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No comparisons with India, says Musharraf

"no1 can take kashmir from us militarily or otherwise."
Except we have a part of it lol.

"When the bus started and people came over from AK, they were surprised to see so much development in Indian Kashmir."

Plz..provide a link of proof, cleaning gutters don't constitute development!
And u know well they dont want to be part of india!
Only till you are stronger than us. Because you can force your way onto the Kashmiris. Once they get a choice you know they aren't choosing India.
Every day i get up and pray to allah that thank god my parents from mom side left india to come to pakistan, not dad side cause they used to live in punjab lahore for generations :)
Till there will be kashmir issue,
Till Pakistan will think to have azad kashmir blah blah blah two countries wont prosper mutually.
and will be better for US.

US doesnt wants a solve in kashmir, if its solved india-pak-china-russia can unite.
so until we do anything ourselv to make LOC a IB nothings goin to happen.

Asim Aqil > you'll be stronger but we will be to, what makes you think in next 50 years you'll be stronger than us?
god forbids, unless meteor grasps whole asia india will remain stronger than pakistan just for the sake of its size and economy.
if pakistans economy growing at 7% rate our is at 9% rate the advantage will be there.
so best is to make LOC IB.

who supports of the idea of LOC as IB?
Till there will be kashmir issue,
Till Pakistan will think to have azad kashmir blah blah blah two countries wont prosper mutually.
and will be better for US.
British India was once the most properous nation on earth, if we cooperate we can beat anyone.

US doesnt wants a solve in kashmir, if its solved india-pak-china-russia can unite.
so until we do anything ourselv to make LOC a IB nothings goin to happen.
Its ironic that eveyone knows it very well yet we continue to stay devided. :disagree:

Asim Aqil > you'll be stronger but we will be to, what makes you think in next 50 years you'll be stronger than us?
god forbids, unless meteor grasps whole asia india will remain stronger than pakistan just for the sake of its size and economy.
if pakistans economy growing at 7% rate our is at 9% rate the advantage will be there.
Err...focus man, think long term!
Pakistan's economy is just starting to take off, we too will grow double digits!
Btw, India growth is nowhere close to 9%, its growing around 8%.
so best is to make LOC IB.
who supports of the idea of LOC as IB?

I do! :coffee:
I hope it works better than their penis enlargement programme that they started a few years back for the soldiers serving in Kashmir.
Ping Jana. So much for your fair and nice forum claims on IDF. ;)

On an other note, how do we pronounce 'Jana', is it like 'Yana' or 'J' as a 'Jha'..??
Lol... Aw c'mon, I apologized to the new guy, but you should be more intuned to my sense of humor by now.

I don't know if she's a Pashtu or a Pharsi speaking gal, but right about the time when I first saw her there was a ragin Iranian pop song out there, by the name Jona or something. Figured it had something to do with that. And they say J with a mix of Y and J. It's really hard to type down the phonetics.
Sri ialways m objecting to Asim cuz i think he is too leneniant and i still say hez not doign his job as a mod should do.
u can confrime it from him.

i hate abuses and i hate whoever use it indians or Pakistanis./
As far Jana

yaar its simple Jana with J without h sound
Jan-e-Jana :)
yaar its simple Jana with J without h sound
Hmm.. those European/Latin sounding 'J's would make your name 'Y'ana .. or something close.. :-/
Asim I am technically older than you in this forum ;)
I noticed that afterwards. But I thought I'd slip one by you.

Hey no points for lurkers! :P
Jhana baji said:
Sri ialways m objecting to Asim cuz i think he is too leneniant and i still say hez not doign his job as a mod should do.
u can confrime it from him.

Yeah Jhana Baji has given me my fair share of lectures! I'm just lenient since I feel that a friendship can do things much better than what my moderator powers can do. Mod powers are left for the people that wish to be enemies and won't listen.

What most of you don't usually see is us writing back n forth to people and most of the time we've managed to talk people out of bad behavior. It's a forum man, we've got to be good at talking to enjoy life here. I guess we're lucky too. We don't have overly stressed out mods, that freak out at the first sign of bad behavior.

To sum it up, by being lenient we usually have to work a lot harder. Anyone can just hit the ban button, but to aim to maintain order and a nice environment without that? You know which one is harder.
1."no1 can take kashmir from us militarily or otherwise."
Except we have a part of it lol.

thats cuz u took it before we intervened...and we stopped...the IA could'v gone on further when they took the resposibility of defending Kashmir.

2. i'l try and search a link for you, i am horrible with links, it was news back then in the papers...though by ANY means feel free to google whether Indian Kashmir is better than AK or not?, std of living, or whatever, most studies will say exactly what i am saying.....i seriously doubt you would find one study or analysis saying the contrary! (and trust me, i'v searced many!).

3. the economy grew at 8.4% i believe.

4. lol! , my maternal acestors came from Pakistan, dont kno where from tho...:)

5. and i too vehemently support the LoC as IB :-)

6.If we do resolve the border disputes, the subcontinant can indeed become the greatest!! India, Pak, Russ and China can kick any1's ***.
Well yes I am based in US my roots are Indian I used to post in PDF too.
Since I was not able to choose USA I selected UN flag.

I have answered Asim in my previous post, The other post was for vnomad.

And what did I say about Mirpuri's and other people? I think you should read my post again.
This all came up because of Asim's Question.

Everybody know it will not be resolved as resolution does not suit even the Pakistani govt.

Btw I found US flag it was 2nd from Top

I have read your post again. You say in your post will non kashmir origin people be allowed to vote in the plebicite and then in the brackets you mention mirpuris and pakistanis living in azad kashmir. Which gives the impression that mirpuris are non kashmiris. This is incorrect and i tried to correct this error. For the record Mirpur is one of the oldest districts of Azad Kashmir and has always been part of the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Do you accept what i say as true or not?
anyone else want to dispute this??
5. and i too vehemently support the LoC as IB :-)

That is the very worst solution, no one has the right, neither India nor Pakistan to divide Kashmir and its people. It is without a doubt if both Kashmir's were given the right to independance, they would choose independance from both India and Pakistan. If they were given the right not to independance but to join either India or Pakistan, both would choose Pakistan (which something Indians are neither willing to admit nor allow the people of Kashmir to choose).

The only practical solution is for a demilitarisation of all of Kashmir, both the Paksitani and Indian Kashmir where both sides withdraw all military personal and an easing of all restrictions on travel between the two sides for the people and a great easing of movement of goods between the two sides.

Until India comes to accept such a solution, Pakistan must maintain the support for Kashmiri's. They must not be abandoned at the whims of a few. It was wrong for Pakistan in 1999 to try and militarily win back Indian occupied Kashmir, it would be even more wrong for Indian occupied Kashmir to be abandoned totally by Pakistan.
1."no1 can take kashmir from us militarily or otherwise."
Except we have a part of it lol.

thats cuz u took it before we intervened...and we stopped...the IA could'v gone on further when they took the resposibility of defending Kashmir.
IA didn't realistically stopped or could've taken it further. It was India that had to seek the UN call a cease-fire, which Pakistan respected. It was India then who agreed to a plebiscite, which Pakistan then respected.

It wasn't till India had time to beef up it's defences it switched into "elections" mode.

4. lol! , my maternal acestors came from Pakistan, dont kno where from tho...:)
Mine from Kashmir. And father's from India.

It doesn't matter to me my loyalties lie with Pakistan. I'd expect no less from you.

5. and i too vehemently support the LoC as IB :-)
#1 I don't wish to see India in control of Pakistan's waters. So I'd oppose it for Pakistan's sakes.
#2 Overriding that factor would be the wish of the Kashmiri people. If they agree to make it an IB, then its agreeable by everyone and case closed.

There are three parties here. India, Pakistan and Kashmir. Making it the IB is opposed to two parties out of three. So in essence that's part of the problem, and not the solution.

And in any scenario. The first thing we must do is, check the wish of the Kashmiris. If they like it, then we ponder over how to make it work for India and Pakistan.

Kashmiris for many years have started to polarize between the two options. Pakistan or complete Indpendence of united Kashmir. There are more people on the side of Independent Kashmir than of Pakistan and its lessening as a new generation comes. There's not even a significant minority on the side of the Indians. But lets not dispute that.

So for argument's sakes if Pakistan releases its part of Kashmir and so does India and it forms a new nation it's be accepted by the Kashmiris - no doubt about that.

Now how Pakistan and India should be thinking is.

Pak: Ok a new allied nation gets control of our waters. It's not hostile territory so we have no doubt that they'd use their dams as a weapon against Pakistan.

India can say, okay we lost some territory but Pakistan did not get it. It in fact ended up losing its land too. India probably gains the new Kashmiri government as an ally and can sign a few deals. And all of a sudden all of it's costs suddenly near zero.

Which would TRULY lead to:

6.If we do resolve the border disputes, the subcontinant can indeed become the greatest!! India, Pak, Russ and China can kick any1's ***.

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