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No case of bird flu detected in Pakistan: PPA


Dec 6, 2005
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No case of bird flu detected in Pakistan: PPA

KARACHI: No case of bird flu has been detected in Pakistan and all concerned departments have taken appropriate precautionary steps.

The food and agriculture ministries were monitoring the situation and a national reference laboratory for avian influenza has been established at National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC) at Islamabad.

Abdul Maroof Siddiqui, central convener Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) said on Saturday that according to secretary food and agriculture a network of 12 satellite laboratories have been set up with the capacity to diagnose avian influenza, Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Abbottabad, Peshawar, Muzaffarabad and Gilgit.

He said these laboratories were working round the clock to check implications of any unpleasant incident. He said according to these ministries these laboratories have facilities for serological and molecular diagnosis and virus isolation and characterization.

According to them, government has already approved a project of Rs 39.85 million for the control of avian influenza besides another national plan costing $6.8 million has also been prepared and was under consideration by the donors’ community.

The government has banned import of poultry products and birds from 22 countries including India and Iran as avian influenza (H5 N1) has been reported in most of the countries. The NARC has trained a group of scientists from all SAARC countries and from Afghanistan for the diagnosis of bird flu.

All possible measures were being taken to address the possible threat of bird flu in Karachi, Hyderabad and major commercial bird farms in Sindh. The district health authorities had been directed to launch a massive drive to create awareness about the bird flu, besides checking all poultry farms functioning in the province. staff report

Looks like good steps have been taken to counter this bird flu. I can't imagine Pakistan having bird flu, because the above steps are not enough as far as the whole country is concerned. I hope major steps which are being taking in United States for finding an effective cure for this flu results soon.
No case of bird flu detected in Pakistan: PPA

KARACHI: No case of bird flu has been detected in Pakistan and all concerned departments have taken appropriate precautionary steps.

The food and agriculture ministries were monitoring the situation and a national reference laboratory for avian influenza has been established at National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC) at Islamabad.

Abdul Maroof Siddiqui, central convener Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) said on Saturday that according to secretary food and agriculture a network of 12 satellite laboratories have been set up with the capacity to diagnose avian influenza, Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Abbottabad, Peshawar, Muzaffarabad and Gilgit.

He said these laboratories were working round the clock to check implications of any unpleasant incident. He said according to these ministries these laboratories have facilities for serological and molecular diagnosis and virus isolation and characterization.

According to them, government has already approved a project of Rs 39.85 million for the control of avian influenza besides another national plan costing $6.8 million has also been prepared and was under consideration by the donors’ community.

The government has banned import of poultry products and birds from 22 countries including India and Iran as avian influenza (H5 N1) has been reported in most of the countries. The NARC has trained a group of scientists from all SAARC countries and from Afghanistan for the diagnosis of bird flu.

All possible measures were being taken to address the possible threat of bird flu in Karachi, Hyderabad and major commercial bird farms in Sindh. The district health authorities had been directed to launch a massive drive to create awareness about the bird flu, besides checking all poultry farms functioning in the province. staff report

Recently two cases of bird flu have been discovered in NWFP province :idiot:
It seems we have been hit by bug as well. They have already killed all the birds in ths two poultry farms and have quarantined the farms.
Did anybody saw the video coverage. The guys were wearing proper kits and were using CO to kill the birds. I saw another clip from france where they were killing the birds by twisting their necks (quite brutal :cry: )
We should keep an eye :cool: on india as well. Because they can spread that in Pakistan for purpose.
You sound a bit paranoid. The idea of using bird flu as a weapon seems a bit far fetched. No offence meant :wink:

I am sure they have a lot of other biologival weapons under thier belt which they can use against pakistan.
Originally posted by Khan@Mar 1 2006, 10:15 PM
You sound a bit paranoid. The idea of using bird flu as a weapon seems a bit far fetched. No offence meant :wink:

I am sure they have a lot of other biologival weapons under thier belt which they can use against pakistan.
[post=6456]Quoted post[/post]​

:laugh: LOL :lol:

That was some fun man!!! offcourse ur right.
I think you guys had not been to news. the brid flu had hit us hard scores of poultry farms have been sealed as the has been detected in Charsadda and Abbottabad areas of NWFP. Keeping in view the fear of bird flu outbreak as many as 16,000 chicks and more than 11,000 eggs were quarantined from the poultry farms of Abbottabad district; the farms had been sealed and police force was deployed there on Wednesday.
Same is case with Charsadda where thousands of chickens were killed by the authorities.
Yeah ive got the news. So again the chicken meat will be available at very cheap prices :buck: .

I guess people will be refraining to eat chicken meat for some while. Poulitary shops are gonna lose some business as well. But main concern is about people's health.

A Question!!!

Has any of you guys stopped eating chicken yet? :crazy2:
Bird flu - AKU prepares public service message

KARACHI, March 3 (APP)- The outbreak of bird flu in South East
Asian region, including the two next door neighbors makes
it necessary to sensitize people about necessary precaution, but without creating any panic.
In an effort to alert and educate the public, Aga Khan
University (AKU) has prepared a public service message. AKU is working
with the Government of Pakistan to address the threat of bird flu.
The message reminding that Avian influenza A (H5N1) viruses
usually affects wild birds, but now it has started causing
disease among poultry, such as chickens. Human infections with H5N1
viruses are rare, but have occurred during 2003 - 2006 in Cambodia,
China, Indonesia, Iraq, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam, with many cases
resulting in death.
It was mentioned that bird flu viruses do not usually infect
humans, but more than 100 confirmed cases of human infection with bird
flu viruses have occurred since 1997.
Most cases of avian influenza infection in humans have resulted
from direct or close contact with infected poultry.
As a general rule, the public should observe wildlife, including
wild birds, from a distance. This protects from possible exposure
to pathogens and minimizes disturbance to the animal.
Poultry farmers and those who butcher poultry should take
protective measure like wearing gloves, gowns, and boots. Washing
body and clothing after contact with poultry is essential.
So far, spread of H5N1 virus from person to person has been rare
and has not continued beyond one person.
Because these viruses do not commonly infect humans, there is
little or no immune protection against them in the human population.
The report stated that most cases of H5N1 infection in
humans are thought to have occurred from direct contact with infected
poultry in affected countries.
Therefore, when possible, care should be taken to avoid contact
with live, well-appearing, sick, or dead poultry and with any surfaces
that may have been contaminated by poultry or their faeces or
secretions, it stressed.
Transmission of H5N1 viruses to two persons through consumption
of uncooked duck blood may also have occurred in Vietnam in 2005.
Uncooked poultry or poultry products, including blood, should not be
It was emphasized that "Cooking poultry products kills the
virus," hence eating cooked meat and eggs are not hazardous and
consumers do not get sick from them. However, bird flu is very
contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds, including
chickens, ducks, and turkeys, very sick and kill them.
Symptoms of avian influenza in humans have ranged from typical
human influenza-like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle
aches) to eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory diseases (such
as acute respiratory distress syndrome), and other severe and
life-threatening complications.
Two main risks for human health from avian influenza are - the
risk of direct infection when the virus passes from the infected bird
to humans, sometimes resulting in severe disease; and the risk that
the virus "if given enough opportunities " will change into a form
that is highly infectious for humans and spreads easily from person to
Studies done in laboratories suggest that the prescription
medicines approved for human influenza viruses should work in treating
avian influenza infection in humans. However, influenza viruses can
become resistant to these drugs, so these medications may not always
It was clarified that Influenza Vaccine for the 2005-06 season
does not provide protection against avian influenza.
Domesticated birds may become infected with avian influenza virus
through direct contact with infected waterfowl or other infected
poultry or through contact with surfaces (such as dirt or cages) or
materials (such as water or feed) that have been contaminated with the
Originally posted by melb4aust@Mar 3 2006, 12:08 PM
Has any of you guys stopped eating chicken yet? :crazy2:
[post=6590]Quoted post[/post]​

Cant loose the chicken!

Is the bird flu case a real serious case? I mean has it spreaded all over, or are there only few cases? Same like United States?
"Pakistan is complete bird-flu-free country"

KARACHI: Secretary General Poultry Wholesalers Association Karachi Kamal Akhtar said Pakistan is complete bird-flu-free country with no case of H5N1virus at all.

No case of H5N1 virus was reported in any part of country despite consecutive sample tests were carried out across the country during last two years and around 18842 samples were tested only from the Sindh province during that period, he said while talking to Online here on Monday.

So far as the confirmation of H5N1 virus in two poultry farms in Charsadda and Abbotabad was concerned, it was also dubious as only H5 virus was confirmed in the tests, he said.

World Health Organization, (WHO) representative in Peshawar has also declared the confirmation of H5N1 virus in the samples, which were taken from two poultry farms of Charsadda and Abbotabad, as suspicious," he added.

The WHO experts were of the view that death ratio in chickens at the said poultry farms was 7 to 9 percent whereas in case of H5N1 virus the death ration is commonly 75 percent, he said.

There was good reason to claim that there was no case of bird flu in Pakistan even after the confirmation of H5 virus in Charsadda and Abbotabad because all the chickens at the affected poultry farms were buried before the confirmation of the tests.

He called upon the people to eat chickens and other poultry products without any fear.

Originally posted by melb4aust@Mar 2 2006, 12:15 AM
:laugh: LOL :lol:

That was some fun man!!! offcourse ur right.
[post=6507]Quoted post[/post]​

but if some wierd disease out breaks in paksitan then government will think its a biological weapon. bird flu wouldnt be considered a BW. It wouldnt ring a bell
Poultry consumption has declined by 33% over the last three weeks.
What about the impact on the economy?

Do we export poultry products?
Yeah ive got the news. So again the chicken meat will be available at very cheap prices :buck: .
I don't know, it's preety expensive there already. Like a RS.100+ there. That's preety expensive for some pakistanis living there. But hopefully insallah things will get soon. :flag:

A Question!!!

Has any of you guys stopped eating chicken yet? :crazy2:
Hmm, let's see. I had chicken korma this afternoon. Now i'll be having chicken bryani. Yesterday i had chicken burgers. Before that i had chicken pizza. Then i had grilled spicy chicken

So yea . Mein bazz nei aya :evil:
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