 6th place... so much for "stealing oil."

Canada, Mexico, and Venezuela sell us over four times as much oil as KSA. The ME is an important source of oil for the USA, but not nearly to the extent that people believe.
I am sorry for not checking the latest chart for top sellers and buyers.But I do hope that you got the point.Saudi Arabia had been the largest supplier of oil to US for quite a long time.It still supplies in huge amount to US.So importance of KSA to US and vice versa cannot be under estimated.

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

Did you know that the Saudis are flying the Eurofighter nowadays?

Are the Saudis free to spend the money on Russian weapons?

Are the Saudis free to spend the money on Russian weapons?

We have been buying Russian and Chinese weapons lately yes....

---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 PM ----------

Oh and about this entire thread.

Why so much hate and racism?? The prophet taught us against that. An Arab is not better than an non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab.
what will happen if they unite, the horse can not afford friendship with grass, same way arab never treat srilankan, bangladeshi, and pakistani muslims with respect, belive it or not but It is todays truth,
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