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‘New chapter’ in China’s ties with India, says CPC

And some Indians are trying to destroy this relationship by being friends with China. If India and China become friends, US will cut off all supplies of military related equipment. Including engines for your failed LCA. So India need to know how far it can go.

As I explained in another thread, India is playing with China. This "China friendship" song is a bogus charade to raise the price for joining the US containment of China.
And some Indians are trying to destroy this relationship by being friends with China. If India and China become friends, US will cut off all supplies of military related equipment. Including engines for your failed LCA. So India need to know how far it can go.
Unlike Pakistan, India has traditionally managed to stay friends with opposing blocks.. Like USA and Russia.. USA and Iran

In USA, unlike Pakistan,, we are not considered as a Chinese proxy and hence the relationship is at a equal kneel ...Plus all our purchases are hard cash and not on soft loans.. Hence the chances of your prediction coming true is virtually zero
I apologize but I get fed up with many of us jumping the gun. Wait and let these mere words show more substance.
Ok, apologies accepted bhai! :tup: But please don't get too emotional in your posts! Keep in mind that there are some lay-men who haven't a clue on military affairs and geopolitics. So keep them in mind whilst replying or it would only degenerate into a troll/flame fest! :D

Ok, apologies accepted bhai! :tup: But please don't get too emotional in your posts! Keep in mind that there are some lay-men who haven't a clue on military affairs and geopolitics. So keep them in mind whilst replying or it would only degenerate into a troll/flame fest! :D


Will do bro. I hear, even I am not fully comletely knowledgeable since I got out of the field yrs ago. The best thing we can all do now is be aware of everything going inside and outside of India. Its up to us the Indian people to keep our politicans and country on the right path. Cheers!:laugh:
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Well there can be two type of friendship...
1. Where one friend is benefited and the other just donates and gets nothing in return... in scientific term parasitism.
2. The friendship in which both partners benefit...in scientific term symbiotic.

So the ball is in China's court...what do they want a parasitic or symbiotic friend.
Best of Luck...hope they will take a decision that would help them long term....:tup:
There are some birdbrains here like Hong Wu and Trinity who seem to be always talking through their a$$es. Thank God there are few such idiots around in the CPC and the Indian establishment who do want to improve relations. These so called 'experts' can't see beyond their little noses.

Such trolls are flooding the market due to the utter lack of education. So how does one expect such douche-bags to understand the intricacies of geopolitics and geo-strategy?

That said, the need of the hour is to have statesmen on both sides to carry the peace process forward.

Apparently my previous message was deleted because some people cannot digest bitter truth. I am very doubtful that the person you have mentioned is actually a Chinese national. So just ignore him...
Apparently my previous message was deleted because some people cannot digest bitter truth. I am very doubtful that the person you have mentioned is actually a Chinese national. So just ignore him...

I guess the person doesn;t like seeing multiple dimensions to any development.
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