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News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

You can tell it with your eyes closed that its fake. Joke aside the way it is drawn seems like futuristic artistic design.

I've seen early designs of the F-22 and T-50 and they look futuristic, still you may be right It probably is a fake.
Well said brother, you just took the words right out of my mouth. Couldn't be said better. This is just a lame excuse. They have gone to square one and now buying the same old thing which was offered to them six years ago.

You are right, bro. It could be deal exchanges F-16s Blk 52 for Abottabad raid, CIA networks, Davis, vice versa. Notice after the completed 18 F-16s induction in PAF, then next month happened in raid.

Business as usual.
J-10A is not older and the most of the upgrades for B variants will be customized in A variant what else do you want it still is good platform compared to light weight JF-17 which has its own significance in its own class.

Most of us are forgetting that the first ever deal was for J-10A later PAF got interested in B variant infact PAF has much to do with the development of J-10B again insiders would give you people better information.
J-10A is not older and the most of the upgrades for B variants will be customized in A variant what else do you want it still is good platform compared to light weight JF-17 which has its own significance in its own class.

Most of us are forgetting that the first ever deal was for J-10A later PAF got interested in B variant infact PAF has much to do with the development of J-10B again insiders would give you people better information.

Would it make you happy if the praise was otherwise----but remember you can't fight a war with positive comments only. Once a person learns to hide the dirt under the rug and starts portraying his self like someone who he is not---it is all downhill from there onwards---you have to be truthful to the extent of being ruthless---if you want to progress.

Any claims built on fakes are like flakes when the moment of truth arrives. And when that moment arrives---you cannot turn around and ask for repreive so that you can recollect your resources and start over----.

But I do understand this feeling of yours----. You would want to read some good things about your country---this negative crap gets on your nerves after awhile----you start thinking---will we ever do anything right---ever!

Quite the contrary dear sir. Had you read any of my posts youd realize that im far from what you think I am. I am a loud mouth realist and hence a critic of our people and our ways myself (just ask my Dad he'll tell you how much I annoy him with my rants). But a cynic I am not. There is a difference between the two. From your criticism it seems, at least it seems to me, that you've lost all hope, accepted the fate which right now seems all too certain for our country. And because of that every where you turn you only see negativity all too obvious and a bit too exaggerated. But that can hardly be an end. You take everything a bit too hard. Accepted that its all FUBAR, disappointing and depressing but still we cant just loose it like that, at least not just yet. This country desperately needs people who can see things for what they really are and loosing them to cynicism would be a tragedy on the other end of the spectrum.
china will/and has in the past sell/sold its most advance aircrafts/weapons to pakistan because our situation with india and close relationship.

we have a 30 years experience with f-16 a vast infrastructure so yes f-16 was PAF priority, an expert would understand this..it takes time to intergate new aircrafts

the reason for choosing j-10a now instead of f-16c/d is more due to cost issue (j-10 will cost nearly three times less ,35 vs 90 million) then relationship issue..we all know that US will need Pakistan today and in near future atleast till 2014..whats happening in US houses is merely politics, which was played even in BUSH era

lastly we may get j-10a on soft loan ..

in future this means paf wll try to get the 14 previous aircraft to make i strength around 80 and then go for the j-10s A now and Bs in future..

this was quoted by defense ministry too that US is selling f-16 too expensive to us and is refusing to lower its price..

unlike most members i dont think so PAF have made any mistakes in previous 15 years, reason for waiting for j-10 was the upgrades to be made..Remember chines technology is moving incredibly fast..so technology of 2005 and 2010 by western standards would be nearly a decade difference ..

yes it was mistake in 80s to go for f-16s..we should have choosed mirage2000 as US in past had done us many times

hopefully Pakistan will GET ACTIVELY INVOLVED in the proposed 5th gen single jet engine.

You really think that it is easy for pakistani colleagues to understand this statement of yours----.

Well thats a problem we all face time to time dont we? When the present is so bleak, people seek refuge in the past or future. Our nation is dealing with such a tough time, it is far easier to just overlook it and focus on some future date when everything will be solved. I, myself, have been caught up in such naive thinking on this forum before, earning a much needed "slap in the face", figuratively of course, by more knowledgable members to bring me back to reality...as long as there is always at least one person willing to point out the truth, we may have a chance yet.

You really think that it is easy for pakistani colleagues to understand this statement of yours----.

Khan Sahab on a different note, what is your opinion regarding this issue. It appears that the plan to acquire additional F16's have been put on hold and J10A's are being acquired quickly to fill that void? They are going to be joining PAF's ranks very soon.
There is a high probability we may not see any more blk 52s in PAF, story is pretty much totaled after the $ 800 mil military aid blockade. Modified J-10s seem to be the new lead fighter as per the current scenario though we are yet to see which version.
Avionics are not the problem here. Even now PAF is asking something specific which means they do not want the original. What stopped them from asking them back then? Besides upgrades can always happen. 6 years passed and now they are buying the same thing. My point is this should have happened six years ago if J-10A. I just don't buy the argument of events changing after 2 may. We have always known how untrustworthy the US really is and specially when it comes to military hardware.


Thank you for your post----my thinking is that paf should hung its hat and let the jf 17 go bye bye---and switched allegiance to the J10A right in mid stride----let egos not get in the way of neccesity----.

My feeling is that the egos of the paf were attached to the JF17----and they let themselves caried away with that----. J10 A is a superior aircraft----the shift to FC20 would have been on the same level as that of the F18----as the current F 18 is nothing like the original F 18-----.

Thank you for your post----my thinking is that paf should hung its hat and let the jf 17 go bye bye---and switched allegiance to the J10A right in mid stride----let egos not get in the way of neccesity----.

My feeling is that the egos of the paf were attached to the JF17----and they let themselves caried away with that----. J10 A is a superior aircraft----the shift to FC20 would have been on the same level as that of the F18----as the current F 18 is nothing like the original F 18-----.

Sir i would respectfully disagree with you.

Its not a matter of ego, its a matter of requirement and budget. Simple fact is that PAF cannot afford to induct J10's in large numbers, PAF needed a decent aircraft that can full-fill its requirements and replace the aging fighter jets in PAF's inventory. If you think about it, the JF17 is a perfect point defence aircraft which full-fills all the requirements PAF has laid out and at a much lower cost. Its a BVR capable aircraft which backed up with the proper force multipliers can take shots at incoming bogies from stand off ranges, if the fight turns into a WVR combat it can easily hold its own as shown against the F16's in mock combats and if the Army calls in for air support, it can drop weapons with precision. It has very decent self protection and jamming capabilities and a radar which is not bad at all, but most importantly its the aircrafts ability to datalink with other assets to create superior situational awareness to fight off superior aircrafts. If the JF17 is data-linked to other force multiplier assets, it evens out the balance with enemy's superior aircrafts if the sorties are defence oriented, both have an equal chance of shooting down each other.

J10 on the other hand from inception was designed primarily as a high altitude air superiority fighter. It serves perfect under PAF's high tech fighter requirement and will be supplementing the Block 52's in serving as a real force that can act in offensive missions and can escort the F16's and carry out strike missions in enemy territory. A strike package composed of the F16's and J10's would be ideal as one is a true multi role aircraft and has the endurance while the other is a true air superiority aircraft designed to fight A2A battles. I think the combination is perfect for PAF; use JF17 for defensive missions and use the superior J10's and Block 52's for offensive oriented missions, something similar to the Combo of F15's and F16's. Unfortunately with a defence budget of less than $10 billion for the entire Armed Forces, there is only so much you can do with that few money and i believe after a very long time, PAF has its priorities correct.

Where are we getting the money from----today---to buy all these gadgets---when we are totally broke-----and you still protecting them. We are again behind the starting point---way way back----.

JF 17 will be---in the future----both the aircraft that we are betting on---the JF17 and the J10B/FC20 are still a long way from being the top performers.
Quite the contrary dear sir. Had you read any of my posts youd realize that im far from what you think I am. I am a loud mouth realist and hence a critic of our people and our ways myself (just ask my Dad he'll tell you how much I annoy him with my rants). But a cynic I am not. There is a difference between the two. From your criticism it seems, at least it seems to me, that you've lost all hope, accepted the fate which right now seems all too certain for our country. And because of that every where you turn you only see negativity all too obvious and a bit too exaggerated. But that can hardly be an end. You take everything a bit too hard. Accepted that its all FUBAR, disappointing and depressing but still we cant just loose it like that, at least not just yet. This country desperately needs people who can see things for what they really are and loosing them to cynicism would be a tragedy on the other end of the spectrum.


You answered your post yourself---so don't think I am being disrespectful----you are still living with your dad and dependant on him---I have not been dependant on mine for 35 years now----directly or indirectly----.

Whatever I say or state in the analysis I put up----this is out of my personal experience, research, reading and not hearsay----. You cannot challenge the validity of my personal experience---until and unless you go through the grinder yourself----I mean to say, I don't say and write what I do just beacuse I hate you guys in pakistan----I say and write just because you screw it up more often than anyone else with your capabilities---and you know why----because of your thick headedness---because you don't want to admit to your mistakes----because as long you don't admit to your mistakes----you cannot correct what is wrong----.

You know how bad pakistanis are now----even the foreigners are openly commenting---- " pakistanis are known for missing chances----now they are missing the missed chances as well "----you know for a nation----for any nation, that is a day full of shame to hear such comments----and for me a pakistani living abroad-----it is humiliating and degrading as hell.

Prove me wrong my 'man'----prove me wrong---and make yourself proud---take the challenge and prove me wrong about pakistanis by your deeds and actions. You are a nation which is lost----it is a ship without a rudder----you have no direction---you have no sails----there is no character----you don't know which way to go----you have no guidance----.

Why don't you take the challenge and maybe after 10 years we will meet here again and see what you have done----.

Pakistanis have yet not reached that point where they can stand up in front of the mirror and admit to themselves about the errors of their ways-----once you learn to do that---that will be the first step in the right direction----the second but most important step----don't take the accomplishments of muslims from other regions of the worldand claim them as your own----.
today i read news in JUNG newspaper that CHINA will sell a squadrn of J10B to Pakistan and it is clearly mentioned that it is J10B........i could not post the image of the news bt i hope someone will do this
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