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‘New chapter’ in China’s ties with India, says CPC

Not at all. There are two major language families, the ones descended from the proto-Indo-European, and the ones descended from proto-Dravidian. The north Indian languages belong to the former, and are all descended from Vedic Sanskrit or classical Sanskrit or prakrit. Of the four major south Indian languages, tamil descended purely from Dravidian, and the other three formed as a result of the mixing of tamil and the north Indian (sanskirt based) languages. Malayalam, spoken in the state next to tamil nadu, has almost exactly half the words derived from very old tamil, and half from Sanskrit.

If you go further back in time, the north Indian languages share similarities with the roots of today's European and Persian languages, since they all belong to the same ancient family. The Dravidian languages bear striking similarities to the languages spoken by the original inhabitants of Australia and other islands down south, which is another ancient connection.

All this is a result of prehistoric migration patterns of human beings.

To make things short, the north Indian languages bear rough similarities to each other, the south Indian languages bear some similarities to each other (though not much). Tamil is the only pure descendent of the Dravidian language of ancient south India, and so tamil is the most different language from the north Indian languages. Tamil and hindi are about as similar to each other as Chinese and English.:D

Thanks for sharing this with on this forum. This is the strongest evidence of Aryan invasion of India. I know that many Indians want to deny this historical fact. But evidence speaks louder that words.
I agree on that, India US relations took a decade of work to come to a certain stage.

And some Indians are trying to destroy this relationship by being friends with China. If India and China become friends, US will cut off all supplies of military related equipment. Including engines for your failed LCA. So India need to know how far it can go.
Thanks for sharing this with on this forum. This is the strongest evidence of Aryan invasion of India. I know that many Indians want to deny this historical fact. But evidence speaks louder that words.

It isn't strongest evidence; he just stated what all of us know and is commonly taught in textbooks in India.
You'll find evidence with Archaelogical Survey of India and artifacts extracted from excavations made all over north-western part of India (including parts of current Pakistan).

Long years ago, when I was in school, my history book was named: The Story of Civilisation by National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT). It clearly listed various reasons of what happened to the Indus valley Civilisation in 1500 BC when all of a sudden it went into a decline. One of the reasons listed was invasion of the Aryans, though many other reasons also given (disease, earthquake etc).

If Aryans came into contact with Indus Valley civilisation in from 2000 BC to 1500 BC, and also settled into the Gangetic plains, as per school textbooks in India, then you statements that "Indian deny arrival of Aryans .. is on wet ground".

Indians evolved out of Aryans and Dravidians .. and the information is very little of those times, since it belongs to "prehistory" i.e. that part of history for which no written records exist.

Indus valley civilisation has revealed several scripts, but which are yet to be deciphered.

It is known that Indus valley civilisation did worship Shiva, which continues to the current religious practices in India.

Either you are mistaught or unaware about the huge amount of evidence already collected about that period.

Once the script of the Indus Valley Civilisation is deciphered, it will definitely shed much more light on those times.
And some Indians are trying to destroy this relationship by being friends with China.

You are mistaken that India sees it's relationship with USA, via a china prism.. or it's relationship with china via USA prism.

They are bilateral relationships .. and both can flourish on their own merits.

In fact, the argument could have been on Russia/USSR.. but even there we always maintained good relations with both Russians and Americans.

India participated in Los Angeles Olympic games, while all of Russian-allies didn't. Clear demonstration of India maintaing ties with russians, without the context of US-Russian cold war rivalry.

India chose not to get dragged into the "cold-war". (Rightly so.. IMO).

If India and China become friends, US will cut off all supplies of military related equipment. Including engines for your failed LCA. So India need to know how far it can go.

If you insist on talking non-sense, it's best that your posts go unreplied.

What of this "failed LCA" which is going into serialised production as all the limited series production is nearly finished.

And, in any case, "engines" are too tiny a thing to define relationships between nations. As if Russia would see it's ties with china or India based on AL-31 engines !!

Stop being too little, if you want to talk about big things.
I hope sense prevails on both sides-India and China can rule the world together or be used as pawns to destroy one another by those threatened by Asia's rise.
śūnya_0_Zero;3823558 said:
You are mistaken that India sees it's relationship with USA, via a china prism.. or it's relationship with china via USA prism.

They are bilateral relationships .. and both can flourish on their own merits.

In fact, the argument could have been on Russia/USSR.. but even there we always maintained good relations with both Russians and Americans.

India participated in Los Angeles Olympic games, while all of Russian-allies didn't. Clear demonstration of India maintaing ties with russians, without the context of US-Russian cold war rivalry.

India chose not to get dragged into the "cold-war". (Rightly so.. IMO).

If you insist on talking non-sense, it's best that your posts go unreplied.

What of this "failed LCA" which is going into serialised production as all the limited series production is nearly finished.

And, in any case, "engines" are too tiny a thing to define relationships between nations. As if Russia would see it's ties with china or India based on AL-31 engines !!

Stop being too little, if you want to talk about big things.

Its not being little. Its the fact that India is not a strategic partner of anyone if it see itself as a friend of everyone or strategic partner of everyone.

As for the weapons, US would not sell anything to anyone that would compromise the security of the US. Go get your P8-I from Russia if India is trying to play both sides. India is trying to be too good of a businessman. For example, try to steal all the technology from Dassault after all these year of research. I can guarantee that France would not diverge their most sensitive technology, neither would anyone else.
Its not being little. Its the fact that India is not a strategic partner of anyone if it see itself as a friend of everyone or strategic partner of everyone.

As for the weapons, US would not sell anything to anyone that would compromise the security of the US. Go get your P8-I from Russia if India is trying to play both sides. India is trying to be too good of a businessman. For example, try to steal all the technology from Dassault after all these year of research. I can guarantee that France would not diverge their most sensitive technology, neither would anyone else.

Stealing is what china does. We are paying for it. That's why we are negotiating with the OEM, and trying to fix a price. Unlike China which buys a few and makes cheap copies, due to which nobody sells to china anymore.

Thanks for sharing this with on this forum. This is the strongest evidence of Aryan invasion of India. I know that many Indians want to deny this historical fact. But evidence speaks louder that words.

That's not evidence for an invasion. That's just evidence for migration. Also, the development of the Indo-european languages is a fact that nobody denies. Only the invasion part is being contested. European, Persian, and north Indian languages all developed from the proto Indo-european language spoken in today's Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Punjab plains of India.
As far is script is concerned. I feel that south indian scripts are similar to south east asian scripts. while the north indian script is similar to the assamese and tibetan script.

and, yes i do like natural sceneries. I want to see tropical China :D
Hope someday, i would be allowed to travel to China

All the scripts descend from Brahmani script. Including S.E. Asian scripts and Tibetan.

Thanks for sharing this with on this forum. This is the strongest evidence of Aryan invasion of India. I know that many Indians want to deny this historical fact. But evidence speaks louder that words.

We dont know if it's an invasion. If that was the case, these Aryans invaded pretty much everyone from Europe to M.E.


China's ego will make everyone around it come closer to the US. S.E. Asian nations should develop nuclear weapons if they feel threatened.
Stealing is what china does. We are paying for it. That's why we are negotiating with the OEM, and trying to fix a price. Unlike China which buys a few and makes cheap copies, due to which nobody sells to china anymore.

That's not evidence for an invasion. That's just evidence for migration. Also, the development of the Indo-european languages is a fact that nobody denies. Only the invasion part is being contested. European, Persian, and north Indian languages all developed from the proto Indo-european language spoken in today's Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Punjab plains of India.

Invasion and migration can be use altogether in this sense. Certainly the Aryans were not brought over as slaves.

Hinduism should be brought over by the Aryans as well, where the twice born castes are Aryans and the lowest caste and untouchable were the conquered people.
Invasion and migration can be use altogether in this sense. Certainly the Aryans were not brought over as slaves.

Hinduism should be brought over by the Aryans as well, where the twice born castes are Aryans and the lowest caste and untouchable were the conquered people.

It's not that simple. Hinduism evolved in India though out history. You mean a primitive form of it.

Those Aryans probably carried R1a1a if they came from Central Asia.

R1a1a is found in Pakistan, N. India. They've mixed/breeded with the indigenous people.


Those "Aryans" were ANI type people. And were related to other nomadic peoples there who carried R1a1a.

R1a1a is so common that even tribals who aren't even in the caste system carries it.

Many different people came into India carrying this. Not just those "Aryans".
Invasion and migration can be use altogether in this sense. Certainly the Aryans were not brought over as slaves.

Hinduism should be brought over by the Aryans as well, where the twice born castes are Aryans and the lowest caste and untouchable were the conquered people.

Nobody ever said Aryans were brought over as slaves.

Hinduism developed much, much later. The Aryans, or Indo-Aryans, or whoever existed at that time, practiced the Vedic religion. Hinduism developed gradually from that Vedic religion, and from other indigenous religions over the course of millennia. The Indo-Aryan tribes practiced the Vedic religion, which is not practiced in the subcontinent anymore.

Hinduism is not a single religion at all, but the collective name for a lot of religious practices derived from the amalgamation of the Vedic religion and hundreds of other regional religions.

It is all very complex, so if you are trying to make a political statement from a cursory understanding of all this, don't bother.
Its not being little. Its the fact that India is not a strategic partner of anyone if it see itself as a friend of everyone or strategic partner of everyone.

You are barely comprehensible.

India is friendly with most countries.. and why shouldn't it be.

Depending on whatever you mean by "strategic partner", whether India is or isn't will change.

If you mean in the wrong sense, India doesn't need a strategic partner. We're too big for a need for a dependence ... about 1/5th of mankind is India itself, whom are we left to depend on !!!

In a good sense, we have strategic relations with all major countries .. Europe, US, Russia, Japan ... even South Africa or Brazil or Israel or France/Germany/UK.

Yes, as yet, china clearly doesn't fall into that group.
There are some birdbrains here like Hong Wu and Trinity who seem to be always talking through their a$$es. Thank God there are few such idiots around in the CPC and the Indian establishment who do want to improve relations. These so called 'experts' can't see beyond their little noses.

Such trolls are flooding the market due to the utter lack of education. So how does one expect such douche-bags to understand the intricacies of geopolitics and geo-strategy?

That said, the need of the hour is to have statesmen on both sides to carry the peace process forward.

Hey half wit.....all I see you saying is crap. I gave a detailed explanation. What did you do? Nothing. Read what I wrote smart guy.....

You are so full of ****. The US did not come to India and force an alliance. There was a convergence of interests. What you state about India and China building a strategic relationship sounds great on paper but has yet to be seen. China has been acting like a bully the entire time while India has been bending over backwards to please them. China till recently has been playing games all around us. Wake the fuk up. Typical flimy attitude...China throws a bone and you jump. Wait man, let the situation build. Let action speak louder than words. Have you not learned anything yet? They have been working overtime to ovethrow regimes favorable to us in our own backyard. They have been behind the scenes trying to hinder us every step fo the way during the NSG process. Don;t ever forget. Wait and watch is the key imperative. How many times have we heard them talk? I have been hearing crap since the early 80's. Situation is a bit different now coz they face immense pressure building from multiple sides. So, its in their best interest to pacify one neighbor while they focus on othes pressing issues. We have many options now. What do you think will happen once they resolve issues with their other neighbors like Japan?

Im not saying I don't want peace, who doesn't? Too bad you can't see past your tiny prick! Its funny you talk about intricacies of geopolitics and geo-strategy, yet clearly have no understanding of the words. You haven;t read all the posts I put up on this site. My previous posts have called for India and China working together which could be a formidable force. At the same time, we are always going to be competitors. The question arises what kind and how will we accommodate each other. But the fact remains when you take a holistic view of the entire situation, China has not been forthcoming on many fronts either. You have no idea what I have done nor what I have contributed to India and you never will. Some things are best left as secrets. One day, I hope NSA Menon gives the credit I deserve.

I recently posted I have proof of a BJP Chief Minister involved in corruption. Not you or a single poster were interested in doing something about it. Not one? So take a hike with your mindless dribble. Do something or shut up. Contribute somehow or some way. Your post just exposed you have nothing to offer. Move along
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