I realize that nothing concrete has been penned down and, what we are discussing is purely "might happen scenerio." But, if you could bear with me a little longer then, could you put a finger on the Block that PLAN will opt for? Or will they upgrade the order as new Blocks are introduced as per PAF's regime/plan? And what do you assume it means for Block-IV and V? After all, 300 aircraft is a hulking order.
Also, as per my calculations, Black-I and Black-II will net $4.5 Billion and $7.5 Billion respectively. Assuming, that's what PLAN orders, what will be net sum that goes to PAC as per 58% formula? Or do you think that, the entire amount will go to PAC as China won't be categorized as an export customer. Thus, no profit sharing formula implies. Or am I wrong?