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No Aryan migration into India / Pakistan? Its' all a myth?

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modern day iranians are closely related to arabs.

J Haplogroup(arab/semetic marker):


There's no such thing as Aryan in the Middle East and the subcontinent unless you belong to the Kalash tribe in Northern Pakistan (who many think have Greek or Macedonian roots).

The people of Middle East and the subcontinent usually have black hair, dark eyes, olive skin color (brown skin color in most of south asia) and have long noses.

Aryans look like Germans. Blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin color, small nose. Hitler used to measure the noses of his people and categorize people into Aryans and Jews by the lenghth of the person's noses. North Indians have among the longest noses in the planet so do some Pakistanis. Some Pakistanis and North Indians look more similar to Jews than Germans.
modern day iranians are closely related to arabs.

J Haplogroup(arab/semetic marker):


btw arayn/indo european is not a racial group,but simply a language group.

Sorry, I guess I made a fool of myself. I wont argue with you without knowledge of the matter. However, I find it fascinating that many iranians(and much of iranian leaders) are obsessed with aryans. Hope any iranian in the forum can throw some light on it.
There's no such thing as Aryan in the Middle East and the subcontinent unless you belong to the Kalash tribe in Northern Pakistan (who many think have Greek or Macedonian roots).

The people of Middle East and the subcontinent usually have black hair, dark eyes, olive skin color (brown skin color in most of south asia) and have long noses.

Aryans look like Germans. Blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin color, small nose. Hitler used to measure the noses of his people and categorize people into Aryans and Jews by the lenghth of the person's noses. North Indians have among the longest noses in the planet so do some Pakistanis. Some Pakistanis and North Indians look more similar to Jews than Germans.

well not all south asians are brown.most kashmiris are generally fair skinned.alot of pakistani punjabis are also fair skinned.(i dont mean it in a racist way,just saying, south asia is one of the most diverse regions in the world when it comes to different looks and cultures).
What the funk !!!!

Aryan in itself is a word derived from Sanskrit per the Hindu laws. Who the henk is Hitler to tell anyone who is Aryan and who is not?

None of the Aryans ever had blond hair. I am at loss of words why such pictures are posted to put forth the Aryan theory.
well not all south asians are brown.most kashmiris are generally fair skinned.alot of pakistani punjabis are aslo fair skinned.

I know that Pakistanis come in all skin colors and are usually fairer toned than other south asians, but we have our fair share of brown people too. I would say most Pakistanis are light brown/olive skin tone, but most Pakistanis are not fair like Germans and Hitler were obsessed about before World War 2.

Even among Algerians and Libyans you will find many fair skinned people and these people are in Africa and dont claim to be Aryans.
well not all south asians are brown.most kashmiris are generally fair skinned.alot of pakistani punjabis are also fair skinned.(i dont mean it in a racist way,just saying, south asia is one of the most diverse regions in the world when it comes to different looks and cultures).

I agree with you.
I saw a documentary about India by BBC.
Here is the relevant part in which it tells the origin of some of Indians (not all of course, as you said, south asia, and even India, is diverse)
This part talks about the rituals and religious text which came from central asia (rig veda).

Part 1 talks about people in kerala being closest relative of african tribe. Also some tribes in gujrat being very close genetically to africans.
Even some bramhin rituals there is influenced by african sound. Amazing.
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I know that Pakistanis come in all skin colors and are usually fairer toned than other south asians, but we have our fair share of brown people too. I would say most Pakistanis are light brown/olive skin tone, but most Pakistanis are not fair like Germans and Hitler were obsessed about before World War 2.

Even among Algerians and Libyans you will find many fair skinned people and these people are in Africa and dont claim to be Aryans.

i didnt mean to say pakistanis are aryans or we look like europeans. majority of pakistanis look nothing like europeans.

having fair skin doesnt= european. fair is a skin color,not a race.you can find naturally fair skinned people all over the world.
Ramachandra, S/o Dasharatha, the ideal of all the Aryans, one of the most revered Aryan ever, was a darky...


Get over it
Why are people mixing race with skin color. Will fairskin japanease be aryan. Guys stick to topic, and if anybody has good scientific knowledge(e.g. genetics), please bring forth.
Why are people mixing race with skin color. Will fairskin japanease be aryan. Guys stick to topic, and if anybody has good scientific knowledge(e.g. genetics), please bring forth.

I have studied some about genetics, and won't post a picture here if the topic in itself were not so ludicrous.
modern day iranians are closely related to arabs.

J Haplogroup(arab/semetic marker):


btw arayn/indo european is not a racial group,but simply a language group.

But the farsi speaking tajiks have a high rate of R1a1a.
Seriously does it really matter who are our ancestors were? Dwell in present, do something for your society, for your country, for your people and make sure you keep a damn good and indestructible record of everything great that you do. The future generations can then claim the legacy without having to argue with nincompoops. Make "Indian" the new "Aryan", so there won't be any ambiguity next time. :enjoy:
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