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No difference between LeT and Xe

So u agree that iaf helped ltte

Dude IAF helped LTTE not to take over lanka...they helped LTTE on humanitarian grounds...they air dropped food n supplies not arms n ammunition...and that was during early 80's....and GOI negotiated with them for peace but they dint want peace hence IPKF had to intervene and GOI was helping the Lankan Govt...did u even read the link??
Anyways this topic aint about LTTE or India its about Xe PMC being compared with LET a terrorist org....wats your take on that??
If this is a thread on Xe and Let, what is this old boy at?

Sir do you think its reasonable to compare a highly professional PMC to a terror org?? and i ve not seen anywhere Xe killing poor civilians [may be my lack of knowledge] but LET on the other hand ..lets not get started on that!
Mix a little bit CIA with a spoonful of RAW, now add the complete mixture with MOSSAD, add ZIONIST AGENDA to taste and serve the dish by garnishing with DANGERS OVER ISLAM and HATERED TOWARDS U.S.A. - a perfect dish of conspiracy theory by governing elite of pakistan for the people of pakistan!!

You will find plenty of pakistanis buying that crap!!

I want to ask what does pakistan has that makes pakistanis think that the entire world is after them??? I bet nobody will find even a single positive point, only negatives. Pakistanis should think that after more than 60 years of independence what mark has pakistan made in this world?? And when you have thought about this then you will realize that pakistan nothing good to offer to the world, only troubles and the vision due to which pakistan was created is now lost.

Think about it before criticizing and ranting.

I guess Raymond Davis, working as a Blackwater/Xe Services contractor & his proven links to the TTP/AQ in North Waziristan are only a figment of the Pakistani people's imagination? So if someone Westerner speaks of Pakistan favorably, such as Webster Tarpley or Jeremy Scahill, he is delusional & a conspiracy theorist as well? Indians need to get their heads out of their a**es
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