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New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

Go Indians go I am with you!
Rape is also a problem here in Pakistan and police do nothing about it. Criminals go scott free and nobody from Government gives a ****. This is a regular occurrence here especially in rural areas where police takes the side of influential by taking bribes from them.
you 'human right' people have no Idea what actually happened to that girls.....it was not just iron rod which was put in girl's vag**a but actual thing is the main accused 'ram singh' put his hands inside her vag**a and removed her urethra entirely from her body which also displaced the position of her lever and kidney.....still would you guys not justify death panalty for main culprit??..didn't wanted to say this but why are you guys are so soft for accused??? Human Right my foot!! Those accused should be burnt alive and any of you will call me uncivilized then no problem I am uncivilize and you people remain what you are..so called sophisticated and elite people!!! I demand death panalty with maximum torture for them!!

You will most likely get your wish for death penalty in this case, just in the saddest way possible.
@Enemy please no need to be personal here!!! Even I support death panalty with maximum possible torture for the main accused!! But abusing is no way I can support!! please edit your post!!
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I heard that in China, death sentence is given to the rapists. If true, I think, I appreciate the role of the Chinese laws. In China, women are entirely liberated. Chinese society is the ideal society for women.
Yes. Mao said women hold up half the sky. So if you really care about women's liberation, you should join the Maoists.
Don't deliberately misconstrue my positions. If you saw something, especially what you say you saw, you need both an eye exam & an MRI quick.

I have said earlier & you have obviously not bothered to read, my position for child rapists is castration, chemically. You do understand that eliminating the baby is a possibility that the perpetrator will consider. How does that make it better?

You are not the sole repository of wisdom. The sooner you realise that, the better.

I read your opinion about chemical castration. How can anyone support chemical castration? Yes, if it is with life imprisonment, then I support it. But without jail term, just being admitted in a hospital undergoing chemical castration and then being released as soon as its done is a joke not punishment.
You will most likely get your wish for death penalty in this case, just in the saddest way possible.

what do you suggest then?

After this gange atleast 4 such cases happend in following few days. do we need video for every rape only then the nation will wakeup?
@Enemy please no need to be personal here!!! Even I support death panalty with maximum possible torture for the main accused!! But abusing is no way I can support!! please edit your post!!

This is just sickening to see that they oppose death sentence as the girl did not die on spot. So, we should keep the animals in prison, feed them, taake khaa pike mota ho jaye, spending tax payers' money and then release them so that they can repeat this crime again and another girl gets brutalized.
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You don't seem to get it. I'm talking about the law as it exists. That is why I mentioned the saddest part.

i am asking about what changes needed? or what new inclusions needed to prevent such crimes or atleast decrease
Its important to teach Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment. We are not talking about just one case, people are isolating this Delhi Rape case because of heinous and level of brutality done. It sets it apart from other rapes. Believe it or not, there are unique factors in each crime which can stir up the whole society while other won't make a dent on people and they will just ignore it.

Lets take two instances Delhi Rape Case and Rape case of a minor in a village and its video posted on internet. First the location of crime. Delhi is supposed to be more secure than any village. So security aspects comes into mind. People were shocked because such a crime happened in a per-concieved secure area. Whereas in case of village rape, people will easily digest the news as they will think, of course villages are less secure. Woman won't report because of typical mentality of people to blame the woman first.

Then comes the brutality of crime. Delhi case is pure disgusting way which puts in category of rapes done in Nanjing, where Japanese soldiers killed women and girls after raping, inserting iron rods, bayonets and shooting. Whereas typical case of rape in the latter one was that the girl was just tossed and no one noticed. Girl never reported and it came to notice when people recognized her from the video posted on internet. The first instance has higher shock value for the people. For the victims, they are equally traumatized but for third person, they will draw relativity.

I can point other factors too like our definition of advanced and modern society, freedom for expression for both sex, our beliefs towards pre-martial sex which is different from place to place etc.

If you look at serial killers, they send more fear than anything else. More people dies of road accidents and one can be victim at anytime but people are not that scared but when it comes to the simple idea that a person is out who can any person in random, even you, it will give you chill down the spine.

This is what happened in this rape case. Wasn't rape happening in Delhi already. Yes. But what happened this time is that girl was not alone, she was with a guy, a presence of man increases the security quotient. Second thing is she wasn't abducted in a person in his own vehicle but in a PUBLIC vehicle which we use all the time. There are many unique things about this incidents that really sent fear among the society. People thought that even if their mother,s daughters and sisters are accompanied with a guy, they are not safe even to travel in a public transport.

So first one has to understand why this sudden rage among youth. It was simmering for so many days, but this incident because of of its so many unique things which anyone can relate to, acts as a trigger.

I am not against peaceful protest but I don't want policemen to be killed too, go do a candle march, offer yourself for arrest instead of battling them in anger. Being violent even if you are right divides the society. Some wants justice without any breach of law while other wants justice in any way possible even if it means attacking police who are in their way.

What I am more worried about is that this outrage which is based on youth's anger and emotions will soon die out as it died out in case of 26/11, Anti-corruption rallies. These same youth have forgotten the old cause. No one is fighting for justice of 26/11 victims and their families, no one is making protest on anti-corruption.

I want this youth of ours to be rational and complete the job which is at hand fully rather than hopping from one cause to another. They will rather overshadow and reduce the impact of works of people who are really trying steadily to make a difference. How does it impact them, I can write more about it.

If youth would have forced govt. for taking significant steps regarding 26/11, Jessica murder case etc, the givt would have been more under pressure after anti-corruption rallies, and if that completed in passing the LokPal Bill and failing to do so resulted in loss of Congress in state elections, govt. would have been more keen to solve this issue.

Complete the work in hand than hopping around. Stick to one cause. Don't be jack of all trades, master of none. I know people who actually runs NGO and I know how much they are focused. From their inception to current standing, I have seen one common trait, rational rather than emotional approach.

Its important to teach Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment. We are not talking about just one case, people are isolating this Delhi Rape case because of heinous and level of brutality done. It sets it apart from other rapes. Believe it or not, there are unique factors in each crime which can stir up the whole society while other won;t make a dent on people and they will just ignore it.

Lets take two instances Delhi Rape Case and Rape case of a minor in a village and its video posted on internet. First the location of crime. Delhi is supposed to be more secure than any village. So security aspects comes into mind. People were shocked because such a crime happened in a per-concieved secure area. Whereas in case of village rape, people will easily digest the news as they will think, of course villages are less secure. Woman won't report because of typical mentality of people to blame the woman first.

Then comes the brutality of crime. Delhi case is pure disgusting way which puts in category of rapes done in Nanjing, where Japanese soldiers killed women and girls after raping, inserting iron rods, bayonets and shooting. Whereas typical case of rape in the latter one was that the girl was just tossed and no one noticed. Girl never reported and it came to notice when people recognized her from the video posted on internet. The first instance has higher shock value for the people. For the victims, they are equally traumatized but for third person, they will draw relativity.

I can point other factors too like our definition of advanced and modern society, freedom for expression for both sex, our beliefs towards pre-martial sex which is different from place to place etc.

If you look at serial killers, they send more fear than anything else. More people dies of road accidents and one can be victim at anytime but people are not that scared but when it comes to the simple idea that a person is out who can any person in random, even you, it will give you chill down the spine.

This is what happened in this rape case. Wasn't rape happening in Delhi already. Yes. But what happened this time is that girl was not alone, she was with a guy, a presence of man increases the security quotient. Second thing is she wasn't abducted in a person in his own vehicle but in a PUBLIC vehicle which we use all the time. There are many unique things about this incidents that really sent fear among the society. People thought that even if their mother,s daughters and sisters are accompanied with a guy, they are not safe even to travel in a public transport.

So first one has to understand why this sudden rage among youth. It was simmering for so many days, but this incident because of of its so many unique things which anyone can relate to, acts as a trigger.

I am not against peaceful protest but I don't want policemen to be killed too, go do a candle march, offer yourself for arrest instead of battling them in anger. Being violent even if you are right divides the society. Some wants justice without any breach of law while other wants justice in any way possible even if it means attacking police who are in their way.

What I am more worried about is that this outrage which is based on youth's anger and emotions will soon die out as it died out in case of 26/11, Anti-corruption rallies. These same youth have forgotten the old cause. No one is fighting for justice of 26/11 victims and their families, no one is making protest on anti-corruption.

I want this youth of ours to be rational and complete the job which is at hand fully rather than hopping from one cause to another. They will rather overshadow and reduce the impact of works of people who are really trying steadily to make a difference. How does it impact them, I can write more about it.

If youth would have forced govt. for taking significant steps regarding 26/11, Jessica murder case etc, the givt would have been more under pressure after anti-corruption rallies, and if that completed in passing the LokPal Bill and failing to do so resulted in loss of Congress in state elections, govt. would have been more keen to solve this issue.

Complete the work in hand than hopping around. Stick to one cause. Don't be jack of all trades, master of none. I know people who actually runs NGO and I know how much they are focused. From their inception to current standing, I have seen one common trait, rational rather than emotional approach.
I will say give them not just any death penalty but the one which will be remembered by everyone so they do not do it next time.

In Islam there is a special kind of death sentence for these kinds of crimes which involves mischief and terrorism. And the punishment (if my memory serves me right) is to cut right hand and left leg or probably left hand and right leg, then probably gouge their eyes and then behead them.
Man these goraas are storming through Indias society image . Read the article by CNN and read their comments . Shameful
I read your opinion about chemical castration. How can anyone support chemical castration? Yes, if it is with life imprisonment, then I support it. But without jail term, just being admitted in a hospital undergoing chemical castration and then being released as soon as its done is a joke not punishment.

It is in addition to a jail term, both to make sure that such an individual is no longer a threat to society as well as to take away what these brutes most prize - their manhood. That can also be the punishment for other particularly brutal rape cases. I believe that this will be a bigger deterrent than even the death penalty since many rapists are asserting their manhood(in their pathetic minds) by the act of rape.
i am asking about what changes needed? or what new inclusions needed to prevent such crimes or atleast decrease
First creating awareness among people that the victim of rape is not the one who should be looked down upon. She should be supported by her family, her relatives, society etc. This will ensure that they report and openly point out the culprits. Second is police protection if any case of intimidation of victim occurs.

Parents should focus on what their children are exposed to. More monitoring of media and internet. Importance of following the law, rules and regulation and leading by example.

When people were talking about death penalty to rapists, I was wondering if rape cases reduces, what will happen to these pervert men. I got a simple answer, it will shoot up prostitution. The girls from good family might become safe but poor and village girls will be fed into prostitution to meet the demand. it will increase call girls rate and girls from good financial background will also do it for more money to live a lavish lifestyle. I once knew about a case where a girl from a rich family living in hostel worked as call girl as she wanted too much money for luxurious items and extravagant lifestyle.

People should also look at other related fields and impact on them from passing a law regarding some other problem.
i am asking about what changes needed? or what new inclusions needed to prevent such crimes or atleast decrease

We need more & quicker convictions & I have suggested chemical castration in some cases. We need rape cases to be disposed off (once the perpetrator has been identified & charged) in no longer than 90 days (in the lower court). The longer it takes, the more the chance that the victim will be pressurised or give up to get on with her life. We need a separate division in the police handling these cases since most normal police personnel can be extremely insensitive & probably add to the trauma. Rape+ Murder must carry a mandatory death sentence.
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