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Netanyahu: The First is Called Iran, the Second is Called Pakistan

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In 1948 during Israel’s independence speech – David Ben Gurion said:

“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. “This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan. “Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. “It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.”
One liner from Quaid enough to seal the holes of this evil generation(As per their OWN holy book - I'm not saying that!!!)

M.Ali Jinnah;;Speech at a rally at the University Stadium, Lahore (30 October 1947)

"There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan."


When after repeated fights Quraish of Makkah were NOT relenting, Prophet with his strong hold in Madina Taiyebah was made aware of the fact that it was jews of Khaiber who were the source of provocation & suppliers to Quraish. So he decided to neutralize Khaiber 1st. After some attempts when Khaiber was defeated, Makkah was conquered WITHOUT FIGHT... Now Madina Taiyebah literally translates into Pak-istan ... Get my drift...


These cowards have a history of using others to fight for them. At one time they used Quraish... now they are abusing Americans-&-Co for same purpose, as disposables.
M.Ali Jinnah;;Speech at a rally at the University Stadium, Lahore (30 October 1947)

"There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan."

Hasn't India already clearly proved Jinnah wrong. Pakistan as it existed in October 1947 is no longer present.

The new Pakistan was made in 1971. If you are now saying again that there is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan because you think God has a duty to protect Pakistan you are in for another humbling.

The decisions that the people of present day Pakistan make and the direction in which they take their country ie Pakistan will determine the future and existance of Pakistan. If you believe in some false glory will protect you inspite of bad actions then you will be mistaken again.

Take this as a hint - dont be more arab than the arab's. Policies that enhance the quality of life of your own people will give you rich dividends, trying to be more arab than arab's will lead to more problems.
:lol: You do know that Pakistan has been 'messing' with the dad since 2001? The second after Musharraf told America "We are with you" and hung up the fone, he immediately called GHQ and ISI HQ and told them to dust off the ol' proxy manual that was used against the Soviets (you do recall what happened to them don't you? You know, the Soviet Union, the nation that made the dad piss his pants many times during the cold war) update it and now use it against the 'dad'.

Ofcourse, poor innocent Americans did not have an inkling of desi mentality. It took them 10 years, and after burying many, many American soldiers torn and shredded bodies to finally figure out what every Pakistani (and I dare say many Indians) had known from Sept 12, 2001: Pakistan had been playing a double game in the War on 'Terror'. The very 'Aid Money' America had been giving Pakistan had been used to fund weapons and trainings for the Taliban and the Haqqanis which they then used to slaughter NATO forces enmasse. Imagine the massive facepalm at the pentagon, CIA and STRATCOM when they finally figured it out.

The Haqqani's are a creation of the ISI, just like the Taliban were. Together, they have made an impressive kill count of NATO. And this party is just getting warmed up. America is scrabbling desperately to leave (they don't even call Taliban the enemy anymore...within a few years they will start calling them friends I assure you) while for the battlehardened Afghans the war is just entering it's most interesting and 'fun' phase, where one can rackett up his kill count pretty high. Afghans can't afford consoles or even a subscription to STEAM; killing NATO soldiers is their version of 'Achievements' ;)

I have to give you that much credit, the double game was too apparent to us, and you are right Indians knew it pretty well we knew all along because we know Pakistan very well. We knew from day one that the US was looking in the wrong place to begin with and Mush led them to the Graveyard of civilizations just like one leads a blind man. The US bestowed the most important ally status on Pakistan and were digging themselves into a rut in Afghanistan and Pakistanis were gladly smiling on their way to the bank. :lol:

The honeymoon lasted for a few years and the US after coming to the brink of defeat have now realized the folly and are acting up like a partner who was cheated on, :woot: and going crazy calling for a divorce http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/188482-divorcing-pakistan.html

- and now brilliantly Pakistan has moved on and are trying to net in Russia promising them untold strategic and geopolitical depth ;), The Russians were f@cked once before by Pakistan and are coming back for more :lol:.

The GHQ does not actually care about the Pakistani people much and have sacrificed a few to maintain this duplicity, The Americans are screaming for action against ISI's hommies the Taliban and the Haqqani's and Pakistan is just playing ball with them :devil:

Brilliant strategy all along and you had them fooled for quite a long while and now they are looking for a few lolly's and an escape route and Pakistan wants insurance and a fat paycheck for the opening of the final doorway and by the looks of it the US will pay them - what choice do they have - the ISI is making life difficult for them anyways and is pumping up pressure for the balance of 2 years that they are going to stay in Afghanistan by attacking right inside their camps by the very people who they trust to take care of their objectives in the future the ANA - brilliant again :yahoo:

The new sucker on the block seems to be Russia - But there is a major problem here - and that's India who knows all these strategies that Pakistan employs because believe it or not Indians are masters at this game and India has a friendly relationship with Russia so how successful is Pakistan this time around depends on how India reacts.

One more worrying factor is that the US is still not finished in the region and again all those strategic dialogues with India who probably are filling them up with Pakistan's strategies could be a major problem for the deep state.

Overall a game well played by GHQ and ISI till it lasted now they plan to move on.
I wish Israel and India make these kinds of statements. It will force us to unite. lol

Jews and Hindus are too smart for that - and it's not for the sake of Pakistan - it's more to do with the overall interests that India has with Muslim states, we will always be a soft state and the victim of Pakistan's aggression and it's rogue elements. ;)
Hasn't India already clearly proved Jinnah wrong. Pakistan as it existed in October 1947 is no longer present.

The new Pakistan was made in 1971. If you are now saying again that there is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan because you think God has a duty to protect Pakistan you are in for another humbling.

The decisions that the people of present day Pakistan make and the direction in which they take their country ie Pakistan will determine the future and existance of Pakistan. If you believe in some false glory will protect you inspite of bad actions then you will be mistaken again.

Take this as a hint - dont be more arab than the arab's. Policies that enhance the quality of life of your own people will give you rich dividends, trying to be more arab than arab's will lead to more problems.

They Clearly Tend to develop Memory loss to this Fact . That Said Maybe its Right that no one can undo Pakistan , but Pakistanis Themselves .
..., we will always be a soft state and the victim of Pakistan's aggression and it's rogue elements. ;)

Come on bhai sahib,

India is no softie, and if all the RAW agents and other Indians instead of posting cr@p on Pakistani forums, spend the same time keeping an eye on Islamists attackers, there will not be any Mullahtic rogue element in India. Don't you think so?

Having millions of soldiers and gazillions of police officers, should allow India to keep a good eye on anything invading its borders.

you guys are lucky that the terror $hite is not coming out of your temples. So it is easy to keep an eye on trouble makers.

In our case, Pakistani mosques have become infested with terrorist goons, the very essence of society is not anti-Pakistan. So it is much much easier for the baddies to come attack Pakistan.

But you guys should not have the same problem.

Defend your borders man. Defend them and cherish them. They are really precious. Ask us. We will confirm the idea.

Pakistan is silent towards Israel, for last 6 decades, we don't make noise and don't like to hear any noise , but that doesn't mean we are asleep and don't have eyes on them. Netanyahu has successfully hit the Israeli foreign policy into rocks, thanks to his right wing allied political parties and his own delusional, jingoistic tunnel vision of the worldview. Pakistan, is the last enemy Israel wants to have, they know it and know it well so its in their own favor to keep their mouth shut. Moreover, a Nuclear Pakistan is a reality, Israel and its worshipers would have learn, how to swallow it, whatever way they like.

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