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No evidence India supporting terror in Pakistan: Holbrooke

"Blow up those consulates"? Are you high?
You do realize that attacks upon foreign embassies and/or consulates amount to acts of war, and that only a terrorist state would even think of using proxies to conduct bombings and suicide attacks upon foreign missions of other nations yes? Which line of delusional thinking do you envision Pakistan pursuing into oblivion?

Do you even think before you compose these posts?

And yet you'll be the first one red faced and indignant screaming foul from the top of your lungs about unfair "Indian aggression", "drama" and "mortal threats" when they react to another act of war.


A word. Its bad on your part to chastise someone for his fantasies. Its a basic human nature to have them.

Please refrain from the same. Let him. Its irrelevant and he only goes on to loose further credibility.
How credible is US after the ruined the lives of many states around the world.
Later they appologise for faulty intelligence and President come forward to accept his mistakes and immediately after comes a new one!!!
Many wanted terrorists from Pakistan are under the official protection of US, some of them are housed along with their private armies.
Classic enemy of Pakistan India is running its anti Pakistan operations from Afghanistan.

On the other hand, Indians have openly admitted that the were behind Bangladesh sepratist movement, Srilankan sepratis movement..... If Pakistan present evidence that India is behind the state wide terrorism and sepratisit conspiracies than it is no surprise.

and what can you do about it? you are the masters of your own country and look where you are today
the problem is india and pakistan both keep asking the other to do more.
but india the bigger and stronger should take the initiative.
how many consulates do the iranians or the americans ets have in afghanistan?
although it is the govt of india which makes the decision but why do they need so many?
pakistan is not asking for a part of indian territory if they ask for the closure of extra consulates, but imagine if india does it and states that to remove the misconceptions and fears of our neighbour we are closing the extra consulates, the good will and positive inpact it will have.
pakistan the smaller and weaker also with east pakistan, siachin, indus water treaty problem in mind would feel more secure and comfortable and will reciprocate.
remember it was benazir govt which brought khalistan movement to end otherwise things were not looking good
pakistan is not asking for a part of indian territory if they ask for the closure of extra consulates, but imagine if india does it and states that to remove the misconceptions and fears of our neighbour we are closing the extra consulates, the good will and positive inpact it will have.
pakistan the smaller and weaker also with east pakistan, siachin, indus water treaty problem in mind would feel more secure and comfortable and will reciprocate.
remember it was benazir govt which brought khalistan movement to end otherwise things were not looking good


why are you obsessed with consulates in afghanistan? tomorrow you will aks for reduction in troops to assauge your feelings ......

benazir did nothing
the back of militancy was broken by army and Punjab Police in tandem
ok hellfire.....tell me something....i live in UAE....INDIA has total of one embassy and one consulate....in afghanistan india has 7.....people in Balochistan are using weapons that either the russians have it or the indians.....coincidence.....well i guess we are learning from india on how to blame the intelligence agnecies of our neighbour....like india blames ISI for everything.......including the heart attack of manmohan singh:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

and as for US saying that india's role has no wrong intent towards PAKISTAN....what a joke...i mean seriously PAKISTAN should belive the US as if the US has never lied to the world.....

please tell me why does india have so many embassies in afghanistan in the first place????
and what can you do about it? you are the masters of your own country and look where you are today

We were perfectly fine actually until the Americans came in and well everybody knows what happens where the yanks step in from Vietnam to first gulf war and then WOT...they bring nothing but chaos. Now i know this is too hard for Indians to understand now as it was back then when we played the same role against the soviets.
By the way enjoy your honeymoon while you can, because the time for even the US in Afghanistan is cut short. They are about to suffer the same faith the soviets did and the desperation is very evident from the reaction shown by the US representatives on various occasions.
@hellfire.....well its funny how in the 80s we were speaking like you because America back then was on our side and you and russia were the "EVIL" team....however 20 years later things have changed and US & INDIA are the good guys....don't worry things will come to an abrupt end....and when US moves out it changes the locks remember that...!!

ok hellfire.....tell me something....i live in UAE....INDIA has total of one embassy and one consulate....in afghanistan india has 7.....

have said on another thread, India went in for massive developmental aid as means to obtain leverage in the country. there was and is a direct threat to lives of men and women working there from Talibs and as such you need to have secure areas and troops to protect them. So what better way than to establish safe havens for same where you can provide maximal protection? We have 5 consulates in US, 4 in russia. So use your imagination to tell what do they do?

Inspite of this if you cant understand then you have the previlige of ranting on ......:taz:

people in Balochistan are using weapons that either the russians have it or the indians.....coincidence.....

tell you what is coincidence. Pakistan, Somalia, South American countries etc etc approximating over 75% of worlds countries use AK series of assault rifles, and RPGs(India does not use them) are infact held by PA, something which Talibs use. So by your logic, you have one more culprit PA:woot:

well i guess we are learning from india on how to blame the intelligence agnecies of our neighbour....like india blames ISI for everything.......including the heart attack of manmohan singh:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

again I say post the link for coronary vessel disease being hadniwork of ISI ... or shut up with this line.

and as for US saying that india's role has no wrong intent towards PAKISTAN....what a joke...i mean seriously PAKISTAN should belive the US as if the US has never lied to the world.....

intent is there but not presently as you are our bulwark against talib hordes. we will get you eventually ( I hope you are satisifed now that we are mean and have bad intentions :devil:)\
We were perfectly fine actually until the Americans came in and well everybody knows what happens where the yanks step in from Vietnam to first gulf war and then WOT...they bring nothing but chaos. Now i know this is too hard for Indians to understand now as it was back then when we played the same role against the soviets.
By the way enjoy your honeymoon while you can, because the time for even the US in Afghanistan is cut short. They are about to suffer the same faith the soviets did and the desperation is very evident from the reaction shown by the US representatives on various occasions.

I agree

You had talibs in control in Afghanistan and you were sitting pretty; then bad boy Bush came in and spoiled everything and you saw your proteges coming in, escaping afghanistan and they prefer to sit here rather in Afghanistan where they have to fight a hostile enemy.
Pakistan is different, no one says anything and general sympathy is there from GoP also.
But suddenly Talibs are tired of being in camps and want a territory for themselves. So GoP gives Swat. But that is not enough. They were afterall Talibs who had controlled Afghanistan once upon a time! So they move and once GoP challenges them all hell breaks loose

I agree.:agree:
@hellfire.....well its funny how in the 80s we were speaking like you because America back then was on our side and you and russia were the "EVIL" team....however 20 years later things have changed and US & INDIA are the good guys....don't worry things will come to an abrupt end....and when US moves out it changes the locks remember that...!!


difference is, we have an economy that places us beyond their control or mercy. they tried to economically hurt us in early 2000 post Pokhran, they suffered and ultimately they dropped sanctions.

Its purely to do with economics. We have a greater and more lucrative market (and now safer) than any country apart from China( but more safer than Chinese as recent global meltdown showed).

Anyone who wants to mess with us must understand that he looses the market and his place will be eagerly filled by other countries (french gladly did so post Pokhran)

If you can appreciate this fact, you will know why US is toeing our line now and why we still have an independent policy (we are still friends with Iran and help them with some sensitive stuff)

ok hellfire.....tell me something....i live in UAE....INDIA has total of one embassy and one consulate....in afghanistan india has 7.....

have said on another thread, India went in for massive developmental aid as means to obtain leverage in the country. there was and is a direct threat to lives of men and women working there from Talibs and as such you need to have secure areas and troops to protect them. So what better way than to establish safe havens for same where you can provide maximal protection? We have 5 consulates in US, 4 in russia. So use your imagination to tell what do they do?

Inspite of this if you cant understand then you have the previlige of ranting on ......:taz:

people in Balochistan are using weapons that either the russians have it or the indians.....coincidence.....

tell you what is coincidence. Pakistan, Somalia, South American countries etc etc approximating over 75% of worlds countries use AK series of assault rifles, and RPGs(India does not use them) are infact held by PA, something which Talibs use. So by your logic, you have one more culprit PA:woot:

well i guess we are learning from india on how to blame the intelligence agnecies of our neighbour....like india blames ISI for everything.......including the heart attack of manmohan singh:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

again I say post the link for coronary vessel disease being hadniwork of ISI ... or shut up with this line.

and as for US saying that india's role has no wrong intent towards PAKISTAN....what a joke...i mean seriously PAKISTAN should belive the US as if the US has never lied to the world.....

intent is there but not presently as you are our bulwark against talib hordes. we will get you eventually ( I hope you are satisifed now that we are mean and have bad intentions :devil:)\

well firstly glad you admit you need troops on the ground to conduct your activities such as CHANKYAs deceiving plans...as for MANMOHANS heartattack you better not use words such as "SHUTUP" with me you little c unt!!!!!but yes this is a FACT that everything that happens in INDIA is blamed on ISI....and for that watch ZEE NEWS,STAR NEWS,PRANAB MUKHRJEE,A.K ANTONY

but as for weapons that the taliban use...my friend a simple AK i guess everyone has it even our tribal chiefs do...but i am talking about ANTI TANK weapons....and also the question is who is PAYING for these weapons because for sure as hell taliban don't have cash to pay for such sophsticated and like u said "SENSITIVE" weapons.....

BUT UNFORTUNATELY...u r a YOUTUBE FAN BOY.....who right cheap vulgar comments on youtube and watch videos of great india....innocent india....so i know your train of thought its ok....i am ain't going to waste my time explaining an already brain washed chimp munk!!!
"the question is who is PAYING for these weapons ..."

And you live in Dubai and don't know?

"...in afghanistan india has 7.....

No. Four and an embassy. JUST LIKE PAKISTAN and with a lot more reason- $1,000,000,000 of them. Same locations too. Exact. Jalalabad, Kandahar, Herat, Mazur-I-Sharif and an embassy in Kabul (if it's been rebuilt yet:angry:).

...you little c unt!!!!!

Tasty. Who's the "fan-boy" again, tough guy?:lol:
well ofcourse india is pumping in money they want to wooo afghanistan into their fold as well as proivde weapons to anti pakistan groups be it taliban al qaeda anyone....so yes 1 billion for "DEVELOPMENT" and throw in another billion to proivde weapons and whatever maybe required to fulfill RAWs first and foremost aim destory pakistan....who made you the MOD s2...atleast i know whose side you are on cuz ofcourse you see what i say and not what he did...but ohh well let's see how long will the romance of the US last this time round....

but ofcourse PAKISTAN is "EVIL" and harbours ILL feeling towards INDIA while big india is a SAINT.....and does nothing no retaliation!!!!!!!!!!!!! amazing story wonder why pakistanis are "NAIVE" not to believe it....
Quit whining and stay on topic. See the name in the thread? You're in Dubai. Why don't you remind everybody of Holbrooke's ever-so-long overdue comments made recently in your neck of the woods about certain fat cat sick rich wahabbists applying the sand screen to their tans down your way while writing mad money cheques to the boys in Quetta?

World's biggest arms traders too. Guns to A-Stan and Pakistan. Dope through your ports. Works for me as conspiracy theories go. So it's pretty easy to see a case made that the confluence of malevolence directed to Afghanistan and Pakistan comes RIGHT FROM THE EMIRATES, KUWAIT, & KSA.

Nothing would make the G.C.C., Kuwait, and KSA happier than to see Iran squirming with a bunch of whack taliban in their east

They get along SOOOO nicely together, don't you know? I know! Let's sing a kum-bay-yah groovy song together. Do you remember that oldie from years ago, Ebony & Ivory.

Close your eyes and imagine ol Mullahs Omar and Khamenei, maybe Ahmadinejad and...oh, hell, let's toss in Gulbuddin and Baitullah too. Dig it-

Oh! Not PUBLIC money, mind you. Private donations. That this might finally be suggested by Holbrooke is astounding but painfully, painfully obvious. You guys gave like Greek Gods back in the Afghan-Soviet war to the Mujahideen. Why would it be ANY different now?

Equally that Holbrooke would be the one to publically break the news that the Pakistani gov't has failed two administrations over to make ANY case against India to America...and Great Britain...France, Germany, Italy, Spain, PRC, PRC!?#$@

Where've they been in all of this India aiding the taliban and raiding bestest buddies Pakistan? Odd.

Should I pick up with the list of nations uniformly unimpressed with Pakistan's case against India...umm, let's see Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Canada, etc.

Frankly haven't heard or read a peep from the KSA either.

So...nobody thinks there's a case against India but a LOT of people are looking the gulf's direction...to make a short story long.:lol:

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one question and only one is INDIA INNOCENT.....i don't care what NATO thinks what US thinks....and before you answer wouldnot US love the opportunity to harm RUSSIA even today....somethings are too "TEMPTING"...and temptations are hard to resist for men......as for THE GULF my friend thank you....you stated what the arabs & MUSLIMS have been saying for way to long that the WEST is uniting and pointing at MUSLIMS...and "CRUSADES HAVE STARTED AGAIN".....well be ware of where you point your finger....i think its time to point it at yourself and see how "INNOCENT" the US really is....how come all these drone attacks miss BAITULLAH,MULLAH OMAR,OSAMA....USA has the most advanced spying tracking system and can catch SADDAM in a underground cave...BUT CAN'T LOCATE THESE BOYS.....hmmm...intresting....and PEACEFUL INDIA...is ever so PEACEFUL!!!! "EVIL" PAKISTAN...has fallen from grace and is the new AXIS OF EVIL...after NAZIs....damn i have heard all this before a 100 years ago!!!!
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