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No difference between LeT and Xe

prism,you are right. We have lost our pm and soldiers in lanka. We have helped the srilankan govt by selling helis,radars,ships etc. We have
Helped the tamils only on humanitarian consents. We
Have also foiled ltte's effort to
Over malidives
Y does GOP let them operate inside pakistan??

I suppose you're looking for an answer better than "They are a bunch of pussies". But basically it all boils down to that.

Just look at this fantastic example, almost 2 months now, and the US hasn't been able to do anything to us. In Pakistan people are talking... If Musharraf would've shown some spine back when 9/11 happened we could've entered into this war in a smart way - instead upon one call and half a threat of bombing Pakistan to the stone age, we acted like a bunch of pussies and bent over.

Thats where the terrorists got more and more brazen with Pakistan. The message we put out there was that we give in to threats and threats we got.

The terrorists and the Americans have been squeezing Pakistan from both sides. Its time to show both of them the finger and have things done our own way for a change.
please don't fight over the net like this. All these terrorism and religious lunatism has bought severe loses to me. Why are you guys
Fighting over and over even on the net? Already there are several wars to fight. Why can't we set up a example?
I believe that def.pk has more
than 100 members,including
docs,teachers etc. Why can't we help each other? I believe illiteracy is the root cause of
Terrorism . Can't we share our
Knowlege through net?for example, if a member finds that ill-people of his locality lacks a doc,he can post the details of the illness here
and our doc members can give a cure. A video conferenci
ng can be arranged if neccesary. I know that i am highly offtopic,but please excuse me. If we setup an example,others will follow.
The pain of losing your loved ones can never be cured.
hats off buddy!
I suppose you're looking for an answer better than "They are a bunch of pussies". But basically it all boils down to that.

Just look at this fantastic example, almost 2 months now, and the US hasn't been able to do anything to us. In Pakistan people are talking... If Musharraf would've shown some spine back when 9/11 happened we could've entered into this war in a smart way - instead upon one call and half a threat of bombing Pakistan to the stone age, we acted like a bunch of pussies and bent over.

Thats where the terrorists got more and more brazen with Pakistan. The message we put out there was that we give in to threats and threats we got.

The terrorists and the Americans have been squeezing Pakistan from both sides. Its time to show both of them the finger and have things done our own way for a change.

but the question is who will do that & when, will it be army,present govt. or future govt. who will stand courageously against both.
Hafiz Saeed, someone who has voiced countless religious motivations for attacking India...

Now compare that with this Christian Crusader:

Erik Prince and the last crusade | The Economist

American politics
Democracy in AmericaErik Prince and the last crusade
Aug 6th 2009, 18:19 by The Economist | NEW YORK

.THE most recent allegations against Blackwater, the American security company, are lurid. Tasked with providing security for American officials in Iraq and Afghanistan, the company is already under investigation for shooting deaths in Iraq. Now two former employees are accussing Erik Prince (pictured), Blackwater's boss, of wanting to start a religious crusade against Muslims. In an affidavit lodged with a court in Virginia, one of the witnesses said that Mr Prince "views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe." The statement continues

To that end, Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the Crusades.

Mr. Prince operated his companies in a manner that encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life. For example, Mr. Prince's executives would openly speak about going over to Iraq to "lay Hajiis out on cardboard." Going to Iraq to shoot and kill Iraqis was viewed as a sport or game. Mr. Prince's employees openly and consistently used racist and derogatory terms for Iraqis and other Arabs, such as "ragheads" or "hajiis."​

Mr Prince is further accused of trying to cover up Blackwater's misdeeds, which allegedly include profiteering and arms smuggling, by killing employees who tried to blow the whistle on the company.

It's quite a story; who knows if the juicier parts are true. I have no idea if Mr Prince is a murderer, or if he wanted to start another crusade. But as far as Blackwater's violence and lack of transparency go, this is not news. We may be shocked by the alleged motives, but we've known the results for some time. Here's part of a headline from a 2007 Los Angeles Times story on Blackwater: "House memo says guards in Iraq often instigate violence, cover up misconduct and skirt legal sanctions". Go back and read news reports on the company, like this New York Times piece:

Blackwater, based in North Carolina, has gained a reputation among Iraqis and even among American military personnel serving in Iraq as a company that flaunts an aggressive, quick-draw image that leads its security personnel to take excessively violent actions to protect the people they are paid to guard...

Today, Blackwater operates in the most violent parts of Iraq and guards the most prominent American diplomats, which some American government officials say explains why it is involved in more shootings than its competitors. The shootings included in the [State Department] reports include all cases in which weapons are fired, including those meant as warning shots. Others add that Blackwater’s aggressive posture in guarding diplomats reflects the wishes of its client, the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

Still, other government officials say that Blackwater’s corporate culture seems to encourage excessive behavior. “Is it the operating environment or something specific about Blackwater?” asked one government official. “My best guess is that it is both.”

Sending Christian crusaders to a Muslim country where you're trying to restore peace is what I would call a very bad idea. Perhaps that wasn't the case, but sending freelance soldiers into a country unbound by any laws is still a terrible strategy. It breeds a shoot first, ask questions later mentality. And for Blackwater, at times, it was more like shoot first, drive on. The latest allegations are shocking, but much of the story is not surprising at all.
but the question is who will do that & when, will it be army,present govt. or future govt. who will stand courageously against both.

The change can only come from the people and it will once we become brave enough to take the steps only in the right direction no matter how much it sucks to do so in the beginning.
Hafiz Saeed, someone who has voiced countless religious motivations for attacking India...

Now compare that with this Christian Crusader:

Erik Prince and the last crusade | The Economist

If these PMC's are operating in pakistani soil and are trigger happy and hurting civilians y is there no action being taken by GOP??...They are not Govt troops so if at all GOP takes action on them provided having sufficient evidence i dont think it ll affect the diplomacy of pakistan with other countries....

correct me if i am wrong!!
If these PMC's are operating in pakistani soil and are trigger happy and hurting civilians y is there no action being taken by GOP??...They are not Govt troops so if at all GOP takes action on them provided having sufficient evidence i dont think it ll affect the diplomacy of pakistan with other countries....

correct me if i am wrong!!

The difference between the PMC in Fallujah and the PMC in Pakistan is that:

1) They are no longer dressed up as soldier boys and roaming around in humvees brandishing their weapons

2) They are more into recon and assassination rather than being trigger happy

3) They have very specific missions, like Davis's mission with the LeJ in supplying them with nuclear materials.

4) Their stated goal is to be helpful to Pakistan

5) They are not always Americans, they can be Pakistanis too as we saw with DynCorp members

But all said and done, there is only a grudging alliance. The biggest difference being the Blackwater has to contend with other organizations at play in Pakistan too.So they have become better at hiding than they were at the time of Fallujah
Sir, the proof of the karahi is in the eating. If you think our karahi is giving us food poisoning, and yours nourishing you, then you should defend it, indeed.

When I said that our karahi is giving us nourishment and yours is giving you food poisoning??? I just said we both like this karahi and shouldn't accuse each other over it.;)
Sorry i dint quite get you on this part...if their stated goal is to be helpful to pakistan....then thats a gud thing for pakistan rite??

Just explaining the motivations behind allowing them in the country. However stated goals and practices have differed.
No difference between LeT and Xe? Not only these two but every other organization which carry arm licensed or without licensed mission is same
I suppose you're looking for an answer better than "They are a bunch of pussies". But basically it all boils down to that.

Just look at this fantastic example, almost 2 months now, and the US hasn't been able to do anything to us. In Pakistan people are talking... If Musharraf would've shown some spine back when 9/11 happened we could've entered into this war in a smart way - instead upon one call and half a threat of bombing Pakistan to the stone age, we acted like a bunch of pussies and bent over.

Thats where the terrorists got more and more brazen with Pakistan. The message we put out there was that we give in to threats and threats we got.

The terrorists and the Americans have been squeezing Pakistan from both sides. Its time to show both of them the finger and have things done our own way for a change.

Can you elaborate on the bold part? What alternative would have worked? Thanks..
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