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News for Mirage-2000 upgrade

Could you please stop posting this bullcrap?This was diverted for MLU of some Blk 15's which were being used for bombing Talibans as US wanted to equip them with Preicison Guided bombing capability so that we can bomb them with reducing colleterial damage...only 216 m.The total cost is 1.3 billion..and we paid 3+ billion for 18 new F16 from our national funds.So with all due respect i think you should do more research before making blanket statements.Here's the whole Article on this.

wtever bullcrap i have posted mate, i have posted with relevant and neutral sources ... 1.3 billion upgradation for arnd 25 aircrafts comes down to arnd 52 million per aircraft .. sounds an attractive proposition to you .. eh .. pakistan doesn't believe in buying new aircrafts fr the same amount or what .. ok.. and yeaa please read again what you are quoting ... according to the article quoted by you MLU will cost arnd 800 million dollars and not 1.4 billion.. those 18 new aircrafts would cost arnd 1.3 billion.. after quoting an article it doesn't take much time to give a source .. does it ?? .. i dont dispute the testimony of donald camp. but you have to see the context and relation where it has been said ... the world has changed since this testimony .. please refer to the article,again, i have gven you a link of . search google for PENTAGON PAKISTAN FUNDS.. you wuld be enlightened and if you search deeper you would know that infact mr. bush knew of the misappropriation of funds by musharraf government between 2003-2009 . he chose to ignore it 'coz acting aggressive would have created problems with pakistanis.i suggest you read the pentagon document published in june 2009 . i rest my case here and people can make up their own mind.

Press TV - Pakistan diverted terror aid to fight India
wtever bullcrap i have posted mate, i have posted with relevant and neutral sources ... 1.3 billion upgradation for arnd 25 aircrafts comes down to arnd 52 million per aircraft .. sounds an attractive proposition to you .. eh .. pakistan doesn't believe in buying new aircrafts fr the same amount or what .. ok.. and yeaa please read again what you are quoting ... according to the article quoted by you MLU will cost arnd 800 million dollars and not 1.4 billion.. those 18 new aircrafts would cost arnd 1.3 billion.. after quoting an article it doesn't take much time to give a source .. does it ?? .. i dont dispute the testimony of donald camp. but you have to see the context and relation where it has been said ... the world has changed since this testimony .. please refer to the article,again, i have gven you a link of . search google for PENTAGON PAKISTAN FUNDS.. you wuld be enlightened and if you search deeper you would know that infact mr. bush knew of the misappropriation of funds by musharraf government between 2003-2009 . he chose to ignore it 'coz acting aggressive would have created problems with pakistanis.i suggest you read the pentagon document published in june 2009 . i rest my case here and people can make up their own mind.

Press TV - Pakistan diverted terror aid to fight India
Yeah Yeah Yeah....We've got only 5 billion aid.5 Billion was logistical payment which they paid for using our air bases, our supply lines and if we used those funds for buying millitary stuff so what?Pakistan was initially going for 36 Air Crafts but decided to jump down to 18 because of 2005 Earthquake.We have option to opt for more MLu's.The testimony is very neutral trust me...it's not some Pakistani but American Millitary Official.Nobody just buys air craft...you also buy missiles, logistics, infrastructure etc.
Here's the whole package breakdown.
F-16 blk52+. 500 AIM-120C5s, JDAMs, Link 16, JHMCS, Sniper (ex-Pantera) targetting pod, AIM9-8/9s, CFT etc. etc.. MLU'd F-16s will also get JHMCS and the same V9 radars as the blk52+ to be acquired.
As far as MLU is concerned we still have option to opt for more for rest of our F16's.
On 28 June 2006, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan of 60 F-16A/B Mid-Life Update Modification kits as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $1.3 billion.
The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of 60 F-16A/B Mid-Life Update (MLU) modification and Falcon Star Structural Service Life Enhancement kits consisting of:
APG-68(V)9 with Synthetic Aperture Radar or APG-66(V)2 radar;
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems;
AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Systems;
AN/ALE-47 Advanced Countermeasures Dispenser Systems;
Have Quick I/II Radios;
Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals;
SNIPER (formerly known as AN/AAQ-33 PANTERA) targeting pod capability;
Reconnaissance pod capability;
Advanced Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Units;
MDE included in the MLU modification and structural upgrade kits
21 ALQ-131 Block II Electronic Countermeasures Pods without the Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) or ALQ-184 Electronic Countermeasures Pods without DRFM;
60 ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems;
1 Unit Level Trainer; and
10 APG-68(V)9 spare radar sets.
Also included are radars, modems, receivers, installation, avionics, spare and repair parts, support equipment, CONUS-personnel training and training equipment, technical assistance, publications and technical documentation, system drawings, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, and other related logistics elements necessary for full program support. The estimated cost is $1.3 billion.
wtever bullcrap i have posted mate, i have posted with relevant and neutral sources ... 1.3 billion upgradation for arnd 25 aircrafts comes down to arnd 52 million per aircraft .. sounds an attractive proposition to you .. eh .. pakistan doesn't believe in buying new aircrafts fr the same amount or what .. ok.. and yeaa please read again what you are quoting ... according to the article quoted by you MLU will cost arnd 800 million dollars and not 1.4 billion.. those 18 new aircrafts would cost arnd 1.3 billion.. after quoting an article it doesn't take much time to give a source .. does it ?? .. i dont dispute the testimony of donald camp. but you have to see the context and relation where it has been said ... the world has changed since this testimony .. please refer to the article,again, i have gven you a link of . search google for PENTAGON PAKISTAN FUNDS.. you wuld be enlightened and if you search deeper you would know that infact mr. bush knew of the misappropriation of funds by musharraf government between 2003-2009 . he chose to ignore it 'coz acting aggressive would have created problems with pakistanis.i suggest you read the pentagon document published in june 2009 . i rest my case here and people can make up their own mind.

Press TV - Pakistan diverted terror aid to fight India
Yeah Yeah Yeah....We've got only 5 billion aid.5 Billion was logistical payment which they paid for using our air bases, our supply lines and if we used those funds for buying millitary stuff so what?Pakistan was initially going for 36 Air Crafts but decided to jump down to 18 because of 2005 Earthquake.We have option to opt for more MLu's.The testimony is very neutral trust me...it's not some Pakistani but American Millitary Official.Nobody just buys air craft...you also buy missiles, logistics, infrastructure etc.
Here's the whole package breakdown.
F-16 blk52+. 500 AIM-120C5s, JDAMs, Link 16, JHMCS, Sniper (ex-Pantera) targetting pod, AIM9-8/9s, CFT etc. etc.. MLU'd F-16s will also get JHMCS and the same V9 radars as the blk52+ to be acquired.
As far as MLU is concerned we still have option to opt for more for rest of our F16's.
On 28 June 2006, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan of 60 F-16A/B Mid-Life Update Modification kits as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $1.3 billion.
The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of 60 F-16A/B Mid-Life Update (MLU) modification and Falcon Star Structural Service Life Enhancement kits consisting of:
APG-68(V)9 with Synthetic Aperture Radar or APG-66(V)2 radar;
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems;
AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Systems;
AN/ALE-47 Advanced Countermeasures Dispenser Systems;
Have Quick I/II Radios;
Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals;
SNIPER (formerly known as AN/AAQ-33 PANTERA) targeting pod capability;
Reconnaissance pod capability;
Advanced Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Units;
MDE included in the MLU modification and structural upgrade kits
21 ALQ-131 Block II Electronic Countermeasures Pods without the Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) or ALQ-184 Electronic Countermeasures Pods without DRFM;
60 ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems;
1 Unit Level Trainer; and
10 APG-68(V)9 spare radar sets.
Also included are radars, modems, receivers, installation, avionics, spare and repair parts, support equipment, CONUS-personnel training and training equipment, technical assistance, publications and technical documentation, system drawings, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, and other related logistics elements necessary for full program support. The estimated cost is $1.3 billion.
I think it is very important that India goes ahead with this deal...for two reason..
a)the mirage is one of the most capable a/c with the IAF...and the pilots have mastered this plane
One of the most capable a/c that's right, but now alongside old Mig 21, 27, 29, Jags! That is the important point, with the inducting of LCA and MMRCA it will fall behind.
Of course IAF and the pilots loves the Mirage, that's why we choosed a similar design for LCA and why Mirage pilots won't have problems flying LCAs. Also compare the new features of the upg with LCA features. Glass cockpit, multi mode radar new computers and EWS, don't we get the same even with LCA MK1 version? LCA is already an upgraded/modernised version of the Mirage and the MK2 version will be clearly better than even the Mirage 2000-9 and still costs less than this upgrade.
If that is not enough for IAF, we still have the MMRCA competition and several reports already are talking about additional 64/74 aircrafts.
I really can see a single reason why we should upgrade them for such high costs and I guess IAF/MoD thinks the same, otherwise they would have signed the contract before and wouldn't wait.
Pakistan could be put over the hump as it is rather doubtful they would ever be cleared for the JDAM, JASSM or any of the new "J" weapons. I could see them getting AIM-120s, GBUs, LDPs and such but nothing overly offensive like the AGM-88. I don't know if they would get cleared for the AIM-9X either. No idea on the ECM suite they will be cleared for either.

Pakistan is getting all of the J-series ordnance that has been ordered. AIM-9x is also on the road-map given that all of the F-16s are being upgraded with JHMCS which optimizes the air-to-air capability with AIM-9x. ECM suite is the latest offered on the F-16 (and currently still undergoing testing) - AN/ALQ-211(V)9 AIDEWS which easily matches up what the French have been offering on the Mirage 2000 and what the IAF have on their MKIs.

India would have a fleet numbers edge with their 45 Mirage 2000 and 126 F-18/RAFAEL/EUROFIGHTER. If all mirages are brought to the Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 (173ish) model that would give them one of the most powerful M2K fleet around. Pakistan should get up to 60-70 (number being thrown around but could be less) F-16C/D Block 52s and still have the 28 F-16A/B B-15s (which couldbe brought up to MLU). That's a sizeable edge in the numbers. Those numbers give them an edge in deployment.

PAF have 44 F-16A.Bs and all will receive MLU.
The Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 costs a lot more and Pakistan will more then likely get their F-16s for free. Niether nation has the pilot market cornered. And the planes have differences that each side would try and exploit. But being the attcker would be both good and bad, good because they know when they are to attack and bad because some would more then likely have bombs. Granted with 5-6 MICA EM/IRs a Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 could quickly turn and engage the enemy. Fighting would be rather close.

Pakistan is not getting any of its new F-16s for free. All of those are being paid from Pakistani money. On the MLU, it makes sense to use US money for it because that is what the money is for.

Granted I could not see Indian pilots wanting to fly low due to the fact Pakistan lacks decent high alt SAMs but has scores of MANPADs. The bigger investment in guided weapons shows they do want to stay out of range of MANPADs and "trashfire". The HQ-2 (SA-2) would be easily jammed by the ICMS Mk.II

Most of the Indian Airforce currently has no option but to fly low. Only three types in use have PGM capability and they hardly comprise a quarter of the IAF. There is no option but to go low for many of the other aircraft in the IAF inventory.
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Somebody is going to get rich, damn ****** rich with this deal. Good work stupid Hindu babus and netas you have stabbed your own tax payers and our own country again. I am sure Sonia G's and Antony's retirement corpus will grow by couple of million dollars very soon. Then Sonia G can go back to buy an island and eat spaghetti all her life. :sniper:
Hi TOPGUN , here are my sources .

WASHINGTON: The United States has released $ 116 million to finance mid-life upgrades for Pakistan’s existing fleet of F-16 fighter planes. The administration released the amount after completion of necessary process for shifting funds from foreign military financing, already allocated for the anti-terrorism South Asian ally.

The U.S. officials, commenting on the proposed re-allocation of funds last month, said jets upgrades would help enhance Pakistan’s counter-terrorism capability. Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Hussain Haqqani held a series of meetings with U.S. lawmakers during the past few weeks to secure wider support for the move.

MLU funded by US

source : US releases $116 million to finance F-16 upgrades | Pakistan Times!

The Pentagon reports detail the brazen diversion of funds given to Pakistan between 2002 and 2009 and the Pervez Musharraf government -- often described by George W Bush as America's "strong" ally in the "war against terror" - to acquire arms ranging from anti-tank missiles to F 16s. The arsenal was meant to blunt India's edge in conventional weaponry

Diversion of US money .. so in effect US money used to buy US PLANES.. its free isn't it .

source:Pakistan used US aid to fight India: US Pentagon | Gleez

just the stuff i read on the net mate .. i stand corrected if you can provide different info sources ..

Yes Us cleared funds for the upgrade not free given f-16's thats wat you stated before! :what:

---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------

Good Job bother

Haha very good job inded :lol::crazy:
Pakistan is getting all of the J-series ordnance that has been ordered. AIM-9x is also on the road-map given that all of the F-16s are being upgraded with JHMCS which optimized the air-to-air capability with AIM-9x. ECM suite is the latest offered on the F-16 (and currently still undergoing testing) - AN/ALQ-211(V)9 AIDEWS which easily matches up what the French have been offering on the Mirage 2000 and what the IAF have on their MKIs

What Pakistan gets or what it doesn’t, we shall have to see when we have the final product in frnt of us. If they are gettin all these toys then that would certainly balance out the so called upgradation to be undertaken by India for their Mirages.

PAF have 44 F-16A.Bs and all will receive MLU.

I agree

Pakistan is not getting any of its new F-16s for free. All of those are being paid from Pakistani money. On the MLU, it makes sense to use US money for it because that is what the money is for.

Well this has been long debated with fellow colleagues here.The reality is that it doesn't matter if Pakistan paid for it or not, Pakistan is gettin it.

Most of the Indian Airforce currently has no option but to fly low. Only three types in use have PGM capability and they hardly comprise a quarter of the IAF. There is no option but to go low for many of the other aircraft in the IAF inventory.

During Kargil, Iaf did retrofit its Mig-21 fleet with PGMs .I am talkin about the BIS series and the upgradation did continue for a few more years .The operations were carried out in parallel with Mirages which too can carry PGMs. Apart from these two types, Jaguars are soon to be fitted with Rafael lightening pods .MIG-29 fleet is currently undergoing upgradation in Russia and PGM are very much part of the whole process. SU-30 comes with that capability .even if I include just Mig-21 and SU-30 with Mirages they certainly adds up to more than quarter of a stike force currently. MIG-29k, the naval version comes in fitted with the said munition.
If i am looking at a future time frame when pakistan gets its upgraded F-16 and new aircrafts, then we shall have to consider MRCA too.The first upgraded F-16 is expected to enter servce with PAF around 2011 and India goin for off the shelf purchase startin 2012.

To have a neutral opinion it all depends on what Pakistan can get cleared for and what India buys. Both planes can conduct the same roles.

Look Blain,Mirage 2000 costs more and the USA gives F-16s away...
Turning and such the F-16 has it low and the Mirage 2000 has it up high. It would depend on AWACs and such to tip the scales to one or the other. The Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 also has a very capable ECM system and a damn capable radar.

The F-16 can carry more heavy bombs due to better/more wing loading points. It is not uncommon to see and F-16 with 4 AIM-120s, 2 GBU-10s, 3 drop tanks and 1 LDP. You can't do that with a Mirage. You can do one GBU-10, 3 MICA EM, 2 MICA IE, 2 drop tanks and one LDP. Or you can switch the GBU-10 for 2 GBU-12s and switch the F-16s 2 GBU-10s for 6 GBU-12s. I'm using the older LGBs as an example because I am lazy.

Yet the Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2s standoff strike weapons come a lot easier as France is more willing to export them. The Apache (anti runway) has an 80 mile range and one can be carried with 6 MICAs and 2 drop tanks and the Scalp EG has a 155 mile range can carry the same missile/drop tank loadout. The F-16 has a better all weather ability with the JDAM as the AASM is not combat ready. But one needs to be damn close to get clearence for the JDAM. Yet when the AASM gets ready it would no doubt be easier to get.

Rather close in air to air combat. Taiwanese Air Force uses the Mirage 2000-5EI as their standard intercpetor and the F-16A B-20 (B-52 avoinics) as their striker. The Mirage 2000 is a highly rated fighter by the air forces that fly it.
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Yes Us cleared funds for the upgrade not free given f-16's thats wat you stated before! :what:

---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 AM ----------

Haha very good job inded :lol::crazy:

man o man .. i seriously wantd to to avoid it .. but i am sucked back into it .. phew.. ok here it is .

Overt Support
Foreign military assistance from Washington has increased exponentially since the 9/11 terror attacks, and Pakistan currently ranks among the largest recipients of U.S. military aid. In June 2008, the U.S. government reported that nearly $11 billion (PDF) in military and economic assistance grants have been delivered since 2002, the vast majority channeled through Pakistan's military for security-related programs. A report by the Center for Public Integrity finds that in the three years after 9/11, military aid to Pakistan from the Coalition Support Fund—created after the attacks to assist U.S. allies in the global fight against terrorism—was nearly $3 billion, ten times the amount received by Poland, the second-highest recipient of cash from the fund. Pakistan has used the money to purchase helicopters, F-16s, aircraft-mounted armaments, and anti-ship and antimissile defense systems—weapons that Indian officials and others have deemed of questionable relevance to the counterterrorism mission. A June 2008 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office found widespread accounting irregularities (PDF) with Pentagon spending.

Craig Cohen and Derek Chollet of the Center for Strategic and International Studies suggest that more funding should be aimed at development and humanitarian programs. "Although foreign military financing is often justified to Congress as playing a critical role in the war on terrorism, in reality the weapons systems are often prestige items to help Pakistan in the event of war with India," the authors write. "Few of these weapons are likely to provide much help in rooting out al Qaeda or the Taliban." Lisa Curtis, a senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, says the United States should focus more on economic and political initiatives in the region.

now here is the source ..U.S-Pakistan Military Cooperation - Council on Foreign Relations.. if some people doubt the source please do some research on the organisation.


Now this is a PDF so lot of stuff to read in it .If you want to have an insight of wtss happening .. here is the link


I would stay away from this topic and would rather comment on the current thread.
common guys dont spoil this thread...any news or events for Mirage welcome.....please maintain dignity...we all are just discussing...dont make this anti pakistan or anti indian..request please
This was a discussion started by my comment earlier... that wasn't needed in the context of the thread so i apologise. lets move ahead and have a healthy discussion . shall we . :cheers:
man o man .. i seriously wantd to to avoid it .. but i am sucked back into it .. phew.. ok here it is .

Overt Support
Foreign military assistance from Washington has increased exponentially since the 9/11 terror attacks, and Pakistan currently ranks among the largest recipients of U.S. military aid. In June 2008, the U.S. government reported that nearly $11 billion (PDF) in military and economic assistance grants have been delivered since 2002, the vast majority channeled through Pakistan's military for security-related programs. A report by the Center for Public Integrity finds that in the three years after 9/11, military aid to Pakistan from the Coalition Support Fund—created after the attacks to assist U.S. allies in the global fight against terrorism—was nearly $3 billion, ten times the amount received by Poland, the second-highest recipient of cash from the fund. Pakistan has used the money to purchase helicopters, F-16s, aircraft-mounted armaments, and anti-ship and antimissile defense systems—weapons that Indian officials and others have deemed of questionable relevance to the counterterrorism mission. A June 2008 report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office found widespread accounting irregularities (PDF) with Pentagon spending.

Craig Cohen and Derek Chollet of the Center for Strategic and International Studies suggest that more funding should be aimed at development and humanitarian programs. "Although foreign military financing is often justified to Congress as playing a critical role in the war on terrorism, in reality the weapons systems are often prestige items to help Pakistan in the event of war with India," the authors write. "Few of these weapons are likely to provide much help in rooting out al Qaeda or the Taliban." Lisa Curtis, a senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, says the United States should focus more on economic and political initiatives in the region.

now here is the source ..U.S-Pakistan Military Cooperation - Council on Foreign Relations.. if some people doubt the source please do some research on the organisation.


Now this is a PDF so lot of stuff to read in it .If you want to have an insight of wtss happening .. here is the link


I would stay away from this topic and would rather comment on the current thread.

Haha why u killen your self man u sucked your self back in it haha:woot: :lol:
Haha why u killen your self man u sucked your self back in it haha:woot: :lol:

Dont worry mate , i like to follow senior members like you in here. You guys do a hell of a job in training us to do what you do best . :lol: .. good to see you happy ,tom cruise :cool:
During Kargil, Iaf did retrofit its Mig-21 fleet with PGMs .I am talkin about the BIS series and the upgradation did continue for a few more years .The operations were carried out in parallel with Mirages which too can carry PGMs.
I have articles from IAF folks who said that a total of 7 LGBs were used in Kargil and all of the LGB deliveries were by the Mirage 2000. None of the other aircraft had any role to play in the PGM delivery aside from Mirage 2000 in 1999.

Apart from these two types, Jaguars are soon to be fitted with Rafael lightening pods .MIG-29 fleet is currently undergoing upgradation in Russia and PGM are very much part of the whole process. SU-30 comes with that capability .even if I include just Mig-21 and SU-30 with Mirages they certainly adds up to more than quarter of a stike force currently. MIG-29k, the naval version comes in fitted with the said munition.
A lot of near futures and distant futures in the above part, quite similar to the logic you used about what PAF will get, we will have to see with regards to the J-series ordnance. I was stating what is on hand currently and that leaves out a vast majority of the IAF fleet which has no precision surface attack capability.

If i am looking at a future time frame when pakistan gets its upgraded F-16 and new aircrafts, then we shall have to consider MRCA too.The first upgraded F-16 is expected to enter servce with PAF around 2011 and India goin for off the shelf purchase startin 2012.

I am not comparing. Because that is a never ending discussing. Just clarifying certain points in your post.

To have a neutral opinion it all depends on what Pakistan can get cleared for and what India buys. Both planes can conduct the same roles.

Pakistan no longer is bound to "clearance" from the Americans. The alternates are available to Pakistan just the same as India. For Air-to-air, we can go the Chinese or the French route (others are available as well). For surface attack, the Chinese are producing some very excellent PGM hardware. So platforms aside, armament and pods that enhance the platform are plenty on the market.
Look Blain,Mirage 2000 costs more and the USA gives F-16s away...
Turning and such the F-16 has it low and the Mirage 2000 has it up high. It would depend on AWACs and such to tip the scales to one or the other. The Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2 also has a very capable ECM system and a damn capable radar.

Without a doubt SA would give one the edge over the other. PAF liked the Mirage 2000 as well and it was the dash-5 package that PAF requested the government of Benazir Bhutto to purchase for Pakistan back in 1995. I am not putting down the aircraft, just that the American hardware is usually preferred for a bunch of reasons and usually being the best bet for the buck, it edges out quite a bit of competition.

The F-16 can carry more heavy bombs due to better/more wing loading points. It is not uncommon to see and F-16 with 4 AIM-120s, 2 GBU-10s, 3 drop tanks and 1 LDP. You can't do that with a Mirage. You can do one GBU-10, 3 MICA EM, 2 MICA IE, 2 drop tanks and one LDP. Or you can switch the GBU-10 for 2 GBU-12s and switch the F-16s 2 GBU-10s for 6 GBU-12s. I'm using the older LGBs as an example because I am lazy.

I agree, but that is why I say that F-16 is a better MR platform than the Mirage 2000. I read a HAF pilot stating that Mirage is a good platform but Viper is a better all rounder.

Yet the Mirage 2000-5 Mk.2s standoff strike weapons come a lot easier as France is more willing to export them. The Apache (anti runway) has an 80 mile range and one can be carried with 6 MICAs and 2 drop tanks and the Scalp EG has a 155 mile range can carry the same missile/drop tank loadout. The F-16 has a better all weather ability with the JDAM as the AASM is not combat ready. But one needs to be damn close to get clearence for the JDAM. Yet when the AASM gets ready it would no doubt be easier to get.

Not sure why you think JDAM is such a big deal? It is no longer the case. Instead of LGBs, most purchases right now are for JDAMs. JDAM kits are being sold by the US to many countries big and small.
The US has released AMRAAMs to Pakistan. JDAMs are a much less complex technology and the natural evolution to the American origin LGB ordnance in the inventory of many Air Forces including Pakistan's. US will sell to both Pakistan and India if the latter ever so desired.

Rather close in air to air combat. Taiwanese Air Force uses the Mirage 2000-5EI as their standard intercpetor and the F-16A B-20 (B-52 avoinics) as their striker. The Mirage 2000 is a highly rated fighter by the air forces that fly it.[/SIZE]

I agree. M2K is a great aircraft and I wish PAF had bought some, however both aircraft offer different capabilities. Also on the topic of ROC F-16s, I do not believe their aircraft are flying Blk 52 avionics. They are using APG-66 V4 radars (fairly old radars) and have certain components such as HUD etc. which are similar to the later blocks of the F-16s.
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