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Convicted war criminals can now join BNP

Party's new charter also allows them to take leadership, but takes tough stance against graft

Saturday December 12 2009 00:25:59 AM BDT

War criminals convicted under Bangladesh Collaborators (Special Tribunals) Order, 1972 can now have membership or leadership of BNP's committees at any level since the party has deleted the barring provision from its constitution.(The Daily Star)

The war criminals of 1971 will also be eligible for getting BNP nomination to contest parliamentary elections.

The national council of the party on Tuesday approved the BNP national standing committee's proposal for abolishing the provision.

The deleted provision said an individual convicted under the president order no-8 of 1972, which is Bangladesh Collaborators (Special Tribunals) Order, will be disqualified from being a member of the party's national council, national executive and standing committees and any committee at any level or being a candidate to contest parliamentary elections.

Barrister Mahbubuddin Khokan, a member of the sub-committee formed ahead of BNP's national council to prepare the draft for constitution amendment, yesterday said it was scrapped to avoid redundancy.

He said the provision was included in the BNP's constitution in 1979 as there was a need for it at that time.

"But now there are no war criminals in Bangladesh. People who were war criminals have already died," Khokan, also a BNP lawmaker, said.

Talking to The Daily Star, eminent jurist Shahdeen Malik, however, expressed surprise at the deletion of the provision from BNP's constitution.

"My understanding would be that probably there are persons who were convicted on charge of war crimes but now would be included in any committee of BNP. Therefore, the provision has been omitted to remove the bar on them," Malik said over telephone.

Contacted by The Daily Star yesterday, Dr MA Hasan, convenor of the war crimes fact finding committee, said over 750 people were convicted on charge of war crimes under Bangladesh Collaborators (Special Tribunals) Order.

"By deleting the provision from its constitution, BNP is encouraging war criminals unethically to do politics," he said.

The amendments brought to the Representation of the People Order (RPO) before the December 29 general election imposed a permanent ban on convicted war criminals to contest parliamentary elections.

Bangladesh Collaborators (Special Tribunal) Order was enacted in 1972, just after the country's victory in the Liberation War, and the trial of war criminals began.

But the bloody changeover on August 15, 1975 halted the trial as the then president Abu Sadat Mohammad Sayem repealed the act by promulgating an ordinance that stopped all investigations and other proceedings of the trial.

Shahdeen Malik said repealing the act to try war criminals does not change their conviction. "An individual convicted on charge of war crimes will have to prove his innocence to get rid of the consequence of the conviction," he said.

The BNP, however, has kept a few other provisions regarding disqualification unchanged, showing its tough stance against corruption.

According to these provisions, individuals who have become bankrupt or have been proved mentally unsound or known as corrupt and notorious in the society will be disqualified from being a member of any committee of the party and also from contesting parliamentary elections on BNP's nomination.

Besides, a BNP member in his or her identity card form has to promise never to tolerate corruption.

BNP slams govt plans to rename Zia airport

Tue, Dec 15th, 2009 6:44 pm BdDST Dial 2324 from your mobile for latest news

Dhaka, Dec 15 (bdnews24.com) – Main opposition BNP has bitterly protested the government's plans to rename Zia International Airport.

"The government will have to pay dearly for [it]," BNP secretary general Khandaker Delwar Hossain said on Tuesday.

The Kurmitola International Airport, which began operating in 1980, was named Zia International Airport in 1983.

A cabinet meeting, chaired by prime minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday, agreed in principle to rename the airport. Different newspaper reports have speculated that it might be renamed as Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.

"This government has not only renamed the Bhashani Novo Theatre, but also wiped Zia from the mural there," Delwar said.

"Now the government is talking about the renaming of Zia International Airport. It will be a mistake if this is done." He severely criticised the government for renaming of various roads and installations and its activities.

Delwar was speaking at a discussion meeting held at Dhaka Mohanagar Natya Manch on the eve of Victory Day, where he paid homage to national leaders and to those who sacrificed their lives in the liberation war.

"Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Ziaur Rahman have been slain, but their names have been written in history, which none can change," said the BNP leader.

"The name of Ziaur Rahman has been erased from text books; it will not do. People have fixed a place for Zia in their hearts and minds, which will not be erased."

He also vented anger over the failure to realise the liberation war dreams after 38 years.

"People's basic rights are yet to be established. The countrymen do not enjoy human rights or freedom of speech, which are guaranteed in the constitution."

He also alleged: "Awami League first began extra-judicial killings by establishing the Rakkhi Bahini after liberation war. That is yet to be stopped."

"It is the absolute violation of human rights."

He demanded a trial for "killings of 32,000 political activists by Rakhi Bahini after independence".

BNP joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed conducted the discussion.


BNP slams govt plans to rename Zia airport | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

This is just not right. Government pushing opposition to take extreme measure. I hope BNP bring some disturbance as Awami do not understand the meaning of co-existance:tdown:
Why do they need to change the name of this airport when they are building a new one. It will die out anyways like the old dhaka airport.
BNP slams govt plans to rename Zia airport

I think this sort of nasty internal political news should not publish here, cos this will give very bad and stupid impression our nation's image.

BTW, সব স্থাপনা ফিরবে আগের নামে
জিয়া বিমানবন্দরের নাম পাল্টাতে মন্ত্রিসভায় মতৈক্য.

And have a look at the comments by the readers in here.
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Here is more proof of Awami election engineering by using public servents. Advisor to Awami PM Sheikh Hasina, HT Imam revealed that Awami League before election hatched and implemented extensive plan to use govt officials to implement Awami league engineering plan. Now Awami league openly regardless of merit promoting and rewarding these officials for their participation in election engineering. Another proof Awami league won election by engineering than people's vote.

BNP ready to observe Jan 11 as Black Day
Unb, Dhaka

Opposition BNP will observe January 11 as 'Black Day' as they lamented continuity of the Constitution and democracy were disrupted through the promulgation of the rule of emergency this day in 2007 by the then President being intimidated at gunpoint by some highly ambitious military officials.

The party, which lost its streak in power following the 1/11 changeover, also decided to observe January 25 as 'Democracy Killing Day'.

Under another decision, BNP opposed India's reported proposal for sending a 50-member security-expert team to defend the Indian High Commission in Bangladesh.

The decisions were taken at a joint meeting of BNP and its front and associate organisations chaired by BNP Secretary General Khandaker Delwar Hossain at the party's Naya Paltan central office yesterday afternoon.

It also decided to observe the 31st founding anniversary of Jatiyatabadi Chattra Dal, the associate student wing of the BNP, on January 1 and the 74th birth anniversary of the late President Ziaur Rahman, the founder of BNP, on January 19.

After chalking out the chain of programs at the meeting, the party at a press briefing informed reporters about the decisions.

Justifying the party's decision to observe 1/11 'black day', Delwar said on January 11, 2007, “some highly ambitious officers of the military stormed into Bangabhaban and made the announcement on promulgation of emergency by the president at gunpoint.”

This act, he said, hampered the continuity of the Constitution and democracy.

Then they first had obstructed the January 22 general election and later finally cancelled the poll schedule and thereby curbed people's voting rights. Thus, he observed, they created a black chapter contrary to the constitution and democracy.

During the observance of black day, they will inform people what had happened this day in 2007 and why.

Asked whether they would take any step for trial of the protagonists of 1/11, the BNP leader said, “Awami League has itself admitted that one/eleven is the outcome of their movement and so it was created due to their acts. So, they (AL) will have to take initiative regarding trial otherwise, someday, they will have to account for their action to the people.”

On Indian security team, Delwar said BNP does not support on principle India's proposal for sending 50-member security-expert team for the security of the Indian High Commission here.

“At a time when people are concerned about the country's independence and sovereignty, accepting such a proposal of a foreign country for sending in security-expert team is tantamount to threat to the independence and sovereignty,” said the BNP leader about his party position.

He said the Indian High Commission should be given security the way security has been given as per the existing law to the other High Commissions and Embassies in Bangladesh.

He urged the Awami League government to take the decision “judiciously” about the matter.

About democracy killing day, he said the then Awami League government had established one-party rule by annihilating democracy through bringing the fourth amendment to the Constitution within a few minutes in the parliament session on January 25, 1975.

Leaders of BNP and its front and associate organisations present at the joint-meeting include Amanullah Aman, Mizanur Rahman Minu, M Shajahan, Fazlur Rahman Patal, Mir Nasiruddin, NI Khan, Adv Mojibur Rahman, Fazlul Huq Milon, Jafrul Hasan, Shamsuzzaman Dudu, Badruzzaman Khashru, Ahmed Nazir, Rezabuddowla Chowdhury and Sultan Salahuddin Tuku.

:The Daily Star: Internet Edition
I think this sort of nasty internal political news should not publish here, cos this will give very bad and stupid impression our nation's image.

BTW, সব স্থাপনা ফিরবে আগের নামে
জিয়া বিমানবন্দরের নাম পাল্টাতে মন্ত্রিসভায় মতৈক্য.

And have a look at the comments by the readers in here.
Your comments certainly make sense. Some posters eagerly throw muds to our country itself in the disguise of making anti-indian slogans. An international forum like PDF must not be used to push one's political viewpoint, specially those that go against the interest of the country.

I have not seen this being done either by Indians or Pakistanis. But, some BD posters are portraying only the negative image of BD. Should we boycot such threads?
Country being run not by this govt, but from outside: Khaleda

She urges PM not to give consent to Tipai Dam, Asian Highway and resolve maritime boundary, killing by Indian BSF issues

Saturday January 02 2010 00:09:54 AM BDT

Opposition leader and BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Friday declared that the Prime Minister will be greeted with garlands at the airport if she could protect Bangladesh's interest during her upcoming India tour, else she will find all her paths strewn with thorns.(UNB)

Addressing a student rally at Paltan Maidan marking the 31st founding anniversary of the Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD), she urged her key political opponent not to give consent to the Tipaimukh Dam and corridor to India in the name of the Asian Highway, to resolve the maritime boundary issue and halt killing of Bangladeshis by Indian BSF.

"If you (PM) return empty handed from New Delhi by sacrificing the country's interest, we will be compelled to take to the streets," Khaleda, chairperson of BNP, cautioned Sheikh Hasina amidst cheers from her student followers.

Wondering who is running the country, she claimed that those in power are not running the country it is being run from some other places. "This government is not running the country; it is being run from some other places," the former Prime Minister said, citing deployment of defence personnel at a foreign High Commi-ssion in Dhaka in the name of security.

The Foreign Ministry and the Home Ministry are saying that they don't know anything about it, she said, adding that "it proves the present government is not running the country."

The BNP chief said the country's independence, sovereignty and security is at stake. She alleged that the first one-year of the present government is marked by killing, terrorism, tender manipulation and price-hike of essentials. The BNP chairperson urged the government to solve the standoff in parliament and take correct and courageous decisions on the Tipaimukh Dam and the Asian Highway.

"Scrap all decisions or assurances (given to India) against national interests… Uphold national interest with courage. We'll extend cooperation," she said.

The opposition leader further alleged that the Awami League-led government is busy in fulfilling pledges given to its foreign masters instead of meeting the pledges given to the people. "It would be futile to serve the purpose of the foreign masters as they won't be able to protect your government. It's only almighty Allah and the people who can protect you," she said.

The BNP chairperson said the Prime Minister had quit the leadership of her student body, Chhatra League, after failing to control them. If she can't run the country she should resign from the prime minister. Responding to the government claim that killing in crossfire has stopped, she said if it is not crossfire was it secret killing?

"If you want to stay in power fulltime, resolve problems of gas and electricity, and refrain from signing deal against the country's interest," Khaleda said indicating the Prime Minis-ter. "Let us unitedly protect democracy, she added."

BNP leaders Khandaker Delwar Hossain, Dr Khan-daker Mosharraf Hossain, Amanullah Aman and Fazlul Huq Milan, among others, also addressed the meeting, presided over by JCD president Sultan Salahuddin Tuku.

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Enough talk Mohtarma. It's time to see some drastic action against dalals that aiming to demise us. Time to take the matter into next level as Awami do not understand the meaning co existence.

Let go already...
Here is more proof of Awami election engineering by using public servents. Advisor to Awami PM Sheikh Hasina, HT Imam revealed that Awami League before election hatched and implemented extensive plan to use govt officials to implement Awami league engineering plan. Now Awami league openly regardless of merit promoting and rewarding these officials for their participation in election engineering. Another proof Awami league won election by engineering than people's vote.

::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::
Idune Bhai,

No one needs HT Imam's current or previous DC's "Amar Fanchi Chai" type of atma upalabdabi mulak statement to figure out Rawamy chor's blanket robbing. If you ask any honest people about 70's Rawamy victory, he would tell you that election was farcical. And 96's as well as recent one were seen by us. So none of Rawamy victory was real and its Killer (Siraj Sikder and Shaheb Ali), conniving coward (Living entire Bengali nation on W Pakistani army's mercy after race course Maiden's Lamphe Jamphe) and pesky Dacoit Malaun leader (Snatching others food in Islamia college"s dinning) set the trend for his disciple to be like that.
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Enough talk Mohtarma. It's time to see some drastic action against dalals that aiming to demise us. Time to take the matter into next level as Awami do not understand the meaning co existence.

Let go already...
There we go, brother.

Here is the slogan from today to take anti-BD, anti-Mankind forces head on;

Maar Badi Alam - AWAMY Kuttare Maar
Khale Bile Jangale abong duniar uporer Pahar !!
Lage to Lage kat Mua'r Kalam
Dorkar hoile Loia Aiy H Bibi'r malam !!
Jamaat Ameer Nizami warns street agitation if secular education policy introduced, religious politics banned, corridor given

Reported by: UNBconnect
Reported on: January 02, 2010 22:13 PM
Reported in: National
Dhaka, Jan 2 (UNB)-Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Matiur Rahman Nizami Saturday cautioned that people would be compelled to take to street if secular education policy was introduced, religion-based politics banned and “corridor given in the name of Asian Highway”.

“People will not accept any agreement against national interest,” he said while speaking at the Majlis-e-Sura meeting of Jamaat city committee at Alfalah Auditorium.

Nizami said Sheikh Hasina being the daughter of Bangladesh’s founder and two-time Prime Minister should take steps in the interest of the country.

“You don’t sign any deal that goes against the interest of the country,” the Jamaat chief said as the Prime Minister is scheduled to go to India on January 10.

He hoped that the Prime Minister would not do any agreement “sacrificing country’s interests”.

Nizami said the Tipaimukh dam would cause disaster to Bangladesh while national security would be jeopardized if India is given corridor.

The Jamaat Ameer said his party is giving constructive suggestions to the government. He reminded that in the past, people were seen coming to streets without direction from political leadership.

About terrorism, he said moves are on to bring foreign troops to the country in the name of curbing militancy and formation of South Asian Task Force. He said it is possible to curb militancy by taking Alems into confidence and the initiative was taken during the past alliance

Nizami feared if the 1972 constitution is restored, there will not be any opportunity for religion-based politics. He called for staging protest to protect Islam, independence and sovereignty and public property. However, he forbade any hotheaded action.

The Jamaat Ameer said it is not unknown how the present government came to power. It was also not unknown who did what “under cover of 1/11”. After all this, he said, Jamaat accepted the elections for the sake of democracy and had joined the first session of the present parliament.

UNBconnect... - Jamaat Ameer Nizami warns street agitation if secular education policy introduced, religious politics banned, corridor given
Jamaat Ameer Nizami warns street agitation if secular education policy introduced, religious politics banned, corridor given

Same warning after one day from Begum Zia. It's seem awami munafiq will face the music soon. I like to see united effort against this anti Bangladeshi, anti Islamic out side dalal regime.
There we go, brother.

Here is the slogan from today to take anti-BD, anti-Mankind forces head on;

Maar Badi Alam - AWAMY Kuttare Maar
Khale Bile Jangale abong duniar uporer Pahar !!
Lage to Lage kat Mua'r Kalam
Dorkar hoile Loia Aiy H Bibi'r malam !!

you r quite a poet............ just try to record and play back to u.
Same warning after one day from Begum Zia. It's seem awami munafiq will face the music soon. I like to see united effort against this anti Bangladeshi, anti Islamic out side dalal regime.

For the last 3 years we haven't seen any hartal or strikes.And the average people are very satisfied with that.Also this is good for our economy.Now don't you think in order to topple the AL govt. if BNP goes for hartals,they will not only disturb the peace in the country and disrupt the economy,but also lose average public support?

By average public I am meaning the swinging voters who don't support any of the political parties,and their votes change according to the rate of Development.More precisely I am talking about new generation,like me.Trust me,this number is growing and BNP knows it very well.

They should better face the AL in Parliament.After all they have been elected to represent the people in the parliament.Democracy works in parliament,not in Roads.
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