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Nine Pakistani troops killed by militants: officials

None of which have anything to do with Pakistani military incompetence. It's all diversion, all running away from problems.

How do you guys manage to respect yourselves? I think that if you are ever going to have a chance of feeling the greatness of accomplishing noble deeds you are going to have to face challenges squarely.

Of course, it's easy for me to say that here in the U.S. as I don't have the responsibility you guys may have. If you envy me that's a mistake, for I envy you. Someday some Pakistanis are going to work hard to get your country right. Those that do will win great renown. That will never happen to me because I'm living in a country where everything works pretty much correctly already.

Solomon, don't criticize the Pakistani troops. At least they have the balls to be in that terrain. Your troops can't handle a similar terrain in Afghanistan, & have to resort to drone strikes. The Pakistani troops are brave enough to be in regions where US troops can only launch drone strikes into. The Pakistani troops fought the terrorists, killed many of them, & the rest of them have fled to their Afghan safe havens. The terrorists have control of 80% of Afghanistan, whereas their control is diminishing over Pakistan. We believe in life in the HereAfter, our brave soldiers are Shaheeds & 'alive': they're our heroes, we're proud of them giving their lives in the way of Allah, fighting for Pakistan. We love our Armed Forces, & will always support them, because they're fighting for our existence. My heart trembles just thinking about how much they've sacrificed for the Pakistani people.
we really are in a sad state of affairs as a forum when even a news of 9 soldiers (irrespective of nationality) getting killed in action degenerates into a bickering match :disagree:
Ask our resident Zionist why he felt a need to insult martyred Pakistani soldiers and the officers who lead them because of the Statement issued by the military to the media.
Why can't you post?

16 Militants killed by Pakistani Forces
Why can't you post?

16 Militants killed by Pakistani Forces

Yes, but our Pakistani lions that were martyred fighting to protect us take precedence. They have made the biggest sacrifices, laying their lives down for Pakistan in the name of Allah. May Allah bless our Shaheeds, our hearts go out to you. Pak Fauj Zindabad, Pakistan Zindabad. :pakistan:
Will these militants stop at nothing to menace our societies? Does this attack on Pakistani troops not prove Taliban are willing to cross all lines to achieve their dirty, dark and evil agenda? Their goal, destabilizing the region. Their obstacle, only our combined forces prevent them from achieving their chaotic mission. Taliban know they cannot break our collective will, because our people and nations remain standing tall. Their inhumane acts of violence only unite us. The US fully supports Pakistan in its fight against home grown insurgency. Our deepest sympathies to these soldiers, their family and friends. We, as did they, wish to see the region free and clear of terrorist activities. Without mercy, without mercy, without mercy, these Taliban must be hunted down to stop their attacks on innocents, the morally pure and the righteous.

MAJ Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Will these militants stop at nothing to menace our societies? Does this attack on Pakistani troops not prove Taliban are willing to cross all lines to achieve their dirty, dark and evil agenda?

well this isn't a new revelation; nor is it, perhaps the last time such an incident will (unfortunately) take place

before we go into the social or socio-economic impacts of these militant/miscreant elements, can we at least be clear that it's unfortunate that your former C-in-C Adm. Mullen and Def. Sec. Panetta had nothing but crticism for Pakistan and went so far as to label us as complicit in attacks taking place in Afghanistan? The accusations were astounding, and based on rhetoric sans fact or evidence.

more importantly, while we are being told to take certain actions to secure our side of the border (which yes, it's in our interest) little to no action or measures have been taken on the immediate border regions.

for e.g.

Cross-border attack: 26 security personnel killed in Chitral – The Express Tribune

Attacks Continue on Afghanistan-Pakistan Border | South Asia | English

Their goal, destabilizing the region. Their obstacle, only our combined forces prevent them from achieving their chaotic mission. Taliban know they cannot break our collective will, because our people and nations remain standing tall.

we need to accept that they have support on the ground in Afghanistan; what we can't accept is militants with weapons (some which 'allied forces' supplied to them decades ago ---some with weapons and equipments/gear that were sold by the Afghan army soldiers themselves) ....Afghanistan cannot be allowed to tumble back into civil war; entire ethnic groups cannot be backed into a corner and be alienated (e.g. the Pakhtun tribesmen who have been marginalized over the past decade).

I think all the regional stakeholders agree (or ought to agree) that the only way forward in Afghanistan is to bring all warring factions to the negotiating table --all those who are willing to work towards reconciliation. Pakistan has made it very clear that this is what we hope to see in the neighbour country --with whom we share a long, very porous and rugged border.

Their inhumane acts of violence only unite us. The US fully supports Pakistan in its fight against home grown insurgency.

as of late, U.S. officials have been channeling their frustrations about Pakistan to the media; almost implying that Pakistan is the one responsible for all the security-related woes in the troubled region. That is most counter-productive, and in fact it has been seen as provocative. There are ways to address these problems, going to the media and issuing false statements is not one of them.

Our deepest sympathies to these soldiers, their family and friends. We, as did they, wish to see the region free and clear of terrorist activities.

Noted, and Appreciated.

Without mercy, without mercy, without mercy, these Taliban must be hunted down to stop their attacks on innocents, the morally pure and the righteous.

they must be willing to put down their weapons; the moderate elements within must rise up and shun violence and shun their austere and intolerant views towards women and towards minority groups such as the Hazaras; at the same rate, the ''other'' militant groups such as the Northern Alliance must also stop alienating Pashtuns and being engaged in similar criminal/violent activity.

those pushing for reconciliation must be able to do so from a position of strength, not a position of weakness; COIN requires BOTH military and non-military solutions; Afghan institutions need to be built up as they have been destroyed. Their security services need to be trained properly (also to include non-tajik rank and file). Pakistan will not cooperate with an ANA or NDS that is openly hostile to Pakistan --it just won't happen; though we are always open for cooperation when their is a semblance of respect and willingness to cooperate.

MAJ Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

just out of my own curiosity, are you speaking on behalf of US-CENTCOM?
Will these militants stop at nothing to menace our societies? Does this attack on Pakistani troops not prove Taliban are willing to cross all lines to achieve their dirty, dark and evil agenda? Their goal, destabilizing the region. Their obstacle, only our combined forces prevent them from achieving their chaotic mission. Taliban know they cannot break our collective will, because our people and nations remain standing tall. Their inhumane acts of violence only unite us. The US fully supports Pakistan in its fight against home grown insurgency. Our deepest sympathies to these soldiers, their family and friends. We, as did they, wish to see the region free and clear of terrorist activities. Without mercy, without mercy, without mercy, these Taliban must be hunted down to stop their attacks on innocents, the morally pure and the righteous.

MAJ Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command


Sir---you are mistaken about your collective will-----let me make it clear---you can't break the will of the taliban----. Don't you get it by now that they have different brains---different mindset----and no priorities in life other than to fight and kill their enemy----.

Haven't you ever heard the pukhtoon saying---"me against my brother---me and my brother against the other relatives---us and other relatives against the tribe----our tribe against the other tribe'----. For ten years you have killed them and their children and familes without prejudice and discrimination and you have not diminished their resolve yet---.

You must be on the top of the class in the " i am stupid list'-----and if you are in centcom----you are so mentally screwed up just to your believe about taking on the taliban and neutralizing them---. I DON'T ADDRESS PEOPLE IN THAT MANNER----but the likes of you have killed enough muslims in the last 10 years----now pack up and leave as you have done in the past---.

You You lost your focus on the job that you started to do right from day one ( TORA BORA DEBACLE )after that you lost your MORAL HIGH POSITION---.
they've been fighting their whole lives -- live by the gun, die by the gun.

nothing will change that.....look at the environment they live in now and have been living in for centuries....i dont want to be reckless by saying it's "in their culture" or "fighting is in their genes" because there was once upon a time when my father could take a bus from Bajaur and be in Kabul with friends to go to cinema halls (before we even had them in our own country) and it was a functioning country --despite the already existing ethnic tensions.

but past is past....look to today. Look where we are after a decade. The taleban were absolutely crushed and toppled in 2004, they were demoralized. Nobody did anything to address the marginalization of Pakhtuns (half the population of Afghanistan!!!!!!!!!)

the NATOs made the same mistake in Afghanistan which they made in Iraq. In Iraq, they alienated the Baathists. Many of those Baathists could have been 'rehabilitated' and brought to negotiating table to work with the transitional government that was 'set up'

in Afghanistan, they alienated the Pakhtuns....this was a HUGE mistake of monumental proportions. I am amazed by the initial naiivety and simplicity (despite a rich share of academics and advisors) with which they viewed the war and the campaign to uproot terrorism in the region. Essentially, the taleban movement went from being considered a "has been" in 2004 to becoming a "legitimate nationalist resistance" in the eyes of many Afghans. Karzai became seen as a puppet propped up by the west to do their biddings.

this is not how to deal with COIN.

in the end -- we (Pakistanis), surely the Afghans, surely the world community can see eye to eye on one thing.....that Afghanistan must be stabilized, that all warring factions must end their hostilities; that Afghanistan MUST MUST MUST not plunge into a civil war-like situation. It's destabilizing for our region, it has potency to have destabilizing effects in the world.

the military strategists are not nation-builders....they have a different mindset....but with that said, they MUST be on the same page with the technocrats, politicians, educationists, trade-developers; all these people of different backgrounds must be on the same page in order to help Afghanistan build its destroyed infrastructure; build their schools and state services; repair their destroyed institutions....

the whole world has to accept that Afghanistan is everyone's responsibility......while of course Afghans need to get their acts together and end their internal rifts and divisions. (easier said than done)

as far as Pakistan is concerned --we've paid a magnanimous social/economic/security cost (even before war on terror). Our concerns, our sacrifices must not be forgotten either....they must be heeded to as well.

The NATO made the mistake out of the arrogance of the american general staff for one----also they got conned by the promises made by northern alliances----the americans got trapped in the revenge scheme of teh northern alliance tacticians against the taliban / pashtuns---.

It was in the arrogant belief in their high tech weapons systems that the americans blundered into this war feet first----. The american army was not prepared for war with the taliban----they thought their might will break the back of the pashtuns---their daisy cutters---their smart bombs---their night visions----their spectre gun ships----their smart bombs---they all failed them in the end----.

All due to the fact thaty they got themselves involved knowingly in a local vendetta---they went into a war hot headed---they undersetimated the enemy----they had no respect for enemy life----.

There were religious factors also involved in this war----al qaeda and taliban religious fanatics----and the born again christian american mindset of the american general headquarters----a recipe for disaster for both the sides----.
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