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New world map. New York Times

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by kissing the same boots- per your standard of comprehension? funny sense of " correction" you have there padawan.
Nah its called Ram styled correction or setting it right.
Does that mean that I'm not going see my dream of the Playboy Republic of Buttistaaan become a reality ? :cry:
Dude, if it's a question of the integrity of Pakistan, then we shall all meet each other in heaven/hell, may it be Muslim/Hindu/Christian/Arab/Jewish (actually Jews don't have a concept of heaven of hell, or at least that's what I have been told). We can all then apply for an online forum there and a petition for Heaven filled with naked chicks! :P
I doubt it is that serious for any nation to " bother with it" to " know it". This is merely an article among millions out there and no state dept or national security has not already played what they think will happen. article is an exercise on forecasting on the best data available today. It's a great for debate among us and has zero bearing on any national level attitudes.

by kissing the same boots- per your standard of comprehension? funny sense of " correction" you have there padawan.

Padwan my arse....shes a Jedi Master ! :D
The Baloch are probably like the rest of Pakistan ! Sunni majority interspersed with a significant Shi'ite minority that co-exists peacefully ! So its more of an ethnic issue; Balochistan is the most marginalized province of the country because of the ineptitude, corruption and decadence of subsequent Federal Governments & the same can be said of the Baloch Sardars (Tribal Leaders); naturally the common Baloch suffered the most. During that time repeatedly some fringe elements have ignited the calls of an Independent Balochistan but luckily the common Baloch still wants more autonomy within Pakistan (as do most Pakistanis) instead of Independence *Use the search button to find that survey I posted a few weeks earlier conducted by a British Entity or if anecdotal evidence is anything to go by asking our resident Baloch on this very forum*.

Not that the rest of Pakistan is the proverbial land of milk and honey but Balochistan is relatively less developed still with numerous places all over the province where, or so I've heard, the latest development to come to the way of the People doesn't extend beyond the hand-pump ! Naturally in such abysmal conditions certain elements speak and when they speak the common man listens; but whats worst he looks around and sees nothing, that many Baloch are living in the same conditions their ancestors did perhaps a 100 years ago *not that the rest of us..barring the cities are that much better* and so they listen more intently ! In that those elements find cannon fodder to start 'insurgencies' against the corrupt, despotic government who is out to get the Baloch and so organizations like the BLA are formed - namely the Balochistan Liberation Army ! They hound & harass the security forces, the government installations and the ethnicities who've lived in Balochistan for a while but aren't exactly traditionally thought of as belonging to the same land; namely the Hazaras (who also happen to be predominantly Shi'ites), the Punjabis, the Mohajirs etc. The security forces retaliate and take out as many of them as possible but because the laws in our country aiming to deal with these things are fairly lax the general perception is that they - the security forces - kill the insurgents instead of capturing & jailing them because in the past, or so I've heard, many have gotten out unscathed because there wasn't enough evidence to stick to them per se ! Pakistan has now reformed those laws to a certain extent and other modes of gathering evidence & presenting them in a court of law are now permissible, or so I understand !

On to Balochistan breaking away ! Possibly not because the population of Balochistan number around 8-10 million of whom 40% are Baloch, 20% are Barahui (another sub-group related to the Baloch but with a different language and culture or so I understand) whereas the rest are predominantly Pashtun (perhaps as high as 35-40%) with the remainder being of settlers - Hazaras, Punjabis, Sindhis etc. Now if one were to assume that all the Baloch would want to break away which is ludicrous to begin with because the vast majority don't or so I understand, then they'd still be outnumbered by the 60% majority Non-Baloch who inhabit the province ! Then there is the fact that 40% of 10 million is around 4 million people in a country thats set to reach the 200 million figure if it already hasn't ! Kinda hard to break away don't you think ? Heck if that wasn't enough then the fact that there are so many ethnic Baloch who inhabit the adjoining provinces of KPK, Sindh and Punjab with many of them having families back and forth; now these people are Pro-Pakistan all the way that much I'm sure off ! So its kinda hard to pull it off..don't you think ?

And this is all assuming that they do want to break away ? From the many I've talked too - They don't but they are disgruntled about the lack of opportunities in their Provinces as they should be ! They deserve the very best that Pakistan has to offer and as our own flesh & blood it is our failing...our tremendous failing for not being able to contribute to the development of Balochistan in a significant way !

Thank you very much, such a fine informative post, indeed. It's their right to get their areas developed on a shoestring of other much developed areas in Pakistan. But, I find it surprising that few fringed elements belong to an entity comprising 5% of Pakistan people calling for splitting up of more than 40% of Pakistan.
There is no mention of india splitting ,

India will not split. They are already not given too much of credit in the media. If any separatist force becomes too strong, crush them with force. Without mercy. All these scumbags enjoy the freedom and protection India gives and then they go around with their anti national bullshit. Fuckin hypocrites.
It would surprise you to know that all 3 of the Feudal Lords under question have been Chief Ministers of the Balochistan province in the past.

I was talking about giving them much more important positions in the government, like the major chief of PAF, or ISI. It works pretty well here. Of course, appointing nationalistic, competent and experienced ones. Why not, since it would spare Pakistan from such a serious situation.
This thread pissed me off! :angry:

Now, I return to my Naswar Corner for much needed R&R! :pop:
I was talking about giving them much more important positions in the government, like the major chief of PAF, or ISI. It works pretty well here. Of course, appointing nationalistic, competent and experienced ones. Why not, since it would spare Pakistan from such a serious situation.

Dude, there is no such serious situation to begin with. If all else fails, total population of ethnic Baloch's wanting to sleep with the foreigners is in hundreds, maybe thousands. So what if they all bite the dust?

Besides, their leaders have been given EVERY possible bribe, opportunity etc etc... to take them out of this feudal mindset, however, they don't heed. If they require the blood of the their/our population to be shed for the integrity of Pakistan, then let it be exactly that!

Period. Closed!
Thank you very much, such a fine informative post, indeed. It's their right to get their areas developed on a shoestring of other much developed areas in Pakistan. But, I find it surprising that few fringed elements belong to an entity comprising 5% of Pakistan people calling for splitting up of more than 40% of Pakistan.

The other areas of Pakistan aren't that developed either but we've had the quota system from the start if it counts for something ! Which is to say someone who holds a Balochistan domicile can get into Punjab University in Lahore in the Province of Punjab in preference to a Punjab domicile holder despite having less marks (sometimes much less) because he/she belongs to a less developed area. And I'm perfectly for this because if your brother lags behind you don't talk about equality but rather preference so that he too can achieve self-sufficiency in life. Unfortunately, like I said, the corruption, decadence & ineptitude of subsequent Governments (Federal & Provincial) & the Tribal Leaders alike have insured that their is very little development in those areas.

On to the bold part - Balochistan is a sparsely populated Province with a population more or less the size of my city but with a land area comprising of something like 40-45% of Pakistan.
I was talking about giving them much more important positions in the government, like the major chief of PAF, or ISI. It works pretty well here. Of course, appointing nationalistic, competent and experienced ones. Why not, since it would spare Pakistan from such a serious situation.

We have those. The Armed Forces do not discriminate on the basis of one's ethnicity ! If my ethnic group the Kashmiris who number at around 2% of Pakistan's ethnic composition can have nearly 9% representation in the Armed Forces...I don't see why others can't !
The other areas of Pakistan aren't that developed either but we've had the quota system from the start if it counts for something ! Which is to say someone who holds a Balochistan domicile can get into Punjab University in Lahore in the Province of Punjab in preference to a Punjab domicile holder despite having less marks (sometimes much less) because he/she belongs to a less developed area. And I'm perfectly for this because if your brother lags behind you don't talk about equality but rather preference so that he too can achieve self-sufficiency in life. Unfortunately, like I said, the corruption, decadence & ineptitude of subsequent Governments (Federal & Provincial) & the Tribal Leaders alike have insured that their is very little development in those areas.

On to the bold part - Balochistan is a sparsely populated Province with a population more or less the size of my city but with a land area comprising of something like 40-45% of Pakistan.

I think those leaders were elected by local residents, yet it's their fault. BTW, the quota you are talking about is adopted in Jordan as well.
I think those leaders were elected by local residents, yet it's their fault. BTW, the quota you are talking about is adopted in Jordan as well.

Dude in a tribal society a free & fair election is a joke ! These Tribal Leaders have personal armies of their own, jails of their own and tons of cash to spend around as they please because of thousands of acres of land that they've been owning for generations ! What do you think the common man can do against such things ? For example a certain Baloch Leader by the name of Bugti was killed in an operation conducted by the security forces; guess what he had done in the past ? He exiled an entire sub-tribe of the Bugti clan called the Kalpars (numbering in a few thousands) from the land they had inhabited since back to the beginning ! What chance truly does the common man has against this ? And this is assuming that common man who is uneducated & completely at the mercy of his Tribal Leader has the intellectual capacity or the outside exposure to go against the Tribal Leader; where do you think are these insurgents recruited from if not from the Tribes themselves !
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