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No comparisons with India, says Musharraf

I have read a book, Pakistan The Eye Of The Storm by a British correspondent
and in it he says before the Kargil episode a Pakistani diplomat and an Indian
diplomat were discussing the issue and the Pakistani one suggested Chenab
River as the border. The talks broke because of Kargil.
although you display a UN flag...but you are forwarding 50+ years of indian position

Well yes I am based in US my roots are Indian I used to post in PDF too.
Since I was not able to choose USA I selected UN flag.

I have answered Asim in my previous post, The other post was for vnomad.

And what did I say about Mirpuri's and other people? I think you should read my post again.
This all came up because of Asim's Question.

Everybody know it will not be resolved as resolution does not suit even the Pakistani govt.

Btw I found US flag it was 2nd from Top
Still active posted today too, Social political issue about "shoaib and Asif thread"
of course, thats why he won't take responsibility of Kashmiris and answer the tough questions on it.

And thus we're justified to do whatever we have to do to make life miserable on the other end. You guys have captured millions of our people. The gloves were off long before.s

"Of your people" - how are they your people?They were a independant princely state ruled by a hindu.

And for trying to make it miserable,the kashmiris on this side are better off compared to the ones in Azad Kashmir.
As acknowledged by the Indian, once a plebiscite takes place, they'd stop being Indians. Their choice is clear.

We call them our people since we share a lot of commonalities and mutual adversaries.
:) well whatever the case if indians say theres no solution to the Kashmir but they have to keep thousands of troops there who out of pchycological problmes and forced deployment there continue killing each other and they had to keep the army at heavy cost.

Thha ;)
:) well whatever the case if indians say theres no solution to the Kashmir but they have to keep thousands of troops there who out of pchycological problmes and forced deployment there continue killing each other and they had to keep the army at heavy cost.

Thha ;)

We dont mind any of that,especially money.The IA has set up a committe to look into this matter of stress.

So soon this issue will be sorted out.
I hope it works better than their penis enlargement programme that they started a few years back for the soldiers serving in Kashmir.
I hope it works better than their penis enlargement programme that they started a few years back for the soldiers serving in Kashmir.

That is below the belt from moderator. Also check the topic of the thread is this consistent ?
It's a light joke, GP. The Penis enlargement news story was a huge rage back then.

Not like I was celebrating the deaths of the Indian military committing suicides.

But I appologize all the same, it won't happen again.
accept the fact that kashmir is never going over to pakistan.Get it thru ur system man. And move ON...no1 can take kashmir from us militarily or otherwise.

We dont constantly demand the rest of kashmir from Pakistan. Make the frigging LOC as an IB and lets move forward. Had kashmir become azad kashmir, prolly it would also have been as backward as azad kashmir is currently now and would be constantly under the rule of different people who keep on overthrowing the govt in Pakistan. When the bus started and people came over from AK, they were surprised to see so much development in Indian Kashmir.
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