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No aircraft engines to Pak, please

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Dont know why this so suprising, I would make my enemy as weak as possible. If pakistan had the ability to do it, they would do it. unfortunatly it doesnt have as many friends or international clout as india does.
So its just politics
Cost vs. benefit outweighs $

Its not that, Pakistan and China has the money for it. But Western sources wont Agree to Tot of jet fighter engine when it has China as a major partner. They still face Military ban from western sources
Dont know why this so suprising, I would make my enemy as weak as possible. If pakistan had the ability to do it, they would do it. unfortunatly it doesnt have as many friends or international clout as india does.
So its just politics

Agreed, but its not that Pakistan can't do it. Its just that it doesn't want to. If Pakistan tells United States that selling F-18 Super Hornets and F-16 Block 52+ would further tilt the military gap for both countries and it could threaten Pakistan to increase its nuclear weapons test and acquire more weapons. Just think about the unstability it will give in the region and tell that to the U.S, and what makes you think that the Senate will not listen to the Pakistani lobby? Peace means more to the Senate than selling weapons to earn a few bucks.

India wants more than 200 Su-30MKI, and that is more than enough to defend herself.
Its not that, Pakistan and China has the money for it. But Western sources wont Agree to Tot of jet fighter engine when it has China as a major partner. They still face Military ban from western sources

This doesn't matter. By 2008, Pakistan will produce JF-17 Thunder by herself. China will produce and configure its own. Those companies want money, and as long as you give it to them, they will agree to transfer the technology with limitation that the technology must not be transfered to the China, and that will be respected by Pakistan.
This doesn't matter. By 2008, Pakistan will produce JF-17 Thunder by herself. China will produce and configure its own. Those companies want money, and as long as you give it to them, they will agree to transfer the technology with limitation that the technology must not be transfered to the China, and that will be respected by Pakistan.

No they wont webby, They are bound by rules and they will follow it to the fullest when it comes to China, And mostly non of them want their own products reverse engg and sold against them at a cheaper rate.lol. Pakistan does not have the technology base as of now.
Agreed, but its not that Pakistan can't do it. Its just that it doesn't want to. If Pakistan tells United States that selling F-18 Super Hornets and F-16 Block 52+ would further tilt the military gap for both countries and it could threaten Pakistan to increase its nuclear weapons test and acquire more weapons. Just think about the unstability it will give in the region and tell that to the U.S, and what makes you think that the Senate will not listen to the Pakistani lobby? Peace means more to the Senate than selling weapons to earn a few bucks.

India wants more than 200 Su-30MKI, and that is more than enough to defend herself.

Pakistan wont call on Nuclear tessting for F-18 sales, Nuclear Missiles is a reality in the sub-continent.Pakistan will be termed a irresponsible nation for nuclear arm-twisting for a conventional purchase, if that arguement is brought. DId India bring in Nuclear Testing arguement when the F-16 dale happened. Its a no go. Peace by virtue not by appeasement.
pAKIStan lobby is not as strong as the indian one. Arms Race is a reality in South Asia, India is leading it. Play on if you can.
Weep Weep Weep, Weep all the way! The failiure of the LCA is stinging and to show that JF-17 failed India will beg Russia to stop delivery fo these engines! Pathetic nature at its climax!:disagree:

Its not to show that you failed,but to make sure PAF modernisation doesnt happen.
Agreed, but its not that Pakistan can't do it. Its just that it doesn't want to. If Pakistan tells United States that selling F-18 Super Hornets and F-16 Block 52+ would further tilt the military gap for both countries and it could threaten Pakistan to increase its nuclear weapons test and acquire more weapons. Just think about the unstability it will give in the region and tell that to the U.S, and what makes you think that the Senate will not listen to the Pakistani lobby? Peace means more to the Senate than selling weapons to earn a few bucks.

India wants more than 200 Su-30MKI, and that is more than enough to defend herself.

Whe is the last time Pak did something on its own.It depends on US for money/aid.
No they wont webby, They are bound by rules and they will follow it to the fullest when it comes to China, And mostly non of them want their own products reverse engg and sold against them at a cheaper rate.lol. Pakistan does not have the technology base as of now.


Thats just an speculation. China and Pakistan are different countries. F-16s can be sold to Pakistan but NOT China.

I agree, transfer of technology of radars will not taken place unless JF-17 TOT has been completed, or if Pakistan decides to use those radars in the F-7 or Mirage fighters.
Its not to show that you failed,but to make sure PAF modernisation doesnt happen.

Nonetheless, attempt will be failed. Why shooting a dead soldier which is already killed? China guarantees the engines.

Whe is the last time Pak did something on its own.It depends on US for money/aid.

What does this have to do anything with the topic? :disagree:
Pakistan wont call on Nuclear tessting for F-18 sales, Nuclear Missiles is a reality in the sub-continent.Pakistan will be termed a irresponsible nation for nuclear arm-twisting for a conventional purchase, if that arguement is brought. DId India bring in Nuclear Testing arguement when the F-16 dale happened. Its a no go. Peace by virtue not by appeasement.
pAKIStan lobby is not as strong as the indian one. Arms Race is a reality in South Asia, India is leading it. Play on if you can.

The point is not that Pakistan will call our for nuclear testing, the point is, that we hold strong position in terms of declining sales to India, as it would further increase the military gap between the two nations, and that will arguably affect the peace process and solving issues like Kashmir.

Pakistan lobby might be weaker, but not that it can't be stronger within a month of strong funds & support.
Nonetheless, attempt will be failed. Why shooting a dead soldier which is already killed? China guarantees the engines.:

Which engine would China guarantee for? China wont put its relationship with Russia in jeopardy for JF 17.It has already been reported everywhere incl here that PLAAF is more keen on J-10.

What does this have to do anything with the topic? :disagree:
It was a counter argument to what you said.
The point is not that Pakistan will call our for nuclear testing, the point is, that we hold strong position in terms of declining sales to India, as it would further increase the military gap between the two nations, and that will arguably affect the peace process and solving issues like Kashmir.

Pakistan lobby might be weaker, but not that it can't be stronger within a month of strong funds & support.

Yes, and so can the Indian lobby, with increased funds and support more than what is being currently being given. So if Pakistan increses its lobby, so will India in the same proportion.

And Pakistan no longer holds strong position to decline sales to India, as in the reports, the US is de-hyphenating its India/Pak relationship. Plus, all the US companies are baying for Indian money. India is going to spend a massive amount in the future on its defense. But let me put it this way, even if this attempt fails, as it most probably will, India is acquiring more and more clout at the international stage, faster and faster, and the effecs will be visible in Pakistan in the near future.
I personally like it when India goes crazy like this... It shows Pak has the ability to send her enemies clutching at straws.
Any enemy has the ability to send the other in a tizzy, no matter how small or big. Pakistan is our adversary, and India will do anything to thwart even the smallest or most inconsequential gain that Pakistan may want to or plan to get. As would any two self respecting enemies would do!! That is the law of war.
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