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News for Mirage-2000 upgrade

$41 million is for the specific requirements IAF has made.
And they came down to $38 million for each when IAF degraded their requirements.IAF felt that $3 million wont bring them the cappuccino they need during a war with downgraded specifications.Hence the deal was ruled out.

French were purely stupid.Israel agreed to do the same job for $20 million a peace ,still IAF felt that the price is too much for an aircraft upgradation leaving airframe and engines intact.

If french might have managed to bring the price to $17-19 million as like MIG-29 upgradation, then IAF might have considered buying the UAE mirages and upgraded them aswell.
Eitherways,french are loosers and are after money.In the business you need to go after money,but at the same time gotta have to be reasonable.
I think orders will be split between Eurofighter and F-18 because India has to keep its prominence with US. Most likely India will order 200 planes first starting with 126 planes and later adding the rest so that China does not get upset.

by which year the 1st sqdn. of MRCA would be operational in IAF​
PAF shld also pull out Mirage III , V upgradation process n say good bye to old horse.
even god can NOT answer your question my friend...this is india:-)

ditto! In India, things move slow and then some. If we get some european or US planes, atleast they will make the products on time. But again India goes for Russian plane, they ask for more money after 5 years and delay it again for another five.
I think this may be the reason we have been hearing news of another 50 su30mki order being made soon.

$40m each to upgrade a 20 year old mirage 2000 is outraegous wen you can get a brand new tvc su30mki for $45m each.

Believe me guys don,t go to french for Thunder upgrades to engine/radar etc they will want your arm leg and head $$$$$ and triple the price of the Thunder from $15m to
$45m each

That 40 million dollars includes training, spares, and all the necessary assistance. the 45 million dollars MKI price is only the fly away cost which does not include the plant, spares, training, etc.
French are not ripping you off with mirage upgrade deal not as much as you are emphasizing. You need to take a look at AC deal with Russia if you wanna talk about "rip off".

French package for thunders is infact one of the best.
That 40 million dollars includes training, spares, and all the necessary assistance. the 45 million dollars MKI price is only the fly away cost which does not include the plant, spares, training, etc.
French are not ripping you off with mirage upgrade deal not as much as you are emphasizing. You need to take a look at AC deal with Russia if you wanna talk about "rip off".

French package for thunders is infact one of the best.

But dont you think that buying another MKI will be far more useful than paying for an upgrade.
Growler has always been a staunch Dassault supporter.
He would naturally feel going against Dassault a bad move

When the Indian Air Force's Mirage-2000 fighters are upgraded, their cockpits will end up looking like the photo above, a snapshot of the Mirage-2000-V cockpit design that was frozen in 1997 by Dassault and Thales. The five-element display is quite different from the four-element displays that is standard on most fourth generation fighters now, though pilots who fly the Dash-V reportedly swear its far superior. Let's see if the government and Dassault can agree on a price. Looks sticky right now, though!:whistle:
Mirage 2K is India's ace-in-the-pocket nuclear delivery and premier deep strike platform. Now that it can not be upgraded to keep itself ahead of JF-17 and Block 52, the news of any more French interest in the IAF will quickly dissolve as undoubtedly there are many turbans being scratched in the IAF echelon regarding why Dassault would shoot itself in the foot right now for foreign sales. Had they done the upgrades at a slight discount with a clause tied to purchase of Rafale it would have sealed the tender deal. French are so stupid, the whole reason India is hosting this circus is because it wanted more M2K!
French had offered infact to keep the Mirage production lines open if India was to go in for further augmentation of its Mirage 2000 fleet.
The upgrade issue is still in pipeline and the same has not been totally written off.
As for the Israelis, the basic issue is that IAI and Indian DRDO are involved in joint core research and development and as such if a suitable upgradation for the Mirage 2000 can be done at a lesser cost due to such a JV, then why not.
In the end, my point is, French are not crazy to loose a larger market just for a few bucks more.
There s another way of looking at it. What if the upgrade with marginal profits really costs the French so much? Why should they bring down the price and bear the losses just because we can’t afford it? Ideally, Dassault wouldn’t mind bearing the losses if India provides an assurance on buying the Rafales for MMRCA coz then overall M2K upgrade+Rafale would bring huge profits for the company. Guess this is their game plan- a risky move- it could be all or nothing in the end. As far as the Israeli offer is considered- it would still require permission from the French- I am pretty sure that we have some kind of a EUMA with the French for the M2K.
Why? Rose upgrade has already been given and they are performing better in some fields compared to current PAF F-16s.

Mirages are excellent fighters. Have been through the ages which explains the fan club.
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