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"New" houses for Azerbaijan earthquake victims

BTW, everyone posts as anonymous there, but I decided to troll a website like that with this name?

And what is so funny about what I said? You know "Tabriz Azari", he would do such a thing.
As I said, I would not hide it as I already post here anyway, and there is nothing trolling about my posts. Try to look at it without wearing your glasses and tell me if this is normal?

Yeah it is trolling. Because you know full well that the houses they where living in before where no better then the new ones that government gave them for free. Also before you say Azeri areas in Iran are sh1t then please compare it to a Persian area like Kerman. Look at the Bam earthquake for example and the crappy mud houses the people lived in.
That logic is wrong. So if they were living in modern houses, then they would not have been given these ones? We are not talking about Somalia or Afghanistan here, but one of the leading oil producing countries, that rather chooses to spend billions on Hezbollah and anything but these poor people.

I would never open my mouth if these people had received adequate help. And yes I put emphasize on victims being ethnic Azeri Turks because I cannot find any other explanation for this treatment from the government.
but rather chooses to spend billions on Hezbollah and anything but these poor people.

Yeah that's true and it sucks. But it applies across the board, for all ethnicities. You find rich and poor Turk areas, Persian areas, Lur areas and so on...

I would never open my mouth if these people had receive adequate help. And yes I put emphasize on victims being ethnic Azeri Turks because I cannot find any other explanation for this treatment from the government.

Show me what victims of Bam earthquake got that was so much better then this? The fact that they even had houses built for them for free is a miracle when you consider the backwardness of Iranian government.
So the issue is Iranian government as whole and all of Iranians more or less receive the same treatment, and I don't refute that, but you guys should actually point out these things if you don't want mine to come across as "promoting separatism". . We would not need to insult each other here if we actually understood each other. If Azeri Turks had good conditions in Iran and enjoyed rights, I would never open my mouth, but that is not the case. And Azerbaijan Republic or its government or Aliyev is not related to any of this.
This mofo thinks Persians are scum, Armenians are "animals" and kurds should all die.

How is it possible to have a proper discussion with a racist idiot like ASQ when he boils everything down to race? It's literally impossible, but that's the world he comes from.
So the issue is Iranian government, and I don't refute that, but you guys should actually point out these things if you don't want mine to come across as "promoting separatism".

Ok fine. But there is also great poverty in Azerbaijan. I have been to your country, have seen the country side and the way that your peasants also live. While Aliyev spends money on Jennifer Lopez concerts you also have a lot of people living in squalor. So it isn't just an Iranian problem.
And Azerbaijan Republic or its government or Aliyev is not related to any of this.

ASQ if you feel like it open a thread about Iran-Azerbaijan relations. Then we can discuss where it started and why it all went wrong.
I'm not sure if its "great poverty", but there are poverty in every country except some parts of world, and a big difference between classes. I posted pics of houses that were built for victims of natural disaster in Azerbaijan for a comparision but not for the reason you think of. I'm not saying that Azerbaijan is better than Iran, what I mean is that I just do not understand why these people receive such houses, and that they lived in mud houses before does not justify any of it.
I just do not understand why these people receive such houses, and that they lived in mud houses before does not justify any of it.

They lived in worst houses before, so Iran won't give them luxury villas for free. Hardly any country would do something like that. Apart from maybe these little oil rich countries with low population.
Please see the houses Turkey built for Van earthquake victims, that wouldn't be possible in Iran? No one can say that Iran doesn't have sufficent funds to do it, and lets not kid ourselves, the size of the damage and people that were affected was not even that big when you compare it to other big earthquakes.
Please see the houses Turkey built for Van earthquake victims, that wouldn't be possible in Iran? No one can say that Iran doesn't have sufficent funds to do it, and lets not kid ourselves, the size of the earthquake was not even that big when you compare to other ones.

Turkey is not under international sanctions. Anyway I don't want to justify these houses. They are shitty and I would have liked the earthquake victims to get better housing. But can we agree that it was not based on ethnicity? Compare it to other areas of Iran where earthquake has hit, treatment was not any better.
ASQ, next time you want to have a proper dicussion, don't boil things down to race like a moron.

As you can see we agree with you that these houses are not good and that these people should be receiving the money that's going to hezbollah and other useless arabs. However you also have to understand that these peope were peasants before, they're peasants now.

Also here's a project from the outskirts of Tabriz. Right now the area is very under developed. This project aims to change this.



شش هزار واحد مسکن مهر جایگزینی برای حاشیه نشینی های تبریز
Trans: 6 thousand units built by Mehr for people living in the outskirts of Tabriz

Mehr build mass housing units for poor people in Iran. These are examples from other Mehr projects in Tabriz

"armenian animals"

looks like you like showing the world your idiocy. What other forums have you poisoned?

Military Photo.net
pro Turkish site, but he got banned several times. I think he may still have another account there.

I didn't know about the Iranian Military Forum....like to become a member.
I am still a member at Iran Defence forum however I stopped posting long ago after figuring the place out....even the turks are not worth hunting there lol
Military Photo.net
pro Turkish site, but he got banned several times. I think he may still have another account there.

I didn't know about the Iranian Military Forum....like to become a member.
I am still a member at Iran Defence forum however I stopped posting long ago after figuring the place out....even the turks are not worth hunting there lol

Are you talking about this site?
Iran Defense Forum - Powered by vBulletin

If you're than that site is super odd

The admins and owners have been in the US for 3-4 decades, but they're all "zionists this and zionists that" even though none of them are muslim. The members are 90 percent pakistani, european, arab and Turkish (at least when I checked it out last year).

Very weird place.
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