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News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

i think fc-20 is based on the airframe of j-10a, since j-10b didn't exist back then when the concept of fc-20 came along.

fc-20 could be considered a sort of j-10a "block II" under this light.

and when fully upgraded, fc-20 is very likely somewhere close to j -10b( but not j-10b per se) which, however, is a specially made airframe as a testbed for chinese aesa and other 5th gen tech.

therefore, i think it could be hard to fit the current j-10b's aesa into j-10a / fc-20 airframe.

if above assumption is correct, then the aesa of fc-20, if it does have it per requirement, could only be of european origin; or be an earlier varient of j-10b's aesa - perhaps a smaller version or something (?) that doesn't require any big change of the airframe.
PAF's j10a will have new aerospace electronic system by what huzigeng said.

Isn't this what i said earlier? or is there any difference between avionics and aerospace electronic system?
Going through my own archives, i have seen some where J-10 and FC-20 are mentioned separately. Just wondering now if this really is the case or we are back to square one in terms of misquotes perhaps? I am also wondering how can so many sources (most of them authentic) be wrong? For me it is no longer a question of A or B, rather what was almost taken as a fact and proved otherwise.

fc-20 = j-10a's body + j-10b's nose (for aesa) + possible irst + other avionics upgrades

it's the grestest value for money.

I mean, really, aesa is teh most important thing, with which fc-20 will be more or less at the same level of standard ef or rafale.
Maybe cost is the reason Pakistan is buying mixed A/B variants.

Had JFT being from the start categorized and developed as a medium Multirole similar to F-16s; we wouldn't have been looking for J-10A's. But the news of PAF/China working on BLKII with many modification and some where on this forum news of development of a medium designed JFT brings PAF back to Step 1 as they realized It should have been developed and classified as medium multirole fighter of F-16 class. I would fairly like to see JFT follow the footsteps of F-16s rather then J-10 too many troubles at this time only JF-17 seems to be going at a proper pace.
Maybe cost is the reason Pakistan is buying mixed A/B variants.

Had JFT being from the start categorized and developed as a medium Multirole similar to F-16s; we wouldn't have been looking for J-10A's. But the news of PAF/China working on BLKII with many modification and some where on this forum news of development of a medium designed JFT brings PAF back to Step 1 as they realized It should have been developed and classified as medium multirole fighter of F-16 class. I would fairly like to see JFT follow the footsteps of F-16s rather then J-10 too many troubles at this time only JF-17 seems to be going at a proper pace.

If the JF-17 Block II receive the planned upgrades, that would easily make them comparable to the F-16 Block 60, which would eliminate the need to purchase J-10As or even upgraded J-10As.

I believe J-10Bs will become the future air dominance fighter of the PAF.
If the JF-17 Block II receive the planned upgrades, that would easily make them comparable to the F-16 Block 60, which would eliminate the need to purchase J-10As or even upgraded J-10As.
I believe J-10Bs will become the future air dominance fighter of the PAF.

Yes J-10B is planned to be the future fleet.

JF-17 is is light weight fighter and is not even in the category of F-16 but the recent news as I said floating around means new fuselage design changes and use of composites could be the move to bring it into the category of F-16 medium multirole fighter but we are not sure for now seems nose cone change and certain lil bit here lil bit there changes.
When i quoted this news to another forum it has been debated since ,Quoting the views below

Eagle Hannan
the moment I read "There is no problem with WS13" I was like yes right and all the PAF people here in China are lying. J-10B/FC20 was PAF requirement.. No J10A version. I think could be some translation error... Its like someone has been running after this guy and asking questions while he half heartidly replied.

I have quoted the project director from PAF saying "J-10A is hardly a replcement for Mirrages and there is no reason to 2 platforms with same capability". Also so far the acquisition of J-10B is on track. The 4 J-10B inshallah will make it to Pakistan. I have sent an Email to my contact and copied the above report in it. I just want to be sure.. I mean the guy says "little change in avionics". What does that mean? It is not a little change we need a J-10 with. and another point says "10 planes are being readied". CAC has already cleared 2 B models for flight tests and I can confirm PAF is part of evaluation team. Piloting the bird.

Anyways, I would not be so worried about about this... doesnt seem right

The confusion may be because Pakistan's designated version is FC20 which is based on J-10B with Pakistan specific requirements on top of J-10B (Chinese desingation of a new air frame + avionics package). It is still going to be based on J10B inshALLAh.
FC20=J10B is beyond question
May be PAF change original plan for some reason .PAF is badly in need of some j10a and j10s fighters now?????

Yeah it seems so. The initial time line was 2014-15 but now its rumored to be coming by the end of this year or in 2012 the induction will start.

And my guess is that the F-16 which we were hoping to get through EDA are for now nowhere to be seen, thus PAF is planning to get the J-10s but as per their requirements to fill the gap which those F-16s would have filled. And the strength of 2 Sqds is near the figure which the PAF was thinking of inducting more F-16s, but since relations with US have gone down in past 2 year time period, PAF has been forced to take this route and get J-10A for now till the time J-10B starts full production.

My guess / estimate is that the sudden change in plans and sudden delivery of J-10s is to fill the gaps produced by no F-16s as per initial plans. Some of the F-16s would be on the MLU upgrade status, thus not of any use to us in need of emergencies, also the Blk-52s coming with restrictions and the codes still being provided by the Americans is still another factor which do require sudden induction of J-10s to fill the gap, especially when Indian side is inducted Su-30s at a good pace and the quality gap and quantity gap between both of us is increasing.
So the 50 JF-17s that Pakistan is set to receive are on urgent basis as J-10B is not ready and not available and J-10A is a platform PAF is switching for to fill the gap for the soon to be retired either some of those non Rose Mirages or F-7Ps.

What I think is these J-10As would have apart from avionics modifications the the air Inlet would need modification let me post a picture because I find it disturbing and does it has any significance.

Overall J-10A is more then a good stop gap deal with upgrades if they is going to be a true news flash. What would be the price tag for a Pakistan specific upgrades that remains to be seen as well would these be brand spanking new or out of the current PLAAF inventory any credible Pak-Chinese member.
Yes as some time ago when I was reading thread about FC20/J10B I have been concern in my mind that, if J10B first coming out of production at the end of this year how can Pakistan get it immediately this year soon, I have been raised concern on that forum but PDF folks could not caught it now this reality brings out here, folks desires and reality are two integrated thinks, you could not get your desires without relying on reality.

J10B is a new enhanced technology that Chinese required as bad as Pakistan needs it. My Pakistani folks China is not living out of this world they also have conflicts especially on Taiwan and South China Sea where US continually threating her, and you know technological comparison between US and China. How China can afford to avoid getting advance war machines in these circumstances?

Although we do need them too badly but the time that will need to achieve it are too long until 2014, because that would first fulfill the requirement of China. Now the question is that what Pakistan does during that period to overcome her need regarding Air superiority ability of PAF? … J10A upgraded FC-20 and JF-17 block II is solution for that.
Huzhigeng recently made another appearance on CJDBY, and brought some more insider information. For those of you that don't know who he is, he works for the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, the design bureau for J-17, JF-17, J-10 and J-20. It looks like development in the next year will be pretty smooth ride. Without further delay, here is what he said.

When asked about test flights of J-10B, he said:

"It (J-10B) will enter service at the end of the year, thus military officials came to visit. The first batch will have more than 10 planes, and sent to a first tier unit. That unit had already send quite a few pilots to CAC, and few will fly home with their new toys before the end of the year."

Furthermore, he talked about export:

"Also, export order for J-10 had been signed for Pakistan. There will be XX planes, slightly more than a regiment (about 2 squadrons) size unit. Some changes to avionics at the request of Pakistanis."

Regarding Pakistani version:

"The export orders are for older J-10A version, not B. However there are upgrades done."

About SAC and J-11 export:

"SAC's client are Chinese air force and naval aviation, so export is not possible. Do not expect them to export in the future either, including their 4th (5th) gen."

Whether J-10A will stop production after J-10B starts:

"No, the orders from naval aviation still have to be filled, as well as Pakistan's."

Whether WS-15 engine can keep up with the progress of J-20 on time:

"There is no problem as everything is going smooth at this point. The 3rd prototype next year will be equipped with new avionics. Our own EODAS (Electro Optical Distributed Apature System) will also be installed, and is similar to one found on F-35."

Whether J-10B will be equipped with WS-10 insteald of AL-31F in the future:

"It's difficult. All J-10B orders at this point are planing on using AL-31F. SAC took all the WS-10 for themselves."

What kind of engine will Pakistan's J-10 use:

"Russian, do you really need to ask?"


You said all ws10were taken by sac
What does it means and why
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