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New Mods: T-Faz and Sparklingway

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Congratulations to both. I just hope the role of Moderating does not take time away from SW's always enlightening and refreshing posts.
lol...... everybody is a fan of sparklingway

he surely deserves it :)
Congrats to both of them.

Personally i feel they have bias one way or the other way.

Anyway again its my personal opinion can be Wrong too :)

Congrats to both you. Good posters :tup:

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^the more the merrier - to control the 'flames"
Congrats to both of them.

Personally i feel they have bias one way or the other way.

Anyway again its my personal opinion can be Wrong too :)

Congrats to both you. Good posters :tup:


Dear jana, i think we have all different opinions or you call it bias, it is natural. some people's bias is truely bias because it is extreme, but others' bias is mild that can be accounted as different opinion.
I guess now we will see less of the face palm from SW & more of a swatting palm when he comes across some unfortunate fellow.

Congrats to both of them.

Personally i feel they have bias one way or the other way.

Anyway again its my personal opinion can be Wrong too :)

Congrats to both you. Good posters :tup:


Well you can't take away someone's opinion. I think it's rather a loss to people or methodology at whom they were biased or opinionated, as the first principle of moderation is you gotto free yourself from being pre-opinionated.
Don't know how they will perform as mods but I really enjoy their posts, specially Sparklingway. He makes some excellent points, lots to learn. Many times may be our views are not same but I like his logic. I would prefer him as a professional rather than a mod which consumes much of the time.

Congrats T-Faz and Sparklingway.
Welcome to the RED ARMY.


Has any body notice that Indian members like Sparklingway a lot. No Mod has ever got that much love before. Lucky guy :lol:.
I dont know why think tankers are accepting Mod position ?

I think TT is higher post , your are defending yourself with knowledge and logic.

Again power hunger lol

Anyhow Congrats to both new mods
Only now I'm beginning to understand the real genius behind this decision. Just observe the behaviour of T-Faz since he made mod, he's acting all responsible and not trolling!

Give the goon a job with the police and problem solved! :)
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