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No ammo, air defence obsolete: Army Chief to PM

India is a parliamentary democracy, but rather less than a fully free society. The human rights group Freedom House ranks India as a 2 (on a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 the highest) for political rights and 3 for civil liberties. Elections are generally free but, notes Freedom House, “Government effectiveness and accountability are also undermined by pervasive criminality in politics, decrepit state institutions, and widespread corruption.” The State Department observes: “There were numerous reports that the government and its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings, including extrajudicial killings of suspected criminals and insurgents, or staged encounter deaths.”

and your point is?

he was deepak kapoor ..

Deepak Kapoor made the 2 front statement.
he was deepak kapoor ..

So there are more officers with exagerrated statement syndrome?

This circus is nothing more than a sham to get more funding and continue the whatever i want parade rather than the what I need parade.
sort of like the Chinese sub surface incident..
So there are more officers with exagerrated statement syndrome?

This circus is nothing more than a sham to get more funding and continue the whatever i want parade rather than the what I need parade.
sort of like the Chinese sub surface incident..

This is a very superficial opinion (ok if from someone like Aryan B; not from you dude!).

The general has highlighted three critical points..

1. Lack of ammo for tanks.

2. Obsolete air defence units.

3. Lack of night fighting ability.

Even a cursory look at past reports emerging from independent media will tell you that these issues have been raised consistently by various authorities at various levels. Nothing sensational from the chief, he is an honest man doing his job!

E.G. Here is a look at Air defence units of IA.

SA-5, SA-6, SA-8, SA-13, artillary like schilka, tungushka.

Is this is not the very definition of OBSOLETE?
Now look at the last military chiefs.They never barked against govt but this guy done this.
I have been saying that govt always puts their stooge on army chief post,but every body was bashing me when our new sikh chief was given post one month ago.
This present new chief is also govt stooge and he will never speak against govt..(write it on wall).

VKS was obstacle for the corrupts and he was not letting corruption in ..thats why many deals of army were hanged in b/w.

now in presence of new chief..every deal will be completed coz he is govt stooge and he is corrupt too.

It is not army's job to policing the Govt policies. Army chief is doing unrepairable damage to one of the best constitutional institution of the country and not only this, he is also badly damaging Indian army's image. In short he is trying to be Indian Kiyani or Musharraf or Beg. Why he leaked his letter to media, to score some cheap points on Govt. The Govt. must take strict action against him and other parties must support or backup the Govt. on this issue. This disgraceful person should be court martialed for leaking sensitive information, stripped of his rank and kicked out of the army.

Why should he starts barking & leaking ultra secret letters now & his love for the country starts spilling and blown away all the army regulations, when he was not given extension???? or he feels like you (Paan/Pandu), 'A Sikh prime minister sacrificed an honest Hindu general over a Sikh General". I was listening to a RSS mouth piece TV channel, spreading the same propaganda, like "VK Singh, an honest Hindu general did not get extension, because prime minister favors a suspected tainted general from his 'own community" or "Sikh general's daughter in law, a pakistan born ex. pakistani national lives with his son in Dubai, so secret of Indian defense forces can reach Pakistan".

PAAN SINGH, pandu you are just a fascist thug from "kachha/chaddi" party aka RSS, working on your religious fascist agenda!!! What you mean by "Sikh Chief" ????? It was & is never a tradition of Indian Army to have Sikh General or Hindu General or Muslim General or Christian General and will remain the same in future. Indian army always has a Chief of Army Staff without religion/cast etc. Change your religious lens, these are making you blind!!!!!!!!!!
It is not army's job to policing the Govt policies. Army chief is doing unrepairable damage to one of the best constitutional institution of the country and not only this, he is also badly damaging Indian army's image. In short he is trying to be Indian Kiyani or Musharraf or Beg. Why he leaked his letter to media, to score some cheap points on Govt. The Govt. must take strict action against him and other parties must support or backup the Govt. on this issue. This disgraceful person should be court martialed for leaking sensitive information, stripped of his rank and kicked out of the army.

Why should he starts barking & leaking ultra secret letters now & his love for the country starts spilling and blown away all the army regulations, when he was not given extension???? or he feels like you (Paan/Pandu), 'A Sikh prime minister sacrificed an honest Hindu general over a Sikh General". I was listening to a RSS mouth piece TV channel, spreading the same propaganda, like "VK Singh, an honest Hindu general did not get extension, because prime minister favors a suspected tainted general from his 'own community" or "Sikh general's daughter in law, a pakistan born ex. pakistani national lives with his son in Dubai, so secret of Indian defense forces can reach Pakistan".

PAAN SINGH, pandu you are just a fascist thug from "kachha/chaddi" party aka RSS, working on your religious fascist agenda!!! What you mean by "Sikh Chief" ????? It was & is never a tradition of Indian Army to have Sikh General or Hindu General or Muslim General or Christian General and will remain the same in future. Indian army always has a Chief of Army Staff without religion/cast etc. Change your religious lens, these are making you blind!!!!!!!!!!


vks dint leak the letter and m sikh too...so dont question me...

u took my post with wrong intention..and u r utterly wrong..

this chief is corrupt and govt stooge while vks was not..
i have repeated it 10 times
It is not army's job to policing the Govt policies. Army chief is doing unrepairable damage to one of the best constitutional institution of the country and not only this, he is also badly damaging Indian army's image. In short he is trying to be Indian Kiyani or Musharraf or Beg. Why he leaked his letter to media, to score some cheap points on Govt. The Govt. must take strict action against him and other parties must support or backup the Govt. on this issue. This disgraceful person should be court martialed for leaking sensitive information, stripped of his rank and kicked out of the army.

Why should he starts barking & leaking ultra secret letters now & his love for the country starts spilling and blown away all the army regulations, when he was not given extension???? or he feels like you (Paan/Pandu), 'A Sikh prime minister sacrificed an honest Hindu general over a Sikh General". I was listening to a RSS mouth piece TV channel, spreading the same propaganda, like "VK Singh, an honest Hindu general did not get extension, because prime minister favors a suspected tainted general from his 'own community" or "Sikh general's daughter in law, a pakistan born ex. pakistani national lives with his son in Dubai, so secret of Indian defense forces can reach Pakistan".

PAAN SINGH, pandu you are just a fascist thug from "kachha/chaddi" party aka RSS, working on your religious fascist agenda!!! What you mean by "Sikh Chief" ????? It was & is never a tradition of Indian Army to have Sikh General or Hindu General or Muslim General or Christian General and will remain the same in future. Indian army always has a Chief of Army Staff without religion/cast etc. Change your religious lens, these are making you blind!!!!!!!!!!

Not proven yet that it was the Army chief who leaked the letter.

This circus is nothing more than a sham to get more funding and continue the whatever i want parade rather than the what I need parade.
sort of like the Chinese sub surface incident..

Not sure about the rest but our air defence systems are obsolete.

Except Aksah and Spyder the rest are obsolete Soviet era ,probably only good to take out some UAVs i guess.

The MANPADS are even more useless.
I always though babus are the stumbling block in defense acquisition, but to day a top defense ministry bureaucrat said that there are weekly/monthly meetings of top level babus and generals with the Defense Minister. Babus will give their input, generals will give their input..but the last say is that of DM. So blame the DM, Mr Antony... the master of inaction.
Its embarressing that a NATION annouces a $40 billion defense budget AND is ranked the no1 ARMS importer in the world YET its ARMY CHEIF OF STAFF general Singhs has to go public with INDIA,S massive obselence problem.

INDIA has never had money broblems,,, or the international import restrictions ot lack of suppliers.

THIS makes indian army problem even more embarrassing.

97% of indian army air defense is obselete = sam 3 4 & 6 from soveit union era.

Tanks withoout nightfighting vision ie 2000 T72 & 500 T55 in storage

no ammo ie just like kargil india will run out of ammo in 5 days.

" where has the money gone"
Its embarressing that a NATION annouces a $40 billion defense budget AND is ranked the no1 ARMS importer in the world YET its ARMY CHEIF OF STAFF general Singhs has to go public with INDIA,S massive obselence problem.

INDIA has never had money broblems,,, or the international import restrictions ot lack of suppliers.

THIS makes indian army problem even more embarrassing.

97% of indian army air defense is obselete = sam 3 4 & 6 from soveit union era.

Tanks withoout nightfighting vision ie 2000 T72 & 500 T55 in storage

no ammo ie just like kargil india will run out of ammo in 5 days.

" where has the money gone"

i dont know you accept it or not..
Army is one of the huge corruption den and even small officers at the lowest rank loot in lakhs..:hitwall:

i think 40% money goes in corruption..
So there are more officers with exagerrated statement syndrome?

This circus is nothing more than a sham to get more funding and continue the whatever i want parade rather than the what I need parade.
sort of like the Chinese sub surface incident..

Yes sir, I believe you have some on your side too...

""cross into India and march up the Ganges and capture Delhi and thus link up with Pakistan."

"Dhaka will fall over my dead body"

"I would capture Agartala and a big chunk of Assam, and develop multiple thrusts into Indian Bengal. We would cripple the economy of Calcutta by blowing up bridges and sinking boats and ships in Hooghly River and create panic amongst the civilians. One air raid on Calcutta would set a sea of humanity in motion to get out of Calcutta”
Indian bureaucrats are exceedingly jealous of the military. In matters military the political leadership and the bureaucracy have a laid back unprofessional attitude. Proof once more, that India is not a fighting nation. Yes, the Rajputs, the Sikhs and the Gorkhas are valiant in the battle-field, but as a nation India is not martial.
Indian bureaucrats are exceedingly jealous of the military. In matters military the political leadership and the bureaucracy have a laid back unprofessional attitude. Proof once more, that India is not a fighting nation. Yes, the Rajputs, the Sikhs and the Gorkhas are valiant in the battle-field, but as a nation India is not martial.

This is the 21rst century. We don't believe in martial races and slave races anymore, even the country that first made up these unscientific theories threw them into the garbage dump long back. Today we have learnt to view people as individuals and judge their skills (whether to fight or to program computers) by their capabilities as individuals, not on the basis of where their ancestors lived or which gods they pray to.

The whole world stopped believing in racism and racialist superiority/inferiority, you might want to raise your head and look around at the 21rst century.

And Indian soldiers, whether madrasi or gorkha or jat or kashmiri, fight for their motherland equally valiantly. People who don't have any personal accomplishments and can't boast of any skills in anything like to think that their ancestory somehow makes them better than others. I have nothing but contempt for people like that.

vks dint leak the letter and m sikh too...so dont question me...

u took my post with wrong intention..and u r utterly wrong..

this chief is corrupt and govt stooge while vks was not..
i have repeated it 10 times

I am really sorry PAAN, I just lost my cool for a moment. As i cursed u from my heart, Its the same way i am regretting and feeling ashamed. Once again Soooo....o Sooooooorrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy.......y

On topic
=> "this chief is corrupt and govt stooge"
Its also not PROVED!!!!!!!!!
Indian bureaucrats are exceedingly jealous of the military. In matters military the political leadership and the bureaucracy have a laid back unprofessional attitude. Proof once more, that India is not a fighting nation. Yes, the Rajputs, the Sikhs and the Gorkhas are valiant in the battle-field, but as a nation India is not martial.

Martial Race my a**. Everyone can be martial if they believe in the cause they are fighting for and as for India being not a fighting nation..our biggest proof that we are not is the country of Bangladesh.

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