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@ M_saint

I'm Confused! Say me clearly, either you respect BD people or not? If not then why? For AL govt.? If you dislike BD for AL then I have no problem but otherwise I have problem.

@ mod
Delete post #691 and 692 immediately, pls! Otherwise, any new member from BD will say PDF is horrible.
Dear Brother Brotherbangladesh,

For thirty long years by sheeding blood (for real), working heart-out, donating more than half of everything that I've earned; I've been serving the people of BD for you to judge whether I like them or not. I would tell you a small story that goes like a few years ago, I started to finance constracting a project of a primary school in Dhaka, purely on a business purpose but as it went along, it turned out to be a very losing concern and I wanted to stop financing on it since I was a third/no party, whose name wouldn't show up anywhere but when I visited the place, I found out that it was a proverty-ridden area where poor kids would mostly study. I was brought to my conscience and completed the projected by counting around 13 lac TK loss; especially when I didn't have enough money and I had to borrow it by high interest. My entire life was like that. Now please think about it that the school wasn't in my territory, no one would ever recognize my dedication and I had to return the money with interest. I did it just because poor kids would study there. So brother, please judge me whether I respect BD people or not. And that is just one example of many of its types in my versatile pathachala.

Brother, during my staying in BD; I witnessed Awamy Murderer's innocent killings on GOVT Commerce College of CTG and saved some of them, CMCH, Hathazari, Rangunia; Saw how non-ideal political cadres of BNP, AL acted as oppose to idealists Chatra Shibir. In DMCH, I used to sleep in BNP'S VPs room. In BUET, I used to hang out with Commie, AL, BNP'S supporters just to justify them. So, I grew up seeing almost all major party's student politicians, walked 100s of miles in villiages at early age, donated blood and money for poors . Then coming in age, almost half of my income went to BD for its betterment. So, please tell me what does this reflect to you? I gave up only on when entire army top-brass, Gaan Paapi, Intellectual Class of a nation betryaed with its patriotic force. Yes it was Awamy and commie shaitans that I disliked because of their dids not that I was born with hate. please forgive me for cursing Eastwatch shaitan and the reasons for such were many. You can find from archieve on how bad of cursing that haramzada started against me first after I caught him lying red-handed.
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Dear Brother Brotherbangladesh,

For thirty long years by sheeding blood (for real), working heart-out, donating more than half of everything that I've earned; I've been serving the people of BD for you to judge whether I like them or not. I would tell you a small story that goes like a few years ago, I started to finance constracting a project of a primary school in Dhaka, purely on a business purpose but as it went along, it turned out to be a very losing concern and I wanted to stop financing on it since I was a third/no party, whose name wouldn't show up anywhere but when I visited the place, I found out that it was a proverty-ridden area where poor kids would mostly study. I was brought to my conscience and completed the projected by counting around 13 lac TK loss; especially when I didn't have enough money and I had to borrow it by high interest. My entire life was like that. Now please think about it that the school wasn't in my territory, no one would ever recognize my dedication and I had to return the money with interest. I did it just because poor kids would study there. So brother, please judge me whether I respect BD people or not. And that is just one example of many of its types in my versatile pathachala.

Brother, during my staying in BD; I witnessed Awamy Murderer's innocent killings on GOVT Commerce College of CTG and saved some of them, CMCH, Hathazari, Rangunia; Saw how non-ideal political cadres of BNP, AL acted as oppose to idealists Chatra Shibir. In DMCH, I used to sleep in BNP'S VPs room. In BUET, I used to hang out with Commie, AL, BNP'S supporters just to justify them. So, I grew up seeing almost all major party's student politicians, walked 100s of miles in villiages at early age, donated blood and money for poors . Then coming in age, almost half of my income went to BD for its betterment. So, please tell me what does this reflect to you? I gave up only on when entire army top-brass, Gaan Paapi, Intellectual Class of a nation betryaed with its patriotic force. Yes it was Awamy and commie shaitans that I disliked because of their dids not that I was born with hate. please forgive me for cursing Eastwatch shaitan and the reasons for such were many. You can find from archieve on how bad of cursing that haramzada started against me first after I caught him lying red-handed.

I can understand your grief. In past (2002-2007) Chatra Shibir workers used to persuade me to join with them in peaceful activities. But I did not like them in that time at all. Also I always hate AL’s workers, I know about their bad mentality. It seems to me that they are just sinner, misguided and non patriot. They (also many BNP’s worker) just work for self greed and benefits. But, now (living in different place and time), after long time I’ve understood that it was wrong to dislike Chatra Shibir’s workers. Cos, now, I believe that they are patriot, they have morality, and unlike from other party’s workers.

BTW, I know that both you guys are not bad, so do not act as bad. And do not distort both of your image.
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My request to you,STOP being Sanctimonious.Especially after reading your last 2 posts,I can not resist myself from saying this.

Previously I had a quite respect for you,despite the fact that we were often engaged in debates.But still I thought you are a good follower of Islam.

BUT,reading that two posts,I am now totally convinced that I was indeed wrong.
No civilised Muslim would be able to use the language,under any circumstances,which you have posted in post # 689 and 692.

If you were really as good a muslim,as you "pretend" to be,you could have just debunk EW's claims in a civilised manner.
If he had abused you,you should have reported his post and then ask Allah to give hedayat.

BUT it was YOU,who deliberately provoked (post # 689)EW to use foul language.And then you showed your true face at post#692.

You clearly are showing how big hypocrite you are by using that foul,****** and disgusting words. :rolleyes:

You talk about Islam and how AL is destroying Islam in BD.But I say,when there are people like you present,AL don't need to destroy Islam.You people are enough to do that job.

Whatever respect I had for you,just blew with those.because I know you are nothing BUT a big HYPOCRITE.So please stop pretending about being Islamic :rolleyes:


You can show your class by abusing me,But that will only strengthen my realisation.
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My request to you,STOP being Sanctimonious.Especially after reading your last 2 posts,I can not resist myself from saying this.

Previously I had a quite respect for you,despite the fact that we were often engaged in debates.But still I thought you are a good follower of Islam.

BUT,reading that two posts,I am now totally convinced that I was indeed wrong.
No civilised Muslim would be able to use the language,under any circumstances,which you have posted in post # 689 and 692.

If you were really as good a muslim,as you "pretend" to be,you could have just debunk EW's claims in a civilised manner.
If he had abused you,you should have reported his post and then ask Allah to give hedayat.

BUT it was YOU,who deliberately provoked (post # 689)EW to use foul language.And then you showed your true face at post#692.

You clearly are showing how big hypocrite you are by using that foul,****** and disgusting words. :rolleyes:

You talk about Islam and how AL is destroying Islam in BD.But I say,when there are people like you present,AL don't need to destroy Islam.You people are enough to do that job.

Whatever respect I had for you,just blew with those.because I know you are nothing BUT a big HYPOCRITE.So please stop pretending about being Islamic :rolleyes:


You can show your class by abusing me,But that will only strengthen my realisation.

Leo bhai. We are human and sometime emotion takes over logic and sanity. I know M-saint(ahmed) persoanlly. He is a good human and wellwisher of Bd but awami munafiqs activity would screw up any body's scanity. If we did not care about our native country than we would not show any emotion what so ever however we can not tolarate awami's anti-islamic agendas and bharat loving. Without Islamic principal, bd can go to hell as far as our concern. Time has come for all mumin to Unite against awami munafiqs. I hope you understand and would like to see in our side as I believe you are mumin.
Seeing the unjust massacre, buchering tactics of Palestinians by criminal ISROs; many analysts commented that ISROs repeated CROC tears of phony 'Holocaust victimization' was indeed to make
real holocaust possible on Arabs. Similarly Bharati dalal, pseudo commie, Rawamy Kukur's accusations against patriotic forces were to make their looting, theivery and grabbing desire possible that was understood only by few like Mahmudur Rahman and A. Mohiuddin etc. Amardesh would just reveal that in so-called Indian given,democratic BD ,

1. Amardesh Online Edition

2. Amardesh Online Edition
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SC dismisses pleas against 5th amendment verdict

The Supreme Court on Tuesday dismissed two leave-to-appeal petitions against a High Court verdict that had declared illegal and unconstitutional the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution with some observations and modifications.

The six-member bench of the Appellate Division, headed by Chief Justice Md Tafazzul Islam, pronounced the order saying, “The petitions are dismissed with modifications and observations.”

The modifications and observations were not available immediately.

The amendment legitimised all the governments that had been in power following the coup of August 15, 1975 till April 9, 1979 including late president Ziaur Rahman's ascension to the presidency.

BNP Secretary General Khandaker Delwar Hossain and three SC lawyers Tajul Islam, Kamruzzaman Bhuiyan and Munshi Ahsan Kabir filed two separate leave to appeal petitions with the SC against the HC verdict in May last year.

Though they were not originally parties of the case, the BNP leader and three others filed the petitions obtaining SC permission when the present government decided not to appeal against the HC verdict.

During the hearing for sixth day on Monday, principal state counsel in this case Advocate Mahmudul Islam told the apex court that parliament cannot ratify the martial law, since it cannot issue the martial law proclamation.

Earlier on January 3, the SC lifted its four-year-old stay order on the HC verdict that had declared the Fifth Amendment illegal and unconstitutional.

In August 2005 the HC declared illegal and void the fifth amendment to the constitution, rendering illegal the regimes of Khandaker Moshtaque Ahmed, Abu Sadaat Mohammad Sayem, and Maj Gen Ziaur Rahman between August 15, 1975 and April 9, 1979.
SC order restores principles of ’72 Constitution: Shafique

Law Minister Shafique Ahmed said Tuesday the principles and characteristics of 1972 Constitution have been restored following the Supreme Court order on fifth amendment case.

The amendment legitimised all the governments that had been in power following the coup of August 15, 1975 till April 9, 1979 including late president Ziaur Rahman's ascension to the presidency.

An Appellate Division bench in the morning dismissed two leave-to-appeal petitions against a 2005 High Court verdict declaring the amendment illegal and unconstitutional.

The law minister said the SC order is a milestone in establishing the rule of law of the country.

The order has paved the way for establishing a democratic and non-communal society, he said, adding the government will take next course of actions as per the notifications and observations by the apex court.

Shafique Ahmed said the government will send a reference to the Law Commission after receiving the copy of the order for necessary recommendations. The government will act as per the law commission’s recommendations, he added.

The minister said the spirit of the Liberation War of the country and four principles of the state which were in the 1972 Constitution have been restored following the SC order.

He said it has been established that the parliament cannot legitimise the martial law and the constitutional amendments brought under such rule.
So Iajdani
will your government reinstate the 72 constitution as it was in 72 without any mention of allah or islam?
So Iajdani
will your government reinstate the 72 constitution as it was in 72 without any mention of allah or islam?

To tell you the truth, current constitution as it is now is very misleading. Our whole constitution revolves around secular concept including all laws and rights (familly and inheritance is the only exception), but the first few words contradicts the whole constitution. It would be better to streamline things and go back to the original. If someday the majority (must be absolute majority, 75% and above) wants a Islamic constitution then you should go to Islamic constitution with Sharia law. Until then we are better off with Secular constitution which does not restrict any right of Muslim or Islam but it include the rights of other religion.

Here in Bangladesh, secular does not mean religion less which is in American constitution or in Russian or in many other constitution rather it ensures equal rights to every religion.

Whether govt will go back to original 1972 constitution or not will depend on the SC observation which is yet to be published. We have to wait and see but it will be close to 1972 constitution.
To tell you the truth, current constitution as it is now is very misleading. Our whole constitution revolves around secular concept including all laws and rights (familly and inheritance is the only exception), but the first few words contradicts the whole constitution. It would be better to streamline things and go back to the original. If someday the majority (must be absolute majority, 75% and above) wants a Islamic constitution then you should go to Islamic constitution with Sharia law. Until then we are better off with Secular constitution which does not restrict any right of Muslim or Islam but it include the rights of other religion.

Here in Bangladesh, secular does not mean religion less which is in American constitution or in Russian or in many other constitution rather it ensures equal rights to every religion.

Whether govt will go back to original 1972 constitution or not will depend on the SC observation which is yet to be published. We have to wait and see but it will be close to 1972 constitution.
Even if your claim is right however...
What is the harm having the current constitution since we have it last 30 years? We are 90% muslim state so it only fair that we have some islamic Ideology in highest law in the land.

In current constitution we have Tawakkatu allah(Absolute trust in allah), Bismillah and state religion Islam which wasn't included in 72 cinstitution. Now what does awami leauge has problem with trusting Allah as a muslim is not clear to me. Perhpas you can explain it me.

If we go back to 72 constitution than islamic party will be banned thus do you think it's possible to ban party like jamat e islami or other right wings pary in todays bangaldesh and how democatic would that be?

What is the harm having islamic party so long they obey the rules and regulation of the country?
Even if your claim is right however...
What is the harm having the current constitution since we have it last 30 years? We are 90% muslim state so it only fair that we have some islamic Ideology in highest law in the land.
That is debatable. You live in America, and ofcourse as a citizen of USA you dont want only Chrisitianity has the say on constitution. Same way Hindus and Buddhist will feel in our country if we do so. We want a inclusive society not a divided society.
In current constitution we have Tawakkatu allah(Absolute trust in allah), Bismillah and state religion Islam which wasn't included in 72 cinstitution. Now what does awami leauge has problem with trusting Allah as a muslim is not clear to me. Perhpas you can explain it me.
In 72 constitution, it said Secularism, Nationalism, Socialism and Democracy. It includes everything means its inclusive. It did not exclued Islam.

If we go back to 72 constitution than islamic party will be banned thus do you think it's possible to ban party like jamat e islami or other right wings pary in todays bangaldesh and how democatic would that be?

Even with current constitution, Jamaat had to refine/ammend its constituion. With current Jamaat constituion they included Parliament is the ultimate authority of making laws, Equal rights to female, Rights of other religion to enlist to that party. With this constitution Jamaat does not have any problem to remain and practice as a political party in Bangladesh. There might be some other recommendation coming from the Election Comission and they should be open to adopt to those.

What is the harm having islamic party so long they obey the rules and regulation of the country?

No problem as long as they obey the law of the land.

Your party in power and you have 2/3 rd majority thus you do whatever please you though I must warn you the Consequences.

Your party in power and you have 2/3 rd majority thus you do whatever please you though I must warn you the Consequences.

Thats not my party and I dont belong to any party. I retired from BNP, 12 years ago.
Dose Islami Saria system mean that people from other religion will not get equal rights?

Thats not my party and I dont belong to any party. I retired from BNP, 12 years ago.

It means people change their thinking. Let's see what I will think after 12 years.
Imagine the Atrocity of these bastards. These low life draken can not even let the zia sleep in peace in his grave. No wonder these zahanami sick family become the target of hate killing......:angry:

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