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BCL activists chase rivals during a clash at Rajshai University yesterday. Photo shows a seriously stabbed activist of a faction lies unattended on the ground in front of Ismail Hossain Siraji building.Photo: D STAR

Tender anarchy grips country: Ruling party men in control of govt projects

The political leaders apparently have totally forgotten the memory of the anti-graft drive after 1/11

Thursday August 27 2009 12:24:47 PM BDT

Leaders and activists of ruling Awami League in collusion with a section of corrupt and partisan bureaucrats have established full control over the tender process of government and semi government establishments.(The New Nation )

Musclemen of AL keep constant watch on all the government and semi-government offices on all working days so that no public procurement or work order can take place without their knowledge.

Identical scene was witnessed at Dhaka City Corporation, Public Works Department, Facilities Department, Roads and Highways Department, Water Development Board, Local Government and Engineering Department, WASA, DESA, Titas and other offices.

The trouble that erupted last Monday at the Directorate of Food over submission of tender documents for construction and repair work of food godowns at an estimated cost of Tk. 28 million was nothing strange.

Scuffles, brawls and other acts of muscle flexing by rival groups belonging to different front organizations of the ruling party have become common scene in cities and towns for quite sometime.

At least 500 cases or general diaries were lodged with the police stations at Dhaka to check terrorism over control of public tenders since the government assumed power.

But the law enforcing agencies could not take any action against the offenders as they belong to the ruling party, sources said.

Many in police and RAB are acting as party-men . Some of the leaders of the ruling party are acting in collaboration with a section of bureaucrats promoting their selfish interests, it is alleged.

The country may be labelled again as the most corrupt country, as terrorism and bribery have re-emerged as the most effective tools in the way of public works, it is feared.

The mighty goons are not afraid of facing legal actions in future, though Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina several times sounded caution about recurrence of 1/11 in the country.

The political leaders apparently have totally forgotten the memory of the anti-graft drive after 1/11 which led to arrest of a large number of political figures including the two top leaders of the country.

Many ministers, MPs, presidents, secretaries and other influential leaders at district and upazila level belonging to Awami League and its front organisations and also their financers are involved in manipulating government jobs.

Many contractors, dealers and businessmen, intending to win government work, have already changed their colours by joining the ruling party.

They are now successfully influencing the offices to get lucrative work orders. The government high ups are almost inaction in this regard.

No visible actions were taken against the ruling party goons though the media in recent days published series of reports of intra-party terrorism over control of public tenders.

The ruling party thugs are still getting the jobs using their influence. Forcing contending contractors away from the bidding process at gun-point and hijacking of tender papers has become a regular phenomena in different parts of the country.

The ruling party men are apparently above law and they are now engaged in fighting each other as contenders from the opposition parties have already been elbowed out.

"The ruling party men are being rewarded in this way," said a central committee member of Shechchhasebak League, explaining the cause of dominance of Awami League activists in the bidding process of government work.

He said, some of our leaders have been rewarded with party nominations to contest in the parliamentary or upazila elections, while some of them were made ministers.

"But, what have we got? Did we not make any contribution to take Netri (leader, Sheikh Hasina) to power," he questioned.

Brokery at the ministries and government offices became the main profession of most of the leaders of Juba League, Chhatra League, Sechchhasebak League and other front organisations of Awami League just after the party came to power.

The established contractors and suppliers are the worst sufferers when musclemen having links with the ruling party try to gain control over the bidding process with open or tacit support from the relevant authorities. Is there any end to this culture is the question which is being raised in different circles whether in the city or elsewhere.


Yes, changed has come Awami style. :angry:
Bd's are digging their own grave by not overthrowing these munafiq dalal from power. Worst is yet to come.
Please rename Bangladesh to MUJIBDESH!

Wednesday August 26 2009 21:36:27 PM BDT

By Taher Khan, USA

Recent activities of the current government of Bangladesh and the Awami goondas have forced to me ask myself a simple question 'Should Bangladesh be renamed?' Activities of the current government including the PM Sheikh Hasina make one feel that the country named Bangladesh is the creation of one man, Sheikh Mujibar Rahman and his family, contributions of leaders like Sher-e-Bangla A. K. Fazlul Haque, Moulana Bhasani, Shahid President Ziaur Rahman, etc. all add up to a big zero.

The current government is changing names of institutions, replacing the names with that of Mujibar Rahman or his family members. For example, Bhasani Novotheatre has been changed to BangaBandhu Novotheatre. Ziaur Rahman's name have been taken off many places. Even names two Bir Sheshta's have been taken off from two public places. Most recently name of Dhanmondi club has been changed to honor Sheikh Mujib's second son, Sheikh Jamal.

Awami goondas with blessings brom Sheikh Hasina have destroyed the murals of Shahid Preseident Ziaur Rahman in many places.

But I don't think Sheikh Hasina and her servants are done yet. They will change as many names as possible. They care little for people's sentiments.

But will Awami goondas be able to change my respect for Shahid President Ziaur Rahman, a man of rare personal honesty and great vision. Will they be able change my love for Sher-e-Bangla A.K. Fazlul Haque and Mulana Bhasani? Will Awami goondas be able to present to the nation the name of the BDR jawan who received Sheikh Mujibar's telegram (with the declaration of independence) in the night of March 25, 1971?

But goondas are goondas. Being a fascist party Awami leaguers will carry our their plans thinking that they will remain in power till Kiyamat (Dooms day). They have been very successful in implementing some of their agendas. They are working on the others.

The good news for Sheikh Hasina and her followers is that the global politics has changed. There is no cold war, India and USA are on the same side. India is stronger than in 1975. Sheikh Hasina has strong backers in Joy, Putul, Abonti, Rupanti, etc. Since Sheikh Hasina is more powerful than in 1996 and there is none in Bangladesh (and for that matter in the whole world) to challenge her, let's propose to her that she better name Bangladesh MUJIBDESH or MUJIBSTAN. She should also ask her cronies to write books highlighting MJIBBAD (or MUBISIM). I think that Gaddars like Gaffar Khan, A.B.M, Musa, Muntassir Mamun, Shahriar Kabir, etc. should be entrusted with this noble task.

Taher Mia
Richmond, Kentucky, USA
e-mail: taher197554@yahoo.com

Khaleda asked to appear in court Sept 7
Staff Correspondent

A Dhaka court on Sunday again asked the Bangladesh Nationalist Party chairperson, Khaleda Zia, and four others to appear in it on September 7 to face charges of embezzling Tk 2.1 crore of the Zia Orphanage Trust fund.
Dhaka metropolitan senior special judge ANM Bashir Ullah also deferred till September 7 the hearing in the acceptability of the charge sheet in the case as Khaleda could not appear in court on security grounds.
Khaleda痴 lawyers sought the hearing to be deferred saying she could not appear in the court on security grounds.
They, however, filed an appeal with the court seeking that a date should be set before Khaleda leaves Dhaka on September 9 or 10 for Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah.
The same court on August 12 asked the leader of the opposition in parliament, Khaleda, also a former prime minister, to appear in it on Sunday and deferred the hearing till Sunday as none of the six, against whom charges were pressed, appeared in court.
The court, however, on Sunday decided to continue with the trial proceedings in the absence of Tarique as he is now in London for his treatment after being released on bail.
Of the accused having charges pressed against them, former BNP lawmaker Qazi Saleemul Huq and his associate Sharfuddin Ahmed appeared in court on Sunday.
Two others accused ・Khaleda痴 nephew Mominur Rahman and former prime minister痴 principal secretary Kamal Uddin Siddiqui ・are still in hiding.
Anti-Corruption Commission assistant director Harun ur Rashid, also the investigation officer of the case, submitted the charge sheet to the Dhaka chief metropolitan magistrate痴 court on August 5.
The case was transferred to the Dhaka metropolitan senior special judge痴 court the next day for trial.
This is the first case, after the assumption of office by the Awami League-led alliance on January 6, in which charges have been pressed against any high-profile politician.
Charges have been pressed at a time when the government is withdrawing in bunches the cases filed against political leaders and activists in the past, apparently with the intent of political harassment.
The government has so far recommended withdrawal of 455 cases against politicians ・all but one of whom belong to the Awami League.
In the charge sheet, the investigation officer said Khaleda, during her tenure in office of prime minister (1991・996), opened an account in the name of the Prime Minister痴 Orphan Fund with the Ramna branch Sonali Bank. In the account, she received $12,55,000, amounting to Tk 4.44 crore, on 9 June, 1991, in donation through a demand draft of the United Saudi Commercial Bank.
The accused, with the connivance of each other, misappropriated Tk 2.1 crore by opening FDRs in their names between June 1991 and February 2007, the charge sheet said.
Charges were pressed against the five under Section 409 of the Penal Code for criminal breach of trust by a public servant, Section 5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1947 for abuse of power, and Section 109 of the Penal Code for abetment of offences.
Ex-adviser Matin sued for Tk 25 cr damages :tup:

Tue, Sep 1st, 2009 11:43 am BdST Dial 2324 from your mobile for latest news

Dhaka, Sep 1 (bdnews24.com)— Former shipping adviser M A Matin and ex-shipping secretary Sheikh Motahar Hossain have been sued for Tk 25 crore damages.

Chittagong port berth operator Everest Enterprise chief Shahadat Hossain Selim filed the Tk 25 crore case on Tuesday with the First Dhaka Joint District and Sessions Court.

Motahar Hossain is currently a member of Privatisation Commission.

Judge K M Imrul Quayes issued summons against the two defendants.

Everest Enterprise on Aug 24 said it would seek compensation through the court from Matin over alleged irregularities in the allocation of a container handling contract at Chittagong Container Terminal in January.

"Everest will seek Tk 25 crore compensation for financial and goodwill losses after failing to win the contract despite being the lowest bidder," Hossain said earlier.

Shipping minister Shahjahan Khan told bdnews24.com on Sunday that Matin would be charged in a week.

"The documents regarding the charges against the former shipping adviser will be sent to the Anticorruption Commission this week, and if possible in a couple of days," he said.

The parliamentary standing committee on shipping ministry on Sunday approved the probe report submitted by the sub-committee on the ex-adviser's corruption charges regarding the irregularities in the container management deal at Chittagong port.

The standing committee unanimously accepted the report of the parliamentary sub-committee that found "massive irregularities" done by Matin and eight others on the last day of his office on Jan 6.

The committee, however, did not find any evidence that Matin had taken bribe to land the company, Ishaq Brothers, the deal, Chowdhury said.

Matin, a retired major general who was a director general of the Bureau of Anti-Corruption, the ACC's predecessor, maintained that he did nothing wrong.

"Former adviser M A Matin had direct role in awarding the work to the company in violation of the government guidelines," Noor-e-Alam Chowdhury, the committee chairman, had said.

The chairman said former shipping secretary Sheikh Motahar Hossain and seven officials were also involved in the deal.

"He (Matin) pressed officials to award the contract," said Chowdhury.

The chairman said the tender was not invited properly in line with the government rules and the CPA did not hold any board meeting before awarding the contract.

Besides, false certificate was given in favour of Ishaq Brothers, a "novice" company. He said the tendering process caused financial losses to the public exchequer.

Matin was also home adviser and chief of the corruption-busting national committee formed by the past military-installed caretaker government.

The standing committee found that Matin had allegedly arranged a board meeting of the CPA in the afternoon of Jan 5 to evaluate the tender committee's report.

The CPA initiated the file to award the contract within 24 hours to Ishaq Brothers after the meeting and couriered it to Dhaka by air, the committee said.

The file was accepted on Jan 6 morning and the same was sent to CPA for necessary actions after the adviser had signed it.

The file reached Chittagong in the afternoon of Jan 6 and the CPA awarded the work to Ishaq Brothers at 9pm when the new government was taking oath at the Bangabhaban.

The standing committee also alleged that Matin had raised the service age of "pilots" at Chittagong port to 60 years from 57.

Matin was the first adviser to the 2007-2008 caretaker government to face corruption charges.

Housing and public works adviser Moinul Hosein was the other adviser to come under parliamentary scrutiny for allegedly awarding public land to his wife and son in violation of government rules.

The parliamentary investigation showed that the former shipping secretary Sheikh Motahar Hossain and senior assistant shipping secretary Sharif Mohammad Masud involved in the deal had confessed at the meeting that Matin had forced them to award the contract to Ishaq Brothers in violation of government rules.

And the officials of the CPA submitted papers which proved Matin's direct involvement in awarding the work, according to the parliamentary probe.

Both advisers were very critical of the politicians for 'corruption' after the declaration of the state of emergency on Jan 11, 2007.

The standing committee on May 27 formed three-member panel to investigate the alleged irregularities.


Ex-adviser Matin sued for Tk 25 cr damages :: Politics :: bdnews24.com ::
Fascist RAWAMY-Petowa policy action has injured Prof. Anu Mohammad, who has been vocal against the sell-out of oil & gas.Time is to say, "Baje othlu shomoyer Ghari,
Esho Ajj tobe bidroho kori"

The New Nation - Internet Edition

Court accepts graft charges against Khaleda
Mon, Sep 7th, 2009 2:07 pm BdST

Dhaka, Sept 7 (bdnews24.com)—A Dhaka court on Monday accepted charges pressed by the ACC against former prime minister Khaleda Zia for allegedly embezzling over Tk 2 crore from Zia Orphanage Trust that existed only on paper.

The court of Dhaka metropolitan special judge A N M Bashirullah set Oct 25 to frame charges against five other defendants including Khaleda's elder son Tarique Rahman.

It issued arrest warrants against defendants Mominur Rahman, nephew of Khaleda, and former principal secretary Kamal Uddin Siddiqui who did not appear in court.

The court also ordered authorities to submit report at the next hearing on whether the two fugitives were arrested.

Khaleda, the opposition BNP chief, appeared before the court amid tight security at 1:25pm and the hearing on the acceptance of the charges began five minutes later.

The court on Aug 30 set the Monday's hearing and directed the government to ensure security for Khaleda, a two-time former prime minister, to facilitate her court appearance.

Other accused in the case are Khaleda's elders son Tarique Rahman, who is currently staying in London for medical treatment, former BNP MP Kazi Salimul Haque and Sharfuddin Ahmed.

The Anticorruption Commission pressed charges in the court against Khaleda, Tarique and four others on Aug 5.

A total of 36 people have been listed as state witnesses in the case, according to investigation officer Harun-or-Rashid.

The Supreme Court in the first week of August upheld the previous High Court bail orders secured by both Khaleda and Tarique in the case filed with Ramna Police Station on July 3, 2008.

'No embezzelement, no due process'

Khaleda's lawyers alleged that the government headed by Awami League did not cancel the case in an attempt to revenge itself on her, even though it had withdrawn many cases filed for political persecution.

Advocate Khandaker Delwar Hossain, also the BNP secretary general, said proper process was not followed in pressing the charges in that approval was not taken from the proper authorities.

He said there was no element of money embezzlement in the case. The money sent from abroad was not embezzled in the name of the trust.

Land was bought in Bogra with the money, Hossain added at the hearing.

Advocate Sanaullah Miah told the court that all 20 cases against the Zia family were filed plainly to politically persecute them.

The government withdrawing such cases that were filed only against the AL leaders, he said.

"The military-backed (caretaker) government sent Khaleda Zia to jail on Sept 3, 2007. The then government failed twice by trying to send her abroad," Miah said.

"Khaleda told the government that she would not go anywhere leaving the country.

"There is no legal reason to accept charges against Khaleda Zia, her elder son Tarique Rahman and four others," he said.

Another counsel, barrister Rafiqul Islam Miah, said at the hearing that the case was filed to politically harass the defendants.

He asked: "Why does Khaleda Zia have to be discriminated against if (prime minister) Sheikh Hasina gets cases against her withdrawn?"

Barrister Jamiruddin Sircar presented legal explanations citing the grounds that buck a trial.

Special public prosecutor Mosharraf Hossain Kajal refuted the contentions of the defence lawyers.

"There are sufficient documentary evidence to take the case into cognisance. The defendants have embezzled money by bringing money from Saudi Arabia, with the scheme led by Tarique and Mominur," he said.

"The Saudi government gave Tk 4.44 crore in assistance for the poor and orphan. Of the money, Tk 2.10 crore was channeled to Zia Orphanage Trust. But the money was not used for the orphans," Kajal said.

Scores of counsels for Khaleda shouted in protest at the statement.

Defence counsel Masud Ahmed Talukder told the judge that the prosecution was providing wrong information about the case.

It cannot show any document on the assistance provided by the Saudi government. The Kuwait government gave the donation, he claimed.

Kajal said: "I am not delivering any statement beyond the case record. I am submitting evidence before the court."

The courtroom was teeming with crowd during the hearing.

Security upped

The government heightened security measures at the court premises ahead of the appearance.

Senior officials of Dhaka Metropolitan Police were on guard around the court.

Kajal, who also suggested measures, earlier told bdnews24.com that over 400 law-enforcers were present around the court to ensure Khaleda's security.

The hearing was deferred twice on Aug 12 and 30 since Khaleda did not appear in the court on security reasons.
Court accepts graft charges against Khaleda :: Politics :: bdnews24.com ::

Court accepts graft charges against Khaleda
Mon, Sep 7th, 2009 2:07 pm BdST

Dhaka, Sept 7 (bdnews24.com)—A Dhaka court on Monday accepted charges pressed by the ACC against former prime minister Khaleda Zia for allegedly embezzling over Tk 2 crore from Zia Orphanage Trust that existed only on paper.

The court of Dhaka metropolitan special judge A N M Bashirullah set Oct 25 to frame charges against five other defendants including Khaleda's elder son Tarique Rahman.

It issued arrest warrants against defendants Mominur Rahman, nephew of Khaleda, and former principal secretary Kamal Uddin Siddiqui who did not appear in court.

The court also ordered authorities to submit report at the next hearing on whether the two fugitives were arrested.

Khaleda, the opposition BNP chief, appeared before the court amid tight security at 1:25pm and the hearing on the acceptance of the charges began five minutes later.

The court on Aug 30 set the Monday's hearing and directed the government to ensure security for Khaleda, a two-time former prime minister, to facilitate her court appearance.

Other accused in the case are Khaleda's elders son Tarique Rahman, who is currently staying in London for medical treatment, former BNP MP Kazi Salimul Haque and Sharfuddin Ahmed.

The Anticorruption Commission pressed charges in the court against Khaleda, Tarique and four others on Aug 5.

A total of 36 people have been listed as state witnesses in the case, according to investigation officer Harun-or-Rashid.

The Supreme Court in the first week of August upheld the previous High Court bail orders secured by both Khaleda and Tarique in the case filed with Ramna Police Station on July 3, 2008.

'No embezzelement, no due process'

Khaleda's lawyers alleged that the government headed by Awami League did not cancel the case in an attempt to revenge itself on her, even though it had withdrawn many cases filed for political persecution.

Advocate Khandaker Delwar Hossain, also the BNP secretary general, said proper process was not followed in pressing the charges in that approval was not taken from the proper authorities.

He said there was no element of money embezzlement in the case. The money sent from abroad was not embezzled in the name of the trust.

Land was bought in Bogra with the money, Hossain added at the hearing.

Advocate Sanaullah Miah told the court that all 20 cases against the Zia family were filed plainly to politically persecute them.

The government withdrawing such cases that were filed only against the AL leaders, he said.

"The military-backed (caretaker) government sent Khaleda Zia to jail on Sept 3, 2007. The then government failed twice by trying to send her abroad," Miah said.

"Khaleda told the government that she would not go anywhere leaving the country.

"There is no legal reason to accept charges against Khaleda Zia, her elder son Tarique Rahman and four others," he said.

Another counsel, barrister Rafiqul Islam Miah, said at the hearing that the case was filed to politically harass the defendants.

He asked: "Why does Khaleda Zia have to be discriminated against if (prime minister) Sheikh Hasina gets cases against her withdrawn?"

Barrister Jamiruddin Sircar presented legal explanations citing the grounds that buck a trial.

Special public prosecutor Mosharraf Hossain Kajal refuted the contentions of the defence lawyers.

"There are sufficient documentary evidence to take the case into cognisance. The defendants have embezzled money by bringing money from Saudi Arabia, with the scheme led by Tarique and Mominur," he said.

"The Saudi government gave Tk 4.44 crore in assistance for the poor and orphan. Of the money, Tk 2.10 crore was channeled to Zia Orphanage Trust. But the money was not used for the orphans," Kajal said.

Scores of counsels for Khaleda shouted in protest at the statement.

Defence counsel Masud Ahmed Talukder told the judge that the prosecution was providing wrong information about the case.

It cannot show any document on the assistance provided by the Saudi government. The Kuwait government gave the donation, he claimed.

Kajal said: "I am not delivering any statement beyond the case record. I am submitting evidence before the court."

The courtroom was teeming with crowd during the hearing.

Security upped

The government heightened security measures at the court premises ahead of the appearance.

Senior officials of Dhaka Metropolitan Police were on guard around the court.

Kajal, who also suggested measures, earlier told bdnews24.com that over 400 law-enforcers were present around the court to ensure Khaleda's security.

The hearing was deferred twice on Aug 12 and 30 since Khaleda did not appear in the court on security reasons.

More on RAWAMY(RAW+AWAMY) TK10.00 rice and employment in each household...

Stop anti-state activities or face the music, threatens BNP

opposition threats also coincide with Foreign Minister Dipu Moni'' s talks with Indian external affairs minister SM Krishna

Tuesday September 15 2009 10:57:03 AM BDT

Opposition BNP Monday threatened to go for a vigorous street agitation if the government did not refrain from acting "against national interests", as they backed up the maiden hartal against the incumbent rulers on the same issue on Monday, reports UNB.

"If the government does not eschew from anti-nation activities and forces us, we''ll be compelled to announce big action programs," he told reporters at the BNP central office.

Delwar made the remark after today''s half-day general strike in the capital in protest against the government decision to lease out three offshore gas blocks to US company Coconophilis and Irish company Tullow Oil.

The opposition threats also coincide with Foreign Minister Dipu Moni'' s talks with Indian external affairs minister SM Krishna in New Delhi last week when the two sides agreed on several contentious issues, which are being criticized by the opposition.

Delwar said his party would mobilize people from all disciplines to build up protest so that the government cannot get way acting against the national interests.

In a swinging criticism he termed the present government ''subservient'' to India and alleged that whenever this government comes to power, it enters into deals that run counter to the nation''s interests.

"India is getting its purpose served by this government," the BNP secretary general told the journalists.

He said they extended support to today''s shutdown called by a coalition of protestors as the people got "frustrated" about this government. "Whatever the rate of success in today''s hartal, this reflects the public mindset," he noted.

Stop anti-state activities or face the music, threatens BNP

opposition threats also coincide with Foreign Minister Dipu Moni'' s talks with Indian external affairs minister SM Krishna

Tuesday September 15 2009 10:57:03 AM BDT

Opposition BNP Monday threatened to go for a vigorous street agitation if the government did not refrain from acting "against national interests", as they backed up the maiden hartal against the incumbent rulers on the same issue on Monday, reports UNB.

"If the government does not eschew from anti-nation activities and forces us, we''ll be compelled to announce big action programs," he told reporters at the BNP central office.

Delwar made the remark after today''s half-day general strike in the capital in protest against the government decision to lease out three offshore gas blocks to US company Coconophilis and Irish company Tullow Oil.

The opposition threats also coincide with Foreign Minister Dipu Moni'' s talks with Indian external affairs minister SM Krishna in New Delhi last week when the two sides agreed on several contentious issues, which are being criticized by the opposition.

Delwar said his party would mobilize people from all disciplines to build up protest so that the government cannot get way acting against the national interests.

In a swinging criticism he termed the present government ''subservient'' to India and alleged that whenever this government comes to power, it enters into deals that run counter to the nation''s interests.

"India is getting its purpose served by this government," the BNP secretary general told the journalists.

He said they extended support to today''s shutdown called by a coalition of protestors as the people got "frustrated" about this government. "Whatever the rate of success in today''s hartal, this reflects the public mindset," he noted.

It's nice to see BNP isn't alone but other patriotic forces are also preparing to resist conniving Indian's conspiracies,

::Welcome to Daily Naya Diganta::

Time to say,


This is how Awami munafiq run the country. Big mouth bastards.

Who runs Bangladesh?

Friday September 18 2009 21:27:02 PM BDT

By Taher Mia, USA

It has been reported that the foreign minister of the current BD government, Dipu Moni, left the country for the USA on a three week visit. The readers are well aware of the fact that she is on her heels ever since she was appointed foreign minister; in other words, she is visiting country after country without any break. But the question is 'What did she accomplish? What are the results?'

In the very recent past she visited India? What did she do there? Yes, she met the foreign minister and the prime minster of India. But did she raise the vital issues (from Bangladesh's point of view), most importantly the Tipaimukh Dam issue, with the Indian officials? She was assured by the Indian premier that India will never do anything that could embarass Sheikh Hasina's government. To me it seems that India does not care about Bangladesh, its people; they care about Sheikh Hasina and the other puppets in her cabinet.

What is Dipu Moni going to do in the USA? Does she possess the qualities to successfully negotiate the needs of the country that she represents? Time and again she has proven that she is worthless as a foreign minister. She does not understand the meaning of many diplomatic terms. The readers may remember how she handled the questions from Indian journalists. It is said that she got an MBBS degree. So, she should have taken biochemistry courses. BUFFER is a very important concept in chemistry and biochemistry (buffers resist changes in pH of solutions). All qualified doctors should know this; there is buffer in human blood. Dipu Moni forgets about things like buffer. If she remembered buffer from a chemist's or biochemist's point of view, she would have understood the meaning of a BUFFER STATE. I do not blame her; she is a politician, very busy in carrying out the agenda of Awami League and India. Most importantly, like most Awami politicians her IQ is lamentable.

It has also been reported that Sohel Taj, a former state minister for home affairs of the current BD government (and son of Tajuddin Ahmed, a former prime minister of Bangladesh) is living in the USA. He was in the USA during the brutal killings (of the BD army officers) at the BDR headquarters. He did not bother to return home at hearing about the tragic incident. As everybody knows BDR is under the home ministry.It is very clear that he does not care about Bangladesh. Presumably he has resigned from that position . But he did not resign from his position as a member of the parliament. Does he have permission from the speaker of the BD parliament to abstain from the sessions of the parliament? Does he communicate with his constituents? Then, did the speaker ever try to find out why he is staying outside the country while the parliament is in session? Why does not the speaker find out the real situation and decide if needs to declare the parliament seat (held by Taj) vacant?

Syed Asharul Islam, a very powerful member of the current BD government, also spent more than two weeks with his family in England. It seems that almost all the stalwarts of the current Awami leadership have family in foreign countries. Sheikh Hasina's sister is a citizen of Great Britain, her jon Joy is a citizen of the USA, her daughter is a citizen of Canada, etc. etc.

During the tenure of Khaleda Zia (2001-2006) Sheikh Hasina visited Western countries to lobby against the BD government; she did not leave any stone unturned to convince the Western leaders that Bangladesh is a country full of Muslim extremists. Now she is visiting Western countries as the prime minister of Bangladesh. She will be visiting the USA and India soon. But what will the nation get from her visits? Only Allah knows!!

So, we need to know if Bangladesh is run by people who care for Bangladeshand its people. The hidden agenda of the current BD government needs to be made public very soon.

Taher Mia
Richmond, Kentucky, USA
E mail : taher197554@yahoo.com

BNP, Jamaat move to publish 'white papers' soon -Dec 29 Polls 'Irregularities'

They claimed the teams have already gathered documents that substantiate their claim of a rigged election.

Sunday September 20 2009 12:07:26 PM BDT

Shakhawat Liton and Rashidul Hasan

The main position BNP and its key ally Jamaat-e-Islami have initiated publishing "white papers" as proof of rigging in the December 29 parliamentary election. Policymakers in both the parties said they have formed teams to collect information and documents for preparing the "white papers".(The Daily Star )

They claimed the teams have already gathered documents that substantiate their claim of a rigged election.

“A team has already recorded testimonies of 12 government officials who were engaged in printing and distribution of ballot papers,” BNP leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury told The Daily Star last week.

On the basis of the testimonies, they found out that the turnout in the last election was shown 87 percent through a mechanism of election engineering, he said.

He said his party would make the report public on completion of investigation.

“The report will reveal how the election was rigged,” said Salauddin, also former parliamentary affairs adviser to ex-premier Khaleda Zia.

Following its debacle in the last parliamentary polls, BNP formed a nine-member team with party leaders, former bureaucrats, lawyers and IT specialists. Many others have also been assisting the team, BNP sources said.

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia held several meetings with them and asked them to get the work done perfectly by colleting more information and documents, said a source close to the BNP chief.

Mohammad Kamaruzzaman, senior assistant secretary general of Jamaat-e-Islami, told The Daily Star last week that they are working to find out how the last parliamentary election was engineered.

“Instantly, we could not find evidence of rigging. But now we are getting proofs that the poll was engineered in a sophisticated way,” Kamaruzzaman said.

BNP secured only 29 seats in the December 29 election registering its poorest performance in parliamentary polls. Its alliance partner Jamaat got two seats.

BNP Chief Khaleda Zia at her first post-poll press conference said her party would not accept the election results as the poll was engineered and farcical.

Following its poor performance in the October 2001 election, the then main opposition Awami League, which got 62 seats in the poll, also published a white paper titled "A rigged election and illegitimate government."

The party refused to accept the elections results and refrained from joining the inaugural session of the eighth parliament.

AL lawmakers joined the parliament after over 70 work days but boycotted most of the work days.

The BNP-led opposition lawmakers seem to walk the same path. They joined the inaugural session of the ninth parliament on the first work day but later boycotted parliament. The main opposition lawmakers were present in the House for only 22 of 71 workdays of the current parliament.

BNP policymakers are not interested in taking part in the House proceedings now rather they have focused on publishing the "white papers" and re-organising the party to launch street agitation, if necessary.

Salauddin said they don't want to participate in House proceedings because it would legitimise the present government that came to power through a rigged poll, Salauddin said.

A member of the BNP's fact-finding committee said they have some documents and information on poll rigging but dec

South Asian Media Net

BNP protests denial to meet Khaleda
Wednesday, September 23,2009

DHAKA: BNP and associate organisations have protested at the authorities not allowing visitors to meet with Khaleda Zia at her Dhaka cantonment residence on Eid day citing security reasons.

Retired government secretaries, political leaders and businessmen were turned away on Monday afternoon as the security personnel asked them for permission of the higher authority to visit the opposition chief, they claimed.

Student front Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal, youth wing Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal, weavers' wing Jatiyatabadi Tanti dal and peasants Jatiyatabadi Krishak Dal in separate statements said the bar manifested the autocratic nature of the government.

Former cabinet secretary Abdul Halim told bdnews24.com, "I failed to greet the leader on Eid. The security personnel at the entrance to Shaheed Mainul Road stopped me and asked me if I had permission of the government."

Khaleda's press secretary Maruf Kamal Khan told bdnews24.com, "Some 50 retired officials and businessmen went to greet the leader, but they were not permitted to enter the house.

"It's a sad incident."
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BNP, Jamaat move to publish 'white papers' soon -Dec 29 Polls 'Irregularities'

They claimed the teams have already gathered documents that substantiate their claim of a rigged election.

Sunday September 20 2009 12:07:26 PM BDT

Shakhawat Liton and Rashidul Hasan

The main position BNP and its key ally Jamaat-e-Islami have initiated publishing "white papers" as proof of rigging in the December 29 parliamentary election. Policymakers in both the parties said they have formed teams to collect information and documents for preparing the "white papers".(The Daily Star )

They claimed the teams have already gathered documents that substantiate their claim of a rigged election.

“A team has already recorded testimonies of 12 government officials who were engaged in printing and distribution of ballot papers,” BNP leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury told The Daily Star last week.

On the basis of the testimonies, they found out that the turnout in the last election was shown 87 percent through a mechanism of election engineering, he said.

He said his party would make the report public on completion of investigation.

“The report will reveal how the election was rigged,” said Salauddin, also former parliamentary affairs adviser to ex-premier Khaleda Zia.

Following its debacle in the last parliamentary polls, BNP formed a nine-member team with party leaders, former bureaucrats, lawyers and IT specialists. Many others have also been assisting the team, BNP sources said.

BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia held several meetings with them and asked them to get the work done perfectly by colleting more information and documents, said a source close to the BNP chief.

Mohammad Kamaruzzaman, senior assistant secretary general of Jamaat-e-Islami, told The Daily Star last week that they are working to find out how the last parliamentary election was engineered.

“Instantly, we could not find evidence of rigging. But now we are getting proofs that the poll was engineered in a sophisticated way,” Kamaruzzaman said.

BNP secured only 29 seats in the December 29 election registering its poorest performance in parliamentary polls. Its alliance partner Jamaat got two seats.

BNP Chief Khaleda Zia at her first post-poll press conference said her party would not accept the election results as the poll was engineered and farcical.

Following its poor performance in the October 2001 election, the then main opposition Awami League, which got 62 seats in the poll, also published a white paper titled "A rigged election and illegitimate government."

The party refused to accept the elections results and refrained from joining the inaugural session of the eighth parliament.

AL lawmakers joined the parliament after over 70 work days but boycotted most of the work days.

The BNP-led opposition lawmakers seem to walk the same path. They joined the inaugural session of the ninth parliament on the first work day but later boycotted parliament. The main opposition lawmakers were present in the House for only 22 of 71 workdays of the current parliament.

BNP policymakers are not interested in taking part in the House proceedings now rather they have focused on publishing the "white papers" and re-organising the party to launch street agitation, if necessary.

Salauddin said they don't want to participate in House proceedings because it would legitimise the present government that came to power through a rigged poll, Salauddin said.

A member of the BNP's fact-finding committee said they have some documents and information on poll rigging but dec

It's good to see BNP walas getting smarter after such a long time. Hope something concrete will come out through publishing the white paper. Timing of it also seems right. Let's hope for the best of our beloved motherland.
The Awami League-led grand alliance has swept back to power after seven years out of office with a stunning landslide victory in an environment of free and fair elections that clearly showed the people's verdict for a change and has consigned the BNP-led four-party alliance to the political wilderness............

For both those who had been suspecting a rigged election and those who had been not, the following bdnews24 clip will be an eye opener.

Let us now become more objective and rational, and do our best to realize the truth, and act accordingly.

Not fighting Hasina was a mistake: Jalil
Thu, Sep 24th, 2009 3:50 pm BdST

Syed Nahas Pasha

Dhaka, Sept 24 (bdnews24.com)–Former Awami League general secretary Abdul Jalil has said he made a mistake by not going against the party chief, Sheikh Hasina, on his return to the country to protect his post during the 2007-08 caretaker government regime.

"It was my mistake not to go against her. My offence was extreme loyalty to her," Jalil said in an interview with bdnews24.com in London on Wednesday.


Asked whether there was any agreement between the AL and the caretaker government in the elections, he said: "It might have happened."
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