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No difference between Zardari regime & Taliban: Fatima


May 5, 2010
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No difference between Zardari regime & Taliban: Fatima

Fatima Bhutto, writer and younger sister of slain Benazir Bhutto, has said that "there is no difference between the 'democratic' regime of Asif Ali Zardari - who, like the dictator Pervaz Musharraf, disdained national elections and was chosen by his own Parliament - and the burgeoning Pakistani Taliban.

The Nation quoted Fatima, known for her incisive writings, as saying: 'Both oppose freedom of expression, both use Islam to rally people around their oppressive causes, both would ignore the rights of women - under this government, a woman may still be stoned to death for adultery. Who needs the Taliban', she said. "This is the state that Britain and the US support, financially and politically, as the only option to keep Pakistan's Islamists at bay. Perhaps it's time for a new argument to justify this indefensible support of Pakistan's regime? Or not, she added.

Fatima, daughter of late Mir Murtaza Bhutto, has said that "corruption and assassinations have stalked her family and dominate her country's politics as well. Her crime was to write about it and that is why she became a public enemy in Pakistan", she added.

She said that her father, an elected member of Parliament and a strong critic of the govt of his elder sister, Benazir Bhutto - infamous for corruption, human rights abuses, support for the then nascent Taliban in neighbouring Afghanistan and inept leadership - was shot several times. But he was killed with a point blank execution shot to his jaw, she said.

Fatima, who addressed the Britain's famous Hay Festival Hay-on-Wye, Powys in Wales, said her aunt Benazir's government, in power at the time Murtaza Bhutto was murdered, stopped our family from filing a police report, a right we had to have returned to us by the Sindh High Court.

'Killer Policemen' are still powerful
Fatima charged that the then Benazir government arrested all the survivors and witnesses - keeping them in jail for the remainder of her term without access to lawyers, their families, or to us.

She said that the police officers who had carried out the killings were internally cleared in a police review and put back on their seats.

'All promoted, to this day and remain powerful members of the Pakistani government and of police forces across the country', she added.

She said: 'In 2007 my aunt Benazir Bhutto was killed in Rawalpindi. In the aftermath, the streets were immediately cleaned up by the authorities, as they did after my father's murder'.

She further said that 'no police report was filed by the government led by her widower, Asif Ali Zardari, and no criminal cases were launched against Benazir's assassins. I hadn't seen or spoken to my aunt for 10 years before her death and the questions I asked of her government's role in my father's murder went unanswered'.

The Zardari family keeps my grandmother incommunicado in Dubai. We have not been able to see or speak to her for the past 13 years, she said.

Fatima Bhutto said persecution is a part of the Pakistani political ethos. What is worrying, however, is the direction of the feckless and autocratic regime of President Zardari, she said.

'Zardari is a man who once boasted to the British Press that his govt was hard at work fighting terrorism from al Qaeda to Aung San Su Ki, though no one seemed to have told the President that Miss Suu Kyi is a Burmese democratic campaigner and not an East Asian terror outfit', she added.

Fatima Bhutto said: 'President Zardari pardoned his Interior Minister, Rehman Malik, who had been convicted of corruption in 2004. In the Frontier province, a seventh-grade student, Natasha, the daughter of a poor local stone crusher, was held by police officers and raped for 21 days. After bravely filing police reports, Natasha's family has yet to see a single one of her accused rapists discharged from the police force or brought to justice'.

Gilani warns of military actions against militants in tribal regions
Meanwhile Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani thundered on Saturday "action will be initiated wherever the government's writ is challenged". Only a day earlier reports had suggested that the U.S. was considering unilateral military action against Pakistan in the event of a successful terrorist strike in the United States that can be traced to the tribal regions. Media reported on Friday said that "the U.S. military is reviewing options for a unilateral strike in Pakistan in the event that a successful attack on American soil is traced to the country's tribal areas"

Leading dailies Dawn and The News quoted Gilani as saying the world peace was directly linked to peace in Pakistan and his government would conduct a military operation wherever the writ of the government would be challenged.

Without directly referring to recent reports that the military high command had agreed, in principle, with the Obama administration to launch a full-scale operation in North Waziristan, Gilani said: "Armed forces are present wherever militants and terrorists are present, but a regular operation will be extended where it is most necessary."

Talking to journalists accompanying him during his visit on Saturday to Saidu Sharif, the headquarters of Swat district, the prime minister dismissed apprehensions of an executive-judiciary showdown, expressing the hope that his policy of peaceful coexistence and respect for institutions would work. Gilani also rejected a perception that the prevailing situation could damage the very existence of the PPP-led government.

The News said: It is interesting to note that during his last visit to the UK in mid 2007, the then president, General (Retd) Pervez Musharraf, had made a similar statement in London while addressing a selected gathering at a think tank. Musharraf had warned his European audience that if the war on terror in Pakistan was not won, then the blood of Europeans could be seen spilt on the streets of western capitals. Musharraf had given the message to the world to help Islamabad bring peace inside Pakistan as it was in the best interest of the world itself. "Now, Prime Minister Gilani said a similar thing in front of a different audience and venue, and may be with different motives".

The response of the local people present in the hall, where the prime minister delivered the speech, was huge as they kept on clapping during the speech when Gilani was recounting how the terrorists were defeated with the help of the local people, Pakistan Army and other law-enforcement agencies.
Fatima Bhutto is younger sister of BB??? That's a news lol
What a stupid statement...These idiotic left wingers sometime makes so stupid statements just to show that they're against the government.These left wingers would be killed overnight by Talibans.

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